195,083 research outputs found

    Product Development Resilience Through Set-Based Design

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    Often during a system Product Development program external factors or requirements change, forcing system design change. This uncertainty adversely affects program outcome, adding to development time and cost, production cost, and compromise to system performance. We present a development approach that minimizes the impacts, by considering the possibility of changes in the external factors and the implications of mid-course design changes. The approach considers the set of alternative designs and the burdens of a mid-course change from one design to another in determining the relative value of a specific design. The approach considers and plans parallel development of alternative designs with progressive selection of options, including time-versus-cost tradeoffs and the impact change-costs. The approach includes a framework of the development process that addresses design and integration lead-times, and their relationship to the time-order of design decisions, and the time-dependent burden of design changes

    Investment in Sustainable Development: A UK Perspective on the Business and Academic Challenges

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    There are many legislative, stakeholder and supply chain pressures on business to be more ‘sustainable’. Universities have recognised the need for graduate knowledge and understanding of sustainable development issues. Many businesses and universities have responded and introduced Sustainable Development models into their operations with much of the current effort directed at climate change. However, as the current worldwide financial crisis slowly improves, the expectations upon how businesses operate and behave are changing. It will require improved transparency and relationships with all stakeholders, which is the essence of sustainable development. The challenges and opportunities for both business and universities are to understand the requirements of sustainable development and the transformation that is required. They should ensure that knowledge is embedded within the culture of the organisation and wider society in order to achieve a sustainable future

    Urban food strategies in Central and Eastern Europe: what's specific and what's at stake?

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    Integrating a larger set of instruments into Rural Development Programmes implied an increasing focus on monitoring and evaluation. Against the highly diversified experience with regard to implementation of policy instruments the Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework has been set up by the EU Commission as a strategic and streamlined method of evaluating programmes’ impacts. Its indicator-based approach mainly reflects the concept of a linear, measure-based intervention logic that falls short of the true nature of RDP operation and impact capacity on rural changes. Besides the different phases of the policy process, i.e. policy design, delivery and evaluation, the regional context with its specific set of challenges and opportunities seems critical to the understanding and improvement of programme performance. In particular the role of local actors can hardly be grasped by quantitative indicators alone, but has to be addressed by assessing processes of social innovation. This shift in the evaluation focus underpins the need to take account of regional implementation specificities and processes of social innovation as decisive elements for programme performance.

    Supply chain temple of resilience

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    In March 2011, an earthquake and tsunami hit the north-eastern coastline of Japan. Honda, Toyota, Nissan and Subaru all had plants in or close to the affected region, and were forced to close them

    Launching the Grand Challenges for Ocean Conservation

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    The ten most pressing Grand Challenges in Oceans Conservation were identified at the Oceans Big Think and described in a detailed working document:A Blue Revolution for Oceans: Reengineering Aquaculture for SustainabilityEnding and Recovering from Marine DebrisTransparency and Traceability from Sea to Shore:  Ending OverfishingProtecting Critical Ocean Habitats: New Tools for Marine ProtectionEngineering Ecological Resilience in Near Shore and Coastal AreasReducing the Ecological Footprint of Fishing through Smarter GearArresting the Alien Invasion: Combating Invasive SpeciesCombatting the Effects of Ocean AcidificationEnding Marine Wildlife TraffickingReviving Dead Zones: Combating Ocean Deoxygenation and Nutrient Runof
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