1,122 research outputs found

    A Reconfigurable Processor for Heterogeneous Multi-Core Architectures

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    A reconfigurable processor is a general-purpose processor coupled with an FPGA-like reconfigurable fabric. By deploying application-specific accelerators, performance for a wide range of applications can be improved with such a system. In this work concepts are designed for the use of reconfigurable processors in multi-tasking scenarios and as part of multi-core systems

    Exploiting asymmetric multi-core systems with flexible system software

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    Asymmetric multi-cores (AMCs) are a successful architectural solution for both mobile devices and supercomputers. These architectures combine different types of processing cores designed at different performance and power optimization points, thus exposing a performance-power trade-off. By maintaining two types of cores, AMCs are able to provide high performance under the facility power budget. However, there are significant challenges when using AMCs such as scheduling and load balancing. This thesis initially explores the potential of AMCs when executing current HPC applications and searches for the most appropriate execution model. Specifically we evaluate several execution models on an Arm big.LITTLE AMC using the PARSEC benchmark suite that includes representative HPC applications. We compare schedulers at the user, OS and runtime system levels, using both static and dynamic options and multiple configurations, and assess the impact of these options on the well-known problem of balancing the load across AMCs. Our results demonstrate that scheduling is more effective when it takes place in the runtime system as it improves the user-level scheduling by 23%, while the heterogeneous-aware OS scheduling solution improves the user-level scheduling by 10%. Following this outcome, this thesis focuses on increasing performance of AMC systems by improving scheduling in the runtime system level. Scheduling in the runtime system level is provided by the use of task-based parallel programming models. These programming models offer programming flexibility as they consist of an interface and a runtime system to manage the underlying resources and threads. In this thesis we improve scheduling with task-based programming models by providing three novel task schedulers for AMCs. These dynamic scheduling policies reduce total execution time either by detecting the longest or the critical path of the dynamic task dependency graph of the application. They use dynamic scheduling and information discoverable during execution, fact that makes them implementable and functional without the need of off-line profiling. In our evaluation we compare these scheduling approaches with an existing state-of the art heterogeneous scheduler and we track their improvement over a FIFO baseline scheduler. We show that the heterogeneous schedulers improve the baseline by up to 1.45x on a real 8-core AMC and up to 2.1x on a simulated 32-core AMC. Another enhancement we provide in task-based programming models is the adaptability to fine grained parallelism. The increasing number of cores on modern CMPs is pushing research towards the use of fine grained workloads, which is an important challenge for task-based programming models. Our study makes the observation that task creation becomes a bottleneck when executing fine grained workloads with task-based programming models. As the number of cores increases, the time spent generating tasks is becoming more critical to the entire execution. To overcome this issue, we propose TaskGenX. TaskGenX minimizes task creation overheads and relies both on the runtime system and a dedicated hardware. On the runtime system side, TaskGenX decouples the task creation from the other runtime activities. It then transfers this part of the runtime to a specialized hardware. From our evaluation using 11 HPC workloads on both symmetric and AMC systems, we obtain performance improvements up to 15x, averaging to 3.1x over the baseline. Finally, this thesis presents a showcase for a real-time CPU scheduler with the goal to increase the frames per second (FPS) of the game-play on mobile devices with AMC systems. We design and implement the RTS scheduler in the Android framework. RTS provides an efficient scheduling policy that takes into account the current temperature of the system to perform task migration. RTS solution increases the median FPS of the baseline mechanisms by up to 7.5% and at the same time it maintains temperature stable.Los procesadores multinúcleos asimétricos (AMC) son una solución arquitectónica exitosa para dispositivos móviles y supercomputadores. Estas arquitecturas combinan diferentes tipos de núcleos de procesamiento diseñados con diferentes propiedades de rendimiento y potencia. Al mantener dos o más tipos de núcleos, los AMCs pueden proporcionar un alto rendimiento con un consumo bajo de energía de las infraestructuras. Sin embargo, existen importantes desafíos al usar los AMC, como la programación y el equilibrio de carga. Esta tesis explora inicialmente el potencial de los AMC al ejecutar aplicaciones actuales de Computacion de Alto Rendimiento (HPC) y busca el modelo de ejecución más apropiado para ellas. Específicamente evaluamos varios modelos de ejecución en un procesador asimétrico Arm big.LITTLE utilizando las aplicaciones PARSEC que son aplicaciones representativas de HPC. En este trabajo se compara la programación en los niveles de usuario, sistema operativo y librería y evaluamos el impacto de estas opciones en el conocido problema de equilibrar la carga entre los AMCs. Nuestros resultados demuestran que la programación es más efectiva cuando se lleva a cabo en el nivel del runtime, ya que mejora la programación del nivel de usuario en un 23%, mientras que la solución de programación del sistema operativo heterogéneo mejora la programación del nivel de usuario en un 10%. Siguiendo este resultado, esta tesis se centra en aumentar el rendimiento de los sistemas AMC mejorando la programación al nivel de librería. La programación en este nivel se proporciona mediante el uso de Modelos de Programación Paralelos Basados en Tareas (MPBT). Estos modelos de programación ofrecen flexibilidad de programación, ya que consisten en una interfaz y un runtime para administrar los recursos e hilos subyacentes. En esta tesis, mejoramos la programación con MPBT al proporcionar tres nuevos planificadores de tareas para AMCs. Estos planificadores dinámicos reducen el tiempo total de ejecución ya sea detectando la camino más largo o el camino crítico del grafo de dependencia de tareas de la aplicación, que es generado dinámicamente. En nuestra evaluación, comparamos estos planificadores con un planificador heterogéneo existente y demonstramos su mejora sobre un planificador FIFO. Mostramos que los planificadores heterogéneos mejoran el planificador FIFO en hasta 1.45x en un AMC real de 8 núcleos y hasta 2.1x en un AMC simulado de 32 núcleos. Otra contribución en los MPBT es la adaptabilidad al paralelismo de grano fino. El creciente número de núcleos en los chip multinúcleos modernos está empujando la investigación hacia el uso de cargas de trabajo de grano fino, que es un desafío importante para los MPBT. Nuestro estudio observa que la creación de tareas bloquea la ejecución con cargas de trabajo de grano fino con MPBT. Cuando el número de núcleos aumenta, el tiempo empleado en generar tareas pasa a ser más crítico para toda la ejecución. Nuestra solución es TaskGenX, que minimiza los costes de creación de tareas y se basa en una extensión del runtime y en un hardware dedicado. En el runtime, TaskGenX desacopla la creación de tareas de las otras actividades del runtime, ejecutando esta actividad en un hardware especializado. Evaluamos 11 aplicaciones de HPC con TaskGenX en sistemas simétricos y AMC y obtenemos mejoras de rendimiento de hasta 15x, con un promedio de 3.1x sobre la implementación de referencia. Finalmente, esta tesis presenta un planificador de CPU con el objetivo de aumentar los fotogramas por segundo (FPS) para juegos en dispositivos móviles con sistemas AMC. Diseñamos e implementamos el planificador de Real-Time Scheduler (RTS) en Android. El RTS proporciona una política de programación eficiente que tiene en cuenta la temperatura actual del sistema para realizar la migración de tareas. La solución RTS aumenta la FPS mediana de los mecanismos de referenci

