7 research outputs found

    Harmonizing CMMI-DEV 1.2 and XP Method to Improve The Software Development Processes in Small Software Development Firms

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    Most software development organizations are small firms, and they have realized the need to manage and improve their software development and management activities. Traditional Software Process Improvement (SPI) models and standards are not realistic for these firms because of high cost, limited resources and strict project deadlines. Therefore, these firms need a lightweight software development method and an appropriate SPI model to manage and improve their software development and management processes. This study aims to construct a suitable software development process improvement framework for Small Software Development Firms (SSDFs) based on eXtreme Programming (XP) method and Capability Maturity Model Integration for Development Version 1.2 (CMMI-Dev1.2) model. Four stages are involved in developing the framework: (1) aligning XP practices to the specific goals of CMMI-Dev1.2 Key Process Areas (KPAs); (2) developing the proposed software development process improvement framework based on extending XP method by adapting the Extension-Based Approach (EBA), CMMI-Dev1.2, and generic elements of the SPI framework; (3) verifying the compatibility of the proposed framework to the KPAs of CMMI-Dev1.2 by using focus group method coupled with Delphi technique; and (4) validating the modified framework by using CMMI-Dev1.2 questionnaire as a main item to validate the suitability of the modified framework for SSDFs, and conducting two case studies to validate the applicability and effectiveness of this framework for these firms. The result of aligning XP practices to the KPAs of CMMI-Dev1.2 shows that twelve KPAs are largely supported by XP practices, eight KPAs are partially supported by XP practices, and two KPAs are not-supported by XP practices. The main contributions of this study are: software development process improvement framework for SSDFs, elicit better understanding of how to construct the framework, and quality improvement of the software development processes. There are possible avenues for extending this research to fulfil the missing specific practices of several KPAs, examining other agile practices and using CMMI-Dev1.3 to improve the framework, and conducting more case studie

    Model-Driven Development of Control Applications: On Modeling Tools, Simulations and Safety

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    Control systems are required in various industrial applications varying from individual machines to manufacturing plants and enterprises. Software applications have an important role as an implementation technology in such systems, which can be based on Distributed Control System (DCS) or Programmable Control System (PLC) platforms, for example. Control applications are computer programs that, with control system hardware, perform control tasks. Control applications are efficient and flexible by nature; however, their development is a complex task that requires the collaboration of experts and information from various domains of expertise.This thesis studies the use of Model-Driven Development (MDD) techniques in control application development. MDD is a software development methodology in which models are used as primary engineering artefacts and processed with both manual work and automated model transformations. The objective of the thesis is to explore whether or not control application development can benefit from MDD and selected technologies enabled by it. The research methodology followed in the thesis is the constructive approach of design science.To answer the research questions, tools are developed for modeling and developing control applications using UML Automation Profile (UML AP) in a model-driven development process. The modeling approach is developed based on open source tools on Eclipse platform. In the approach, modeling concepts are kept extendable. Models can be processed with model transformation techniques that plug in to the tool. The approach takes into account domain requirements related to, for example, re-use of design. According to assessment of industrial applicability of the approach and tools as part of it, they could be used for developing industrial DCS based control applications.Simulation approaches that can be used in conjunction to model-driven development of control applications are presented and compared. Development of a model-in-the-loop simulation support is rationalized to enable the use of simulations early while taking into account the special characteristics of the domain. A simulator integration is developed that transforms UML AP control application models to Modelica Modeling Language (ModelicaML) models, thus enabling closed-loop simulations with ModelicaML models of plants to be controlled. The simulation approach is applied successfully in simulations of machinery applications and process industry processes.Model-driven development of safety applications, which are parts of safety systems, would require taking into account safety standard requirements related to modeling techniques and documentation, for example. Related to this aspect, the thesis focuses on extending the information content of models with aspects that are required for safety applications. The modeling of hazards and their associated risks is supported with fault tree notation. The risk and hazard information is integrated into the development process in order to improve traceability. Automated functions enable generating documentation and performing consistency checks related to the use of standard solutions, for example. When applicable, techniques and notations, such as logic diagrams, have been chosen so that they are intuitive to developers but also comply with recommendations of safety standards

    An Investigation into quality assurance of the Open Source Software Development model

