18 research outputs found

    Web Content Management: What does it mean for Institutional Repositories?

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    Pengumpulan, pengelolaan dan penyimpanan informasi adalah kegiatan yang telah dilakukan perpustakaan selama sejarah perpustakaan itu dimulai. Namun permasalahan yang dihadapi saat ini berbeda, terutama berkaitan dengan jumlah informasi dan cara pengelolaan informasi tersebut. Salah satu format baru dalam mengelola dan mendistribusikan informasi adalah melalui institutional repository (IR). Media online yang berkonsep open access yang menawarkan kemudahan dalam pengelolaan dan pendistribusian hasil karya ilmiah. Artikel ini membahas manajemen informasi dalam institutional repository, khususnya dalam hal manajemen dan preservasi materi-materi dalam repository. Information collection, organization and storage are the roles that have been done by libraries for millennia. What makes the problem different today is the amount of information and the way they are managed. One of a new form of organizing and delivering information is through institutional repositories (IRs). It is a new development of academic institutions for storing and distributing information, especially for research publications, in an electronic format. This paper discusses the issue of deploying content management in repositories. It identifies the management and preservation of the content in institutional repositories

    Multi-level resilience in networked environments:concepts and principles

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    Resilience is an essential property for critical networked environments such as utility networks (e.g. gas, water and electricity grids), industrial control systems, and communication networks. Due to the complexity of such networked environments achieving resilience is multi-dimensional since it involves a range of factors such as redundancy and connectivity of different system components as well as availability, security, dependability and fault tolerance. Hence, it is of importance to address resilience within a unified framework that considers such factors and further enables the practical composition of resilience mechanisms. In this paper we firstly introduce the concepts and principles of Multi-Level Resilience (MLR) and then demonstrate its applicability in a particular cloud-based scenario

    An efficient cloud based architecture for integrating content management systems

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    The use of digital content is increasing day after day and now it is an essential element of our day today life. The amount of stored information is so huge that it is highly difficult to manage the content especially in a distributed cloud environment. There are many open source software solutions available in cloud to handle huge amount of digital data. However none of these solutions addresses all the requirements needed to manage the content spread out in multiple systems effectively. The user has to relay on multiple content management systems to do the work. This turns into ever more unwieldy, time consuming and leads to loss of data. Using robust and integrated content management systems, these issues could be solved effectively. In this paper we have identified various challenges of using the content management system in the cloud after surveying many Content Management System related article and proposed an integrated solution named Cloud based Architecture integrating Content Management System which is capable of interfacing with various unique features available at different content management system installations in the cloud. This maximizes the functionality and performance of any Content management systems. The Representational State Transfer (REST) protocol is used to integrate the best features of various open source content management systems. REST provides higher level of security compared to existing systems as it does not store the user sessions. The users can interact with the system with the help of an interface which abstracts the complexities of multiple content management systems running in the cloud. © 2017 IEEE

    Proposta de portal empresarial para pequena empresa prestadora de serviços de contabilidade

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    ProjectoEste projecto final tem por objectivo a criação de um modelo de portal empresarial, para a ĂĄrea de prestação de serviços de contabilidade, e a sua aplicação num caso concreto. De forma a atingir o objectivo proposto, foi realizada uma revisĂŁo da literatura no contexto dos portais, de gĂ©neros de comunicação e dos sistemas de gestĂŁo de conteĂșdos. Da revisĂŁo da literatura resultou a proposta de um modelo de portal e uma metodologia para o seu desenvolvimento. Esta Ă© baseada, em parte, na identificação de gĂ©neros digitais da organização. De modo a validar o modelo proposto, procedeu-se Ă  implementação num caso concreto e a uma validação preliminar do resultado, onde foram identificados os pontos fortes e fracos.ii Abstract This final project aims the creation of a corporate portal model in the area of accountability services, and its application in a real case. To accomplish that, a literature survey was compiled in the contexts of web portals, communication genres and content management systems. From the literature survey results the proposal for a corporate portal model, and a methodology for its development. This is based, in part, in the identification of the organization’s digital genres. To validate the proposed model, an implementation in a concrete case was made, as well as a preliminary results validation, where the strong and weak points were identified

