9 research outputs found

    The shadow warriors:in the no man’s land between industrial control systems and enterprise IT systems

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    Modern production processes are heavily reliant on industrial control systems (ICS) to help automate large-scale facilities. The security of these systems is paramount as evidenced by high profile attacks such as those against Iran’s nuclear facilities and the Ukrainian Power Grid. Existing research has largely focused on technical measures against such attacks and little attention has been given to the security challenges and complexities arising from non-technical factors. For instance, cyber security workers need to maintain security whilst satisfying the demands of varied stakeholders such as managers, control engineers, enterprise IT personnel and field site operators. Existing ICS models, such as the Purdue model, tend to abstract away such complexities. In this paper, we report on initial findings from interviews with 25 industry operatives in the UK and Italy. Our analysis shows that the varying demands of various stakeholders in an ICS represent many complexities that we term grey area. Security workers often play the role of shadow warriors tackling the competing and complex demands in these grey areas while protecting themselves, their integrity and credibility

    The shadow warriors:in the no man’s land between industrial control systems and enterprise IT systems

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    Modern production processes are heavily reliant on industrial control systems (ICS) to help automate large-scale facilities. The security of these systems is paramount as evidenced by high profile attacks such as those against Iran’s nuclear facilities and the Ukrainian Power Grid. Existing research has largely focused on technical measures against such attacks and little attention has been given to the security challenges and complexities arising from non-technical factors. For instance, cyber security workers need to maintain security whilst satisfying the demands of varied stakeholders such as managers, control engineers, enterprise IT personnel and field site operators. Existing ICS models, such as the Purdue model, tend to abstract away such complexities. In this paper, we report on initial findings from interviews with 25 industry operatives in the UK and Italy. Our analysis shows that the varying demands of various stakeholders in an ICS represent many complexities that we term grey area. Security workers often play the role of shadow warriors tackling the competing and complex demands in these grey areas while protecting themselves, their integrity and credibility

    Automated identification and qualitative characterization of safety concerns reported in UAV software platforms

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are nowadays used in a variety of applications. Given the cyber-physical nature of UAVs, software defects in these systems can cause issues with safety-critical implications. An important aspect of the lifecycle of UAV software is to minimize the possibility of harming humans or damaging properties through a continuous process of hazard identification and safety risk management. Specifically, safety-related concerns typically emerge during the operation of UAV systems, reported by end-users and developers in the form of issue reports and pull requests. However, popular UAV systems daily receive tens or hundreds of reports of varying types and quality. To help developers timely identifying and triaging safety-critical UAV issues, we (i) experiment with automated approaches (previously used for issue classification) for detecting the safety-related matters appearing in the titles and descriptions of issues and pull requests reported in UAV platforms, and (ii) propose a categorization of the main hazards and accidents discussed in such issues. Our results (i) show that shallow machine learning-based approaches can identify safety-related sentences with precision, recall, and F-measure values of about 80\%; and (ii) provide a categorization and description of the relationships between safety issue hazards and accidents

    Model-Driven Information Flow Security Engineering for Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Model-Based Engineering of Collaborative Embedded Systems

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    This Open Access book presents the results of the "Collaborative Embedded Systems" (CrESt) project, aimed at adapting and complementing the methodology underlying modeling techniques developed to cope with the challenges of the dynamic structures of collaborative embedded systems (CESs) based on the SPES development methodology. In order to manage the high complexity of the individual systems and the dynamically formed interaction structures at runtime, advanced and powerful development methods are required that extend the current state of the art in the development of embedded systems and cyber-physical systems. The methodological contributions of the project support the effective and efficient development of CESs in dynamic and uncertain contexts, with special emphasis on the reliability and variability of individual systems and the creation of networks of such systems at runtime. The project was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), and the case studies are therefore selected from areas that are highly relevant for Germany’s economy (automotive, industrial production, power generation, and robotics). It also supports the digitalization of complex and transformable industrial plants in the context of the German government's "Industry 4.0" initiative, and the project results provide a solid foundation for implementing the German government's high-tech strategy "Innovations for Germany" in the coming years

    Software Engineering in the IoT Context: Characteristics, Challenges, and Enabling Strategies

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    Self-adaptive fitness in evolutionary processes

