20 research outputs found

    Efficient Model Checking of Hardware Using Conditioned Slicing

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    AbstractIn this work, we present an abstraction based property verification technique for hardware using conditioned slicing. We handle safety property specifications of the form G(antecedent⇒consequent). We use the antecedent of the properties to create our abstractions, Antecedent Conditioned Slices. We extend conditioned slicing to Hardware Description Languages (HDLs). We provide a theoretical foundation for our conditioned slicing based verification technique. We also present experimental results on the Verilog RTL implementation of the USB 2.0. We demonstrate very high performance gains achieved by our technique when compared to static program slicing, using state-of-the-art model checkers

    Speeding up hardware verification by automated data path scaling

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    The main obstacle for formal hardware verification of digital circuits is formed by ever increasing design sizes and circuit complexity. Therefore, reducing runtimes and the amount of memory needed for verification computations is a major requirement in order to successfully apply formal verification techniques to industrial circuit designs. This thesis presents a new abstraction technique for Bounded Model Checking of digital circuits. The proposed technique reduces the sizes of design models before verification by implementing a fully automated scaling of data path widths. Digital circuit designs are usually given as Register-Transfer-Level (RTL) specifications, but most industrial hardware verification tools are based on bit-level methods such as SAT or BDD techniques. RTL specifications contain explicit structural information about high-level data flow and about the widths of data path signals. We introduce a one-to-one abstraction technique for RTL property checking which exploits such high-level information. Given an RTL circuit description, a scaled-down abstract model is computed in which signal widths are reduced with respect to an additionally given formal property. For each data path and each signal accessing the data path, the original width n is shrunken to the minimum width m<=n such that the property which is to be checked holds for the scaled model if and only if it holds for the original design. We furthermore provide a technique which, if the property does not hold, computes counterexamples for the original design from counterexamples found on the reduced model. Thus, the verification task can be completely carried out on the scaled-down version of the design; false-negatives cannot occur. The complexity of SAT and BDD based model checking often depends on the number of bits occurring in a design and therefore depends on the widths of the data path signals. Linear signal width reductions result in exponentially smaller state spaces. Hence, automated data path scaling can significantly speed up the runtimes of verification tools and allows larger design sizes to be handled. Experimental results on large industrial circuits demonstrate the applicability and efficiency of the proposed method