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the University of Wolverhampton for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyThe Open Source Software Development (OSSD) model has launched products in rapid succession and with high quality, without following traditional quality practices of accepted software development models (Raymond 1999). Some OSSD projects challenge established quality assurance approaches, claiming to be successful through partial contrary techniques of standard software development. However, empirical studies of quality assurance practices for Open Source Software (OSS) are rare (Glass 2001). Therefore, further research is required to evaluate the quality assurance processes and methods within the OSSD model. The aim of this research is to improve the understanding of quality assurance practices under the OSSD model. The OSSD model is characterised by a collaborative, distributed development approach with public communication, free participation, free entry to the project for newcomers and unlimited access to the source code. The research examines applied quality assurance practices from a process view rather than from a product view. The research follows ideographic and nomothetic methodologies and adopts an antipositivist epistemological approach. An empirical research of applied quality assurance practices in OSS projects is conducted through the literature research. The survey research method is used to gain empirical evidence about applied practices. The findings are used to validate the theoretical knowledge and to obtain further expertise about practical approaches. The findings contribute to the development of a quality assurance framework for standard OSSD approaches. The result is an appropriate quality model with metrics that the requirements of the OSSD support. An ideographic approach with case studies is used to extend the body of knowledge and to assess the feasibility and applicability of the quality assurance framework. In conclusion, the study provides further understanding of the applied quality assurance processes under the OSSD model and shows how a quality assurance framework can support the development processes with guidelines and measurements

    Solving heterogeneity for a successful service market

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    Diese Dissertation ist im Kontext eines neuen Paradigmas im Software Engineering mit dem Namen On-The-Fly Computing entstanden. OTF Computing basiert auf der Idee von spezialisierten On-The-Fly Märkten. OTF Märkte haben unterschiedliche Eigenschaften und die Marktakteure in diesen Märkten benutzen verschiedene Modellierungstechniken für das Service Engineering. Diese Unterschiede resultieren in Heterogenität und erschweren deshalb die Ausführung von automatisierten Marktoperationen, da Servicebeschreibungen nicht automatisch miteinander verglichen werden können. Für das beschriebene Problem bietet diese Dissertation eine Lösung um einen erfolgreichen OTF Markt zu ermöglichen. Für die Vergleichbarkeit von Servicebeschreibungen in einem OTF Markt wird eine formale Zwischenrepräsentation (Kernsprache) eingeführt. Die Marktoperationen werden auf Basis der Kernsprache definiert, die die optimale Ausführung der automatisierten Marktoperationen in einem OTF Markt unterstützt. Der erste Beitrag dieser Dissertation ist der Ansatz Language Optimizer (LOpt). LOpt nutzt als Basis eine Kernsprache, die strukturelle, verhaltensbezogene und nicht-funktionale Serviceeigenschaften beinhaltet. LOpt konfiguriert diese Sprache basierend auf formalisierten Markteigenschaften und einer Wissensbasis mit Konfigurationsexpertise, um eine optimale Kernsprache zur Servicespezifikation im jeweiligen OTF Markt zu erstellen. Der zweite Beitrag dieser Dissertation ist die Anwendung des Model Transformation By-Example Ansatzes um den Marktakteuren ohne Expertise im Sprachdesign Transformationen von ihren proprietären Sprachen in die optimale Kernsprache zu ermöglichen. Der beschriebene Ansatz generiert Transformationen auf Basis von Beispielabbildungen zwischen Servicebeschreibungen zweier Sprachen. Dabei wird die Idee genetischer Algorithmen angewendet.This PhD thesis is written in the context of a new software development paradigm called On-The-Fly Computing. It is based on the idea of specialized service markets called On-The-Fly (OTF) markets. OTF markets have different properties and their participants use different modeling techniques to perform the activity of service engineering. Such differences result in heterogeneity in OTF markets and complicate the execution of automated market operations like service matching as service specifications cannot be automatically compared with each other. This PhD thesis proposes a solution to cope with the mentioned heterogeneity to foster the success of OTF markets and the OTF Computing paradigm. In order to achieve the comparability of specifications in an OTF market, a formal intermediate representation called core language is introduced. Automated market operations are defined on a core language that optimally supports the execution of these operations in this market. The first contribution of this PhD thesis is the approach language Optimizer (LOpt), which supports the systematic design of a service specification language optimal for the execution of automated market operations in an OTF market. LOpt uses a comprehensive core language covering various structural, behavioral, and non-functional service properties. LOpt performs a configuration of this language based on formalized market properties and a knowledge base containing the configuration expertise. The second contribution of this PhD thesis is the application of the Model Transformations By-Example technique to define transformations from proprietary specification languages of market actors to the optimal core language. The approach generates transformations based on example mappings between concrete specifications in both languages given by market actors. ...by Svetlana Arifulina, M.Sc. ; Thesis Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Gregor Engels and Jun. Prof. Dr. Heiko HamannTag der Verteidigung: 08.12.2016Universität Paderborn, Univ., Dissertation, 201

