44 research outputs found

    Методика верификации сетевых информационных потоков в информационно-телекоммуникационных системах со встроенными устройствами

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    The paper comprises a technique of information flow verification for information and telecommunication systems with embedded devices. The goal of the technique is to evaluate the security level of the constructed system and check the compliance between real information flows and the set policies. The conducted verification is based on model checking with the use of SPIN tool. Implementation of such verification is fulfilled at initial design stages and provides earlier detection of contradictions in the used security policy and inconsistencies between the network topology and requirements of the information system.В работе представлена методика верификации сетевых информационных потоков информационно-телекоммуникационных систем со встроенными устройствами. Цель методики – оценка защищенности разрабатываемой системы и проверка соответствия информационных потоков в реальной системе заданным политикам. Проводимая верификация базируется на методе «проверки на модели» с использованием программного средства SPIN. Верификация информационных потоков проводится на начальных этапах проектирования и обеспечивает более раннее обнаружение противоречий в используемой политике безопасности и несоответствий топологии сети требованиям информационно-телекоммуникационной системы

    Конфигурирование встроенных и мобильных устройств на основе решения оптимизационной задачи.

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    The paper encompasses design and analysis of combined protection mechanisms applied to complex communication systems containing embedded and mobile devices. A notion of configuration is proposed in order to represent a combination of particular security building blocks deployed to support security of the device as well as software services it provides. Starting from functional and non-functional properties of specific building blocks the optimization problem allows arranging the search of the most effective configuration. Effectiveness evaluation of the configuring approach is conducted by means of its comparing with alternative configuring strategies, including ―manual‖ configuring scenarios realized by an operator of the system without using any automated tools for enumeration and evaluation of configurations.Исследование посвящено изучению вопросов проектирования и анализа комбинированных механизмов защиты сложных коммуникационных систем со встроенными и мобильными устройствами. В работе вводится понятие конфигурации устройства, которая представляет собой комбинацию компонентов защиты, развертываемых для поддержки безопасности устройства, а также предоставляемых им программных сервисов. На основе решения оптимизационной задачи с учетом функциональных и нефункциональных свойств отдельных компонентов защиты производится поиск наиболее эффективной конфигурации. Анализ эффективности предложенного подхода к конфигурированию осуществляется на основе экспериментов путем его сравнения с альтернативными стратегиями конфигурирования. В частности, производится сравнение со стратегией «произвольного конфигурирования», которая представляет сценарий «ручного» конфигурирования, проводимого оператором системы без использования автоматизированных средств перебора и оценки возможных конфигураций

    Translating Timing into an Architecture: The Synergy of COTSon and HLS (Domain Expertise: Designing a Computer Architecture via HLS)

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    Translating a system requirement into a low-level representation (e.g., register transfer level or RTL) is the typical goal of the design of FPGA-based systems. However, the Design Space Exploration (DSE) needed to identify the final architecture may be time consuming, even when using high-level synthesis (HLS) tools. In this article, we illustrate our hybrid methodology, which uses a frontend for HLS so that the DSE is performed more rapidly by using a higher level abstraction, but without losing accuracy, thanks to the HP-Labs COTSon simulation infrastructure in combination with our DSE tools (MYDSE tools). In particular, this proposed methodology proved useful to achieve an appropriate design of a whole system in a shorter time than trying to design everything directly in HLS. Our motivating problem was to deploy a novel execution model called data-flow threads (DF-Threads) running on yet-to-be-designed hardware. For that goal, directly using the HLS was too premature in the design cycle. Therefore, a key point of our methodology consists in defining the first prototype in our simulation framework and gradually migrating the design into the Xilinx HLS after validating the key performance metrics of our novel system in the simulator. To explain this workflow, we first use a simple driving example consisting in the modelling of a two-way associative cache. Then, we explain how we generalized this methodology and describe the types of results that we were able to analyze in the AXIOM project, which helped us reduce the development time from months/weeks to days/hours