    Formale Verifikationsmethodiken fĂĽr nichtlineare analoge Schaltungen

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    The objective of this thesis is to develop new methodologies for formal verification of nonlinear analog circuits. Therefore, new approaches to discrete modeling of analog circuits, specification of analog circuit properties and formal verification algorithms are introduced. Formal approaches to verification of analog circuits are not yet introduced into industrial design flows and still subject to research. Formal verification proves specification conformance for all possible input conditions and all possible internal states of a circuit. Automatically proving that a model of the circuit satisfies a declarative machine-readable property specification is referred to as model checking. Equivalence checking proves the equivalence of two circuit implementations. Starting from the state of the art in modeling analog circuits for simulation-based verification, discrete modeling of analog circuits for state space-based formal verification methodologies is motivated in this thesis. In order to improve the discrete modeling of analog circuits, a new trajectory-directed partitioning algorithm was developed in the scope of this thesis. This new approach determines the partitioning of the state space parallel or orthogonal to the trajectories of the state space dynamics. Therewith, a high accuracy of the successor relation is achieved in combination with a lower number of states necessary for a discrete model of equal accuracy compared to the state-of-the-art hyperbox-approach. The mapping of the partitioning to a discrete analog transition structure (DATS) enables the application of formal verification algorithms. By analyzing digital specification concepts and the existing approaches to analog property specification, the requirements for a new specification language for analog properties have been discussed in this thesis. On the one hand, it shall meet the requirements for formal specification of verification approaches applied to DATS models. On the other hand, the language syntax shall be oriented on natural language phrases. By synthesis of these requirements, the analog specification language (ASL) was developed in the scope of this thesis. The verification algorithms for model checking, that were developed in combination with ASL for application to DATS models generated with the new trajectory-directed approach, offer a significant enhancement compared to the state of the art. In order to prepare a transition of signal-based to state space-based verification methodologies, an approach to transfer transient simulation results from non-formal test bench simulation flows into a partial state space representation in form of a DATS has been developed in the scope of this thesis. As has been demonstrated by examples, the same ASL specification that was developed for formal model checking on complete discrete models could be evaluated without modifications on transient simulation waveforms. An approach to counterexample generation for the formal ASL model checking methodology offers to generate transition sequences from a defined starting state to a specification-violating state for inspection in transient simulation environments. Based on this counterexample generation, a new formal verification methodology using complete state space-covering input stimuli was developed. By conducting a transient simulation with these complete state space-covering input stimuli, the circuit adopts every state and transition that were visited during stimulus generation. An alternative formal verification methodology is given by retransferring the transient simulation responses to a DATS model and by applying the ASL verification algorithms in combination with an ASL property specification. Moreover, the complete state space-covering input stimuli can be applied to develop a formal equivalence checking methodology. Therewith, the equivalence of two implementations can be proven for every inner state of both systems by comparing the transient simulation responses to the complete-coverage stimuli of both circuits. In order to visually inspect the results of the newly introduced verification methodologies, an approach to dynamic state space visualization using multi-parallel particle simulation was developed. Due to the particles being randomly distributed over the complete state space and moving corresponding to the state space dynamics, another perspective to the system's behavior is provided that covers the state space and hence offers formal results. The prototypic implementations of the formal verification methodologies developed in the scope of this thesis have been applied to several example circuits. The acquired results for the new approaches to discrete modeling, specification and verification algorithms all demonstrate the capability of the new verification methodologies to be applied to complex circuit blocks and their