43 research outputs found

    A Framework for Developing Wireless Mobile Online Applications

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    Online applications based on the HTTP protocol are shifting from wired networks, known as Web applications and Web services, to wireless networks, known as wireless mobile online applications, due to the rapid growth of mobile devices, such as Personal Digital Assistants and cell phones. Among the enabling technologies, J2ME is the dominant and the most potential one for building up these wireless mobile online applications. This paper presents a framework that makes the modeling, implementation, and maintenance of wireless mobile online applications intuitive and easy, especially for students and beginners

    Who wrote this scientific text?

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    The IEEE bibliographic database contains a number of proven duplications with indication of the original paper(s) copied. This corpus is used to test a method for the detection of hidden intertextuality (commonly named "plagiarism"). The intertextual distance, combined with the sliding window and with various classification techniques, identifies these duplications with a very low risk of error. These experiments also show that several factors blur the identity of the scientific author, including variable group authorship and the high levels of intertextuality accepted, and sometimes desired, in scientific papers on the same topic

    L'intertextualité dans les publications scientifiques

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    La base de données bibliographiques de l'IEEE contient un certain nombre de duplications avérées avec indication des originaux copiés. Ce corpus est utilisé pour tester une méthode d'attribution d'auteur. La combinaison de la distance intertextuelle avec la fenêtre glissante et diverses techniques de classification permet d'identifier ces duplications avec un risque d'erreur très faible. Cette expérience montre également que plusieurs facteurs brouillent l'identité de l'auteur scientifique, notamment des collectifs de chercheurs à géométrie variable et une forte dose d'intertextualité acceptée voire recherchée

    A document based traceability model for test management

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    Software testing has became more complicated in the emergence of distributed network, real-time environment, third party software enablers and the need to test system at multiple integration levels. These scenarios have created more concern over the quality of software testing. The quality of software has been deteriorating due to inefficient and ineffective testing activities. One of the main flaws is due to ineffective use of test management to manage software documentations. In documentations, it is difficult to detect and trace bugs in some related documents of which traceability is the major concern. Currently, various studies have been conducted on test management, however very few have focused on document traceability in particular to support the error propagation with respect to documentation. The objective of this thesis is to develop a new traceability model that integrates software engineering documents to support test management. The artefacts refer to requirements, design, source code, test description and test result. The proposed model managed to tackle software traceability in both forward and backward propagations by implementing multi-bidirectional pointer. This platform enabled the test manager to navigate and capture a set of related artefacts to support test management process. A new prototype was developed to facilitate observation of software traceability on all related artefacts across the entire documentation lifecycle. The proposed model was then applied to a case study of a finished software development project with a complete set of software documents called the On-Board Automobile (OBA). The proposed model was evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively using the feature analysis, precision and recall, and expert validation. The evaluation results proved that the proposed model and its prototype were justified and significant to support test management

    The survey on Near Field Communication

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    PubMed ID: 26057043Near Field Communication (NFC) is an emerging short-range wireless communication technology that offers great and varied promise in services such as payment, ticketing, gaming, crowd sourcing, voting, navigation, and many others. NFC technology enables the integration of services from a wide range of applications into one single smartphone. NFC technology has emerged recently, and consequently not much academic data are available yet, although the number of academic research studies carried out in the past two years has already surpassed the total number of the prior works combined. This paper presents the concept of NFC technology in a holistic approach from different perspectives, including hardware improvement and optimization, communication essentials and standards, applications, secure elements, privacy and security, usability analysis, and ecosystem and business issues. Further research opportunities in terms of the academic and business points of view are also explored and discussed at the end of each section. This comprehensive survey will be a valuable guide for researchers and academicians, as well as for business in the NFC technology and ecosystem.Publisher's Versio