    Utilizing External Services and Sharing Content in a Content Management System

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    People are using more and more online services. Many of the services are used for storing content. Also the number of users’ personal devices – mobile phones, laptops, cameras, and so forth – is increasing rapidly. Consequently, the amount of content stored in the services and devices people are using is constantly growing. Managing all of the content located in different places is therefore becoming an increasing problem. It is not easy to search for a certain piece of content, if one cannot remember in what service or device the content is stored at. Content can also easily become forgotten and lost in a rarely used device. This thesis presents new and improved features to an existing content management system named VisualREST, which is designed for managing content from all of the user’s devices. We are presenting new ways of importing content from user’s devices, as well as importing content from external services, in order for the content management system to be as comprehensive as possible. Searching content is an important and often used feature of a content management system. Therefore, a new, user-friendlier interface for searching content is presented. Sharing content with other users should be quick and easy, and for that end a notion of context is presented. It is designed to help share content between a predefined group of people. All of these features have been implemented and tested in VisualREST. /Kir1

    (Meta)datastandaarden voor digitale archieven

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    In het derde werkpakket van het project BOM-Vl (Bewaring en Ontsluiting van Multimediale data in Vlaanderen, 2008-2009) staat de technische problematiek van langetermijnbewaring van digitaal erfgoed centraal. Het OAIS-model, een ISO-standaard sinds 2002, geldt hierbij als conceptueel referentiemodel dat richtlijnen biedt bij de opzet van een digitaal archief. Aan de hand hiervan werd in een eerste deliverable aangegeven met welke representatiewijzen van de data en soorten metadata men rekening dient te houden om de preservering van digitaal materiaal te garanderen en hoe men mogelijk dataverlies kan tegengaan door grondige technische overwegingen. In een uitvoerig overzicht, een state-of-the-art, komen de gangbare opslagformaten met betrekking tot verschillend audiovisueel materiaal aan bod. Vervolgens worden ook de meest courante standaarden in het bibliotheekwezen, de omroepsector, de culturele sector en de erfgoedsector besproken, in het bijzonder metadatastandaarden (descriptieve, technische, administratieve), thesauri of ontologieën en containerformaten. Ten slotte worden twee representatieve praktijkvoorbeelden toegelicht, namelijk de ontwikkeling van het e-Depot in de Koninklijke Bibliotheek van Nederland en de opzet van een Europese meertalige zoekmachine voor cultureel erfgoedonderzoek. Dit boek is de neerslag van deze deliverable en is bedoeld als referentiewer


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    To deal with the increasing information overload and with the structured and unstructured data complexity, many organizations have implemented enterprise content management (ECM) systems. Published research on ECM so far is very limited and reports on ECM implementations have been scarce until recently (TyrvÀinen et al. 2006). However, the little available ECM literature shows that many organizations using ECM focus on operational benefits while strategic decision-making benefits are rarely considered. Moreover, the strategic capabilities such as decision making capabilities of ECM are not fully investigated in the current literature. In addition, the literature lacks a strategic management framework (SMF) that links strategies, business objectives, and performance management although there are several published studies that discuss ECM strategy. A strategic management framework would seem essential to effectively manage ECM strategy formulation, implementation, and performance evaluation (Kaplan and Norton 1996; Ittner and Larcker 1997). The absence of an appropriate strategic management framework keeps organizations from effective strategic planning, implementation, and evaluation, which affects the organizational capabilities overall. Therefore, the objective of this dissertation is to determine the decision support capabilities of ECM, and specify how ECM strategies can be formulated, implemented, and evaluated in order to fully utilize the ECM strategic capabilities. Structural equation modeling as well as design science approaches will be adopted to achieve the dissertation objectives

