944 research outputs found

    Finding Top-k Dominance on Incomplete Big Data Using Map-Reduce Framework

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    Incomplete data is one major kind of multi-dimensional dataset that has random-distributed missing nodes in its dimensions. It is very difficult to retrieve information from this type of dataset when it becomes huge. Finding top-k dominant values in this type of dataset is a challenging procedure. Some algorithms are present to enhance this process but are mostly efficient only when dealing with a small-size incomplete data. One of the algorithms that make the application of TKD query possible is the Bitmap Index Guided (BIG) algorithm. This algorithm strongly improves the performance for incomplete data, but it is not originally capable of finding top-k dominant values in incomplete big data, nor is it designed to do so. Several other algorithms have been proposed to find the TKD query, such as Skyband Based and Upper Bound Based algorithms, but their performance is also questionable. Algorithms developed previously were among the first attempts to apply TKD query on incomplete data; however, all these had weak performances or were not compatible with the incomplete data. This thesis proposes MapReduced Enhanced Bitmap Index Guided Algorithm (MRBIG) for dealing with the aforementioned issues. MRBIG uses the MapReduce framework to enhance the performance of applying top-k dominance queries on huge incomplete datasets. The proposed approach uses the MapReduce parallel computing approach using multiple computing nodes. The framework separates the tasks between several computing nodes that independently and simultaneously work to find the result. This method has achieved up to two times faster processing time in finding the TKD query result in comparison to previously presented algorithms

    Skyline queries computation on crowdsourced- enabled incomplete database

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    Data incompleteness becomes a frequent phenomenon in a large number of contemporary database applications such as web autonomous databases, big data, and crowd-sourced databases. Processing skyline queries over incomplete databases impose a number of challenges that negatively influence processing the skyline queries. Most importantly, the skylines derived from incomplete databases are also incomplete in which some values are missing. Retrieving skylines with missing values is undesirable, particularly, for recommendation and decision-making systems. Furthermore, running skyline queries on a database with incomplete data raises a number of issues influence processing skyline queries such as losing the transitivity property of the skyline technique and cyclic dominance between the tuples. The issue of estimating the missing values of skylines has been discussed and examined in the database literature. Most recently, several studies have suggested exploiting the crowd-sourced databases in order to estimate the missing values by generating plausible values using the crowd. Crowd-sourced databases have proved to be a powerful solution to perform user-given tasks by integrating human intelligence and experience to process the tasks. However, task processing using crowd-sourced incurs additional monetary cost and increases the time latency. Also, it is not always possible to produce a satisfactory result that meets the user's preferences. This paper proposes an approach for estimating the missing values of the skylines by first exploiting the available data and utilizes the implicit relationships between the attributes in order to impute the missing values of the skylines. This process aims at reducing the number of values to be estimated using the crowd when local estimation is inappropriate. Intensive experiments on both synthetic and real datasets have been accomplished. The experimental results have proven that the proposed approach for estimating the missing values of the skylines over crowd-sourced enabled incomplete databases is scalable and outperforms the other existing approaches

    The right expert at the right time and place: From expertise identification to expertise selection

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    We propose a unified and complete solution for expert finding in organizations, including not only expertise identification, but also expertise selection functionality. The latter two include the use of implicit and explicit preferences of users on meeting each other, as well as localization and planning as important auxiliary processes. We also propose a solution for privacy protection, which is urgently required in view of the huge amount of privacy sensitive data involved. Various parts are elaborated elsewhere, and we look forward to a realization and usage of the proposed system as a whole

    Answering skyline queries over incomplete data with crowdsourcing (Extended Abstract)

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    Horseshoe-based Bayesian nonparametric estimation of effective population size trajectories

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    Phylodynamics is an area of population genetics that uses genetic sequence data to estimate past population dynamics. Modern state-of-the-art Bayesian nonparametric methods for recovering population size trajectories of unknown form use either change-point models or Gaussian process priors. Change-point models suffer from computational issues when the number of change-points is unknown and needs to be estimated. Gaussian process-based methods lack local adaptivity and cannot accurately recover trajectories that exhibit features such as abrupt changes in trend or varying levels of smoothness. We propose a novel, locally-adaptive approach to Bayesian nonparametric phylodynamic inference that has the flexibility to accommodate a large class of functional behaviors. Local adaptivity results from modeling the log-transformed effective population size a priori as a horseshoe Markov random field, a recently proposed statistical model that blends together the best properties of the change-point and Gaussian process modeling paradigms. We use simulated data to assess model performance, and find that our proposed method results in reduced bias and increased precision when compared to contemporary methods. We also use our models to reconstruct past changes in genetic diversity of human hepatitis C virus in Egypt and to estimate population size changes of ancient and modern steppe bison. These analyses show that our new method captures features of the population size trajectories that were missed by the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 36 pages, including supplementary informatio

    Missing values estimation for skylines in incomplete database

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    Incompleteness of data is a common problem in many databases including web heterogeneous databases, multi-relational databases, spatial and temporal databases and data integration. The incompleteness of data introduces challenges in processing queries as providing accurate results that best meet the query conditions over incomplete database is not a trivial task. Several techniques have been proposed to process queries in incomplete database. Some of these techniques retrieve the query results based on the existing values rather than estimating the missing values. Such techniques are undesirable in many cases as the dimensions with missing values might be the important dimensions of the user’s query. Besides, the output is incomplete and might not satisfy the user preferences. In this paper we propose an approach that estimates missing values in skylines to guide users in selecting the most appropriate skylines from the several candidate skylines. The approach utilizes the concept of mining attribute correlations to generate an Approximate Functional Dependencies (AFDs) that captured the relationships between the dimensions. Besides, identifying the strength of probability correlations to estimate the values. Then, the skylines with estimated values are ranked. By doing so, we ensure that the retrieved skylines are in the order of their estimated precision