208 research outputs found

    Privacy Preserving Data Mining For Horizontally Distributed Medical Data Analysis

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    To build reliable prediction models and identify useful patterns, assembling data sets from databases maintained by different sources such as hospitals becomes increasingly common; however, it might divulge sensitive information about individuals and thus leads to increased concerns about privacy, which in turn prevents different parties from sharing information. Privacy Preserving Distributed Data Mining (PPDDM) provides a means to address this issue without accessing actual data values to avoid the disclosure of information beyond the final result. In recent years, a number of state-of-the-art PPDDM approaches have been developed, most of which are based on Secure Multiparty Computation (SMC). SMC requires expensive communication cost and sophisticated secure computation. Besides, the mining progress is inevitable to slow down due to the increasing volume of the aggregated data. In this work, a new framework named Privacy-Aware Non-linear SVM (PAN-SVM) is proposed to build a PPDDM model from multiple data sources. PAN-SVM employs the Secure Sum Protocol to protect privacy at the bottom layer, and reduces the complex communication and computation via Nystrom matrix approximation and Eigen decomposition methods at the medium layer. The top layer of PAN-SVM speeds up the whole algorithm for large scale datasets. Based on the proposed framework of PAN-SVM, a Privacy Preserving Multi-class Classifier is built, and the experimental results on several benchmark datasets and microarray datasets show its abilities to improve classification accuracy compared with a regular SVM. In addition, two Privacy Preserving Feature Selection methods are also proposed based on PAN-SVM, and tested by using benchmark data and real world data. PAN-SVM does not depend on a trusted third party; all participants collaborate equally. Many experimental results show that PAN-SVM can not only effectively solve the problem of collaborative privacy-preserving data mining by building non-linear classification rules, but also significantly improve the performance of built classifiers

    Simple but Not Simplistic: Reducing the Complexity of Machine Learning Methods

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Computación . 5009V01[Resumo] A chegada do Big Data e a explosión do Internet das cousas supuxeron un gran reto para os investigadores en Aprendizaxe Automática, facendo que o proceso de aprendizaxe sexa mesmo roáis complexo. No mundo real, os problemas da aprendizaxe automática xeralmente teñen complexidades inherentes, como poden ser as características intrínsecas dos datos, o gran número de mostras, a alta dimensión dos datos de entrada, os cambios na distribución entre o conxunto de adestramento e test, etc. Todos estes aspectos son importantes, e requiren novoS modelos que poi dan facer fronte a estas situacións. Nesta tese, abordáronse todos estes problemas, tratando de simplificar o proceso de aprendizaxe automática no escenario actual. En primeiro lugar, realízase unha análise de complexidade para observar como inflúe esta na tarefa de clasificación, e se é posible que a aplicación dun proceso previo de selección de características reduza esta complexidade. Logo, abórdase o proceso de simplificación da fase de aprendizaxe automática mediante a filosofía divide e vencerás, usando un enfoque distribuído. Seguidamente, aplicamos esa mesma filosofía sobre o proceso de selección de características. Finalmente, optamos por un enfoque diferente seguindo a filosofía do Edge Computing, a cal permite que os datos producidos polos dispositivos do Internet das cousas se procesen máis preto de onde se crearon. Os enfoques propostos demostraron a súa capacidade para reducir a complexidade dos métodos de aprendizaxe automática tradicionais e, polo tanto, espérase que a contribución desta tese abra as portas ao desenvolvemento de novos métodos de aprendizaxe máquina máis simples, máis robustos, e máis eficientes computacionalmente.[Resumen] La llegada del Big Data y la explosión del Internet de las cosas han supuesto un gran reto para los investigadores en Aprendizaje Automático, haciendo que el proceso de aprendizaje sea incluso más complejo. En el mundo real, los problemas de aprendizaje automático generalmente tienen complejidades inherentes) como pueden ser las características intrínsecas de los datos, el gran número de muestras, la alta dimensión de los datos de entrada, los cambios en la distribución entre el conjunto de entrenamiento y test, etc. Todos estos aspectos son importantes, y requieren nuevos modelos que puedan hacer frente a estas situaciones. En esta tesis, se han abordado todos estos problemas, tratando de simplificar el proceso de aprendizaje automático en el escenario actual. En primer lugar, se realiza un análisis de complejidad para observar cómo influye ésta en la tarea de clasificación1 y si es posible que la aplicación de un proceso previo de selección de características reduzca esta complejidad. Luego, se aborda el proceso de simplificación de la fase de aprendizaje automático mediante la filosofía divide y vencerás, usando un enfoque distribuido. A continuación, aplicamos esa misma filosofía sobre el proceso de selección de características. Finalmente, optamos por un enfoque diferente siguiendo la filosofía del Edge Computing, la cual permite que los datos producidos por los dispositivos del Internet de las cosas se procesen más cerca de donde se crearon. Los enfoques propuestos han demostrado su capacidad para reducir la complejidad de los métodos de aprendizaje automático tnidicionales y, por lo tanto, se espera que la contribución de esta tesis abra las puertas al desarrollo de nuevos métodos de aprendizaje máquina más simples, más robustos, y más eficientes computacionalmente.[Abstract] The advent of Big Data and the explosion of the Internet of Things, has brought unprecedented challenges to Machine Learning researchers, making the learning task more complexo Real-world machine learning problems usually have inherent complexities, such as the intrinsic characteristics of the data, large number of instauces, high input dimensionality, dataset shift, etc. AH these aspects matter, and can fOI new models that can confront these situations. Thus, in this thesis, we have addressed aH these issues) simplifying the machine learning process in the current scenario. First, we carry out a complexity analysis to see how it inftuences the classification models, and if it is possible that feature selection might result in a deerease of that eomplexity. Then, we address the proeess of simplifying learning with the divide-and-conquer philosophy of the distributed approaeh. Later, we aim to reduce the complexity of the feature seleetion preprocessing through the same philosophy. FinallYl we opt for a different approaeh following the eurrent philosophy Edge eomputing, whieh allows the data produeed by Internet of Things deviees to be proeessed closer to where they were ereated. The proposed approaehes have demonstrated their eapability to reduce the complexity of traditional maehine learning algorithms, and thus it is expeeted that the eontribution of this thesis will open the doors to the development of new maehine learning methods that are simpler, more robust, and more eomputationally efficient