properties.Gegenstand dieser Dissertation ist die Entwicklung neuer Methodiken zur formalen Verifikation nichtlinearer analoger elektronischer Schaltungen. Dazu werden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entstandene neue Ansätze in den Bereichen verifikationsgerechte diskrete Modellierung analoger Schaltungen, Spezifikation analoger Schaltungseigenschaften und formale Verifikationsalgorithmen vorgestellt. Ausgehend vom Stand der Technik der Modellierung analoger Schaltungen für die simulationsbasierte Verifikation wird im Rahmen dieser Arbeit die diskrete Modellierung analoger Schaltungen für zustandsraumbasierte formale Verifikationsverfahren betrachtet. Dazu wurde ein neuer Ansatz zur diskreten Modellierung entwickelt, der die Aufteilungsstruktur anhand der Trajektorien der Vektorfelddynamik bestimmt. So wird eine hohe Genauigkeit der Nachfolgerrelation ermöglicht, woraus eine niedrigere Zahl an Zuständen für ein diskretes Modell gleicher Genauigkeit im Vergleich mit dem bisherigen Stand der Technik folgt. Die Abbildung der Trajektorien-gesteuerten Partitionierung auf eine diskrete analoge Transitionsstruktur (DATS) erlaubt die Anwendung von formalen Verifikationsalgorithmen. Die formale Spezifikation von Eigenschaften in ersten Ansätzen zum Model Checking analoger Schaltungen hat sich stark an den bestehenden temporallogischen Verfahren aus dem Bereich digitaler Hardware orientiert. Ausgehend von einer Analyse digitaler Spezifikationskonzepte und der bestehenden Ansätze für analoge Eigenschaften wurden Anforderungen an eine neue Spezifikationssprache in dieser Arbeit abgeleitet. Die aus diesen Anforderungen im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelte analoge Spezifikationssprache "Analog Specification Language" (ASL) basiert auf einer natürlichsprachlichen Kapselung temporallogischer Operationen, die mit erweiterten Algorithmen zur Transitionspfadbestimmung, Durchführung von Berechnungen auf Zustandsparametern und Oszillationsbestimmung eine hohe Ausdrucksstärke analoger Eigenschaften mit einer anwenderfreundlichen Syntax kombinieren konnte. Die zusammen mit ASL entwickelten Model Checking-Verifikationsalgorithmen zur Auswertung von ASL-Spezifikationen auf einem mit dem Trajektorien-gesteuerten Diskretisierungsverfahren erzeugten DATS-Modell bilden eine wesentliche Erweiterung zum Stand der Technik. Um einen Übergang der Verifikation von signalbasierten zu zustandsraumbasierten Methodiken zu ermöglichen, wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ein Ansatz entwickelt, der die Übertragung von transienten Simulationsergebnissen aus nicht-formalen Testbench-Simulationsumgebungen in eine partielle DATS-Zustandsraumdarstellung ermöglicht. Damit kann, wie anhand von Beispielen gezeigt werden konnte, die gleiche ASL-Spezifikation für Eigenschaften eines vollständigen diskreten Modells ohne Modifikation auch auf Simulationsergebnissen ausgewertet werden. Ein für das formale ASL-basierte Model Checking entwickelter Ansatz zur Erzeugung von Gegenbeispielen für als spezifikationsverletzend identifizierte Zustandsraumgebiete erlaubt es, Transitionsfolgen von einem definierten Startzustand zu einem spezifikationsverletzenden Zustand zu ermitteln. Auf Basis dieses Gegenbeispiel-Verfahrens wurde eine neue formale Eigenschaftsverifikationsmethodik mittels vollständig den Zustandsraum einer Schaltung abdeckenden Eingangsstimuli entwickelt. Die vollständig den Zustandsraum abdeckenden Eingangsstimuli bieten noch eine weitere Anwendungsmöglichkeit im Bereich des Äquivalenzvergleichs. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelte Methodik zum formalen Äquivalenzvergleich auf Basis der vollständig den Zustandsraum abdeckenden Eingangsstimuli ersetzt die anwenderdefinierten Eingangsstimuli durch die vollständig den Zustandsraum abdeckenden. So kann die Äquivalenz für jeden möglichen Zustand der zu vergleichenden Implementierungen anhand eines automatisierten Vergleichs der Simulationsergebnisse beider Implementierungen gezeigt werden. Um die Ergebnisse der neu eingeführten formalen Verifikationsmethodiken visuell zu untersuchen wurde ein Verfahren entwickelt, das den Zustandsraum und seine Dynamik mittels eines Partikel-Simulationsansatzes visualisiert. Da die Partikel über den gesamten Zustandsraum randomisiert verteilt werden und sich dann gemäß der Vektorfelddynamik fortbewegen, kann auch hier ein Einblick in das Systemverhalten gewonnen werden, der eine weitestgehend vollständige und somit formale Repräsentation des Zustandsraums bietet. Die prototypische Implementierung der im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelten formalen Verifikationsmethodiken wurde auf zahlreiche Beispielschaltungen angewendet. Die Ergebnisse für die neuen Ansätze zur diskreten Modellierung, zur Spezifikation und zu Verifikationsalgorithmen analoger Schaltungen zeigen, dass die aus diesen Ansätzen erzeugten Verifikationsmethodiken erfolgreich auf komplexe Zustandsraumstrukturen angewendet werden können

