401 research outputs found

    Implementing Clinical Decision Support System Using Naïve Bayesian Classifier

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    To speed up the diagnosis time and improve the diagnosis accuracy in today’s healthcare system, it is important to provide a much cheaper and faster way for diagnosis. This system is called as Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS). With various data mining techniques being applied to assist physicians in diagnosing patient diseases with similar symptoms, has received a great attention now a days. The advantages of clinical decision support system include not only improving diagnosis accuracy but also reducing diagnosis time. In this paper, the data mining technique name Naïve Bayesian Classifier, which offers many advantages over the traditional methods of data mining is used that opens a new way for clinicians to predict patient’s diseases. As the system is built on the sensitive data for patient privacy it is necessary to add some features that meets the security requirement. Specifically, with large amounts of data related to healthcare is generated every day, the classification can be utilized to excavate valuable information that improve clinical decision support system. Here the fuzzywuzzy string matching algorithm of naïve bayesian classifier is used to perform prediction from large number of symptoms data. The Result analysis perform in the last section on live data of five patient gives that by using proposed technique we try to make the Clinical Decision Support System more helpful for providing diagnosis of deceases more accurately and efficiently

    Investigation of Effective Classification Method for Online Health Service Recommendation System

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    Hospital Recommendation Services have been gaining popularity these days. There are many applications and systems that are recommending hospitals based on the user’s requirements and to meet the patient satisfaction. These applications take the reviews of the patients and the users and based on these reviews, they recommend the hospitals. Also if a person is new to the location that he is currently residing, when the speciality is given as input by him, then these applications recommend the hospitals. But the problem is that everyone is not aware of the medical terms like specialities. For those people, “Health Service Recommendation System” comes handy. “Health Service Recommendation System” is an Android Application for finding hospitals within a specified range of distance and requirements provided by the client using the Naïve Bayes classification algorithm. Naïve Bayes algorithm classifies the speciality and thus helps in achieving the maximum accuracy compared to the other algorithms used. This application is helpful even for the people who are not aware of the specialities of the hospitals

    Investigation of Effective Classification Method for Online Health Service Recommendation System

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    Hospital Recommendation Services have been gaining popularity these days. There are many applications and systems that are recommending hospitals based on the user’s requirements and to meet the patient satisfaction. These applications take the reviews of the patients and the users and based on these reviews, they recommend the hospitals. Also if a person is new to the location that he is currently residing, when the speciality is given as input by him, then these applications recommend the hospitals. But the problem is that everyone is not aware of the medical terms like specialities. For those people, “Health Service Recommendation System” comes handy. “Health Service Recommendation System” is an Android Application for finding hospitals within a specified range of distance and requirements provided by the client using the Naïve Bayes classification algorithm. Naïve Bayes algorithm classifies the speciality and thus helps in achieving the maximum accuracy compared to the other algorithms used. This application is helpful even for the people who are not aware of the specialities of the hospitals

    Fall Prediction and Prevention Systems: Recent Trends, Challenges, and Future Research Directions.

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    Fall prediction is a multifaceted problem that involves complex interactions between physiological, behavioral, and environmental factors. Existing fall detection and prediction systems mainly focus on physiological factors such as gait, vision, and cognition, and do not address the multifactorial nature of falls. In addition, these systems lack efficient user interfaces and feedback for preventing future falls. Recent advances in internet of things (IoT) and mobile technologies offer ample opportunities for integrating contextual information about patient behavior and environment along with physiological health data for predicting falls. This article reviews the state-of-the-art in fall detection and prediction systems. It also describes the challenges, limitations, and future directions in the design and implementation of effective fall prediction and prevention systems

    Patient-Centric HetNets Powered by Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics for 6G Networks

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    Having a cognitive and self-optimizing network that proactively adapts not only to channel conditions, but also according to its users' needs can be one of the highest forthcoming priorities of future 6G Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets). In this paper, we introduce an interdisciplinary approach linking the concepts of e-healthcare, priority, big data analytics (BDA) and radio resource optimization in a multi-tier 5G network. We employ three machine learning (ML) algorithms, namely, naïve Bayesian (NB) classifier, logistic regression (LR), and decision tree (DT), working as an ensemble system to analyze historical medical records of stroke out-patients (OPs) and readings from body-attached internet-of-things (IoT) sensors to predict the likelihood of an imminent stroke. We convert the stroke likelihood into a risk factor functioning as a priority in a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) optimization model. Hence, the task is to optimally allocate physical resource blocks (PRBs) to HetNet users while prioritizing OPs by granting them high gain PRBs according to the severity of their medical state. Thus, empowering the OPs to send their critical data to their healthcare provider with minimized delay. To that end, two optimization approaches are proposed, a weighted sum rate maximization (WSRMax) approach and a proportional fairness (PF) approach. The proposed approaches increased the OPs' average signal to interference plus noise (SINR) by 57% and 95%, respectively. The WSRMax approach increased the system's total SINR to a level higher than that of the PF approach, nevertheless, the PF approach yielded higher SINRs for the OPs, better fairness and a lower margin of error

    Methods for generating and evaluating synthetic longitudinal patient data: a systematic review

