17 research outputs found

    Efficient Decomposition of Image and Mesh Graphs by Lifted Multicuts

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    Formulations of the Image Decomposition Problem as a Multicut Problem (MP) w.r.t. a superpixel graph have received considerable attention. In contrast, instances of the MP w.r.t. a pixel grid graph have received little attention, firstly, because the MP is NP-hard and instances w.r.t. a pixel grid graph are hard to solve in practice, and, secondly, due to the lack of long-range terms in the objective function of the MP. We propose a generalization of the MP with long-range terms (LMP). We design and implement two efficient algorithms (primal feasible heuristics) for the MP and LMP which allow us to study instances of both problems w.r.t. the pixel grid graphs of the images in the BSDS-500 benchmark. The decompositions we obtain do not differ significantly from the state of the art, suggesting that the LMP is a competitive formulation of the Image Decomposition Problem. To demonstrate the generality of the LMP, we apply it also to the Mesh Decomposition Problem posed by the Princeton benchmark, obtaining state-of-the-art decompositions

    Generalizations of the Multicut Problem for Computer Vision

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    Graph decomposition has always been a very important concept in machine learning and computer vision. Many tasks like image and mesh segmentation, community detection in social networks, as well as object tracking and human pose estimation can be formulated as a graph decomposition problem. The multicut problem in particular is a popular model to optimize for a decomposition of a given graph. Its main advantage is that no prior knowledge about the number of components or their sizes is required. However, it has several limitations, which we address in this thesis: Firstly, the multicut problem allows to specify only cost or reward for putting two direct neighbours into distinct components. This limits the expressibility of the cost function. We introduce special edges into the graph that allow to define cost or reward for putting any two vertices into distinct components, while preserving the original set of feasible solutions. We show that this considerably improves the quality of image and mesh segmentations. Second, multicut is notorious to be NP-hard for general graphs, that limits its applications to small super-pixel graphs. We define and implement two primal feasible heuristics to solve the problem. They do not provide any guarantees on the runtime or quality of solutions, but in practice show good convergence behaviour. We perform an extensive comparison on multiple graphs of different sizes and properties. Third, we extend the multicut framework by introducing node labels, so that we can jointly optimize for graph decomposition and nodes classification by means of exactly the same optimization algorithm, thus eliminating the need to hand-tune optimizers for a particular task. To prove its universality we applied it to diverse computer vision tasks, including human pose estimation, multiple object tracking, and instance-aware semantic segmentation. We show that we can improve the results over the prior art using exactly the same data as in the original works. Finally, we use employ multicuts in two applications: 1) a client-server tool for interactive video segmentation: After the pre-processing of the video a user draws strokes on several frames and a time-coherent segmentation of the entire video is performed on-the-fly. 2) we formulate a method for simultaneous segmentation and tracking of living cells in microscopy data. This task is challenging as cells split and our algorithm accounts for this, creating parental hierarchies. We also present results on multiple model fitting. We find models in data heavily corrupted by noise by finding components defining these models using higher order multicuts. We introduce an interesting extension that allows our optimization to pick better hyperparameters for each discovered model. In summary, this thesis extends the multicut problem in different directions, proposes algorithms for optimization, and applies it to novel data and settings.Die Zerlegung von Graphen ist ein sehr wichtiges Konzept im maschinellen Lernen und maschinellen Sehen. Viele Aufgaben wie Bild- und Gittersegmentierung, Kommunitätserkennung in sozialen Netzwerken, sowie Objektverfolgung und Schätzung von menschlichen Posen können als Graphzerlegungsproblem formuliert werden. Der Mehrfachschnitt-Ansatz ist ein populäres Mittel um über die Zerlegungen eines gegebenen Graphen zu optimieren. Sein größter Vorteil ist, dass kein Vorwissen über die Anzahl an Komponenten und deren Größen benötigt wird. Dennoch hat er mehrere ernsthafte Limitierungen, welche wir in dieser Arbeit behandeln: Erstens erlaubt der klassische Mehrfachschnitt nur die Spezifikation von Kosten oder Belohnungen für die Trennung von zwei Nachbarn in verschiedene Komponenten. Dies schränkt die Ausdrucksfähigkeit der Kostenfunktion ein und führt zu suboptimalen Ergebnissen. Wir fügen dem Graphen spezielle Kanten hinzu, welche es erlauben, Kosten oder Belohnungen für die Trennung von beliebigen Paaren von Knoten in verschiedene Komponenten zu definieren, ohne die Menge an zulässigen Lösungen zu verändern. Wir zeigen, dass dies die Qualität von Bild- und Gittersegmentierungen deutlich verbessert. Zweitens ist das Mehrfachschnittproblem berüchtigt dafür NP-schwer für allgemeine Graphen zu sein, was die Anwendungen auf kleine superpixel-basierte Graphen einschränkt. Wir definieren und implementieren zwei primal-zulässige Heuristiken um das Problem zu lösen. Diese geben keine Garantien bezüglich der Laufzeit oder der Qualität der Lösungen, zeigen in der Praxis jedoch gutes Konvergenzverhalten. Wir führen einen ausführlichen Vergleich auf vielen Graphen verschiedener Größen und Eigenschaften durch. Drittens erweitern wir den Mehrfachschnitt-Ansatz um Knoten-Kennzeichnungen, sodass wir gemeinsam über Zerlegungen und Knoten-Klassifikationen mit dem gleichen Optimierungs-Algorithmus optimieren können. Dadurch wird der Bedarf der Feinabstimmung einzelner aufgabenspezifischer Löser aus dem Weg geräumt. Um die Allgemeingültigkeit dieses Ansatzes zu überprüfen, haben wir ihn auf verschiedenen Aufgaben des maschinellen Sehens, einschließlich menschliche Posenschätzung, Mehrobjektverfolgung und instanz-bewusste semantische Segmentierung, angewandt. Wir zeigen, dass wir Resultate von vorherigen Arbeiten mit exakt den gleichen Daten verbessern können. Abschließend benutzen wir Mehrfachschnitte in zwei Anwendungen: 1) Ein Nutzer-Server-Werkzeug für interaktive Video Segmentierung: Nach der Vorbearbeitung eines Videos zeichnet der Nutzer Striche auf mehrere Einzelbilder und eine zeit-kohärente Segmentierung des gesamten Videos wird in Echtzeit berechnet. 2) Wir formulieren eine Methode für simultane Segmentierung und Verfolgung von lebenden Zellen in Mikroskopie-Aufnahmen. Diese Aufgabe ist anspruchsvoll, da Zellen sich aufteilen und unser Algorithmus dies in der Erstellung von Eltern-Hierarchien mitberücksichtigen muss. Wir präsentieren außerdem Resultate zur Mehrmodellanpassung. Wir berechnen Modelle in stark verrauschten Daten indem wir mithilfe von Mehrfachschnitten höherer Ordnung Komponenten finden, die diesen Modellen entsprechen. Wir führen eine interessante Erweiterung ein, die es unserer Optimierung erlaubt, bessere Hyperparameter für jedes entdeckte Modell auszuwählen. Zusammenfassend erweitert diese Arbeit den Mehrfachschnitt-Ansatz in unterschiedlichen Richtungen, schlägt Algorithmen zur Inferenz in den resultierenden Modellen vor und wendet ihn auf neuartigen Daten und Umgebungen an