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    Data are valuable assets to any organizations or individuals. Data are sources of useful information which is a big part of decision making. All sectors have potential to benefit from having information. Commerce, health, and research are some of the fields that have benefited from data. On the other hand, the availability of the data makes it easy for anyone to exploit the data, which in many cases are private confidential data. It is necessary to preserve the confidentiality of the data. We study two categories of privacy: Data Value Hiding and Data Pattern Hiding. Privacy is a huge concern but equally important is the concern of data utility. Data should avoid privacy breach yet be usable. Although these two objectives are contradictory and achieving both at the same time is challenging, having knowledge of the purpose and the manner in which it will be utilized helps. In this research, we focus on some particular situations for clustering and classification problems and strive to balance the utility and privacy of the data. In the first part of this dissertation, we propose Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) based techniques that accommodate constraints defined explicitly into the update rules. These constraints determine how the factorization takes place leading to the favorable results. These methods are designed to make alterations on the matrices such that user-specified cluster properties are introduced. These methods can be used to preserve data value as well as data pattern. As NMF and K-means are proven to be equivalent, NMF is an ideal choice for pattern hiding for clustering problems. In addition to the NMF based methods, we propose methods that take into account the data structures and the attribute properties for the classification problems. We separate the work into two different parts: linear classifiers and nonlinear classifiers. We propose two different solutions based on the classifiers. We study the effect of distortion on the utility of data. We propose three distortion measurement metrics which demonstrate better characteristics than the traditional metrics. The effectiveness of the measures is examined on different benchmark datasets. The result shows that the methods have the desirable properties such as invariance to translation, rotation, and scaling

    Applications in security and evasions in machine learning : a survey

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    In recent years, machine learning (ML) has become an important part to yield security and privacy in various applications. ML is used to address serious issues such as real-time attack detection, data leakage vulnerability assessments and many more. ML extensively supports the demanding requirements of the current scenario of security and privacy across a range of areas such as real-time decision-making, big data processing, reduced cycle time for learning, cost-efficiency and error-free processing. Therefore, in this paper, we review the state of the art approaches where ML is applicable more effectively to fulfill current real-world requirements in security. We examine different security applications' perspectives where ML models play an essential role and compare, with different possible dimensions, their accuracy results. By analyzing ML algorithms in security application it provides a blueprint for an interdisciplinary research area. Even with the use of current sophisticated technology and tools, attackers can evade the ML models by committing adversarial attacks. Therefore, requirements rise to assess the vulnerability in the ML models to cope up with the adversarial attacks at the time of development. Accordingly, as a supplement to this point, we also analyze the different types of adversarial attacks on the ML models. To give proper visualization of security properties, we have represented the threat model and defense strategies against adversarial attack methods. Moreover, we illustrate the adversarial attacks based on the attackers' knowledge about the model and addressed the point of the model at which possible attacks may be committed. Finally, we also investigate different types of properties of the adversarial attacks
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