    Exploiting asymmetric multi-core systems with flexible system software

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    Asymmetric multi-cores (AMCs) are a successful architectural solution for both mobile devices and supercomputers. These architectures combine different types of processing cores designed at different performance and power optimization points, thus exposing a performance-power trade-off. By maintaining two types of cores, AMCs are able to provide high performance under the facility power budget. However, there are significant challenges when using AMCs such as scheduling and load balancing. This thesis initially explores the potential of AMCs when executing current HPC applications and searches for the most appropriate execution model. Specifically we evaluate several execution models on an Arm big.LITTLE AMC using the PARSEC benchmark suite that includes representative HPC applications. We compare schedulers at the user, OS and runtime system levels, using both static and dynamic options and multiple configurations, and assess the impact of these options on the well-known problem of balancing the load across AMCs. Our results demonstrate that scheduling is more effective when it takes place in the runtime system as it improves the user-level scheduling by 23%, while the heterogeneous-aware OS scheduling solution improves the user-level scheduling by 10%. Following this outcome, this thesis focuses on increasing performance of AMC systems by improving scheduling in the runtime system level. Scheduling in the runtime system level is provided by the use of task-based parallel programming models. These programming models offer programming flexibility as they consist of an interface and a runtime system to manage the underlying resources and threads. In this thesis we improve scheduling with task-based programming models by providing three novel task schedulers for AMCs. These dynamic scheduling policies reduce total execution time either by detecting the longest or the critical path of the dynamic task dependency graph of the application. They use dynamic scheduling and information discoverable during execution, fact that makes them implementable and functional without the need of off-line profiling. In our evaluation we compare these scheduling approaches with an existing state-of the art heterogeneous scheduler and we track their improvement over a FIFO baseline scheduler. We show that the heterogeneous schedulers improve the baseline by up to 1.45x on a real 8-core AMC and up to 2.1x on a simulated 32-core AMC. Another enhancement we provide in task-based programming models is the adaptability to fine grained parallelism. The increasing number of cores on modern CMPs is pushing research towards the use of fine grained workloads, which is an important challenge for task-based programming models. Our study makes the observation that task creation becomes a bottleneck when executing fine grained workloads with task-based programming models. As the number of cores increases, the time spent generating tasks is becoming more critical to the entire execution. To overcome this issue, we propose TaskGenX. TaskGenX minimizes task creation overheads and relies both on the runtime system and a dedicated hardware. On the runtime system side, TaskGenX decouples the task creation from the other runtime activities. It then transfers this part of the runtime to a specialized hardware. From our evaluation using 11 HPC workloads on both symmetric and AMC systems, we obtain performance improvements up to 15x, averaging to 3.1x over the baseline. Finally, this thesis presents a showcase for a real-time CPU scheduler with the goal to increase the frames per second (FPS) of the game-play on mobile devices with AMC systems. We design and implement the RTS scheduler in the Android framework. RTS provides an efficient scheduling policy that takes into account the current temperature of the system to perform task migration. RTS solution increases the median FPS of the baseline mechanisms by up to 7.5% and at the same time it maintains temperature stable.Los procesadores multinúcleos asimétricos (AMC) son una solución arquitectónica exitosa para dispositivos móviles y supercomputadores. Estas arquitecturas combinan diferentes tipos de núcleos de procesamiento diseñados con diferentes propiedades de rendimiento y potencia. Al mantener dos o más tipos de núcleos, los AMCs pueden proporcionar un alto rendimiento con un consumo bajo de energía de las infraestructuras. Sin embargo, existen importantes desafíos al usar los AMC, como la programación y el equilibrio de carga. Esta tesis explora inicialmente el potencial de los AMC al ejecutar aplicaciones actuales de Computacion de Alto Rendimiento (HPC) y busca el modelo de ejecución más apropiado para ellas. Específicamente evaluamos varios modelos