    Optimizing Edge Detection for Image Segmentation with Multicut Penalties

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    The Minimum Cost Multicut Problem (MP) is a popular way for obtaining a graph decomposition by optimizing binary edge labels over edge costs. While the formulation of a MP from independently estimated costs per edge is highly flexible and intuitive, solving the MP is NP-hard and time-expensive. As a remedy, recent work proposed to predict edge probabilities with awareness to potential conflicts by incorporating cycle constraints in the prediction process. We argue that such formulation, while providing a first step towards end-to-end learnable edge weights, is suboptimal, since it is built upon a loose relaxation of the MP. We therefore propose an adaptive CRF that allows to progressively consider more violated constraints and, in consequence, to issue solutions with higher validity. Experiments on the BSDS500 benchmark for natural image segmentation as well as on electron microscopic recordings show that our approach yields more precise edge detection and image segmentation

    Higher-Order Multicuts for Geometric Model Fitting and Motion Segmentation

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    Minimum cost lifted multicut problem is a generalization of the multicut problem and is a means to optimizing a decomposition of a graph w.r.t. both positive and negative edge costs. Its main advantage is that multicut-based formulations do not require the number of components given a priori; instead, it is deduced from the solution. However, the standard multicut cost function is limited to pairwise relationships between nodes, while several important applications either require or can benefit from a higher-order cost function, i.e. hyper-edges. In this paper, we propose a pseudo-boolean formulation for a multiple model fitting problem. It is based on a formulation of any-order minimum cost lifted multicuts, which allows to partition an undirected graph with pairwise connectivity such as to minimize costs defined over any set of hyper-edges. As the proposed formulation is NP-hard and the branch-and-bound algorithm is too slow in practice, we propose an efficient local search algorithm for inference into resulting problems. We demonstrate versatility and effectiveness of our approach in several applications: geometric multiple model fitting, homography and motion estimation, motion segmentation