    Turku Centre for Computer Science – Annual Report 2013

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    Due to a major reform of organization and responsibilities of TUCS, its role, activities, and even structures have been under reconsideration in 2013. The traditional pillar of collaboration at TUCS, doctoral training, was reorganized due to changes at both universities according to the renewed national system for doctoral education. Computer Science and Engineering and Information Systems Science are now accompanied by Mathematics and Statistics in newly established doctoral programs at both University of Turku and &Aring;bo Akademi University. Moreover, both universities granted sufficient resources to their respective programmes for doctoral training in these fields, so that joint activities at TUCS can continue. The outcome of this reorganization has the potential of proving out to be a success in terms of scientific profile as well as the quality and quantity of scientific and educational results.&nbsp; International activities that have been characteristic to TUCS since its inception continue strong. TUCS&rsquo; participation in European collaboration through EIT ICT Labs Master&rsquo;s and Doctoral School is now more active than ever. The new double degree programs at MSc and PhD level between University of Turku and Fudan University in Shaghai, P.R.China were succesfully set up and are&nbsp; now running for their first year. The joint students will add to the already international athmosphere of the ICT House.&nbsp; The four new thematic reseach programmes set up acccording to the decision by the TUCS Board have now established themselves, and a number of events and other activities saw the light in 2013. The TUCS Distinguished Lecture Series managed to gather a large audience with its several prominent speakers. The development of these and other research centre activities continue, and&nbsp; new practices and structures will be initiated to support the tradition of close academic collaboration.&nbsp; The TUCS&rsquo; slogan Where Academic Tradition Meets the Exciting Future has proven true throughout these changes. Despite of the dark clouds on the national and European economic sky, science and higher education in the field have managed to retain all the key ingredients for success. Indeed, the future of ICT and Mathematics in Turku seems exciting.</p

    Design Technique for Secure Embedded Devices: Application for Creation of Integrated Cyber-Physical Security System

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    Abstract As elements of complex information systems, embedded devices define informational and physical connections between the level of software control of the system on the one hand, and its technical environment and users on the other. Operating in a potentially volatile and untrusted cyber-physical environment, using insufficiently secure communication channels and sensors as well as various external influences cause such devices are subject to specific attacking actions. As a result the design of such systems is a challenging task often requiring expert based solutions. The main contribution of the paper is a design technique for secure embedded devices on the basis of combinations of security components, optimization approach and developed software tools for decision making support. The correctness of the technique is confirmed by its use in the development of the integrated cyberphysical security system

    Security Analysis of System Behaviour - From "Security by Design" to "Security at Runtime" -

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    The Internet today provides the environment for novel applications and processes which may evolve way beyond pre-planned scope and purpose. Security analysis is growing in complexity with the increase in functionality, connectivity, and dynamics of current electronic business processes. Technical processes within critical infrastructures also have to cope with these developments. To tackle the complexity of the security analysis, the application of models is becoming standard practice. However, model-based support for security analysis is not only needed in pre-operational phases but also during process execution, in order to provide situational security awareness at runtime. This cumulative thesis provides three major contributions to modelling methodology. Firstly, this thesis provides an approach for model-based analysis and verification of security and safety properties in order to support fault prevention and fault removal in system design or redesign. Furthermore, some construction principles for the design of well-behaved scalable systems are given. The second topic is the analysis of the exposition of vulnerabilities in the software components of networked systems to exploitation by internal or external threats. This kind of fault forecasting allows the security assessment of alternative system configurations and security policies. Validation and deployment of security policies that minimise the attack surface can now improve fault tolerance and mitigate the impact of successful attacks. Thirdly, the approach is extended to runtime applicability. An observing system monitors an event stream from the observed system with the aim to detect faults - deviations from the specified behaviour or security compliance violations - at runtime. Furthermore, knowledge about the expected behaviour given by an operational model is used to predict faults in the near future. Building on this, a holistic security management strategy is proposed. The architecture of the observing system is described and the applicability of model-based security analysis at runtime is demonstrated utilising processes from several industrial scenarios. The results of this cumulative thesis are provided by 19 selected peer-reviewed papers

