133 research outputs found

    An Intelligent System for Induction Motor Health Condition Monitoring

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    Induction motors (IMs) are commonly used in both industrial applications and household appliances. An IM online condition monitoring system is very useful to identify the IM fault at its initial stage, in order to prevent machinery malfunction, decreased productivity and even catastrophic failures. Although a series of research efforts have been conducted over decades for IM fault diagnosis using various approaches, it still remains a challenging task to accurately diagnose the IM fault due to the complex signal transmission path and environmental noise. The objective of this thesis is to develop a novel intelligent system for more reliable IM health condition monitoring. The developed intelligent monitor consists of two stages: feature extraction and decision-making. In feature extraction, a spectrum synch technique is proposed to extract representative features from collected stator current signals for fault detection in IM systems. The local bands related to IM health conditions are synchronized to enhance fault characteristic features; a central kurtosis method is suggested to extract representative information from the resulting spectrum and to formulate an index for fault diagnosis. In diagnostic pattern classification, an innovative selective boosting technique is proposed to effectively classify representative features into different IM health condition categories. On the other hand, IM health conditions can also be predicted by applying appropriate prognostic schemes. In system state forecasting, two forecasting techniques, a model-based pBoost predictor and a data-driven evolving fuzzy neural predictor, are proposed to forecast future states of the fault indices, which can be employed to further improve the accuracy of IM health condition monitoring. A novel fuzzy inference system is developed to integrate information from both the classifier and the predictor for IM health condition monitoring. The effectiveness of the proposed techniques and integrated monitor is verified through simulations and experimental tests corresponding to different IM states such as IMs with broken rotor bars and with the bearing outer race defect. The developed techniques, the selective boosting classifier, pBoost predictor and evolving fuzzy neural predictor, are effective tools that can be employed in a much wider range of applications. In order to select the most reliable technique in each processing module so as to provide a more positive assessment of IM health conditions, some more techniques are also proposed for each processing purpose. A conjugate Levebnerg-Marquardt method and a Laplace particle swarm technique are proposed for model parameter training, whereas a mutated particle filter technique is developed for system state prediction. These strong tools developed in this work could also be applied to fault diagnosis and other applications

    Failure Diagnosis and Prognosis of Safety Critical Systems: Applications in Aerospace Industries

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    Many safety-critical systems such as aircraft, space crafts, and large power plants are required to operate in a reliable and efficient working condition without any performance degradation. As a result, fault diagnosis and prognosis (FDP) is a research topic of great interest in these systems. FDP systems attempt to use historical and current data of a system, which are collected from various measurements to detect faults, diagnose the types of possible failures, predict and manage failures in advance. This thesis deals with FDP of safety-critical systems. For this purpose, two critical systems including a multifunctional spoiler (MFS) and hydro-control value system are considered, and some challenging issues from the FDP are investigated. This research work consists of three general directions, i.e., monitoring, failure diagnosis, and prognosis. The proposed FDP methods are based on data-driven and model-based approaches. The main aim of the data-driven methods is to utilize measurement data from the system and forecast the remaining useful life (RUL) of the faulty components accurately and efficiently. In this regard, two dierent methods are developed. A modular FDP method based on a divide and conquer strategy is presented for the MFS system. The modular structure contains three components:1) fault diagnosis unit, 2) failure parameter estimation unit and 3) RUL unit. The fault diagnosis unit identifies types of faults based on an integration of neural network (NN) method and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) technique. Failure parameter estimation unit observes the failure parameter via a distributed neural network. Afterward, the RUL of the system is predicted by an adaptive Bayesian method. In another work, an innovative data-driven FDP method is developed for hydro-control valve systems. The idea is to use redundancy in multi-sensor data information and enhance the performance of the FDP system. Therefore, a combination of a feature selection method and support vector machine (SVM) method is applied to select proper sensors for monitoring of the hydro-valve system and isolate types of fault. Then, adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems (ANFIS) method is used to estimate the failure path. Similarly, an online Bayesian algorithm is implemented for forecasting RUL. Model-based methods employ high-delity physics-based model of a system for prognosis task. In this thesis, a novel model-based approach based on an integrated extended Kalman lter (EKF) and Bayesian method is introduced for the MFS system. To monitor the MFS system, a residual estimation method using EKF is performed to capture the progress of the failure. Later, a transformation is utilized to obtain a new measure to estimate the degradation path (DP). Moreover, the recursive Bayesian algorithm is invoked to predict the RUL. Finally, relative accuracy (RA) measure is utilized to assess the performance of the proposed methods

