153 research outputs found

    The Challenge of Unifying Semantic and Syntactic Inference Restrictions

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    While syntactic inference restrictions don't play an important role for SAT, they are an essential reasoning technique for more expressive logics, such as first-order logic, or fragments thereof. In particular, they can result in short proofs or model representations. On the other hand, semantically guided inference systems enjoy important properties, such as the generation of solely non-redundant clauses. I discuss to what extend the two paradigms may be unifiable

    Cost Automata, Safe Schemes, and Downward Closures

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    Higher-order recursion schemes are an expressive formalism used to define languages of possibly infinite ranked trees. They extend regular and context-free grammars, and are equivalent to simply typed ?Y-calculus and collapsible pushdown automata. In this work we prove, under a syntactical constraint called safety, decidability of the model-checking problem for recursion schemes against properties defined by alternating B-automata, an extension of alternating parity automata for infinite trees with a boundedness acceptance condition. We then exploit this result to show how to compute downward closures of languages of finite trees recognized by safe recursion schemes

    A Simple Separation Logic

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    International audienceThe kinds of models that are usually considered in separation logic are structures such as words, trees, and more generally pointer structures (heaps). In this paper we introduce the separation logic of much simpler structures, viz. sets. The models of our set separation logic are nothing but valuations of classical propositional logic. Separating a valuation V consists in splitting it up into two partial valuations v 1 and v 2. Truth of a formula φ 1 * φ 2 in a valuation V can then be defined in two different ways: first, as truth of φ 1 in all total extensions of v 1 and truth of φ 2 in all total extensions of v 2; and second, as truth of φ 1 in some total extension of v 1 and truth of φ 2 in some total extension of v 2. The first is an operator of separation of resources: the update of φ 1 * φ 2 by ψ is the conjunction of the update of φ 1 by ψ and the update of φ 2 by ψ; in other words, φ 1 * φ 2 can be updated independently. The second is an operator of separation of processes: updates by ψ 1 * ψ 2 can be performed independently. We show that the satisfiability problem of our logic is decidable in polynomial space (PSPACE). We do so by embedding it into dynamic logic of propositional assignments (which is PSPACE complete). We moreover investigate its applicability to belief update and belief revision, where the separation operators allow to formulate natural requirements on independent pieces of information

    An interpretation of the Sigma-2 fragment of classical Analysis in System T

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    We show that it is possible to define a realizability interpretation for the Σ2\Sigma_2-fragment of classical Analysis using G\"odel's System T only. This supplements a previous result of Schwichtenberg regarding bar recursion at types 0 and 1 by showing how to avoid using bar recursion altogether. Our result is proved via a conservative extension of System T with an operator for composable continuations from the theory of programming languages due to Danvy and Filinski. The fragment of Analysis is therefore essentially constructive, even in presence of the full Axiom of Choice schema: Weak Church's Rule holds of it in spite of the fact that it is strong enough to refute the formal arithmetical version of Church's Thesis

    Recursion Schemes and the WMSO+U Logic

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    We study the weak MSO logic extended by the unbounding quantifier (WMSO+U), expressing the fact that there exist arbitrarily large finite sets satisfying a given property. We prove that it is decidable whether the tree generated by a given higher-order recursion scheme satisfies a given sentence of WMSO+U

    Canonization for Bounded and Dihedral Color Classes in Choiceless Polynomial Time

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    In the quest for a logic capturing Ptime the next natural classes of structures to consider are those with bounded color class size. We present a canonization procedure for graphs with dihedral color classes of bounded size in the logic of Choiceless Polynomial Time (CPT), which then captures Ptime on this class of structures. This is the first result of this form for non-abelian color classes. The first step proposes a normal form which comprises a "rigid assemblage". This roughly means that the local automorphism groups form 2-injective 3-factor subdirect products. Structures with color classes of bounded size can be reduced canonization preservingly to normal form in CPT. In the second step, we show that for graphs in normal form with dihedral color classes of bounded size, the canonization problem can be solved in CPT. We also show the same statement for general ternary structures in normal form if the dihedral groups are defined over odd domains

    The complexity of verifying loop-free programs as differentially private

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    We study the problem of verifying differential privacy for loop-free programs with probabilistic choice. Programs in this class can be seen as randomized Boolean circuits, which we will use as a formal model to answer two different questions: first, deciding whether a program satisfies a prescribed level of privacy; second, approximating the privacy parameters a program realizes. We show that the problem of deciding whether a program satisfies ε-differential privacy is coNP#P-complete. In fact, this is the case when either the input domain or the output range of the program is large. Further, we show that deciding whether a program is (ε,δ)-differentially private is coNP#P-hard, and in coNP#P for small output domains, but always in coNP#P#P. Finally, we show that the problem of approximating the level of differential privacy is both NP-hard and coNP-hard. These results complement previous results by Murtagh and Vadhan showing that deciding the optimal composition of differentially private components is #P-complete, and that approximating the optimal composition of differentially private components is in P

    Higher-Order Nonemptiness Step by Step

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    We show a new simple algorithm that checks whether a given higher-order grammar generates a nonempty language of trees. The algorithm amounts to a procedure that transforms a grammar of order n to a grammar of order n-1, preserving nonemptiness, and increasing the size only exponentially. After repeating the procedure n times, we obtain a grammar of order 0, whose nonemptiness can be easily checked. Since the size grows exponentially at each step, the overall complexity is n-EXPTIME, which is known to be optimal. More precisely, the transformation (and hence the whole algorithm) is linear in the size of the grammar, assuming that the arity of employed nonterminals is bounded by a constant. The same algorithm allows to check whether an infinite tree generated by a higher-order recursion scheme is accepted by an alternating safety (or reachability) automaton, because this question can be reduced to the nonemptiness problem by taking a product of the recursion scheme with the automaton. A proof of correctness of the algorithm is formalised in the proof assistant Coq. Our transformation is motivated by a similar transformation of Asada and Kobayashi (2020) changing a word grammar of order n to a tree grammar of order n-1. The step-by-step approach can be opposed to previous algorithms solving the nonemptiness problem "in one step", being compulsorily more complicated

    Higher-Order Model Checking Step by Step

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    We show a new simple algorithm that solves the model-checking problem for recursion schemes: check whether the tree generated by a given higher-order recursion scheme is accepted by a given alternating parity automaton. The algorithm amounts to a procedure that transforms a recursion scheme of order n to a recursion scheme of order n-1, preserving acceptance, and increasing the size only exponentially. After repeating the procedure n times, we obtain a recursion scheme of order 0, for which the problem boils down to solving a finite parity game. Since the size grows exponentially at each step, the overall complexity is n-EXPTIME, which is known to be optimal. More precisely, the transformation is linear in the size of the recursion scheme, assuming that the arity of employed nonterminals and the size of the automaton are bounded by a constant; this results in an FPT algorithm for the model-checking problem. Our transformation is a generalization of a previous transformation of the author (2020), working for reachability automata in place of parity automata. The step-by-step approach can be opposed to previous algorithms solving the considered problem "in one step", being compulsorily more complicated

    Perspectives for proof unwinding by programming languages techniques

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    In this chapter, we propose some future directions of work, potentially beneficial to Mathematics and its foundations, based on the recent import of methodology from the theory of programming languages into proof theory. This scientific essay, written for the audience of proof theorists as well as the working mathematician, is not a survey of the field, but rather a personal view of the author who hopes that it may inspire future and fellow researchers
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