185 research outputs found

    HPRoP: Hierarchical Privacy-preserving Route Planning For Smart Cities

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    Route Planning Systems (RPS) are a core component of autonomous personal transport systems essential for safe and efficient navigation of dynamic urban environments with the support of edge-based smart city infrastructure, but they also raise concerns about user route privacy in the context of both privately owned and commercial vehicles. Numerous high-profile data breaches in recent years have fortunately motivated research on privacy preserving RPS, but most of them are rendered impractical by greatly increased communication and processing overhead. We address this by proposing an approach called Hierarchical Privacy-Preserving Route Planning (HPRoP), which divides and distributes the route-planning task across multiple levels and protects locations along the entire route. This is done by combining Inertial Flow partitioning, Private Information Retrieval (PIR), and Edge Computing techniques with our novel route-planning heuristic algorithm. Normalized metrics were also formulated to quantify the privacy of the source/destination points (endpoint location privacy) and the route itself (route privacy). Evaluation on a simulated road network showed that HPRoP reliably produces routes differing only by ā‰¤ 20% in length from optimal shortest paths, with completion times within āˆ¼25 seconds, which is reasonable for a PIR-based approach. On top of this, more than half of the produced routes achieved near-optimal endpoint location privacy (āˆ¼1.0) and good route privacy (ā‰„ 0.8)

    SneakySnake: A Fast and Accurate Universal Genome Pre-Alignment Filter for CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs

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    Motivation: We introduce SneakySnake, a highly parallel and highly accurate pre-alignment filter that remarkably reduces the need for computationally costly sequence alignment. The key idea of SneakySnake is to reduce the approximate string matching (ASM) problem to the single net routing (SNR) problem in VLSI chip layout. In the SNR problem, we are interested in finding the optimal path that connects two terminals with the least routing cost on a special grid layout that contains obstacles. The SneakySnake algorithm quickly solves the SNR problem and uses the found optimal path to decide whether or not performing sequence alignment is necessary. Reducing the ASM problem into SNR also makes SneakySnake efficient to implement on CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs. Results: SneakySnake significantly improves the accuracy of pre-alignment filtering by up to four orders of magnitude compared to the state-of-the-art pre-alignment filters, Shouji, GateKeeper, and SHD. For short sequences, SneakySnake accelerates Edlib (state-of-the-art implementation of Myers's bit-vector algorithm) and Parasail (state-of-the-art sequence aligner with a configurable scoring function), by up to 37.7x and 43.9x (>12x on average), respectively, with its CPU implementation, and by up to 413x and 689x (>400x on average), respectively, with FPGA and GPU acceleration. For long sequences, the CPU implementation of SneakySnake accelerates Parasail and KSW2 (sequence aligner of minimap2) by up to 979x (276.9x on average) and 91.7x (31.7x on average), respectively. As SneakySnake does not replace sequence alignment, users can still obtain all capabilities (e.g., configurable scoring functions) of the aligner of their choice, unlike existing acceleration efforts that sacrifice some aligner capabilities. Availability: https://github.com/CMU-SAFARI/SneakySnakeComment: To appear in Bioinformatic

    Constructing dummy query sequences to protect location privacy and query privacy in location-based services

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    Ā© 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Location-based services (LBS) have become an important part of peopleā€™s daily life. However, while providing great convenience for mobile users, LBS result in a serious problem on personal privacy, i.e., location privacy and query privacy. However, existing privacy methods for LBS generally take into consideration only location privacy or query privacy, without considering the problem of protecting both of them simultaneously. In this paper, we propose to construct a group of dummy query sequences, to cover up the query locations and query attributes of mobile users and thus protect usersā€™ privacy in LBS. First, we present a client-based framework for user privacy protection in LBS, which requires not only no change to the existing LBS algorithm on the server-side, but also no compromise to the accuracy of a LBS query. Second, based on the framework, we introduce a privacy model to formulate the constraints that ideal dummy query sequences should satisfy: (1) the similarity of feature distribution, which measures the effectiveness of the dummy query sequences to hide a true user query sequence; and (2) the exposure degree of user privacy, which measures the effectiveness of the dummy query sequences to cover up the location privacy and query privacy of a mobile user. Finally, we present an implementation algorithm to well meet the privacy model. Besides, both theoretical analysis and experimental evaluation demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach, which show that the location privacy and attribute privacy behind LBS queries can be effectively protected by the dummy queries generated by our approach