    Logic perturbation based circuit partitioning and optimum FPGA switch-box designs.

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    Cheung Chak Chung.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2001.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 101-114).Abstracts in English and Chinese.Abstract --- p.iAcknowledgments --- p.iiiVita --- p.vTable of Contents --- p.viList of Figures --- p.xList of Tables --- p.xivChapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1Chapter 1.1 --- Motivation --- p.1Chapter 1.2 --- Aims and Contribution --- p.4Chapter 1.3 --- Thesis Overview --- p.5Chapter 2 --- VLSI Design Cycle --- p.6Chapter 2.1 --- Logic Synthesis --- p.7Chapter 2.1.1 --- Logic Minimization --- p.8Chapter 2.1.2 --- Technology Mapping --- p.8Chapter 2.1.3 --- Testability --- p.8Chapter 2.2 --- Physical Design Synthesis --- p.8Chapter 2.2.1 --- Partitioning --- p.9Chapter 2.2.2 --- Floorplanning & Placement --- p.10Chapter 2.2.3 --- Routing --- p.11Chapter 2.2.4 --- "Compaction, Extraction & Verification" --- p.12Chapter 2.2.5 --- Physical Design of FPGAs --- p.12Chapter 3 --- Alternative Wiring --- p.13Chapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.13Chapter 3.2 --- Notation and Definitions --- p.15Chapter 3.3 --- Application of Rewiring --- p.17Chapter 3.3.1 --- Logic Optimization --- p.17Chapter 3.3.2 --- Timing Optimization --- p.17Chapter 3.3.3 --- Circuit Partitioning and Routing --- p.18Chapter 3.4 --- Logic Optimization Analysis --- p.19Chapter 3.4.1 --- Global Flow Optimization --- p.19Chapter 3.4.2 --- OBDD Representation --- p.20Chapter 3.4.3 --- Automatic Test Pattern Generation (ATPG) --- p.22Chapter 3.4.4 --- Graph Based Alternative Wiring (GBAW) --- p.23Chapter 3.5 --- Augmented GBAW --- p.26Chapter 3.6 --- Logic Optimization by using GBAW --- p.28Chapter 3.7 --- Conclusions --- p.31Chapter 4 --- Multi-way Partitioning using Rewiring Techniques --- p.33Chapter 4.1 --- Introduction --- p.33Chapter 4.2 --- Circuit Partitioning Algorithm Analysis --- p.38Chapter 4.2.1 --- The Kernighan-Lin (KL) Algorithm --- p.39Chapter 4.2.2 --- The Fiduccia-Mattheyses (FM) Algorithm --- p.42Chapter 4.2.3 --- Geometric Representation Algorithm --- p.46Chapter 4.2.4 --- The Multi-level Partitioning Algorithm --- p.49Chapter 4.2.5 --- Hypergraph METIS - hMETIS --- p.51Chapter 4.3 --- The GBAW Partitioning Algorithm --- p.53Chapter 4.4 --- Experimental Results --- p.56Chapter 4.5 --- Conclusions --- p.58Chapter 5 --- Optimum FPGA Switch-Box Designs - HUSB --- p.62Chapter 5.1 --- Introduction --- p.62Chapter 5.2 --- Background and Definitions --- p.65Chapter 5.2.1 --- Routing Architectures --- p.65Chapter 5.2.2 --- Global Routing --- p.67Chapter 5.2.3 --- Detailed Routing --- p.67Chapter 5.3 --- FPGA Router Comparison --- p.69Chapter 5.3.1 --- CGE --- p.69Chapter 5.3.2 --- SEGA --- p.70Chapter 5.3.3 --- TRACER --- p.71Chapter 5.3.4 --- VPR --- p.72Chapter 5.4 --- Switch Box Design --- p.73Chapter 5.4.1 --- Disjoint type switch box (XC4000-type) --- p.73Chapter 5.4.2 --- Anti-symmetric switch box --- p.74Chapter 5.4.3 --- Universal Switch box --- p.74Chapter 5.4.4 --- Switch box Analysis --- p.75Chapter 5.5 --- Terminology --- p.77Chapter 5.6 --- "Hyper-universal (4, W)-design analysis" --- p.82Chapter 5.6.1 --- "H3 is an optimum (4, 3)-design" --- p.84Chapter 5.6.2 --- "H4 is an optimum (4,4)-design" --- p.88Chapter 5.6.3 --- "Hi is a hyper-universal (4, i)-design for i = 5,6,7" --- p.90Chapter 5.7 --- Experimental Results --- p.92Chapter 5.8 --- Conclusions --- p.95Chapter 6 --- Conclusions --- p.99Chapter 6.1 --- Thesis Summary --- p.99Chapter 6.2 --- Future work --- p.100Chapter 6.2.1 --- Alternative Wiring --- p.100Chapter 6.2.2 --- Partitioning Quality --- p.100Chapter 6.2.3 --- Routing Devices Studies --- p.100Bibliography --- p.101Chapter A --- 5xpl - Berkeley Logic Interchange Format (BLIF) --- p.115Chapter B --- Proof of some 2-local patterns --- p.122Chapter C --- Illustrations of FM algorithm --- p.124Chapter D --- HUSB Structures --- p.127Chapter E --- Primitive minimal 4-way global routing Structures --- p.13