    Multicut Algorithms for Neurite Segmentation

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    Correlation clustering, or multicut partitioning is widely used for image segmentation and graph partitioning. Given an undirected edge weighted graph with positive and negative weights, correlation clustering partitions the graph such that the sum of cut edge weights is minimized. Since the optimal number of clusters is automatically chosen, multicut partitioning is well suited for clustering neural structures in EM connectomics datasets where the optimal number of clusters is unknown a-priori. Due to the NP-hardness of optimizing the multicut objective, exact solvers do not scale and approximative solvers often give unsatisfactory results. In chapter 2 we investigate scalable methods for correlation clustering. To this end we define fusion moves for the multicut objective function which iteratively fuses the current and a proposed partitioning and monotonously improves the partitioning. Fusion moves scale to larger datasets, give near optimal solutions and at the same time show state of the art anytime performance. In chapter 3 we generalize the fusion moves frameworks for the lifted multicut ob- jective, a generalization of the multicut objective which can penalize or reward all decompositions of a graph for which any given pair of nodes are in distinct compo- nents. The proposed framework scales well to large datasets and has a cutting edge anytime performance. In chapter 4 we propose a framework for automatic segmentation of neural structures in 3D EM connectomics data where a membrane probability is predicted for each pixel with a neural network and superpixels are computed based on this probability map. Finally the superpixels are merged to neurites using the techniques described in chapter 3. The proposed pipeline is validated with an extensive set of experiments and a detailed lesion study. This work substantially narrows the accuracy gap between humans and computers for neurite segmentation. In chapter 5 we summarize the software written for this thesis. The provided imple- mentations for algorithms and techniques described in chapters 2 to 4 and many other algorithms resulted in a software library for graph partitioning, image segmentation and discrete optimization

    Designing Deep Learning Frameworks for Plant Biology

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    In recent years the parallel progress in high-throughput microscopy and deep learning drastically widened the landscape of possible research avenues in life sciences. In particular, combining high-resolution microscopic images and automated imaging pipelines powered by deep learning dramatically reduced the manual annotation work required for quantitative analysis. In this work, we will present two deep learning frameworks tailored to the needs of life scientists in the context of plant biology. First, we will introduce PlantSeg, a software for 2D and 3D instance segmentation. The PlantSeg pipeline contains several pre-trained models for different microscopy modalities and multiple popular graph-based instance segmentation algorithms. In the second part, we will present CellTypeGraph, a benchmark for quantitatively evaluating graph neural networks. The benchmark is designed to test the ability of machine learning methods to classify the types of cells in an \textit{Arabidopsis thaliana} ovules. CellTypeGraph's prime aim is to give a valuable tool to the geometric learning community, but at the same time it also offers a framework for plant biologists to perform fast and accurate cell type inference on new data

    Discovering structure without labels

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    The scarcity of labels combined with an abundance of data makes unsupervised learning more attractive than ever. Without annotations, inductive biases must guide the identification of the most salient structure in the data. This thesis contributes to two aspects of unsupervised learning: clustering and dimensionality reduction. The thesis falls into two parts. In the first part, we introduce Mod Shift, a clustering method for point data that uses a distance-based notion of attraction and repulsion to determine the number of clusters and the assignment of points to clusters. It iteratively moves points towards crisp clusters like Mean Shift but also has close ties to the Multicut problem via its loss function. As a result, it connects signed graph partitioning to clustering in Euclidean space. The second part treats dimensionality reduction and, in particular, the prominent neighbor embedding methods UMAP and t-SNE. We analyze the details of UMAP's implementation and find its actual loss function. It differs drastically from the one usually stated. This discrepancy allows us to explain some typical artifacts in UMAP plots, such as the dataset size-dependent tendency to produce overly crisp substructures. Contrary to existing belief, we find that UMAP's high-dimensional similarities are not critical to its success. Based on UMAP's actual loss, we describe its precise connection to the other state-of-the-art visualization method, t-SNE. The key insight is a new, exact relation between the contrastive loss functions negative sampling, employed by UMAP, and noise-contrastive estimation, which has been used to approximate t-SNE. As a result, we explain that UMAP embeddings appear more compact than t-SNE plots due to increased attraction between neighbors. Varying the attraction strength further, we obtain a spectrum of neighbor embedding methods, encompassing both UMAP- and t-SNE-like versions as special cases. Moving from more attraction to more repulsion shifts the focus of the embedding from continuous, global to more discrete and local structure of the data. Finally, we emphasize the link between contrastive neighbor embeddings and self-supervised contrastive learning. We show that different flavors of contrastive losses can work for both of them with few noise samples