71 research outputs found

    Open design : práticas atuais e implicações para a arquitetura e desenho urbano

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    Orientador: Evandro Ziggiatti MonteiroTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e UrbanismoResumo: O conceito de Design Aberto (OD) tem atraído cada vez mais atenção de pesquisadores, comunidades e empresas. Os seus benefícios são frequentemente associados à democratização do design, melhoria mais rápida de projetos, customização em massa e aos processos de inovação alternativos. No campo da construção, diferentes exemplos que levam em consideração o conceito do OD, podem ser encontrados. As possibilidades vão desde o compartilhamento de componentes de rápida fabricação e de baixo custo para a construção de casas (Wikihouse), passando pela fabricação de móveis (Opendesk) até as ferramentas de jardinagem (AKER). No contexto de comunidades mais pobres, a abordagem OD desperta interesse. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar o conceito de DO como fenômeno emergente e suas implicações no campo da Arquitetura e do Design Urbano. Atualmente, existem poucas pesquisas sobre OD, principalmente se o limitarmos à prática da arquitetura. Proponho uma análise de pesquisa multi-método, utilizando estratégias qualitativas e quantitativas no estudo do mesmo fenômeno. A estrutura da pesquisa aborda quatro questões principais: (1) Como os diferentes aspectos de abertura afetam a fabricação de artefatos? (2) Como o OD se relaciona com o desenvolvimento sustentável? Quais são as limitações atuais e os caminhos possíveis para superá-las? (3) Quais são os desafios atuais para replicabilidade no OD e como superá-los? (4) Qual é a estrutura de uma comunidade colaborativa de OD? Com base nos resultados, é possível argumentar que que o OD possa alterar a maneira como os arquitetos e os urbanistas trabalham. Os obstáculos atuais, no entanto, precisam ser enfrentados antes que o conceito possa ser adotado por um público maior, especialmente nas comunidades mais pobres. Dos resultados transversais de quatro questões propostas, quatro sugestões foram feitas: (1) a adoção de uma abordagem de metadesign, (2) a adoção de projetos modulares, (3) a educação para a abertura e (4) o uso de microfábricas móveis como infraestrutura urbana. Por fim, a pesquisa contribui para as discussões sobre OD e visa construir uma estrutura conceitual para a prática profissional da arquitetura com uma abordagem voltada ao ODAbstract: The concept of Open Design (OD) has increasingly gathered attention amongst scholars, grassroots communities and companies during the last ten years. OD benefits are often associated to the design democratization, faster improvement of design artifacts, mass customization and alternative innovation processes. In the construction field, a number of examples that take knowledge and digital commons into account already exists. The possibilities go from sharing low-cost and rapid-assembly components for building houses (Wikihouse), furniture fabrication (Opendesk) and gardening tools (AKER)). In the context of a developing country, the OD approach arouses interest. This research aims to investigate the concept of OD as an emergent phenomenon and its implications to the field of Architecture and Urban Design. Despite the emergence, little research on OD currently exists, especially if we limit it to the scope of the architecture practice. I propose a multi-method research analysis, using qualitative and quantitative strategies in the study of the same phenoma. The research structure addresses four main questions: (1) How do the different aspects of openness affect artefact manufacturing? (2) How does Open Design relate to sustainable development? What are the current limitations and possible pathways to overcome such limitations? (3) What are the current challenges for replicability in OD and how to overcome them? (4) What is the structure of an OD collaborative community? How and Why users collaborate? Based on the findings, it is possible to argue for the viability of OD to change the way architects and urban designers work. Current hurdles however need to be tackled before it can be adopted by a larger audience, especially in poorer communities. From cross-cutting results of four RQs, four suggestions were made: (1) the adoption of a metadesign approach, (2) the adoption of modular designs, (3) the education for openness and (4) mobile microfactories as urban infrastructure. The research contributes to discussions on Open Design and aims to build a conceptual framework for the professional practice within the emergence of ODDoutoradoArquitetura, Tecnologia e CidadeDoutor em Arquitetura, Tecnologia e Cidade01-P-04375-2015CAPE

    Alamprotsessidest, protsesside variatsioonidest ja nendevahelisest koosmõjust: Integreeritud “jaga ja valitse” meetod äriprotsesside ja nende variatsioonide modelleerimiseks