    A constraint solver for software engineering : finding models and cores of large relational specifications

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2009.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Includes bibliographical references (p. 105-120).Relational logic is an attractive candidate for a software description language, because both the design and implementation of software often involve reasoning about relational structures: organizational hierarchies in the problem domain, architectural configurations in the high level design, or graphs and linked lists in low level code. Until recently, however, frameworks for solving relational constraints have had limited applicability. Designed to analyze small, hand-crafted models of software systems, current frameworks perform poorly on specifications that are large or that have partially known solutions. This thesis presents an efficient constraint solver for relational logic, with recent applications to design analysis, code checking, test-case generation, and declarative configuration. The solver provides analyses for both satisfiable and unsatisfiable specifications--a finite model finder for the former and a minimal unsatisfiable core extractor for the latter. It works by translating a relational problem to a boolean satisfiability problem; applying an off-the-shelf SAT solver to the resulting formula; and converting the SAT solver's output back to the relational domain. The idea of solving relational problems by reduction to SAT is not new. The core contributions of this work, instead, are new techniques for expanding the capacity and applicability of SAT-based engines. They include: a new interface to SAT that extends relational logic with a mechanism for specifying partial solutions; a new translation algorithm based on sparse matrices and auto-compacting circuits; a new symmetry detection technique that works in the presence of partial solutions; and a new core extraction algorithm that recycles inferences made at the boolean level to speed up core minimization at the specification level.by Emina Torlak.Ph.D

    Test set generation and optimisation using evolutionary algorithms and cubical calculus.

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    As the complexity of modern day integrated circuits rises, many of the challenges associated with digital testing rise exponentially. VLSI technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, in accordance with Moore's Law, posing evermore complex, NP-complete problems for the test community. The testing of ICs currently accounts for approximately a third of the overall design costs and according to the Semiconductor Industry Association, the per-transistor test cost will soon exceed the per-transistor production cost. Given the need to test ICs of ever-increasing complexity and to contain the cost of test, the problems of test pattern generation, testability analysis and test set minimisation continue to provide formidable challenges for the research community. This thesis presents original work in these three areas. Firstly, a new method is presented for generating test patterns for multiple output combinational circuits based on the Boolean difference method and cubical calculus. The Boolean difference method has been largely overlooked in automatic test pattern generation algorithms due to its cumbersome, algebraic nature. It is shown that cubical calculus provides an elegant and economical technique for solving Boolean difference equations. Formal mathematical techniques are presented involving the Boolean difference and cubical calculus providing, a test pattern generation method that dispenses with the need for costly circuit simulations. The methods provide the basis for test generation algorithms which are suitable for computer implementation. Secondly, some of the core test pattern generation computations outlined above also provide the basis of a new method for computing testability measures such as controllability and observability. This method is effectively a very economical spin-off of the test pattern generation process using Boolean differences and cubical calculus.The third and largest part of this thesis introduces a new test set minimization algorithm, GA-MITS, based on an evolutionary optimization algorithm. This novel approach applies a genetic algorithm to find minimal or near minimal test sets while maintaining a given fault coverage. The algorithm is designed as a postprocessor to minimise test sets that have been previously generated by an ATPG system and is thus considered a static approach to the test set minimisation problem. It is shown empirically that GA-MITS is remarkably successful in minimizing test sets generated for the ISCAS-85 benchmark circuits and hence potentially capable of reducing the production costs of realistic digital circuits

    Polynomial Timed Reductions to Solve Computer Security Problems in Access Control, Ethereum Smart Contract, Cloud VM Scheduling, and Logic Locking.