    Fault Diagnosis and Failure Prognostics of Lithium-ion Battery based on Least Squares Support Vector Machine and Memory Particle Filter Framework

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    123456A novel data driven approach is developed for fault diagnosis and remaining useful life (RUL) prognostics for lithium-ion batteries using Least Square Support Vector Machine (LS-SVM) and Memory-Particle Filter (M-PF). Unlike traditional data-driven models for capacity fault diagnosis and failure prognosis, which require multidimensional physical characteristics, the proposed algorithm uses only two variables: Energy Efficiency (EE), and Work Temperature. The aim of this novel framework is to improve the accuracy of incipient and abrupt faults diagnosis and failure prognosis. First, the LSSVM is used to generate residual signal based on capacity fade trends of the Li-ion batteries. Second, adaptive threshold model is developed based on several factors including input, output model error, disturbance, and drift parameter. The adaptive threshold is used to tackle the shortcoming of a fixed threshold. Third, the M-PF is proposed as the new method for failure prognostic to determine Remaining Useful Life (RUL). The M-PF is based on the assumption of the availability of real-time observation and historical data, where the historical failure data can be used instead of the physical failure model within the particle filter. The feasibility of the framework is validated using Li-ion battery prognostic data obtained from the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) Ames Prognostic Center of Excellence (PCoE). The experimental results show the following: (1) fewer data dimensions for the input data are required compared to traditional empirical models; (2) the proposed diagnostic approach provides an effective way of diagnosing Li-ion battery fault; (3) the proposed prognostic approach can predict the RUL of Li-ion batteries with small error, and has high prediction accuracy; and, (4) the proposed prognostic approach shows that historical failure data can be used instead of a physical failure model in the particle filter

    Health Monitoring of Nonlinear Systems with Application to Gas Turbine Engines

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    Health monitoring and prognosis of nonlinear systems is mainly concerned with system health tracking and its evolution prediction to future time horizons. Estimation and prediction schemes constitute as principal components of any health monitoring framework. In this thesis, the main focus is on development of novel health monitoring techniques for nonlinear dynamical systems by utilizing model-based and hybrid prognosis and health monitoring approaches. First, given the fact that particle filters (PF) are known as a powerful tool for performing state and parameter estimation of nonlinear dynamical systems, a novel dual estimation methodology is developed for both time-varying parameters and states of a nonlinear stochastic system based on the prediction error (PE) concept and the particle filtering scheme. Estimation of system parameters along with the states generate an updated model that can be used for a long-term prediction problem. Next, an improved particle filtering-based methodology is developed to address the prediction step within the developed health monitoring framework. In this method, an observation forecasting scheme is developed to extend the system observation profiles (as time-series) to future time horizons. Particles are then propagated to future time instants according to a resampling algorithm in the prediction step. The uncertainty in the long-term prediction of the system states and parameters are managed by utilizing dynamic linear models (DLM) for development of an observation forecasting scheme. A novel hybrid architecture is then proposed to develop prognosis and health monitoring methodologies for nonlinear systems by integration of model-based and computationally intelligent-based techniques. Our proposed hybrid health monitoring methodology is constructed based on a framework that is not dependent on the structure of the neural network model utilized in the implementation of the observation forecasting scheme. Moreover, changing the neural network model structure in this framework does not significantly affect the prediction accuracy of the entire health prediction algorithm. Finally, a method for formulation of health monitoring problems of dynamical systems through a two-time scale decomposition is introduced. For this methodology the system dynamical equations as well as the affected damage model, are investigated in the two-time scale system health estimation and prediction steps. A two-time scale filtering approach is developed based on the ensemble Kalman filtering (EnKF) methodology by taking advantage of the model reduction concept. The performance of the proposed two-time scale ensemble Kalman filters is shown to be more accurate and less computationally intensive as compared to the well-known particle filtering approach for this class of nonlinear systems. All of our developed methods have been applied for health monitoring and prognosis of a gas turbine engine when it is affected by various degradation damages. Extensive comparative studies are also conducted to validate and demonstrate the advantages and capabilities of our proposed frameworks and methodologies


