141 research outputs found

    A literature survey of active machine learning in the context of natural language processing

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    Active learning is a supervised machine learning technique in which the learner is in control of the data used for learning. That control is utilized by the learner to ask an oracle, typically a human with extensive knowledge of the domain at hand, about the classes of the instances for which the model learned so far makes unreliable predictions. The active learning process takes as input a set of labeled examples, as well as a larger set of unlabeled examples, and produces a classifier and a relatively small set of newly labeled data. The overall goal is to create as good a classifier as possible, without having to mark-up and supply the learner with more data than necessary. The learning process aims at keeping the human annotation effort to a minimum, only asking for advice where the training utility of the result of such a query is high. Active learning has been successfully applied to a number of natural language processing tasks, such as, information extraction, named entity recognition, text categorization, part-of-speech tagging, parsing, and word sense disambiguation. This report is a literature survey of active learning from the perspective of natural language processing

    Застосування байєсівських мереж в системах аналізу даних

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    Запропоновано огляд методів побудови (навчання) структури мереж Байєса. Показано, що на сьогодні існує множина методів структурного навчання МБ та критеріїв оптимізації, які можна використати при їх побудові. Тому вибір методу навчання структури мережі повинен ґрунтуватись на докладному поглибленому аналізі задачі, яка розв’язується за допомогою мережі, та можливості отримання достовірних експертних і статистичних даних. Наведено практичний приклад застосування БМ.Предложен обзор методов построения (обучения) структуры сетей Байеса (СБ). Показано, что на сегодня существует множество методов структурного обучения СБ и критериев оптимизации, которые можно использовать при их построении. Поэтому выбор метода обучения структуры сети должен базироваться на углубленном анализе задачи, которая решается с помощью сети, и возможности получения достоверных экспертных и статистических данных. Приведен практический пример использования БС.A review is proposed of structural learning for Bayesian networks (BN). It is shown that today exists a wide set of structural learning methods for BN as well as optimization criteria that could be used for learning. That is why the selection of a learning method should be based on profound analysis of the problem to be solved by BN and the possibility of obtaining truthful expert and statistical data. A practical example of Bayesian network application is given

    Active classification with comparison queries

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    We study an extension of active learning in which the learning algorithm may ask the annotator to compare the distances of two examples from the boundary of their label-class. For example, in a recommendation system application (say for restaurants), the annotator may be asked whether she liked or disliked a specific restaurant (a label query); or which one of two restaurants did she like more (a comparison query). We focus on the class of half spaces, and show that under natural assumptions, such as large margin or bounded bit-description of the input examples, it is possible to reveal all the labels of a sample of size nn using approximately O(logn)O(\log n) queries. This implies an exponential improvement over classical active learning, where only label queries are allowed. We complement these results by showing that if any of these assumptions is removed then, in the worst case, Ω(n)\Omega(n) queries are required. Our results follow from a new general framework of active learning with additional queries. We identify a combinatorial dimension, called the \emph{inference dimension}, that captures the query complexity when each additional query is determined by O(1)O(1) examples (such as comparison queries, each of which is determined by the two compared examples). Our results for half spaces follow by bounding the inference dimension in the cases discussed above.Comment: 23 pages (not including references), 1 figure. The new version contains a minor fix in the proof of Lemma 4.

    Modeling Driver Behavior From Demonstrations in Dynamic Environments Using Spatiotemporal Lattices

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    International audienceOne of the most challenging tasks in the development of path planners for intelligent vehicles is the design of the cost function that models the desired behavior of the vehicle. While this task has been traditionally accomplished by hand-tuning the model parameters, recent approaches propose to learn the model automatically from demonstrated driving data using Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL). To determine if the model has correctly captured the demonstrated behavior, most IRL methods require obtaining a policy by solving the forward control problem repetitively. Calculating the full policy is a costly task in continuous or large domains and thus often approximated by finding a single trajectory using traditional path-planning techniques. In this work, we propose to find such a trajectory using a conformal spatiotemporal state lattice, which offers two main advantages. First, by conforming the lattice to the environment, the search is focused only on feasible motions for the robot, saving computational power. And second, by considering time as part of the state, the trajectory is optimized with respect to the motion of the dynamic obstacles in the scene. As a consequence, the resulting trajectory can be used for the model assessment. We show how the proposed IRL framework can successfully handle highly dynamic environments by modeling the highway tactical driving task from demonstrated driving data gathered with an instrumented vehicle

    Distributional Actor-Critic Ensemble for Uncertainty-Aware Continuous Control

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    Uncertainty quantification is one of the central challenges for machine learning in real-world applications. In reinforcement learning, an agent confronts two kinds of uncertainty, called epistemic uncertainty and aleatoric uncertainty. Disentangling and evaluating these uncertainties simultaneously stands a chance of improving the agent's final performance, accelerating training, and facilitating quality assurance after deployment. In this work, we propose an uncertainty-aware reinforcement learning algorithm for continuous control tasks that extends the Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient algorithm (DDPG). It exploits epistemic uncertainty to accelerate exploration and aleatoric uncertainty to learn a risk-sensitive policy. We conduct numerical experiments showing that our variant of DDPG outperforms vanilla DDPG without uncertainty estimation in benchmark tasks on robotic control and power-grid optimization.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. Accepted to International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2022), July 18-23, Padua, Ital

    Achieving High Quality Knowledge Acquisition using Controlled Natural Language

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    Controlled Natural Languages (CNLs) are efficient languages for knowledge acquisition and reasoning. They are designed as a subset of natural languages with restricted grammar while being highly expressive. CNLs are designed to be automatically translated into logical representations, which can be fed into rule engines for query and reasoning. In this work, we build a knowledge acquisition machine, called KAM, that extends Attempto Controlled English (ACE) and achieves three goals. First, KAM can identify CNL sentences that correspond to the same logical representation but expressed in various syntactical forms. Second, KAM provides a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows users to disambiguate the knowledge acquired from text and incorporates user feedback to improve knowledge acquisition quality. Third, KAM uses a paraconsistent logical framework to encode CNL sentences in order to achieve reasoning in the presence of inconsistent knowledge