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    This thesis addresses computer security problems in: Access Control, Ethereum Smart Contracts, Cloud VM Scheduling, and Logic Locking. These problems are solved using polynomially timed reductions to 2 complexity classes: PSPACE-Complete and NP-Complete. This thesis is divided into 2 parts, problems reduced to: Model Checking (PSPACE-Complete) and Integer Linear Programming (ILP) (NP-Complete). The PSPACE-Complete problems are: Safety Analysis of Administrative Temporal Role Based Access Control (ATRBAC) Policies, and Safety Analysis of Ethereum Smart Contracts. The NP-Complete problems are: Minimizing Information Leakage in Virtual Machine (VM) Cloud Environments using VM Migrations, and Attacking Logic Locked Circuits using a Reduction to Integer Linear Programming (ILP). In Chapter 3, I create the Cree Administrative Temporal Role Based Access Control (ATRBAC)-Safety solver. Which is a reduction from ATRBAC-Safety to Model Checking. I create 4 general performance techniques which can be utilized in any ATRBAC-Safety solver. 1. Polynomial Time Solving, which is able to solve specific archetypes of ATRBAC-Safety policies using a polynomial timed algorithm. 2. Static Pruning, which includes 2 methods for reducing the size of the policy without effecting the result of the safety query. 3. Abstraction Refinement, which can increase the speed for reachable safety queries by only solving a subset of the original policy. 4. Bound Estimation, which creates a bound on the number of steps from the initial state, where a satisfying state must exist. This is directly used by the model checker's bounded model checking mode, but can be utilized by any solver with a bound limiting parameter. In Chapter 4, I analyze ATRBAC-Safety policies to identify some of the ``sources of complexity'' which make solving ATRBAC-Safety policies difficult. I provide analysis of the sources of complexity that exists in the previously published datasets [128,90,54]. I perform analysis of Cree's performance techniques on the previous datasets. I create 2 new datasets, which are shown to be hard instances of ATRBAC-Safety. I analyze the new datasets to show how they achieve this hardness and how they differ from each other and the previous datasets. In Chapter 5, I create a novel reduction from a Reduced-Solidity Smart Contract, subset of available Solidity features, to Model Checking. This reduction reduces Reduced-Solidity Smart Contract into a Finite State Machine and then reduces to an instance of a Model Checking problem. This provides the ability to test smart contracts published on the Ethereum blockchain and test if there exists bugs or malicious code. I perform empirical analysis on select Smart contracts. In Chapter 6, I create 2 methods for generating instances of ATRBAC policies into Solidity Smart Contracts. The first method is the Generic ATRBAC Smart Contract. This method requires no modification before deployment. After deployed the owner is able to create, and maintain, the policy using special access functions. The special action functions are automated with code that converts an ATRBAC policy into a series of transactions the owner can run. The second method is the Baked ATRBAC Smart Contract. This method takes an ATRBAC policy and reduces it to a Smart Contract instance with no special access functions. The smart contract can then be deployed by anyone, and that person will have no special access. I perform an empirical analysis on the setup costs, transaction costs, and security each provides. In Chapter 7, I create a new reduction from Minimizing Information Leakage via Virtual Machine (VM) Migrations to Integer Linear Programming (ILP). I compare a polynomial algorithm by Moon et. al. [71], my ILP reduction, and a reduction to CNF-SAT that is not included in this thesis. The polynomial method is faster, but the problem is NP-Complete thus that solution must have sacrificed something to obtain the polynomial time speed (unless P = NP). I show instances in which the polynomial time algorithm does not produce the minimum total information leakage, but the ILP and CNF-SAT reductions are able to. In addition to this, I show that Total Information Leakage also has a security vulnerability for non-zero information leakage using the model. I propose an alternative method to Total Information Leakage, called Max Client-to-Client Information Leakage, which removes the vulnerability at the cost of increased total information leakage. In Chapter 8, I create a reduction from the Key Recovery Attack on Logic Locked Circuits to Integer Linear Programming (ILP). This is a recreation of the ``SAT Attack'' using ILP. I provide an empirical analysis of the ILP attack and compare it to the SAT-Attack. I show that ``ILP Attack'' is a viable attack, thus future claims of ``SAT-Attack Resistant Logic Locking Techniques'' need to also show resistance to all potential NP-Complete attacks

