1,616 research outputs found

    Dynamic Resource Allocation For Coordination Of Inpatient Operations In Hospitals

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    Healthcare systems face difficult challenges such as increasing complexity of processes, inefficient utilization of resources, high pressure to enhance the quality of care and services, and the need to balance and coordinate the staff workload. Therefore, the need for effective and efficient processes of delivering healthcare services increases. Data-driven approaches, including operations research and predictive modeling, can help overcome these challenges and improve the performance of health systems in terms of quality, cost, patient health outcomes and satisfaction. Hospitals are a key component of healthcare systems with many scarce resources such as caregivers (nurses, physicians) and expensive facilities/equipment. Most hospital systems in the developed world have employed some form of an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system in recent years to improve information flow, health outcomes, and reduce costs. While EHR systems form a critical data backbone, there is a need for platforms that can allow coordinated orchestration of the relatively complex healthcare operations. Information available in EHR systems can play a significant role in providing better operational coordination between different departments/services in the hospital through optimized task/resource allocation. In this research, we propose a dynamic real-time coordination framework for resource and task assignment to improve patient flow and resource utilization across the emergency department (ED) and inpatient unit (IU) network within hospitals. The scope of patient flow coordination includes ED, IUs, environmental services responsible for room/bed cleaning/turnaround, and patient transport services. EDs across the U.S. routinely suffer from extended patient waiting times during admission from the ED to the hospital\u27s inpatient units, also known as ED patient `boarding\u27. This ED patient boarding not only compromises patient health outcomes but also blocks access to ED care for new patients from increased bed occupancy. There are also significant cost implications as well as increased stress and hazards to staff. We carry out this research with the goal of enabling two different modes of coordination implementation across the ED-to-IU network to reduce ED patient boarding: Reactive and Proactive. The proposed `reactive\u27 coordination approach is relatively easy to implement in the presence of modern EHR and hospital IT management systems for it relies only on real-time information readily available in most hospitals. This approach focuses on managing the flow of patients at the end of their ED care and being admitted to specific inpatient units. We developed a deterministic dynamic real-time coordination model for resource and task assignment across the ED-to-IU network using mixed-integer programming. The proposed \u27proactive\u27 coordination approach relies on the power of predictive analytics that anticipate ED patient admissions into the hospital as they are still undergoing ED care. The proactive approach potentially allows additional lead-time for coordinating downstream resources, however, it requires the ability to accurately predict ED patient admissions, target IU for admission, as well as the remaining length-of-stay (care) within the ED. Numerous other studies have demonstrated that modern EHR systems combined with advances in data mining and machine learning methods can indeed facilitate such predictions, with reasonable accuracy. The proposed proactive coordination optimization model extends the reactive deterministic MIP model to account for uncertainties associated with ED patient admission predictions, leading to an effective and efficient proactive stochastic MIP model. Both the reactive and proactive coordination methods have been developed to account for numerous real-world operational requirements (e.g., rolling planning horizon, event-based optimization and task assignments, schedule stability management, patient overflow management, gender matching requirements for IU rooms with double occupancy, patient isolation requirements, equity in staff utilization and equity in reducing ED patient waiting times) and computational efficiency (e.g., through model decomposition and efficient construction of scenarios for proactive coordination). We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed models using data from a leading healthcare facility in SE-Michigan, U.S. Results suggest that even the highly practical optimization enabled reactive coordination can lead to dramatic reduction in ED patient boarding times. Results also suggest that signification additional reductions in patient boarding are possible through the proposed proactive approach in the presence of reliable analytics models for prediction ED patient admissions and remaining ED length-of-stay. Future research can focus on further extending the scope of coordination to include admissions management (including any necessary approvals from insurance), coordination needs for admissions that stem from outside the ED (e.g., elective surgeries), as well as ambulance diversions to manage patient flows across the region and hospital networks

    Federated-ANN based Critical Path Analysis and Health Recommendations for MapReduce Workflows in Consumer Electronics Applications

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    Although much research has been done to improve the performance of big data systems, predicting the performance degradation of these systems quickly and efficiently remains a significant challenge. Unfortunately, the complexity of big data systems is so vast that predicting performance degradation ahead of time is quite tricky. Long execution time is often discussed in the context of performance degradation of big data systems. This paper proposes MrPath, a Federated AI-based critical path analysis approach for holistic performance prediction of MapReduce workflows for consumer electronics applications while enabling root-cause analysis of various types of faults. We have implemented a federated artificial neural network (FANN) to predict the critical path in a MapReduce workflow. After the critical path components (e.g., mapper1, reducer2) are predicted/detected, root cause analysis uses user-defined functions (UDF) to pinpoint the most likely reasons for the observed performance problems. Finally, health node classification is performed using an ANN-based Self-Organising Map (SOM). The results show that the AI-based critical path analysis method can significantly illuminate the reasons behind the long execution time in big data systems

