90 research outputs found

    Digital Alchemy: Matter and Metamorphosis in Contemporary Digital Animation and Interface Design

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    The recent proliferation of special effects in Hollywood film has ushered in an era of digital transformation. Among scholars, digital technology is hailed as a revolutionary moment in the history of communication and representation. Nevertheless, media scholars and cultural historians have difficulty finding a language adequate to theorizing digital artifacts because they are not just texts to be deciphered. Rather, digital media artifacts also invite critiques about the status of reality because they resurrect ancient problems of embodiment and transcendence.In contrast to scholarly approaches to digital technology, computer engineers, interface designers, and special effects producers have invented a robust set of terms and phrases to describe the practice of digital animation. In order to address this disconnect between producers of new media and scholars of new media, I argue that the process of digital animation borrows extensively from a set of preexisting terms describing materiality that were prominent for centuries prior to the scientific revolution. Specifically, digital animators and interface designers make use of the ancient science, art, and technological craft of alchemy. Both alchemy and digital animation share several fundamental elements: both boast the power of being able to transform one material, substance, or thing into a different material, substance, or thing. Both seek to transcend the body and materiality but in the process, find that this elusive goal (realism and gold) is forever receding onto the horizon.The introduction begins with a literature review of the field of digital media studies. It identifies a gap in the field concerning disparate arguments about new media technology. On the one hand, scholars argue that new technologies like cyberspace and digital technology enable radical new forms of engagement with media on individual, social, and economic levels. At the same time that media scholars assert that our current epoch is marked by a historical rupture, many other researchers claim that new media are increasingly characterized by ancient metaphysical problems like embodiment and transcendence. In subsequent chapters I investigate this disparity

    Seventh Biennial Report : June 2003 - March 2005

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    Quad Meshing

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    Triangle meshes have been nearly ubiquitous in computer graphics, and a large body of data structures and geometry processing algorithms based on them has been developed in the literature. At the same time, quadrilateral meshes, especially semi-regular ones, have advantages for many applications, and significant progress was made in quadrilateral mesh generation and processing during the last several years. In this State of the Art Report, we discuss the advantages and problems of techniques operating on quadrilateral meshes, including surface analysis and mesh quality, simplification, adaptive refinement, alignment with features, parametrization, and remeshing

    A comparison of hole-filling methods in 3D

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    This paper presents a review of the most relevant current techniques that deal with hole-filling in 3D models. Contrary to earlier reports, which approach mesh repairing in a sparse and global manner, the objective of this review is twofold. First, a specific and comprehensive review of hole-filling techniques (as a relevant part in the field of mesh repairing) is carried out. We present a brief summary of each technique with attention paid to its algorithmic essence, main contributions and limitations. Second, a solid comparison between 34 methods is established. To do this, we define 19 possible meaningful features and properties that can be found in a generic hole-filling process. Then, we use these features to assess the virtues and deficiencies of the method and to build comparative tables. The purpose of this review is to make a comparative hole-filling state-of-the-art available to researchers, showing pros and cons in a common framework.• Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad: Proyecto DPI2013-43344-R (I+D+i) • Gobierno de Castilla-La Mancha: Proyecto PEII-2014-017-PpeerReviewe