    Extending Provenance For Deep Diagnosis Of Distributed Systems

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    Diagnosing and repairing problems in complex distributed systems has always been challenging. A wide variety of problems can happen in distributed systems: routers can be misconfigured, nodes can be hacked, and the control software can have bugs. This is further complicated by the complexity and scale of today’s distributed systems. Provenance is an attractive way to diagnose faults in distributed systems, because it can track the causality from a symptom to a set of root causes. Prior work on network provenance has successfully applied provenance to distributed systems. However, they cannot explain problems beyond the presence of faulty events and offer limited help with finding repairs. In this dissertation, we extend provenance to handle diagnostics problems that require deeper investigations. We propose three different extensions: negative provenance explains not just the presence but also the absence of events (such as missing packets); meta provenance can suggest repairs by tracking causality not only for data but also for code (such as bugs in control plane programs); temporal provenance tracks causality at the temporal level and aims at diagnosing timing-related faults (such as slow requests). Compared to classical network provenance, our approach tracks richer causality at runtime and applies more sophisticated reasoning and post-processing. We apply the above techniques to software-defined networking and the border gateway protocol. Evaluations with real world traffic and topology show that our systems can diagnose and repair practical problems, and that the runtime overhead as well as the query turnarounds are reasonable

    Concurrent optimization strategies for high-performance VLSI circuits

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    In the next generation of VLSI circuits, concurrent optimizations will be essential to achieve the performance challenges. In this dissertation, we present techniques for combining traditional timing optimization techniques to achieve a superior performance;The method of buffer insertion is used in timing optimization to either increase the driving power of a path in a circuit, or to isolate large capacitive loads that lie on noncritical or less critical paths. The procedure of transistor sizing selects the sizes of transistors within a circuit to achieve a given timing specification. Traditional design techniques perform these two optimizations as independent steps during synthesis, even though they are intimately linked and performing them in alternating steps is liable to lead to suboptimal solutions. The first part of this thesis presents a new approach for unifying transistor sizing with buffer insertion. Our algorithm achieve from 5% to 49% area reduction compared with the results of a standard transistor sizing algorithm;The next part of the thesis deals with the problem of collapsing gates for technology mapping. Two new techniques are proposed. The first method, the odd-level transistor replacement (OTR) method, performs technology mapping without the restriction of a fixed library size, and maps a circuit to a virtual library of complex static CMOS gates. The second technique, the Static CMOS/PTL method, uses a mix of static CMOS and pass transistor logic (PTL) to realize the circuit, using the relation between PTL and binary decision diagrams. The methods are very efficient and can handle all ISCAS\u2785 benchmark circuits in minutes. On average, it was found that the OTR method gave 40%, and the Static/PTL gave 50% delay reductions over SIS, with substantial area savings;Finally, we extend the technology mapping work to interleave it with placement in a single optimization. Conventional methods that perform these steps separately will not be adequate for next-generation circuits. Our approach presents an integrated solution to this problem, and shows an average of 28.19%, and a maximum of 78.42% improvement in the delay over a method that performs the two optimizations in separate steps