142,442 research outputs found

    On the influence of creativity in basic programming learning at a first-year Engineering course

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    Teaching fundamentals of programming is a complex task that involves the students’ acquisition of diverse knowledge and skills. It is also well known that programming often requires a certain degree of creativity. There are some studies on how to foster creativity with programming, but few studies have analyzed the influence of students creativity on their performance as programmers. In this paper we present the results of a study, with a sample of 89 freshmen engineering students. Our results suggest (p<0.01) that a high level of creativity is correlated with achieving excellence in programming. Creativity is a generic competence which is not currently covered with in most engineering curricula, and we conclude it should be taken into account. Females, diverse thinking student and some disadvantage groups may benefit from a free-thinking environment in the classroom, in particular at their first-year in college.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Pedagogies to foster interest in computer programming in secondary schools

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    Presented to International Computer Science and ICT Conference Topic of interest ICT in Education: Preece (1998), in his book Human-Computer Interaction 1 notes that understanding the psychology of programming is not easy . This might be explained as the reason most students – those pursuing computer science and also those pursuing other courses have phobia towards programming. But proper introduction to computer science and specifically programming is one of the solutions this paper proposes. Teachers should adopt proper pedagogies in the introductory level, and specifically at secondary schools level so as to nurture students’ creativity and analytical thinking. Making students appreciate and love computer programming will foster skills in program design and solution creativity hence developing skilled programmers to cope with the growing ICT industryPreece (1998), in his book Human-Computer Interaction 1 notes that understanding the psychology of programming is not easy . This might be explained as the reason most students – those pursuing computer science and also those pursuing other courses have phobia towards programming. But proper introduction to computer science and specifically programming is one of the solutions this paper proposes. Teachers should adopt proper pedagogies in the introductory level, and specifically at secondary schools level so as to nurture students’ creativity and analytical thinking. Making students appreciate and love computer programming will foster skills in program design and solution creativity hence developing skilled programmers to cope with the growing ICT industry

    Creative Thinking in eXtreme Programming

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    Agile methods such as eXtreme Programming have achieved an explosive interest in the software development community. They can be seen as a reaction to the more traditional and control-oriented methods, agile methods handle changes in design and requirements and they open up for creativity during the whole project lifecycle. The knowledge management in agile methods is also agile, it means that knowledge creation and sharing processes are simplified in comparison with other more comprehensive development methodologies. This paper is developed under the idea that agile software development can be enhanced by a better understanding of knowledge management and creativity. eXtreme Programming is analyzed from the perspective of the creativity, we believe that concepts related to creative teams (roles, structure, performance and purposes) are important insights about the use of agile methods in general and eXtreme Programming in particular.Keywords/Index Terms: Knowledge Management; Creativity; Software Engineering; Agile Methods; User-centered innovation

    Programming Creativity: Semantics and Organisation of Creativity Within IT Enterprises

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    What does "creativity" mean in the context of IT and what happens when IT acts in its name? Jan Sebastian Zipp examines the concept of creativity in large IT companies in times of digital change, including new ways of working or potential artificial creativity with no human interaction. Drawing on constitutive elements like Silicon Valley or its connection to counterculture, his analysis of the representation and organisation of creativity as a social practice provides insights into the inherent logic of the creativity narrative of IT. This study contributes vital foundations for a critical engagement with today's prevailing understanding of the concept of creativity

    Effect Of Motivaton And Creativity On Students' Psychomotor Ability

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    This research aims to determine: (1) the effect of motivation on students' psychomotor ability; (2) the effect of creativity on students' psychomotor ability; (3) the effect of motivation and creativity as in aggregate on students' psychomotor ability; and (4) the contribution of motivation and creativity on students' psychomotor ability in the subject of Web Programming. This research is an ex-post facto type. The population was sixth semester students of TIK Education Research Program of PGRI Pontianak totaling 217 students. The sample was 135 students with proportional random sampling techniques that determined by the Issac and Michael table. Data collection using a questionnaire. The data was analyzed using regression analysis to test the hypotheses. The results showed that: (1) motivation has a positive and significant effect on students' psychomotor Ability; (2) creativity has a positive and significant effect on students' psychomotor Ability; (3) motivation and creativity as in aggregate had a positive and significant effect on students' psychomotor Ability with 68.88%; and (4) the contribution of motivation is 12.5% and creativity is 32.5% on students' psychomotor Ability in the subject of Web Programming