    Medidas de productividad en los proyectos de desarrollo de software: una aproximación por puestos de trabajo

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    La productividad es una medida, principalmente económica, creada a finales del siglo XVIII. Desde entonces, numerosas modificaciones se han realizado sobre la definición inicial y se han incorporando a diversas áreas de conocimiento. Dentro de la Ingeniería del Software (IS), la productividad comenzó a ser objeto de estudio a finales de los años 70, casi de forma paralela a la concepción de la misma y al inicio del estudio de conceptos relacionados, tales como la estimación de esfuerzo. La medición de la productividad en IS ha sido ampliamente analizada a nivel de proyecto y organización, sin embargo a nivel de puesto de trabajo no ha sido tan investigada. En estos escasos estudios, las medidas utilizadas suelen ser las mismas medidas que las empleadas en niveles superiores de medición. En concreto, las medidas empleadas suelen ser ratios entre una medida de tamaño de producto (p. ej., líneas de código o puntos función) y una medida de esfuerzo o tiempo (p. ej., horas-hombre u horas). Este tipo de medidas son muy específicas y no reflejan la realidad del trabajo desempeñado en todo el proceso de desarrollo, ya que no tienen en cuenta las características inherentes a cada puesto de trabajo. Así pues, la eficacia de estas medidas, en este nivel de medición, parece estar en entredicho y la realización de estudios que aporten nuevas medidas de productividad en IS a nivel de puesto de trabajo cobra sentido. En la presente tesis doctoral se ha analizado la situación actual de la medición de la productividad en IS a nivel de puesto de trabajo con el objetivo de crear nuevas medidas. Para conseguir este objetivo se ha realizado un estudio del estado de la cuestión utilizando una metodología clásica de revisión de referencias junto con una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Una vez analizado el estado de la cuestión se ha planteado un conjunto de hipótesis relacionadas con la construcción de nuevas medidas de productividad: Hipótesis 1. En los puestos de trabajo involucrados en la ejecución de proyectos de desarrollo de software se emplean otras entradas, además del tiempo y el esfuerzo. Hipótesis 2. Las entradas utilizadas son distintas para cada puesto de trabajo involucrado en la ejecución de proyectos de desarrollo de software. Hipótesis 3. En los puestos de trabajo involucrados en la ejecución de proyectos de desarrollo de software se producen otras salidas, además de líneas de código y funcionalidad. Hipótesis 4. Las salidas producidas son distintas para cada puesto de trabajo involucrado en la ejecución de proyectos de desarrollo de software. Hipótesis 5. Las medidas de productividad más utilizadas a nivel de puesto de trabajo en los proyectos de desarrollo de software tienen una eficacia limitada para medir la productividad real de los trabajadores. Hipótesis 6. Es posible medir de forma más eficaz la productividad de los puestos de trabajo en los proyectos de desarrollo de software con nuevas medidas que combinen varios elementos: entradas, salidas y factores. Tras el análisis del estado de la cuestión, se ha realizado una fase de investigación cualitativa mediante el empleo de entrevistas a trabajadores de IS y un posterior análisis de contenido, con el fin de obtener información suficiente para: (1) contrastar las cuatro primeras hipótesis con información cualitativa, y (2) construir el medio de recogida de información para la siguiente fase de la investigación. Con respecto al primer objetivo, ha sido posible contrastar dos hipótesis (H1 y H3). En la segunda fase, mediante una metodología cuantitativa, se han contrastado las cuatro primeras hipótesis planteadas. Para la recogida de información se ha utilizado un formulario construido a partir de los resultados de la fase cualitativa. Los resultados de esta fase indican que en los puestos de trabajo analizados (programador, analista, consultor, y jefe de proyecto): se utilizan otros recursos además del tiempo, se producen otras salidas además del código fuente y la funcionalidad entregada al cliente. Además, se han encontrado diferencias en el grado de uso de las entradas y en la producción de las salidas, por lo que el uso de una misma medida de productividad para todos los puestos bajo estudio es, en principio, ilógico. Para contrastar las dos, y últimas, hipótesis se han construido nuevas medidas de productividad, teniendo en cuenta los resultados previos. En concreto, se ha utilizado Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) como metodología personalizable para medir la productividad; y se han realizado cuatro casos de estudio empleando dicha metodología. Los resultados tras los casos de estudio indican que mediante DEA es posible medir la productividad de los puestos de trabajo vinculados con los proyectos de desarrollo y mantenimiento de software de forma más eficaz que con las medidas más utilizadas. Además, esta metodología permite conocer los puntos de mejora para que los trabajadores menos productivos aumenten su productividad, lo que supone una gran ventaja frente a otras medidas de productividad si el objetivo de medir, como es lógico suponer, es mejorar la productividad, y no simplemente evaluarla. Así pues, se contrastan las dos últimas hipótesis y se insta, entre otras futuras líneas de investigación, a continuar con nuevos estudios que comparen el uso de