    Cloud-based digital twinning for structural health monitoring using deep learning

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    Digital Twin technology has recently gathered pace in the engineering communities as it allows for the convergence of the real structure and its digital counterpart throughout their entire life-cycle. With the rapid development of supporting technologies, including machine learning, 5G/6G, cloud computing, and Internet of Things, Digital Twin has been moving progressively from concept to practice. In this paper, a Digital Twin framework based on cloud computing and deep learning for structural health monitoring is proposed to efficiently perform real-time monitoring and proactive maintenance. The framework consists of structural components, device measurements, and digital models formed by combining different sub-models including mathematical, finite element, and machine learning ones. The data interaction among physical structure, digital model, and human interventions are enhanced by using cloud computing infrastructure and a user-friendly web application. The feasibility of the proposed framework is demonstrated via case studies of damage detection of model bridge and real bridge structures using deep learning algorithms, with high accuracy of 92%

    Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory

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    The influx of data in the world today needs analysis that no one method can handle. Some reports estimated the influx of data would reach 163 zitabytes by 2025, hence the need for simulation and modeling theory and practice. Simulation and modeling tools and techniques are most important in this day and age. While simulation carries the needed work, tools for visualizing the results help in the decision-making process. Simulation ranges from a simple queue to molecular dynamics, including seismic reliability analysis, structural integrity assessment, games, reliability engineering, and system safety. This book will introduce practitioners, researchers, and novice users to simulation and modeling, and to the world of imagination

    Proactive Coordination In Healthcare Service Systems Through Near Real-Time Analytics

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    The United States (U.S.) healthcare system is the most expensive in the world. To improve the quality and safety of care, health information technology (HIT) is broadly adopted in hospitals. While EHR systems form a critical data backbone for the facility, we need improved \u27work-flow\u27 coordination tools and platforms that can enhance real-time situational awareness and facilitate effective management of resources for enhanced and efficient care. Especially, these IT systems are mostly applied for reactive management of care services and are lacking when they come to improving the real-time operational intelligence of service networks that promote efficiency and quality of operations in a proactive manner. In particular, we leverage operations research and predictive analytics techniques to develop proactive coordination mechanisms and decision methods to improve the operational efficiency of bed management service in the network spanning the emergency department (ED) to inpatient units (IUs) in a hospital, a key component of healthcare in most hospitals. The purpose of this study is to deepen our knowledge on proactive coordination empowered by predictive analytics in dynamic healthcare environments populated by clinically heterogeneous patients with individual information changing throughout ED caregiving processes. To enable proactive coordination for improved resource allocation and patient flow in the ED-IU network, we address two components of modeling/analysis tasks, i.e., the design of coordination mechanisms and the generation of future state information for ED patients. First, we explore the benefits of early task initiation for the service network spanning the emergency department (ED) and inpatient units (IUs) within a hospital. In particular, we investigate the value of proactive inpatient bed request signals from the ED to reduce ED patient boarding. Using data from a major healthcare system, we show that the EDs suffer from severe crowding and boarding not necessarily due to high IU bed occupancy but due to poor coordination of IU bed management activity. The proposed proactive IU bed allocation scheme addresses this coordination requirement without requiring additional staff resources. While the modeling framework is designed based on the inclusion of two analytical requirements, i.e., ED disposition decision prediction and remaining ED length of stay (LoS) estimation, the framework also accounts for imperfect patient disposition predictions and multiple patient sources (besides ED) to IUs. The ED-IU network setting is modeled as a fork-join queueing system. Unlike typical fork-join queue structures that respond identically to a transition, the proposed system exhibits state-dependent transition behaviors as a function of the types of entities being processed in servers. We characterize the state sets and sequences to facilitate analytical tractability. The proposed proactive bed allocation strategy can lead to significant reductions in bed allocation delay for ED patients (up to ~50%), while not increasing delays for other IU admission sources. We also demonstrate that benefits of proactive coordination can be attained even in the absence of highly accurate models for predicting ED patient dispositions. The insights from our models should give confidence to hospital managers in embracing proactive coordination and adaptive work flow technologies enabled by modern health IT systems. Second, we investigate the quantitative modeling that analyzes the patterns of decreasing uncertainty in ED patient disposition decision making throughout the course of ED caregiving processes. The classification task of ED disposition decision prediction can be evaluated as a hierarchical classification problem, while dealing with temporal evolution and buildup of clinical information throughout the ED caregiving processes. Four different time stages within the ED course (registration, triage, first lab/imaging orders, and first lab/imaging results) are identified as the main milestone care stages. The study took place at an academic urban level 1 trauma center with an annual census of 100,000. Data for the modeling was extracted from all ED visits between May 2014 and April 2016. Both a hierarchical disposition class structure and a progressive prediction modeling approach are introduced and combined to fully facilitate the operationalization of prediction results. Multinomial logistic regression models are built for carrying out the predictions under three different classification group structures: (1) discharge vs. admission, (2) discharge vs. observation unit vs. inpatient unit, and (3) discharge vs. observation unit vs. general practice unit vs. telemetry unit vs. intensive care unit. We characterize how the accumulation of clinical information for ED patients throughout the ED caregiving processes can help improve prediction results for the three-different class groups. Each class group can enable and contribute to unique proactive coordination strategies according to the obtained future state information and prediction quality, to enhance the quality of care and operational efficiency around the ED. We also reveal that for different disposition classes, the prediction quality evolution behaves in its own unique way according to the gain of relevant information. Therefore, prediction and resource allocation and task assignment strategies can be tailored to suit the unique behavior of the progressive information accumulation for the different classes of patients as a function of their destination beyond the ED