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    In this research we propose ontology based Machine Translation with the help of WordNetand UNL Ontology. Example-Based Machine Translation (EBMT) for low resource language,like Bengali, has low-coverage issues. Due to the lack of parallel corpus, it has highprobability of handling unknown words. We have implemented an EBMT system for lowresourcelanguage pair. The EBMT architecture use chunk-string templates (CSTs) andunknown word translation mechanism. CSTs consist of a chunk in source-language, a stringin target-language, and word alignment information. CSTs are prepared automatically fromaligned parallel corpus and WordNet by using English chunker. For unknown wordtranslation, we used WordNet hypernym tree and English-Bengali dictionary. Proposedsystem first tries to find semantically related English words from WordNet for the unknownword. From these related words, we choose the semantically closest related word whoseBangla translation exists in English-Bangla dictionary. If no Bangla translation exists, thesystem uses IPA-based-transliteration. For proper nouns, the system uses Akkhortransliteration mechanism. CSTs improved the wide-coverage by 57 points and quality by48.81 points in human evaluation. Currently 64.29% of the test-set translations by the systemwere acceptable. The combined solutions of CSTs and unknown words generated 67.85%acceptable translations from the test-set. Unknown words mechanism improved translationquality by 3.56 points in human evaluation. This research also proposed the way to autogenerate the explanation of each concept using the semantic backgrounds provided by UNLOntology. These explanations are useful for improving translation quality of unknown words.Ontology Based Machine Translation for Bengali as Low-resource Language.本研究では、WordNet と UNL オントロジーを用いた、オントロジーに基づく機械翻訳を提案する。ベンガル語のような低資源言語 (low-resource language)に対しては、具体例に基づく機械翻訳 (EBMT)は、あまり有効ではない。パラレル・コーパスの欠如のために、多数の未知語を扱わなければならなくなるためである。我々は、低資源言語間の EBMT システムを実装した。実装したEBMT アーキテクチャでは、chunk-string templates (CSTs)と、未知語翻訳メカニズムを用いている。CST は、起点言語のチャンク、目的言語の文字列と、単語アラメント情報から成る。CST は、英語チャンカーを用いて、アラインメント済みのパラレル・コーパスとWordNet から、自動的に生成される。最初に、起点言語のチャンクが OpenNLP チャンカーを用いて自動生成される。そして、初期CST が、各起点言語のチャンクに対して生成され、すべての目的文に対するCSTアラインメントがパラレル・コーパスを用いて生成される。その後、システムは、単語アラインメント情報を用いて、CSTの組合せを生成する。最後に、WordNet を用いて、広い適用範囲を得るためにCST を一般化する。未知語翻訳に対しては、WordNet hypernym treeと、英語・ベンガル語辞書を用いる。提案システムは、最初に、未知語に対して、WordNet から意味的に関連した英単語を発見しようと試みる。これらの関連語から、英語・ベンガル語辞書にベンガル語の翻訳が存在する、意味的に最も近い語を選ぶ。もし、ベンガル語の翻訳が存在しなければ、システムはIPA-based翻訳を行う。固有名詞に対しては、システムは、Akkhor 翻訳メカニズムを用いる。CST は57 ポイントの広い適用範囲を持つように改善され、その際の人間による訳文の評価も 48.81 ポイントを得た。現在、システムのよって、64.29%のテストケースの翻訳が行える。未知語メカニズムは、人間に評価において 3.56 ポイント、翻訳の質を改善した。CST と未知語の組合せよる解法は、テストケースにおいて、67.85%の許容可能な翻訳を生成した。また、本研究では、UNL オントロジーが提供するsemantic background を用いて、各概念に対する説明を自動生成する方法も提案した。このシステムに対する入力は、1つのユニバーサル・ワード(UN)であり、システムの出力はその UN の英語や日本語による説明文である。与えられたUN に対して、システムは、最初に、SemanticWordMap を発見するが、それは、1つの特定のUN に対する、UNL オントロジーからのすべての直接的、間接的参照関係を含む。したがって、このステップの入力は、1つのUN であり、出力はWordMapグラフである。次のステップで、変換規則を用いて、WordMap グラフをUNL に変換する。この変換規則は、ユーザの要求に応じて、“From UWs only”や “From UNL Ontology”と指定できる。したがって、このステップの入力はWordMap グラフであり、出力はUNL表現である。最終ステップでは、UNL DeConverter を用いてUNL 表現を変換し、自然言語を用いて記述する。これらの表現は、未知語に対する翻訳の質の向上に有効であることがわかった。電気通信大学201

    Behavioural intention to adopt point of sales technology in Nigerian retail industry

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions and customer concerns on behavioural intention to use point of sale terminal in the Nigerian retail industry and the moderating effect of technology awareness. Data were collected from 165 owners/managers of retail businesses in Nigeria, in a cross-sectional survey and were analysed using the partial least square structural equation modelling technique. The result of hypotheses testing confirmed that performance expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions and customer concerns have a significant positive influence on behavioural intention, while effort expectancy does not. Similarly, technology awareness moderates the relationship between effort expectancy, social and behavioural intention, but does not moderate the relationship between performance expectancy, facilitating conditions and behavioural intention. The extended model explained 56 per cent of variance in behavioural intention. Due to resource limitations, this study focused on intention alone, neglecting the actual usage, thus the survey was cross-sectional. Therefore further studies should extend the horizon by capturing the intention and actual usage, perhaps in a longitudinal study. Based on empirical evidence, customer concerns and technology awareness are essential issues in technology diffusion, and therefore practitioners should pay more attention to them, particularly in the implementation of technology in retail business. The novelty of this research is pioneering the integration of customer concern and moderating effect of technology awareness in technology adoption litrature. Hence, it provides further explanation to the existing literature by empirically extending the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology with customer concerns and technology awarenes

    Use of Quality Management Methods and Tools - a Systematic Review of the Literature

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    Bakalářská práce se skládá ze dvou částí: teoretické a praktické. V teoretické části práce popisujeme a charakterizujeme metody a nástroje managementu kvality. V praktické části jsme se zaměřili na shromáždění a analýzu publikací zabývajících se možnostmi využívání metod a nástrojů managementu kvality v různých ekonomických a sociálních oblastech. Pro rychlejší vyhledávání sledovaných publikací jsme využili dvě databáze: (www.webofscience.com) a IEE Xplore (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org).The Bachelor thesis consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part of the work, we describe and characterize the methods and tools of quality management. In the practical part, we focused on gathering and analysing publications dealing with the possibilities of using quality management methods and tools in various economic and social areas. We used two databases for faster searches of monitored publications: (www.webofscience.com) and IEE Xplore(https://ieeexplore.ieee.org).639 - Katedra managementu kvalitydobř

    Human Factors in Agile Software Development

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    Through our four years experiments on students' Scrum based agile software development (ASD) process, we have gained deep understanding into the human factors of agile methodology. We designed an agile project management tool - the HASE collaboration development platform to support more than 400 students self-organized into 80 teams to practice ASD. In this thesis, Based on our experiments, simulations and analysis, we contributed a series of solutions and insights in this researches, including 1) a Goal Net based method to enhance goal and requirement management for ASD process, 2) a novel Simple Multi-Agent Real-Time (SMART) approach to enhance intelligent task allocation for ASD process, 3) a Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs) based method to enhance emotion and morale management for ASD process, 4) the first large scale in-depth empirical insights on human factors in ASD process which have not yet been well studied by existing research, and 5) the first to identify ASD process as a human-computation system that exploit human efforts to perform tasks that computers are not good at solving. On the other hand, computers can assist human decision making in the ASD process.Comment: Book Draf