50 research outputs found

    Pavelka-style completeness in expansions of \L ukasiewicz logic

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    An algebraic setting for the validity of Pavelka style completeness for some natural expansions of \L ukasiewicz logic by new connectives and rational constants is given. This algebraic approach is based on the fact that the standard MV-algebra on the real segment [0,1][0, 1] is an injective MV-algebra. In particular the logics associated with MV-algebras with product and with divisible MV-algebras are considered

    Super-\L ukasiewicz logics expanded by Δ\Delta

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    Baaz's operator Δ\Delta was introduced (by Baaz) in order to extend G\"odel logics, after that this operator was used to expand fuzzy logics by H\'ajek in his celebrated book. These logics were called Δ\Delta-fuzzy logics. On the other hand, possibility operators were studied in the setting of \L ukasiewicz-Moisil algebras; curiously, one of these operators coincide with the Baaz's one. In this paper, we study the Δ\Delta operator in the context of (nn-valued) Super-\L ukasiewicz logics. An algebraic study of these logics is presented and the cardinality of Lindembaun-Tarski algebra with a finite number of variables is given. Finally, as a by-product, we present an alternative axiomatization of H\'ajek's \L ukasiwicz logic expanded with Δ\Delta

    Metabolic, Replication and Genomic Category of Systems in Biology, Bioinformatics and Medicine

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    Metabolic-repair models, or (M,R)-systems were introduced in Relational Biology by Robert Rosen. Subsequently, Rosen represented such (M,R)-systems (or simply MRs)in terms of categories of sets, deliberately selected without any structure other than the discrete topology of sets. Theoreticians of life’s origins postulated that Life on Earth has begun with the simplest possible organism, called the primordial. Mathematicians interested in biology attempted to answer this important question of the minimal living organism by defining the functional relations that would have made life possible in such a minimal system- a grandad and grandma of all living organisms on Earth. Genomic systems are also considered as molecular realizations of (M,R)-system subcatgeories

    An algebraic approach to general aggregation theory: Propositional-attitude aggregators as MV-homomorphisms

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    This paper continues Dietrich and List's [2010] work on propositional-attitude aggregation theory, which is a generalised unification of the judgment-aggregation and probabilistic opinion-pooling literatures. We first propose an algebraic framework for an analysis of (many-valued) propositional-attitude aggregation problems. Then we shall show that systematic propositional-attitude aggregators can be viewed as homomorphisms in the category of C.C. Chang's [1958] MV-algebras. Since the 2-element Boolean algebra as well as the real unit interval can be endowed with an MV-algebra structure, we obtain as natural corollaries two famous theorems: Arrow's theorem for judgment aggregation as well as McConway's [1981] characterisation of linear opinion pools.propositional attitude aggregation, judgment aggregation, linear opinion pooling, Arrow's impossibility theorem, many-valued logic, MV-algebra, homomorphism, Arrow's impossibility theorem, functional equation

    Towards understanding the Pierce-Birkhoff conjecture via MV-algebras

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    Our main issue was to understand the connection between \L ukasiewicz logic with product and the Pierce-Birkhoff conjecture, and to express it in a mathematical way. To do this we define the class of \textit{f}MV-algebras, which are MV-algebras endowed with both an internal binary product and a scalar product with scalars from [0,1][0,1]. The proper quasi-variety generated by [0,1][0,1], with both products interpreted as the real product, provides the desired framework: the normal form theorem of its corresponding logical system can be seen as a local version of the Pierce-Birkhoff conjecture

    Sempiternal Truth. The Bolzano-Twardowski-Leśniewski Axis

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