    Analysis of disruptions caused by construction field rework on productivity in residential projects

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    Operational performance in residential construction production systems is assessed based on measures such as average house-completion time, number of houses under construction, lead time, and customer service. These systems, however, are prone to nonuniformity and interruptions caused by a wide range of variables such as inclement weather conditions, accidents at worksites, fluctuations in demand for houses, and rework. The availability and capacity of resources therefore are not the sole measures for evaluating construction production systems capacity, especially when rework is involved. The writers’ aim is to investigate the effects of rework timeframe and frequency/length on tangible performance measures. Different call-back timeframes for rework and their impact on house-completion times are modeled and analyzed. Volume home-building was chosen as the industry sector studied in the research reported in this paper because it is a data-rich environment. The writers designed several experiments to model on time, late, and early call-back timeframes in the presence of rework with different length and frequency. Both mathematical modeling and discrete-event simulation were then used to compare and contrast outputs. The measurements showed that the average completion time is shorter in systems interrupted by frequent but short rework. In other words, a smaller downstream buffer between processes is required to avoid work starvation than those systems affected by infrequent but long interruptions. Early call-backs for rework can significantly increase the number of house completions over the long run. This indicates that there is an opportunity for the mass house-building sector to improve work practice and project delivery by effectively managing rework and its related variables. The research reported in this paper builds on the current body-of-knowledge by applying even-flow production theory to the analysis of rework in the residential construction sector, with the intention of ensuring minimal disruption to construction production process and improving productivity

    Hybrid approaches based on computational intelligence and semantic web for distributed situation and context awareness

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    2011 - 2012The research work focuses on Situation Awareness and Context Awareness topics. Specifically, Situation Awareness involves being aware of what is happening in the vicinity to understand how information, events, and one’s own actions will impact goals and objectives, both immediately and in the near future. Thus, Situation Awareness is especially important in application domains where the information flow can be quite high and poor decisions making may lead to serious consequences. On the other hand Context Awareness is considered a process to support user applications to adapt interfaces, tailor the set of application-relevant data, increase the precision of information retrieval, discover services, make the user interaction implicit, or build smart environments. Despite being slightly different, Situation and Context Awareness involve common problems such as: the lack of a support for the acquisition and aggregation of dynamic environmental information from the field (i.e. sensors, cameras, etc.); the lack of formal approaches to knowledge representation (i.e. contexts, concepts, relations, situations, etc.) and processing (reasoning, classification, retrieval, discovery, etc.); the lack of automated and distributed systems, with considerable computing power, to support the reasoning on a huge quantity of knowledge, extracted by sensor data. So, the thesis researches new approaches for distributed Context and Situation Awareness and proposes to apply them in order to achieve some related research objectives such as knowledge representation, semantic reasoning, pattern recognition and information retrieval. The research work starts from the study and analysis of state of art in terms of techniques, technologies, tools and systems to support Context/Situation Awareness. The main aim is to develop a new contribution in this field by integrating techniques deriving from the fields of Semantic Web, Soft Computing and Computational Intelligence. From an architectural point of view, several frameworks are going to be defined according to the multi-agent paradigm. Furthermore, some preliminary experimental results have been obtained in some application domains such as Airport Security, Traffic Management, Smart Grids and Healthcare. Finally, future challenges is going to the following directions: Semantic Modeling of Fuzzy Control, Temporal Issues, Automatically Ontology Elicitation, Extension to other Application Domains and More Experiments. [edited by author]XI n.s
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