119 research outputs found

    ES-Rank: evolution strategy learning to rank approach

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    Learning to Rank (LTR) is one of the current problems in Information Retrieval (IR) that attracts the attention from researchers. The LTR problem is mainly about ranking the retrieved documents for users in search engines, question answering and product recommendation systems. There are a number of LTR approaches from the areas of machine learning and computational intelligence. Most approaches have the limitation of being too slow or not being very effective. This paper investigates the application of evolutionary computation, specifically a (1+1) Evolutionary Strategy called ES-Rank, to tackle the LTR problem. Experimental results from comparing the proposed method to fourteen other approaches from the literature, show that ESRank achieves the overall best performance. Three datasets (MQ2007, MQ2008 and MSLR-WEB10K) from the LETOR benchmark collection and two performance metrics, Mean Average Precision (MAP) and Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG) at top-10 query-document pairs retrieved, were used in the experiments. The contribution of this paper is an effective and efficient method for the LTR problem

    Model-driven engineering techniques and tools for machine learning-enabled IoT applications: A scoping review

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    This paper reviews the literature on model-driven engineering (MDE) tools and languages for the internet of things (IoT). Due to the abundance of big data in the IoT, data analytics and machine learning (DAML) techniques play a key role in providing smart IoT applications. In particular, since a significant portion of the IoT data is sequential time series data, such as sensor data, time series analysis techniques are required. Therefore, IoT modeling languages and tools are expected to support DAML methods, including time series analysis techniques, out of the box. In this paper, we study and classify prior work in the literature through the mentioned lens and following the scoping review approach. Hence, the key underlying research questions are what MDE approaches, tools, and languages have been proposed and which ones have supported DAML techniques at the modeling level and in the scope of smart IoT services.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A data-driven game theoretic strategy for developers in software crowdsourcing: a case study

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    Crowdsourcing has the advantages of being cost-effective and saving time, which is a typical embodiment of collective wisdom and community workers’ collaborative development. However, this development paradigm of software crowdsourcing has not been used widely. A very important reason is that requesters have limited knowledge about crowd workers’ professional skills and qualities. Another reason is that the crowd workers in the competition cannot get the appropriate reward, which affects their motivation. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a method of maximizing reward based on the crowdsourcing ability of workers, they can choose tasks according to their own abilities to obtain appropriate bonuses. Our method includes two steps: Firstly, it puts forward a method to evaluate the crowd workers’ ability, then it analyzes the intensity of competition for tasks at Topcoder.com—an open community crowdsourcing platform—on the basis of the workers’ crowdsourcing ability; secondly, it follows dynamic programming ideas and builds game models under complete information in different cases, offering a strategy of reward maximization for workers by solving a mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium. This paper employs crowdsourcing data from Topcoder.com to carry out experiments. The experimental results show that the distribution of workers’ crowdsourcing ability is uneven, and to some extent it can show the activity degree of crowdsourcing tasks. Meanwhile, according to the strategy of reward maximization, a crowd worker can get the theoretically maximum reward

    A Literature Review on Intelligent Services Applied to Distance Learning

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    Distance learning has assumed a relevant role in the educational scenario. The use of Virtual Learning Environments contributes to obtaining a substantial amount of educational data. In this sense, the analyzed data generate knowledge used by institutions to assist managers and professors in strategic planning and teaching. The discovery of students’ behaviors enables a wide variety of intelligent services for assisting in the learning process. This article presents a literature review in order to identify the intelligent services applied in distance learning. The research covers the period from January 2010 to May 2021. The initial search found 1316 articles, among which 51 were selected for further studies. Considering the selected articles, 33% (17/51) focus on learning systems, 35% (18/51) propose recommendation systems, 26% (13/51) approach predictive systems or models, and 6% (3/51) use assessment tools. This review allowed for the observation that the principal services offered are recommendation systems and learning systems. In these services, the analysis of student profiles stands out to identify patterns of behavior, detect low performance, and identify probabilities of dropouts from courses.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    On Line Service Composition in the Integrated Clinical Environment for eHealth and Medical Systems

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    Medical and eHealth systems are progressively realized in the context of standardized architectures that support safety and ease the integration of the heterogeneous (and often proprietary) medical devices and sensors. The Integrated Clinical Environment (ICE) architecture appeared recently with the goal of becoming a common framework for defining the structure of the medical applications as concerns the safe integration of medical devices and sensors.This research was partly supported by iLand (EU ARTEMIS-1-00026) granted by the ARTEMIS JUand the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism. It has also been partly funded by the REM4VSS (TIN2011-28339) project grant of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. The authors would also like to mention the large development team of the iLand reference implementation that performed an outstanding role to achieve a software proven also on commercial applications, and they thank them for their valuable efforts and work.Publicad

    Automating concept-drift detection by self-evaluating predictive model degradation

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    A key aspect of automating predictive machine learning entails the capability of properly triggering the update of the trained model. To this aim, suitable automatic solutions to self-assess the prediction quality and the data distribution drift between the original training set and the new data have to be devised. In this paper, we propose a novel methodology to automatically detect prediction-quality degradation of machine learning models due to class-based concept drift, i.e., when new data contains samples that do not fit the set of class labels known by the currently-trained predictive model. Experiments on synthetic and real-world public datasets show the effectiveness of the proposed methodology in automatically detecting and describing concept drift caused by changes in the class-label data distributions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure


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    Increasing number of technologically advanced mobile devices causes the need for seeking methods of software development that would involve persons without or with highly limited programming skills. They could participate as domain experts or individual creators of personal appli-cations. Methods based on models might be the right answer, thus the author conducted workshops and surveys concerning perspectives of gra-phical modeling languages for the mobile domain. Research revealed that nontechnical users declared high learnability of simplified ones as well as the majority of them correctly read models in such languages