    Processing mesh animations: from static to dynamic geometry and back

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    Static triangle meshes are the representation of choice for artificial objects, as well as for digital replicas of real objects. They have proven themselves to be a solid foundation for further processing. Although triangle meshes are handy in general, it may seem that their discrete approximation of reality is a downside. But in fact, the opposite is true. The approximation of the real object's shape remains the same, even if we willfully change the vertex positions in the mesh, which allows us to optimize it in this way. Due to modern acquisition methods, such a step is always beneficial, often even required, prior to further processing of the acquired triangle mesh. Therefore, we present a general framework for optimizing surface meshes with respect to various target criteria. Because of the simplicity and efficiency of the setup it can be adapted to a variety of applications. Although this framework was initially designed for single static meshes, the application to a set of meshes is straightforward. For example, we convert a set of meshes into compatible ones and use them as basis for creating dynamic geometry. Consequently, we propose an interpolation method which is able to produce visually plausible interpolation results, even if the compatible input meshes differ by large rotations. The method can be applied to any number of input vertex configurations and due to the utilization of a hierarchical scheme, the approach is fast and can be used for very large meshes. Furthermore, we consider the opposite direction. Given an animation sequence, we propose a pre-processing algorithm that considerably reduces the number of meshes required to describe the sequence, thus yielding a compact representation. Our method is based on a clustering and classification approach, which can be utilized to automatically find the most prominent meshes of the sequence. The original meshes can then be expressed as linear combinations of these few representative meshes with only small approximation errors. Finally, we investigate the shape space spanned by those few meshes and show how to apply different interpolation schemes to create other shape spaces, which are not based on vertex coordinates. We conclude with a careful analysis of these shape spaces and their usability for a compact representation of an animation sequence

    New geometric algorithms and data structures for collision detection of dynamically deforming objects