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    Most optimization algorithms or methods in artificial intelligence can be regarded as evolutionary processes. They start from (basically) random guesses and produce increasingly better results with respect to a given target function, which is defined by the process's designer. The value of the achieved results is communicated to the evolutionary process via a fitness function that is usually somewhat correlated with the target function but does not need to be exactly the same. When the values of the fitness function change purely for reasons intrinsic to the evolutionary process, i.e., even though the externally motivated goals (as represented by the target function) remain constant, we call that phenomenon self-adaptive fitness. We trace the phenomenon of self-adaptive fitness back to emergent goals in artificial chemistry systems, for which we develop a new variant based on neural networks. We perform an in-depth analysis of diversity-aware evolutionary algorithms as a prime example of how to effectively integrate self-adaptive fitness into evolutionary processes. We sketch the concept of productive fitness as a new tool to reason about the intrinsic goals of evolution. We introduce the pattern of scenario co-evolution, which we apply to a reinforcement learning agent competing against an evolutionary algorithm to improve performance and generate hard test cases and which we also consider as a more general pattern for software engineering based on a solid formal framework. Multiple connections to related topics in natural computing, quantum computing and artificial intelligence are discovered and may shape future research in the combined fields.Die meisten Optimierungsalgorithmen und die meisten Verfahren in Bereich künstlicher Intelligenz können als evolutionäre Prozesse aufgefasst werden. Diese beginnen mit (prinzipiell) zufällig geratenen Lösungskandidaten und erzeugen dann immer weiter verbesserte Ergebnisse für gegebene Zielfunktion, die der Designer des gesamten Prozesses definiert hat. Der Wert der erreichten Ergebnisse wird dem evolutionären Prozess durch eine Fitnessfunktion mitgeteilt, die normalerweise in gewissem Rahmen mit der Zielfunktion korreliert ist, aber auch nicht notwendigerweise mit dieser identisch sein muss. Wenn die Werte der Fitnessfunktion sich allein aus für den evolutionären Prozess intrinsischen Gründen ändern, d.h. auch dann, wenn die extern motivierten Ziele (repräsentiert durch die Zielfunktion) konstant bleiben, nennen wir dieses Phänomen selbst-adaptive Fitness. Wir verfolgen das Phänomen der selbst-adaptiven Fitness zurück bis zu künstlichen Chemiesystemen (artificial chemistry systems), für die wir eine neue Variante auf Basis neuronaler Netze entwickeln. Wir führen eine tiefgreifende Analyse diversitätsbewusster evolutionärer Algorithmen durch, welche wir als Paradebeispiel für die effektive Integration von selbst-adaptiver Fitness in evolutionäre Prozesse betrachten. Wir skizzieren das Konzept der produktiven Fitness als ein neues Werkzeug zur Untersuchung von intrinsischen Zielen der Evolution. Wir führen das Muster der Szenarien-Ko-Evolution (scenario co-evolution) ein und wenden es auf einen Agenten an, der mittels verstärkendem Lernen (reinforcement learning) mit einem evolutionären Algorithmus darum wetteifert, seine Leistung zu erhöhen bzw. härtere Testszenarien zu finden. Wir erkennen dieses Muster auch in einem generelleren Kontext als formale Methode in der Softwareentwicklung. Wir entdecken mehrere Verbindungen der besprochenen Phänomene zu Forschungsgebieten wie natural computing, quantum computing oder künstlicher Intelligenz, welche die zukünftige Forschung in den kombinierten Forschungsgebieten prägen könnten

    Self-aware reliable monitoring

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    Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) can be found in almost all technical areas where they constitute a key enabler for anticipated autonomous machines and devices. They are used in a wide range of applications such as autonomous driving, traffic control, manufacturing plants, telecommunication systems, smart grids, and portable health monitoring systems. CPSs are facing steadily increasing requirements such as autonomy, adaptability, reliability, robustness, efficiency, and performance. A CPS necessitates comprehensive knowledge about itself and its environment to meet these requirements as well as make rational, well-informed decisions, manage its objectives in a sophisticated way, and adapt to a possibly changing environment. To gain such comprehensive knowledge, a CPS must monitor itself and its environment. However, the data obtained during this process comes from physical properties measured by sensors and may differ from the ground truth. Sensors are neither completely accurate nor precise. Even if they were, they could still be used incorrectly or break while operating. Besides, it is possible that not all characteristics of physical quantities in the environment are entirely known. Furthermore, some input data may be meaningless as long as they are not transferred to a domain understandable to the CPS. Regardless of the reason, whether erroneous data, incomplete knowledge or unintelligibility of data, such circumstances can result in a CPS that has an incomplete or inaccurate picture of itself and its environment, which can lead to wrong decisions with possible negative consequences. Therefore, a CPS must know the obtained data’s reliability and may need to abstract information of it to fulfill its tasks. Besides, a CPS should base its decisions on a measure that reflects its confidence about certain circumstances. Computational Self-Awareness (CSA) is a promising solution for providing a CPS with a monitoring ability that is reliable and robust — even in the presence of erroneous data. This dissertation proves that CSA, especially the properties abstraction, data reliability, and confidence, can improve a system’s monitoring capabilities regarding its robustness and reliability. The extensive experiments conducted are based on two case studies from different fields: the health- and industrial sectors