    Data and resource management in wireless networks via data compression, GPS-free dissemination, and learning

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    ā€œThis research proposes several innovative approaches to collect data efficiently from large scale WSNs. First, a Z-compression algorithm has been proposed which exploits the temporal locality of the multi-dimensional sensing data and adapts the Z-order encoding algorithm to map multi-dimensional data to a one-dimensional data stream. The extended version of Z-compression adapts itself to working in low power WSNs running under low power listening (LPL) mode, and comprehensively analyzes its performance compressing both real-world and synthetic datasets. Second, it proposed an efficient geospatial based data collection scheme for IoTs that reduces redundant rebroadcast of up to 95% by only collecting the data of interest. As most of the low-cost wireless sensors wonā€™t be equipped with a GPS module, the virtual coordinates are used to estimate the locations. The proposed work utilizes the anchor-based virtual coordinate system and DV-Hop (Distance vector of hops to anchors) to estimate the relative location of nodes to anchors. Also, it uses circle and hyperbola constraints to encode the position of interest (POI) and any user-defined trajectory into a data request message which allows only the sensors in the POI and routing trajectory to collect and route. It also provides location anonymity by avoiding using and transmitting GPS location information. This has been extended also for heterogeneous WSNs and refined the encoding algorithm by replacing the circle constraints with the ellipse constraints. Last, it proposes a framework that predicts the trajectory of the moving object using a Sequence-to-Sequence learning (Seq2Seq) model and only wakes-up the sensors that fall within the predicted trajectory of the moving object with a specially designed control packet. It reduces the computation time of encoding geospatial trajectory by more than 90% and preserves the location anonymity for the local edge serversā€--Abstract, page iv


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    Volume 3 describes how resource-aware machine learning methods and techniques are used to successfully solve real-world problems. The book provides numerous specific application examples: in health and medicine for risk modelling, diagnosis, and treatment selection for diseases in electronics, steel production and milling for quality control during manufacturing processes in traffic, logistics for smart cities and for mobile communications


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    Volume 3 describes how resource-aware machine learning methods and techniques are used to successfully solve real-world problems. The book provides numerous specific application examples: in health and medicine for risk modelling, diagnosis, and treatment selection for diseases in electronics, steel production and milling for quality control during manufacturing processes in traffic, logistics for smart cities and for mobile communications

    one6G white paper, 6G technology overview:Second Edition, November 2022

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    6G is supposed to address the demands for consumption of mobile networking services in 2030 and beyond. These are characterized by a variety of diverse, often conflicting requirements, from technical ones such as extremely high data rates, unprecedented scale of communicating devices, high coverage, low communicating latency, flexibility of extension, etc., to non-technical ones such as enabling sustainable growth of the society as a whole, e.g., through energy efficiency of deployed networks. On the one hand, 6G is expected to fulfil all these individual requirements, extending thus the limits set by the previous generations of mobile networks (e.g., ten times lower latencies, or hundred times higher data rates than in 5G). On the other hand, 6G should also enable use cases characterized by combinations of these requirements never seen before, e.g., both extremely high data rates and extremely low communication latency). In this white paper, we give an overview of the key enabling technologies that constitute the pillars for the evolution towards 6G. They include: terahertz frequencies (Section 1), 6G radio access (Section 2), next generation MIMO (Section 3), integrated sensing and communication (Section 4), distributed and federated artificial intelligence (Section 5), intelligent user plane (Section 6) and flexible programmable infrastructures (Section 7). For each enabling technology, we first give the background on how and why the technology is relevant to 6G, backed up by a number of relevant use cases. After that, we describe the technology in detail, outline the key problems and difficulties, and give a comprehensive overview of the state of the art in that technology. 6G is, however, not limited to these seven technologies. They merely present our current understanding of the technological environment in which 6G is being born. Future versions of this white paper may include other relevant technologies too, as well as discuss how these technologies can be glued together in a coherent system

    LIPIcs, Volume 248, ISAAC 2022, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 248, ISAAC 2022, Complete Volum
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