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    Failures of engineered systems can lead to significant economic and societal losses. Despite tremendous efforts (e.g., $200 billion annually) denoted to reliability and maintenance, unexpected catastrophic failures still occurs. To minimize the losses, reliability of engineered systems must be ensured throughout their life-cycle amidst uncertain operational condition and manufacturing variability. In most engineered systems, the required system reliability level under adverse events is achieved by adding system redundancies and/or conducting system reliability-based design optimization (RBDO). However, a high level of system redundancy increases a system's life-cycle cost (LCC) and system RBDO cannot ensure the system reliability when unexpected loading/environmental conditions are applied and unexpected system failures are developed. In contrast, a new design paradigm, referred to as resilience-driven system design, can ensure highly reliable system designs under any loading/environmental conditions and system failures while considerably reducing systems' LCC. In order to facilitate the development of formal methodologies for this design paradigm, this research aims at advancing two essential and co-related research areas: Research Thrust 1 - system RBDO and Research Thrust 2 - system prognostics and health management (PHM). In Research Thrust 1, reliability analyses under uncertainty will be carried out in both component and system levels against critical failure mechanisms. In Research Thrust 2, highly accurate and robust PHM systems will be designed for engineered systems with a single or multiple time-scale(s). To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system RBDO and PHM techniques, multiple engineering case studies will be presented and discussed. Following the development of Research Thrusts 1 and 2, Research Thrust 3 - resilience-driven system design will establish a theoretical basis and design framework of engineering resilience in a mathematical and statistical context, where engineering resilience will be formulated in terms of system reliability and restoration and the proposed design framework will be demonstrated with a simplified aircraft control actuator design problem

    Failure Prognosis of Wind Turbine Components

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    Wind energy is playing an increasingly significant role in the World\u27s energy supply mix. In North America, many utility-scale wind turbines are approaching, or are beyond the half-way point of their originally anticipated lifespan. Accurate estimation of the times to failure of major turbine components can provide wind farm owners insight into how to optimize the life and value of their farm assets. This dissertation deals with fault detection and failure prognosis of critical wind turbine sub-assemblies, including generators, blades, and bearings based on data-driven approaches. The main aim of the data-driven methods is to utilize measurement data from the system and forecast the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of faulty components accurately and efficiently. The main contributions of this dissertation are in the application of ALTA lifetime analysis to help illustrate a possible relationship between varying loads and generators reliability, a wavelet-based Probability Density Function (PDF) to effectively detecting incipient wind turbine blade failure, an adaptive Bayesian algorithm for modeling the uncertainty inherent in the bearings RUL prediction horizon, and a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) for characterizing the bearing damage progression based on varying operating states to mimic a real condition in which wind turbines operate and to recognize that the damage progression is a function of the stress applied to each component using data from historical failures across three different Canadian wind farms

    Industrial Applications: New Solutions for the New Era

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    This book reprints articles from the Special Issue "Industrial Applications: New Solutions for the New Age" published online in the open-access journal Machines (ISSN 2075-1702). This book consists of twelve published articles. This special edition belongs to the "Mechatronic and Intelligent Machines" section

    Recent challenges in condition monitoring of industrial electric machines

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    The limitations of thermal, vibration, or electrical monitoring of electric machines such as false indications, low sensitivity, and difficulty of fault interpretation have recently been exposed. This has led to a shift in the direction in research towards applying new techniques for improving the reliability of condition monitoring. With the changing environment, the purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the recent trend in the industrial demand and research activity in condition monitoring technology. The new developments in insulation testing, electrical testing, flux analysis, transient analysis, and fault prognostics are summarized. The future challenges and recommendations for future work for the new technologies are also stated to support researchers target research/development efforts according to industrial needs

    Physics-based prognostic modelling of filter clogging phenomena

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    In industry, contaminant filtration is a common process to achieve a desired level of purification, since contaminants in liquids such as fuel may lead to performance drop and rapid wear propagation. Generally, clogging of filter phenomena is the primary failure mode leading to the replacement or cleansing of filter. Cascading failures and weak performance of the system are the unfortunate outcomes due to a clogged filter. Even though filtration and clogging phenomena and their effects of several observable parameters have been studied for quite some time in the literature, progression of clogging and its use for prognostics purposes have not been addressed yet. In this work, a physics based clogging progression model is presented. The proposed model that bases on a well-known pressure drop equation is able to model three phases of the clogging phenomena, last of which has not been modelled in the literature yet. In addition, the presented model is integrated with particle filters to predict the future clogging levels and to estimate the remaining useful life of fuel filters. The presented model has been implemented on the data collected from an experimental rig in the lab environment. In the rig, pressure drop across the filter, flow rate, and filter mesh images are recorded throughout the accelerated degradation experiments. The presented physics based model has been applied to the data obtained from the rig. The remaining useful lives of the filters used in the experimental rig have been reported in the paper. The results show that the presented methodology provides significantly accurate and precise prognostic results
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