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    Igat organisatsiooni võib vaadelda kui süsteemi, mis rakendab äriprotsesse väärtuste loomiseks. Suurtes organisatsioonides on tavapärane esitada äriprotsesse kasutades protsessimudeleid, mida kasutatakse erinevatel eesmärkidel nagu näiteks sisekommunikatsiooniks, koolitusteks, protsesside parendamiseks ja infosüsteemide arendamiseks. Arvestades protsessimudelite multifunktsionaalset olemust tuleb protsessimudeleid koostada selliselt, et see võimaldab nendest arusaamist ning haldamist erinevate osapoolte poolt. Käesolev doktoritöö pakkudes välja integreeritud dekompositsioonist ajendatud meetodi äriprotsesside modelleerimiseks koos nende variatsioonidega. Meetodi kandvaks ideeks on järkjärguline äriprotsessi ja selle variatsioonide dekomponeerimine alamprotsessideks. Igal dekompositsiooni tasemel ning iga alamprotsessi jaoks määratletakse esmalt kas vastavat alamprotsessi tuleks modelleerida konsolideeritud moel (üks alamprotsessi mudel kõikide või osade variatsioonide jaoks) või fragmenteeritud moel (üks alamprotsess ühe variatsiooni jaoks). Sel moel kasutades ülalt-alla lähenemist viilutatakse ja tükeldatakse äriprotsess väiksemateks osadeks. Äriprotsess viilutatakse esmalt tema variatsioonideks ning seejärel tükeldatakse dekompositsioonideks kasutades kaht peamist parameetrit. Esimeseks on äri ajendid variatsioonide jaoks – igal äriprotsessi variatsioonil on oma juurpõhjus, mis pärineb ärist endast ja põhjustab protsesside käivitamisel erisusi. Need juurpõhjused jagatakse viide kategooriasse – ajendid kliendist, tootest, operatiivsetest põhjustest, turust ja ajast. Teine parameeter on erinevuste hulk viisides (tegevuste järjekord, tulemuste väärtused jms) kuidas variatsioonid oma väljundit toodavad. Käesolevas töös esitatud meetod on valideeritud kahes praktilises juhtumiuuringus. Kui esimeses juhtumiuuringus on põhirõhk olemasolevate protsessimudelite konsolideerimisel, siis teises protsessimudelite avastamisel. Sel moel rakendatakse meetodit kahes eri kontekstis kahele üksteisest eristatud juhtumile. Mõlemas juhtumiuuringus tootis meetod protsessimudelite hulgad, milles oli liiasust kuni 50% vähem võrreldes tavapäraste meetoditega jättes samas mudelite keerukuse nendega võrreldes enamvähem samale tasemele.Every organization can be conceived as a system where value is created by means of business processes. In large organizations, it is common for business processes to be represented by means of process models, which are used for a range of purposes such as internal communication, training, process improvement and information systems development. Given their multifunctional character, process models need to be captured in a way that facilitates understanding and maintenance by a variety of stakeholders. This thesis proposes an integrated decomposition-driven method for modeling business processes with variants. The core idea of the method is to incrementally construct a decomposition of a business process and its variants into subprocesses. At each level of the decomposition and for each subprocess, we determine if this subprocess should be modeled in a consolidated manner (one subprocess model for all variants or for multiple variants) or in a fragmented manner (one subprocess model per variant). In this manner, a top-down approach of slicing and dicing a business process is taken. The process model is sliced in accordance with its variants, and then diced (decomposed). This decision is taken based on two parameters. The first is the business drivers for the existence of the variants. All variants of a business process has a root cause i.e. a reason stemming from the business that causes the processes to have differences in how they are executed. The second parameter considered when deciding how to model the variants is the degree of difference in the way the variants produce their outcomes. As such, the modeling of business process variations is dependent on their degree of similarity in regards to how they produce value (such as values, execution order and so on). The method presented in this thesis is validated by two real-life case studies. The first case study concerns a case of consolidation existing process models. The other deals with green-field process discovery. As such, the method is applied in two different contexts (consolidation and discovery) on two different cases that differ from each other. In both cases, the method produced sets of process models that had reduced the duplicity rate by up to 50 % while keeping the degree of complexity of the models relatively stable