    Austrian High-Performance-Computing meeting (AHPC2020)

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    This booklet is a collection of abstracts presented at the AHPC conference

    Design and Evaluation of Low-Latency Communication Middleware on High Performance Computing Systems

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    [Resumen]El interés en Java para computación paralela está motivado por sus interesantes características, tales como su soporte multithread, portabilidad, facilidad de aprendizaje,alta productividad y el aumento significativo en su rendimiento omputacional. No obstante, las aplicaciones paralelas en Java carecen generalmente de mecanismos de comunicación eficientes, los cuales utilizan a menudo protocolos basados en sockets incapaces de obtener el máximo provecho de las redes de baja latencia, obstaculizando la adopción de Java en computación de altas prestaciones (High Per- formance Computing, HPC). Esta Tesis Doctoral presenta el diseño, implementación y evaluación de soluciones de comunicación en Java que superan esta limitación. En consecuencia, se desarrollaron múltiples dispositivos de comunicación a bajo nivel para paso de mensajes en Java (Message-Passing in Java, MPJ) que aprovechan al máximo el hardware de red subyacente mediante operaciones de acceso directo a memoria remota que proporcionan comunicaciones de baja latencia. También se incluye una biblioteca de paso de mensajes en Java totalmente funcional, FastMPJ, en la cual se integraron los dispositivos de comunicación. La evaluación experimental ha mostrado que las primitivas de comunicación de FastMPJ son competitivas en comparación con bibliotecas nativas, aumentando significativamente la escalabilidad de aplicaciones MPJ. Por otro lado, esta Tesis analiza el potencial de la computación en la nube (cloud computing) para HPC, donde el modelo de distribución de infraestructura como servicio (Infrastructure as a Service, IaaS) emerge como una alternativa viable a los sistemas HPC tradicionales. La evaluación del rendimiento de recursos cloud específicos para HPC del proveedor líder, Amazon EC2, ha puesto de manifiesto el impacto significativo que la virtualización impone en la red, impidiendo mover las aplicaciones intensivas en comunicaciones a la nube. La clave reside en un soporte de virtualización apropiado, como el acceso directo al hardware de red, junto con las directrices para la optimización del rendimiento sugeridas en esta Tesis.[Resumo]O interese en Java para computación paralela está motivado polas súas interesantes características, tales como o seu apoio multithread, portabilidade, facilidade de aprendizaxe, alta produtividade e o aumento signi cativo no seu rendemento computacional. No entanto, as aplicacións paralelas en Java carecen xeralmente de mecanismos de comunicación e cientes, os cales adoitan usar protocolos baseados en sockets que son incapaces de obter o máximo proveito das redes de baixa latencia, obstaculizando a adopción de Java na computación de altas prestacións (High Performance Computing, HPC). Esta Tese de Doutoramento presenta o deseño, implementaci ón e avaliación de solucións de comunicación en Java que superan esta limitación. En consecuencia, desenvolvéronse múltiples dispositivos de comunicación a baixo nivel para paso de mensaxes en Java (Message-Passing in Java, MPJ) que aproveitan ao máaximo o hardware de rede subxacente mediante operacións de acceso directo a memoria remota que proporcionan comunicacións de baixa latencia. Tamén se inclúe unha biblioteca de paso de mensaxes en Java totalmente funcional, FastMPJ, na cal foron integrados os dispositivos de comunicación. A avaliación experimental amosou que as primitivas de comunicación de FastMPJ son competitivas en comparación con bibliotecas nativas, aumentando signi cativamente a escalabilidade de aplicacións MPJ. Por outra banda, esta Tese analiza o potencial da computación na nube (cloud computing) para HPC, onde o modelo de distribución de infraestrutura como servizo (Infrastructure as a Service, IaaS) xorde como unha alternativa viable aos sistemas HPC tradicionais. A ampla avaliación do rendemento de recursos cloud específi cos para HPC do proveedor líder, Amazon EC2, puxo de manifesto o impacto signi ficativo que a virtualización impón na rede, impedindo mover as aplicacións intensivas en comunicacións á nube. A clave atópase no soporte de virtualización apropiado, como o acceso directo ao hardware de rede, xunto coas directrices para a optimización do rendemento suxeridas nesta Tese.[Abstract]The use of Java for parallel computing is becoming more promising owing to its appealing features, particularly its multithreading support, portability, easy-tolearn properties, high programming productivity and the noticeable improvement in its computational performance. However, parallel Java applications generally su er from inefficient communication middleware, most of which use socket-based protocols that are unable to take full advantage of high-speed networks, hindering the adoption of Java in the High Performance Computing (HPC) area. This PhD Thesis presents the design, development and evaluation of scalable Java communication solutions that overcome these constraints. Hence, we have implemented several lowlevel message-passing devices that fully exploit the underlying network hardware while taking advantage of Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) operations to provide low-latency communications. Moreover, we have developed a productionquality Java message-passing middleware, FastMPJ, in which the devices have been integrated seamlessly, thus allowing the productive development of Message-Passing in Java (MPJ) applications. The performance evaluation has shown that FastMPJ communication primitives are competitive with native message-passing libraries, improving signi cantly the scalability of MPJ applications. Furthermore, this Thesis has analyzed the potential of cloud computing towards spreading the outreach of HPC, where Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) o erings have emerged as a feasible alternative to traditional HPC systems. Several cloud resources from the leading IaaS provider, Amazon EC2, which speci cally target HPC workloads, have been thoroughly assessed. The experimental results have shown the signi cant impact that virtualized environments still have on network performance, which hampers porting communication-intensive codes to the cloud. The key is the availability of the proper virtualization support, such as the direct access to the network hardware, along with the guidelines for performance optimization suggested in this Thesis