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    Any virtual environment that supports interactions between virtual objects and/or a user and objects, needs a collision detection system to handle all interactions in a physically correct or plausible way. A collision detection system is needed to determine if objects are in contact or interpenetrates. These interpenetrations are resolved by a collision handling system. Because of the fact, that in nearly all simulations objects can interact with each other, collision detection is a fundamental technology, that is needed in all these simulations, like physically based simulation, robotic path and motion planning, virtual prototyping, and many more. Most virtual environments aim to represent the real-world as realistic as possible and therefore, virtual environments getting more and more complex. Furthermore, all models in a virtual environment should interact like real objects do, if forces are applied to the objects. Nearly all real-world objects will deform or break down in its individual parts if forces are acted upon the objects. Thus deformable objects are becoming more and more common in virtual environments, which want to be as realistic as possible and thus, will present new challenges to the collision detection system. The necessary collision detection computations can be very complex and this has the effect, that the collision detection process is the performance bottleneck in most simulations. Most rigid body collision detection approaches use a BVH as acceleration data structure. This technique is perfectly suitable if the object does not change its shape. For a soft body an update step is necessary to ensure that the underlying acceleration data structure is still valid after performing a simulation step. This update step can be very time consuming, is often hard to implement and in most cases will produce a degenerated BVH after some simulation steps, if the objects generally deform. Therefore, the here presented collision detection approach works entirely without an acceleration data structure and supports rigid and soft bodies. Furthermore, we can compute inter-object and intraobject collisions of rigid and deformable objects consisting of many tens of thousands of triangles in a few milliseconds. To realize this, a subdivision of the scene into parts using a fuzzy clustering approach is applied. Based on that all further steps for each cluster can be performed in parallel and if desired, distributed to different GPUs. Tests have been performed to judge the performance of our approach against other state-of-the-art collision detection algorithms. Additionally, we integrated our approach into Bullet, a commonly used physics engine, to evaluate our algorithm. In order to make a fair comparison of different rigid body collision detection algorithms, we propose a new collision detection Benchmarking Suite. Our Benchmarking Suite can evaluate both the performance as well as the quality of the collision response. Therefore, the Benchmarking Suite is subdivided into a Performance Benchmark and a Quality Benchmark. This approach needs to be extended to support soft body collision detection algorithms in the future.Jede virtuelle Umgebung, welche eine Interaktion zwischen den virtuellen Objekten in der Szene zulässt und/oder zwischen einem Benutzer und den Objekten, benötigt für eine korrekte Behandlung der Interaktionen eine Kollisionsdetektion. Nur dank der Kollisionsdetektion können Berührungen zwischen Objekten erkannt und mittels der Kollisionsbehandlung aufgelöst werden. Dies ist der Grund für die weite Verbreitung der Kollisionsdetektion in die verschiedensten Fachbereiche, wie der physikalisch basierten Simulation, der Pfadplanung in der Robotik, dem virtuellen Prototyping und vielen weiteren. Auf Grund des Bestrebens, die reale Umgebung in der virtuellen Welt so realistisch wie möglich nachzubilden, steigt die Komplexität der Szenen stetig. Fortwährend steigen die Anforderungen an die Objekte, sich realistisch zu verhalten, sollten Kräfte auf die einzelnen Objekte ausgeübt werden. Die meisten Objekte, die uns in unserer realen Welt umgeben, ändern ihre Form oder zerbrechen in ihre Einzelteile, wenn Kräfte auf sie einwirken. Daher kommen in realitätsnahen, virtuellen Umgebungen immer häufiger deformierbare Objekte zum Einsatz, was neue Herausforderungen an die Kollisionsdetektion stellt. Die hierfür Notwendigen, teils komplexen Berechnungen, führen dazu, dass die Kollisionsdetektion häufig der Performance-Bottleneck in der jeweiligen Simulation darstellt. Die meisten Kollisionsdetektionen für starre Körper benutzen eine Hüllkörperhierarchie als Beschleunigungsdatenstruktur. Diese Technik ist hervorragend geeignet, solange sich die Form des Objektes nicht verändert. Im Fall von deformierbaren Objekten ist eine Aktualisierung der Datenstruktur nach jedem Schritt der Simulation notwendig, damit diese weiterhin gültig ist. Dieser Aktualisierungsschritt kann, je nach Hierarchie, sehr zeitaufwendig sein, ist in den meisten Fällen schwer zu implementieren und generiert nach vielen Schritten der Simulation häufig eine entartete Hüllkörperhierarchie, sollte sich das Objekt sehr stark verformen. Um dies zu vermeiden, verzichtet unsere Kollisionsdetektion vollständig auf eine Beschleunigungsdatenstruktur und unterstützt sowohl rigide, wie auch deformierbare Körper. Zugleich können wir Selbstkollisionen und Kollisionen zwischen starren und/oder deformierbaren Objekten, bestehend aus vielen Zehntausenden Dreiecken, innerhalb von wenigen Millisekunden berechnen. Um dies zu realisieren, unterteilen wir die gesamte Szene in einzelne Bereiche mittels eines Fuzzy Clustering-Verfahrens. Dies ermöglicht es, dass alle Cluster unabhängig bearbeitet werden und falls gewünscht, die Berechnungen für die einzelnen Cluster auf verschiedene Grafikkarten verteilt werden können. Um die Leistungsfähigkeit unseres Ansatzes vergleichen zu können, haben wir diesen gegen aktuelle Verfahren für die Kollisionsdetektion antreten lassen. Weiterhin haben wir unser Verfahren in die Physik-Engine Bullet integriert, um das Verhalten in dynamischen Situationen zu evaluieren. Um unterschiedliche Kollisionsdetektionsalgorithmen für starre Körper korrekt und objektiv miteinander vergleichen zu können, haben wir eine Benchmarking-Suite entwickelt. Unsere Benchmarking- Suite kann sowohl die Geschwindigkeit, für die Bestimmung, ob zwei Objekte sich durchdringen, wie auch die Qualität der berechneten Kräfte miteinander vergleichen. Hierfür ist die Benchmarking-Suite in den Performance Benchmark und den Quality Benchmark unterteilt worden. In der Zukunft wird diese Benchmarking-Suite dahingehend erweitert, dass auch Kollisionsdetektionsalgorithmen für deformierbare Objekte unterstützt werden


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    National audienceCet article présente une sélection de travaux réalisés par l'équipe VORTEX de l'IRIT depuis 1993 dans les domaines de la génération automatique de formes et de comportements. Nous montrons ici la spécificité de ces travaux utilisant des techniques originales issues de la vie artificielle afin de proposer un nouveau type d'interaction entre l'utilisateur et l'environnement de simulation