    A Message from the President

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    Creativity is in so much of what we do as information professionals!Programming and services to youth come to mind quickly, but Ifind the most amazing creativity appears when we have to solve thelarger challenges facing libraries today. Issues such as meeting theneeds of our patrons and exploring ways to remain relevant in today’sworld require creativity and out-of-the-box thinking from all ofus

    The Impact of Collaboration, Problem Solving, and Creativity on Computer Programming Education for Middle School Girls

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    Despite high scores and abilities, girls lose interest in science and math throughout middle school. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs in the computer science research field will grow 19% by 2026; however, only 18% of the bachelor’s degrees in computer science are earned by women in the United States (ComputerScience.org, 2021). New technology and inventions are being created without the benefit of more diverse perspectives and input from females. There is a need to engage girls and maintain their interest throughout middle school and beyond. Additional research needs to be conducted about the impact and best practices used during out-of-school time programs to encourage and motivate girls to stay engaged in STEM, including computer programming (Koch, 2014). This study investigated the relationship between middle school girls’ interest in computer programming and the opportunities to collaborate, solve problems, and use their creativity while participating in computer programming activities led by female role models during the 4-H Girls Tech Challenge, an informal education program. Research questions are the following: 1) In what ways did the 4-H Girls Tech Challenge experience, which included components of problem solving, collaboration, creativity and female role models, affect the attitudes of middle school girls towards computer programming? 2) To what extent did the 4-H Girls Tech Challenge experience affect the attitude of middle school girls towards potentially pursuing careers related to computer science and technology? Evidenced by other studies, experiences in which collaboration, problem solving, and creativity are present have been shown to increase knowledge about computer programming and engagement in STEM (Cooper & Heaverlo, 2013; Wu-Rorrer, 2019; Hayden et al., 2011). A qualitative study employing interviews with previous participants was utilized to determine how the components of collaboration, problem solving, and creativity of the 4-H Girls Tech Challenge affected the attitudes of middle school girls towards computer programming and careers in computer science. Educators will benefit from learning more about best practices that engage, motivate, and retain more girls in STEM. An increase in the number of women in the STEM workforce will maximize innovation, creativity, and competitiveness (Hill et al., 2010)


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    Pangudi Luhur Vocational School students are of productive and innovative age. So it is necessary to get additional knowledge to increase the power of creativity to face increasing competition. Computer Programming using Visual Basic is an effort to increase creativity. Visual Basic is integrated into Microsoft Excel software, almost always present on the computer. Computer programming is done to help with repetitive calculations, especially in the design of machine elements. It is hoped that vocational students will be more creative and develop according to the field to be occupied. In addition, the output targets for this service are training modules and submitting articles to community service journal


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    The design of the Fashion Industry Batik and Sasirangan Tabalong Center was motivated by the government's desire to introduce more typical fabrics from Tabalong Regency. This desire makes the potential to develop a Fashion Industry Center that focuses on batik makers and visitors. The purpose of this design is to get a design that makes batik can increase creativity and innovation in making Batik and Sasirangan fabric motifs and fashion products and visitors can experience. By applying the Cultural to Creativity concept combined with 4P creativity concepts and using Architectural Programming methods. The application of cultural concepts is in the shape and exterior finishing of buildings, the application of the concept of creativity is applied to circulation, mass management, and interior.Perancangan Pusat Industri Fashion Batik dan Sasirangan Khas Tabalong ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keinginan pemerintah untuk lebih memperkenalkan kain khas dari Kabupaten Tabalong. Keinginan ini menjadikan potensi untuk mengembangkan sebuah Pusat Industri Fashion yang berfokus pada pembatik dan pengunjung. Tujuan dari perancangan ini adalah mendapatkan desain yang membuat pembatik dapat meningkatkan kreativitas dan inovasi dalam membuat motif kain Batik dan Sasirangan serta produk fashion dan pengunjung dapat merasakan pengalaman. Dengan menerapkan konsep Cultural to Creativity yang dipadukan dengan konsep kreativitas 4P dan menggunakan metode Architectural Programming. Penerapan konsep budaya terdapat pada bentuk dan finishing eksterior bangunan, penerapan konsep kreativitas diterapkan pada sirkulasi, tata massa, dan interior