    Open reWall: Survey-to-production workflow for building renovation

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    A reabilitação de espaços interiores, num contexto de personalização em série, requer uma mudança na forma como os sistemas construtivos são desenhados, construídos e reutilizados. Recorrendo a plataformas digitais para a participação os arquitetos, em colaboração com outros atores na indústria AEC, podem desenvolver e oferecer soluções personalizadas e desmontáveis a utilizadores genéricos. Esta investigação propõe o uso de sistemas de construção personalizada em série (CPS) para fornecer sistemas de divisórias desmontáveis fabricadas digitalmente usando metodologias do levantamento à produção ligadas a configuradores online, em que os utilizadores co-projetam soluções para a reabilitação de espaços interiores. A metodologia de investigação socorre-se de pesquisa e análise teórica para definir critérios e objetivos a serem explorados em resolução de problemas de projeto. A partir destas experiências são sintetizados princípios e uma metodologia para a conceção de sistemas CPS de sistemas de divisórias personalizáveis e desmontáveis para a reabilitação. A metodologia clarifica os papeis dos atores, passos, e arquitetura do sistema para implementar um sistema CPS do levantamento à produção. A investigação demonstra que a metodologia de levantamento proposta é utilizável por utilizadores especialistas e não-especialistas, com os últimos a apresentarem em média melhores resultados, e que estes levantamentos têm precisão suficiente para processos do desenho à produção. Também se demonstra que a metodologia do levantamento à produção, a gramática genérica, e os critérios são úteis para os arquitetos conceberem sistemas de divisórias desmontáveis e personalizáveis para sistemas CPS abertos.Building renovation of interior spaces, in the context of mass customization, requires a shift in how construction systems are designed, built, and reused. Leveraging digital frameworks for user participation, architects in collaboration with other stakeholders in the AEC industry may design anddeliver customized and disassemble-able solutions to generic end-users. The research proposes mass customization construction (MCC) systems can deliver cost-effective digitally fabricated and disassemble-able construction systems using survey-to-production workflows deployed in web configurators for end-users to co-design solutions in building renovation. The research methodology uses theoretical inquiry and analysis to define criteria and objectives to be explored in design problem solving. From these experiments generalizable principles and a lowkey workflow for the design of MCC systems of customizable and disassemble-able partition wall construction systems for open building renovation are synthetized. The workflow clarifies stakeholder roles, steps, and system architecture to implement an MCC system from survey to production. This investigation demonstrates the proposed survey workflow is usable by non-expert and expert instance-designers, with the former having on-average better results, and that these can survey spaces with sufficient precision for design-to-production workflows. It is also shown the survey-to-production workflow, the generic grammar, and criteria are useful for architects to design customizable and disassemble-able partition wall systems for open MCC systems

    Process Measurement in Business Process Management : Theoretical Framework and Analysis of Several Aspects

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    Process measurement deals with the quantification of business process models using process model metrics. This book presents a theoretical framework for the prediction of external process model attributes (as, for example, error-proneness and understandabiltiy) based on internal (structural) attributes. The properties of proposed metrics are analyzed. A visualization technique for metric values is introduced and metrics for process model understandability and granularity are evaluated

    Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXVII: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR2013)

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    ICMR2013 was organised by Cranfield University on the 19-20 September 2013. The conference focuses on any aspects of product development, manufacturing technology, manufacturing systems, information systems and digital technologies. It provides an excellent avenue for researchers to present state-of-the-art multidisciplinary manufacturing research and exchange ideas. In addition to the four keynote speeches from Airbus and Rolls-Royce and three invited presentations, there are 108 papers in these proceedings. These papers are split into 24 technical sessions. The International Conference on Manufacturing Research is a major event for academics and industrialists engaged in manufacturing research. Held annually in the UK since the late 1970s, the conference is renowned as a friendly and inclusive environment that brings together a broad community of researchers who share a common goal; developing and managing the technologies and operations that are key to sustaining the success of manufacturing businesses. For over two decades, ICMR has been the main manufacturing research conference organised in the UK, successfully bringing researchers, academics and industrialists together to share their knowledge and experiences. Initiated a National Conference by the Consortium of UK University Manufacturing Engineering Heads (COMEH), it became an International Conference in 2003. COMEH is an independent body established in 1978. Its main aim is to promote manufacturing engineering education, training and research. To achieve this, the Consortium maintains a close liaison with government bodies concerned with the training and continuing development of professional engineers, while responding to the appropriate consultative and discussion documents and other initiatives. COMEH is represented on the Engineering Professor’s council (EPC) and it organises and supports national manufacturing engineering education research conferences and symposia