    Shallow waters simulation

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Informatics EngineeringRealistic simulation and rendering of water in real-time is a challenge within the field of computer graphics, as it is very computationally demanding. A common simulation approach is to reduce the problem from 3D to 2D by treating the water surface as a 2D heightfield. When simulating 2D fluids, the Shallow Water Equations (SWE) are often employed, which work under the assumption that the water’s horizontal scale is much greater than it’s vertical scale. There are several methods that have been developed or adapted to model the SWE, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. A common solution is to use grid-based methods where there is the classic approach of solving the equations in a grid, but also the Lattice-Boltzmann Method (LBM) which originated from the field of statistical physics. Particle based methods have also been used for modeling the SWE, namely as a variation of the popular Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method. This thesis presents an implementation for real-time simulation and rendering of a heightfield surface water volume. The water’s behavior is modeled by a grid-based SWE scheme with an efficient single kernel compute shader implementation. When it comes to visualizing the water volume created by the simulation, there are a variety of effects that can contribute to its realism and provide visual cues for its motion. In particular, When considering shallow water, there are certain features that can be highlighted, such as the refraction of the ground below and corresponding light attenuation, and the caustics patterns projected on it. Using the state produced by the simulation, a water surface mesh is rendered, where set of visual effects are explored. First, the water’s color is defined as a combination of reflected and transmitted light, while using a Cook- Torrance Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) to describe the Sun’s reflection. These results are then enhanced by data from a separate pass which provides caustics patterns and improved attenuation computations. Lastly, small-scale details are added to the surface by applying a normal map generated using noise. As part of the work, a thorough evaluation of the developed application is performed, providing a showcase of the results, insight into some of the parameters and options, and performance benchmarks.Simulação e renderização realista de água em tempo real é um desafio dentro do campo de computação gráfica, visto que é muito computacionalmente exigente. Uma abordagem comum de simulação é de reduzir o problema de 3D para 2D ao tratar a superfície da água como um campo de alturas 2D. Ao simular fluidos em 2D, é frequente usar as equações de águas rasas, que funcionam sobre o pressuposto de que a escala horizontal da água é muito maior que a sua escala vertical. Há vários métodos que foram desenvolvidos ou adaptados para modelar as equações de águas rasas, cada uma com as suas vantagens e desvantagens. Uma solução comum é utilizar métodos baseados em grelhas onde existe a abordagem clássica de resolver as equações numa grelha, mas também existe o método de Lattice Boltzmann que originou do campo de física estatística. Métodos baseados em partículas também já foram usados para modelar as equações de águas rasas, nomeadamente como uma variação do popular método de SPH. Esta tese apresenta uma implementação para simulação e renderização em tempo real de um volume de água com uma superfície de campo de alturas. O comportamento da água é modelado por um esquema de equações de águas rasas baseado na grelha com uma implementação eficiente de um único kernel de compute shader. No que toca a visualizar o volume de água criado pela simulação, existe uma variedade de efeitos que podem contribuir para o seu realismo e fornecer dicas visuais sobre o seu movimento. Ao considerar águas rasas, existem certas características que podem ser destacadas, como a refração do terreno por baixo e correspondente atenuação da luz, e padrões de cáusticas projetados nele. Usando o estado produzido pela simulação, uma malha da superfície da água é renderizada, onde um conjunto de efeitos visuais são explorados. Em primeiro lugar, a cor da água é definida como uma combinação de luz refletida e transmitida, sendo que uma BRDF de Cook-Torrance é usada para descrever a reflexão do Sol. Estes resultados são depois complementados com dados gerados num passo separado que fornece padrões de cáusticas e melhora as computações de atenuação. Por fim, detalhes de pequena escala são adicionados à superfície ao aplicar um mapa de normais gerado com ruído. Como parte do trabalho desenvolvido, é feita uma avaliação detalhada da aplicação desenvolvida, onde é apresentada uma demonstração dos resultados, comentários sobre alguns dos parâmetros e opções, e referências de desempenho