    Metadata i Cross Media Redaktionsprocesser

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    Olika typer av media Àr inte lÀngre bundna till specifika distributionskanaler i samma grad som de en gÄng varit. Nya krav pÄ mediainnehÄll samt -tillgÀnglighet har lett till att företag inom mediabranschen mÄste anpassa sig genom att tillÀmpa nya rutiner för skapande och administrering av innehÄll. Detta inverkar inte endast pÄ arbetsrutiner, utan leder i sin tur till nya krav pÄ DAMS system i vilka metadata kommer inneha en vÀsentlig roll. Utan vÀlstrukturerad metadata kommer mÄnga arbetsuppgifter visa sig extremt tidskrÀvande. Den hÀr studien erbjuder en genomförlig och aktuell empirisk forskning med insyn pÄ tillÀmpningen av metadata inom innehÄllsproduktionen hos vÀlkÀnda medieföretag som utövar cross media publicering. Företag som deltog i studien kan beskrivas som nyhetsbyrÄer, tidnings- eller tidsskriftsutgivare. En abstrakt metadatastruktur bestÄende av essens, kontextuell, strukturell, och administrativ metadata var konstruerad pÄ basen av uptÀckt metadata hos de besökta företagen. Denna struktur avspeglar nuvarande krav pÄ metadata inom cross media företag. Metadatastandarder rekommenderas som bas för kartlÀggning mellan lÀmpliga metadatafÀlt och de i strukturen angivna metadata-attributen. PÄ basis av resultaten gavs Àven förslag pÄ framtida krav pÄ metadata inom cross media redaktionssystem. Metadata var Àven analyserad pÄ basen av typ, egenskaper, och anvÀndning. Subjektiva Äsikter om nuvarande metadatavanor togs Àven i beaktande. Redaktionsprocesser inklusive metadatalivscykeln var modellerade med BPMN. Bland de företag som deltog i studien uppkom skillnader i processer anknytna till cross media publicering. Alla deltagande parter visade dock ett gemensamt intresse för att förbÀttra den nuvarande situationen. En annan gemensam överenskommelse uppstod i formen av ett framtida krav pÄ redaktionssystem gÀllande temaeller Àmnescentrerad planering av innehÄll. I synnerhet essensbaserad metadata Àr i starkt behov av förbÀttringar för att klara av framtida krav. Medieföretag har insett att investeringar i metadata inte endast minskar pÄ arbetsbördan och Àr till förmÄn för administrering av tillgÄngar, utan ocksÄ erbjuder totalt nya möjligheter för affÀrsverksamhet.Different types of media such as text, images, audio, and video are no longer restricted to different publishing channels in the same way that they used to be. Media companies are adopting new routines for handling and creating content to better suit the new demands, which in turn puts new requirements on digital asset management systems (DAMS). Metadata will have an essential role in managing content in these systems, and without well structured metadata many tasks become extremely time consuming. This study provides an extensive, up-to-date, empirical research of the current use of metadata across the content creation process within well known media companies involved in cross media publishing. Three case companies were selected for this study: a newspaper, a magazine publisher, and a news agency. Observations and surveys, including interviews and questionnaires were conducted at the research sites. A metadata framework consisting of essence, contextual, structural, and administrative metadata field attributes was created based on the discovered metadata in case companies. The framework serves as a platform for current metadata needs in media companies utilizing cross media publishing. Metadata standards are suggested to be used as a source for mapping suitable metadata fields to the provided metadata attributes. Suggestions for future requirements on metadata in editorial systems were also given based on the results. In addition to the metadata framework, discovered metadata was also assessed based on nature, characteristics, and use. Subjective viewpoints of current metadata practices are also taken into account. Current editorial processes including the metadata time-cycle were modeled with BPMN annotation language. There were differences in cross media publishing routines between the case companies, but all participants showed a common interest to enhance current practices. A mutual requirement on future editorial systems was the inclusion of theme or topic based planning of content. The results showed that especially essence based metadata needs improvements in order to cope with future requirements. Media companies have realized that investing in metadata not only reduces workload and is beneficial from an asset management perspective, but also provides completely new business opportunities