62 research outputs found

    Semantic Integration of MIR Datasets with the Polifonia Ontology Network

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    Integration between different data formats, and between data belonging to different collections, is an ongoing challenge in the MIR field. Semantic Web tools have proved to be promising resources for making different types of music information interoperable. However, the use of these technologies has so far been limited and scattered in the field. To address this, the Polifonia project is developing an ontological ecosystem that can cover a wide variety of musical aspects (musical features, instruments, emotions, performances). In this paper, we present the Polifonia Ontology Network, an ecosystem that enables and fosters the transition towards semantic MIR

    Music Information Technology and Professional Stakeholder Audiences: Mind the Adoption Gap

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    The academic discipline focusing on the processing and organization of digital music information, commonly known as Music Information Retrieval (MIR), has multidisciplinary roots and interests. Thus, MIR technologies have the potential to have impact across disciplinary boundaries and to enhance the handling of music information in many different user communities. However, in practice, many MIR research agenda items appear to have a hard time leaving the lab in order to be widely adopted by their intended audiences. On one hand, this is because the MIR field still is relatively young, and technologies therefore need to mature. On the other hand, there may be deeper, more fundamental challenges with regard to the user audience. In this contribution, we discuss MIR technology adoption issues that were experienced with professional music stakeholders in audio mixing, performance, musicology and sales industry. Many of these stakeholders have mindsets and priorities that differ considerably from those of most MIR academics, influencing their reception of new MIR technology. We mention the major observed differences and their backgrounds, and argue that these are essential to be taken into account to allow for truly successful cross-disciplinary collaboration and technology adoption in MIR

    Crowdsourcing Emotions in Music Domain

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    An important source of intelligence for music emotion recognition today comes from user-provided community tags about songs or artists. Recent crowdsourcing approaches such as harvesting social tags, design of collaborative games and web services or the use of Mechanical Turk, are becoming popular in the literature. They provide a cheap, quick and efficient method, contrary to professional labeling of songs which is expensive and does not scale for creating large datasets. In this paper we discuss the viability of various crowdsourcing instruments providing examples from research works. We also share our own experience, illustrating the steps we followed using tags collected from Last.fm for the creation of two music mood datasets which are rendered public. While processing affect tags of Last.fm, we observed that they tend to be biased towards positive emotions; the resulting dataset thus contain more positive songs than negative ones

    A Comparison of Deep Learning Methods for Timbre Analysis in Polyphonic Automatic Music Transcription

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    Automatic music transcription (AMT) is a critical problem in the field of music information retrieval (MIR). When AMT is faced with deep neural networks, the variety of timbres of different instruments can be an issue that has not been studied in depth yet. The goal of this work is to address AMT transcription by analyzing how timbre affect monophonic transcription in a first approach based on the CREPE neural network and then to improve the results by performing polyphonic music transcription with different timbres with a second approach based on the Deep Salience model that performs polyphonic transcription based on the Constant-Q Transform. The results of the first method show that the timbre and envelope of the onsets have a high impact on the AMT results and the second method shows that the developed model is less dependent on the strength of the onsets than other state-of-the-art models that deal with AMT on piano sounds such as Google Magenta Onset and Frames (OaF). Our polyphonic transcription model for non-piano instruments outperforms the state-of-the-art model, such as for bass instruments, which has an F-score of 0.9516 versus 0.7102. In our latest experiment we also show how adding an onset detector to our model can outperform the results given in this work

    MoodyLyrics: A Sentiment Annotated Lyrics Dataset

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    Music emotion recognition and recommendations today are changing the way people find and listen to their preferred musical tracks. Emotion recognition of songs is mostly based on feature extraction and learning from available datasets. In this work we take a different approach utilizing content words of lyrics and their valence and arousal norms in affect lexicons only. We use this method to annotate each song with one of the four emotion categories of Russell's model, and also to construct MoodyLyrics, a large dataset of lyrics that will be available for public use. For evaluation we utilized another lyrics dataset as ground truth and achieved an accuracy of 74.25 %. Our results confirm that valence is a better discriminator of mood than arousal. The results also prove that music mood recognition or annotation can be achieved with good accuracy even without subjective human feedback or user tags, when they are not available

    Convolutional Methods for Music Analysis

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