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    The proliferation of data in recent years has led to the advancement and utilization of various statistical and deep learning techniques, thus expediting research and development activities. However, not all industries have benefited equally from the surge in data availability, partly due to legal restrictions on data usage and privacy regulations, such as in medicine. To address this issue, various statistical disclosure and privacy-preserving methods have been proposed, including the use of synthetic data generation. Synthetic data are generated based on some existing data, with the aim of replicating them as closely as possible and acting as a proxy for real sensitive data. This paper presents a systematic review of methods for generating and evaluating synthetic longitudinal patient data, a prevalent data type in medicine. The review adheres to the PRISMA guidelines and covers literature from five databases until the end of 2022. The paper describes 17 methods, ranging from traditional simulation techniques to modern deep learning methods. The collected information includes, but is not limited to, method type, source code availability, and approaches used to assess resemblance, utility, and privacy. Furthermore, the paper discusses practical guidelines and key considerations for developing synthetic longitudinal data generation methods

    Predicting and analyzing HIV-1 adaptation to broadly neutralizing antibodies and the host immune system using machine learning

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    Thanks to its extraordinarily high mutation and replication rate, the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is able to rapidly adapt to the selection pressure imposed by the host immune system or antiretroviral drug exposure. With neither a cure nor a vaccine at hand, viral control is a major pillar in the combat of the HIV-1 pandemic. Without drug exposure, interindividual differences in viral control are partly influenced by host genetic factors like the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system, and viral genetic factors like the predominant coreceptor usage of the virus. Thus, a close monitoring of the viral population within the patients and adjustments in the treatment regimens, as well as a continuous development of new drug components are indispensable measures to counteract the emergence of viral escape variants. To this end, a fast and accurate determination of the viral adaptation is essential for a successful treatment. This thesis is based upon four studies that aim to develop and apply statistical learning methods to (i) predict adaptation of the virus to broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs), a promising new treatment option, (ii) advance antibody-mediated immunotherapy for clinical usage, and (iii) predict viral adaptation to the HLA system to further understand the switch in HIV-1 coreceptor usage. In total, this thesis comprises several statistical learning approaches to predict HIV-1 adaptation, thereby, enabling a better control of HIV-1 infections.Dank seiner außergewöhnlich hohen Mutations- und Replikationsrate ist das humane Immundefizienzvirus Typ 1 (HIV-1) in der Lage sich schnell an den vom Immunsystem des Wirtes oder durch die antiretrovirale Arzneimittelexposition ausgeübten Selektionsdruck anzupassen. Da weder ein Heilmittel noch ein Impfstoff verfügbar sind, ist die Viruskontrolle eine wichtige Säule im Kampf gegen die HIV-1-Pandemie. Ohne Arzneimittelexposition werden interindividuelle Unterschiede in der Viruskontrolle teilweise durch genetische Faktoren des Wirts wie das humane Leukozytenantigensystem (HLA) und virale genetische Faktoren wie die vorherrschende Korezeptornutzung des Virus beeinflusst. Eine genaue Überwachung der Viruspopulation innerhalb des Patienten, gegebenfalls Anpassungen der Behandlungsschemata sowie eine kontinuierliche Entwicklung neuer Wirkstoffkomponenten sind daher unerlässliche Maßnahmen, um dem Auftreten viraler Fluchtvarianten entgegenzuwirken. Für eine erfolgreiche Behandlung ist eine schnelle und genaue Bestimmung der Anpassung einer Variante essentiell. Die Thesis basiert auf vier Studien, deren Ziel es ist statistische Lernverfahren zu entwickeln und anzuwenden, um (1) die Anpassung von HIV-1 an breit neutralisierende Antikörper, eine neuartige vielversprechende Therapieoption, vorherzusagen, (2) den Einsatz von Antikörper-basierte Immuntherapien für den klinischen Einsatz voranzutreiben, und (3) die virale Anpassung von HIV-1 an das HLA-System vorherzusagen, um den Wechsel der HIV-1 Korezeptornutzung besser zu verstehen. Zusammenfassend umfasst diese Thesis mehrere statistische Lernverfahrenansätze, um HIV Anpassung vorherzusagen, wodurch eine bessere Kontrolle von HIV-1 Infektionen ermöglicht wird

    Statistical Review of Health Monitoring Models for Real-Time Hospital Scenarios

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    Health Monitoring System Models (HMSMs) need speed, efficiency, and security to work. Cascading components ensure data collection, storage, communication, retrieval, and privacy in these models. Researchers propose many methods to design such models, varying in scalability, multidomain efficiency, flexibility, usage and deployment, computational complexity, cost of deployment, security level, feature usability, and other performance metrics. Thus, HMSM designers struggle to find the best models for their application-specific deployments. They must test and validate different models, which increases design time and cost, affecting deployment feasibility. This article discusses secure HMSMs' application-specific advantages, feature-specific limitations, context-specific nuances, and deployment-specific future research scopes to reduce model selection ambiguity. The models based on the Internet of Things (IoT), Machine Learning Models (MLMs), Blockchain Models, Hashing Methods, Encryption Methods, Distributed Computing Configurations, and Bioinspired Models have better Quality of Service (QoS) and security than their counterparts. Researchers can find application-specific models. This article compares the above models in deployment cost, attack mitigation performance, scalability, computational complexity, and monitoring applicability. This comparative analysis helps readers choose HMSMs for context-specific application deployments. This article also devises performance measuring metrics called Health Monitoring Model Metrics (HM3) to compare the performance of various models based on accuracy, precision, delay, scalability, computational complexity, energy consumption, and security