    Multi-GPU support on the marrow algorithmic skeleton framework

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaWith the proliferation of general purpose GPUs, workload parallelization and datatransfer optimization became an increasing concern. The natural evolution from using a single GPU, is multiplying the amount of available processors, presenting new challenges, as tuning the workload decompositions and load balancing, when dealing with heterogeneous systems. Higher-level programming is a very important asset in a multi-GPU environment, due to the complexity inherent to the currently used GPGPU APIs (OpenCL and CUDA), because of their low-level and code overhead. This can be obtained by introducing an abstraction layer, which has the advantage of enabling implicit optimizations and orchestrations such as transparent load balancing mechanism and reduced explicit code overhead. Algorithmic Skeletons, previously used in cluster environments, have recently been adapted to the GPGPU context. Skeletons abstract most sources of code overhead, by defining computation patterns of commonly used algorithms. The Marrow algorithmic skeleton library is one of these, taking advantage of the abstractions to automate the orchestration needed for an efficient GPU execution. This thesis proposes the extension of Marrow to leverage the use of algorithmic skeletons in the modular and efficient programming of multiple heterogeneous GPUs, within a single machine. We were able to achieve a good balance between simplicity of the programming model and performance, obtaining good scalability when using multiple GPUs, with an efficient load distribution, although at the price of some overhead when using a single-GPU.projects PTDC/EIA-EIA/102579/2008 and PTDC/EIA-EIA/111518/200

    Design Space Exploration and Resource Management of Multi/Many-Core Systems

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    The increasing demand of processing a higher number of applications and related data on computing platforms has resulted in reliance on multi-/many-core chips as they facilitate parallel processing. However, there is a desire for these platforms to be energy-efficient and reliable, and they need to perform secure computations for the interest of the whole community. This book provides perspectives on the aforementioned aspects from leading researchers in terms of state-of-the-art contributions and upcoming trends