DEA con otras medidas de productividad. Finalmente, se concluye que la medición de la productividad en los puestos de trabajo vinculados con los proyectos de desarrollo y mantenimiento de software continua siendo un reto. Para reducir la dificultad de éste, la presente tesis doctoral arroja luz aportando un marco de trabajo para analizar y plantear nuevas medidas de productividad, tanto en estos puestos de trabajo como en otros. ------------------------------Productivity is mainly an economic measure, created in the late eighteenth century. Since then, many changes have been made on its initial definition and have been incorporated into various areas of knowledge. Within Software Engineering (SE), productivity began to be studied in the late '70s. These efforts ran parallel to SE developments, such as effort estimation. Measuring productivity in SE has been extensively analyzed at the project and organization level; however job level has not been investigated with the same depth. In these few studies, the measures used are often the same ones than those used in higher levels of measurement. Specifically, the measures employed are usually ratios between a measure of product size (e.g., lines of code or function points) and a measure of effort or time (e.g., man-hours or hours). Such measures do not reflect the reality of the work performed throughout the development process because they do not take into account the inherent characteristics of each job. Thus, the effectiveness of these measures, in this measurement level, seems to be in question and studies that provide new measures of productivity at job level make sense. In this thesis we have analyzed the current state of productivity measurement at job level within SE with the goal of creating new measures. In order to achieve this objective a study of the state of the art has been carried out with a classical methodology along with a systematic review of the literature. After analyzing the state of the art, a number of hypotheses related to the construction of new productivity measures have been stated: Hypothesis 1. In the jobs involved in the implementation of software development projects other inputs are used in addition to time and effort. Hypothesis 2. The inputs used are different for every job involved in software development projects. Hypothesis 3. In the jobs involved in the implementation of software development projects other outputs are produced in addition to source code lines and functionality. Hypothesis 4. The outputs produced are different for every job involved in software development projects. Hypothesis 5. The most used productivity measures at job level in software development projects have limited effectiveness for measuring real productivity of workers. Hypothesis 6. It is possible to measure more effectively the productivity of jobs in software development projects with new measures that combine several elements: inputs, outputs and factors. After analyzing the state of the art, a qualitative phase has been performed using interviews with SE workers and a subsequent content analysis of them in order to obtain pertinent information: (1) to test the first four hypotheses with qualitative information, and (2) to build the information gathering instrument for the next phase of research. Regarding the first objective, it has been possible to test two hypotheses (H1 and H3). In the second phase, using a quantitative method, the first four hypotheses have been contrasted and accepted. For the information gathering a form constructed from the results of the qualitative phase has been used. The results of this phase indicate that the analyzed job positions (programmer, analyst, consultant, and project manager): use other resources in addition to time, and deliver other outputs in addition to source code and functionality delivered to the client. Also some differences in the degree of use of inputs and production of outputs have been found. Therefore, the use of the same measure of productivity for all positions under study is, in principle, illogical. To contrast the last two hypotheses new productivity measures have been built taking into account the previous results. Specifically, a customizable methodology for measuring productivity such as Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) was used in four case studies. The results after these studies indicate that using DEA is a mean to measure the productivity of job level for job positions related to the development and maintenance of software projects in a more effectively way. Furthermore, this methodology allows knowing the points for improvement for the least productive workers in order to increase their productivity. This knowledge is a great advantage over other productivity measures if the goal of measuring, as is logical to assume, is to improve productivity, not simply to evaluate it. So the last two hypotheses has been supported. Consequently we call, among other future research, to continue with further studies comparing the use of DEA with other measures of productivity. Finally, it is concluded that the measurement of productivity in job positions related with software development and maintenance projects remains a challenge. To reduce this difficulty, this thesis sheds some light on the topic by providing a framework to analyze and propose new measures of productivity for SE job roles.Presidente: María Belén Ruiz Mezcua; Vocal: Rafael Valencia García; Secretario: Edmundo Tovar Car