de ejecución en un procesador asimétrico Arm big.LITTLE utilizando las aplicaciones PARSEC que son aplicaciones representativas de HPC. En este trabajo se compara la programación en los niveles de usuario, sistema operativo y librería y evaluamos el impacto de estas opciones en el conocido problema de equilibrar la carga entre los AMCs. Nuestros resultados demuestran que la programación es más efectiva cuando se lleva a cabo en el nivel del runtime, ya que mejora la programación del nivel de usuario en un 23%, mientras que la solución de programación del sistema operativo heterogéneo mejora la programación del nivel de usuario en un 10%. Siguiendo este resultado, esta tesis se centra en aumentar el rendimiento de los sistemas AMC mejorando la programación al nivel de librería. La programación en este nivel se proporciona mediante el uso de Modelos de Programación Paralelos Basados en Tareas (MPBT). Estos modelos de programación ofrecen flexibilidad de programación, ya que consisten en una interfaz y un runtime para administrar los recursos e hilos subyacentes. En esta tesis, mejoramos la programación con MPBT al proporcionar tres nuevos planificadores de tareas para AMCs. Estos planificadores dinámicos reducen el tiempo total de ejecución ya sea detectando la camino más largo o el camino crítico del grafo de dependencia de tareas de la aplicación, que es generado dinámicamente. En nuestra evaluación, comparamos estos planificadores con un planificador heterogéneo existente y demonstramos su mejora sobre un planificador FIFO. Mostramos que los planificadores heterogéneos mejoran el planificador FIFO en hasta 1.45x en un AMC real de 8 núcleos y hasta 2.1x en un AMC simulado de 32 núcleos. Otra contribución en los MPBT es la adaptabilidad al paralelismo de grano fino. El creciente número de núcleos en los chip multinúcleos modernos está empujando la investigación hacia el uso de cargas de trabajo de grano fino, que es un desafío importante para los MPBT. Nuestro estudio observa que la creación de tareas bloquea la ejecución con cargas de trabajo de grano fino con MPBT. Cuando el número de núcleos aumenta, el tiempo empleado en generar tareas pasa a ser más crítico para toda la ejecución. Nuestra solución es TaskGenX, que minimiza los costes de creación de tareas y se basa en una extensión del runtime y en un hardware dedicado. En el runtime, TaskGenX desacopla la creación de tareas de las otras actividades del runtime, ejecutando esta actividad en un hardware especializado. Evaluamos 11 aplicaciones de HPC con TaskGenX en sistemas simétricos y AMC y obtenemos mejoras de rendimiento de hasta 15x, con un promedio de 3.1x sobre la implementación de referencia. Finalmente, esta tesis presenta un planificador de CPU con el objetivo de aumentar los fotogramas por segundo (FPS) para juegos en dispositivos móviles con sistemas AMC. Diseñamos e implementamos el planificador de Real-Time Scheduler (RTS) en Android. El RTS proporciona una política de programación eficiente que tiene en cuenta la temperatura actual del sistema para realizar la migración de tareas. La solución RTS aumenta la FPS mediana de los mecanismos de referenciaPostprint (published version

    Towards an Energy-Aware Framework for Application Development and Execution in Heterogeneous Parallel Architectures

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    The Transparent heterogeneous hardware Architecture deployment for eNergy Gain in Operation (TANGO) project’s goal is to characterise factors which affect power consumption in software development and operation for Heterogeneous Parallel Hardware (HPA) environments. Its main contribution is the combination of requirements engineering and design modelling for self-adaptive software systems, with power consumption awareness in relation to these environments. The energy efficiency and application quality factors are integrated into the application lifecycle (design, implementation and operation). To support this, the key novelty of the project is a reference architecture and its implementation. Moreover, a programming model with built-in support for various hardware architectures including heterogeneous clusters, heterogeneous chips and programmable logic devices is provided. This leads to a new cross-layer programming approach for heterogeneous parallel hardware architectures featuring software and hardware modelling. Application power consumption and performance, data location and time-criticality optimization, as well as security and dependability requirements on the target hardware architecture are supported by the architecture

    AutoAccel: Automated Accelerator Generation and Optimization with Composable, Parallel and Pipeline Architecture

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    CPU-FPGA heterogeneous architectures are attracting ever-increasing attention in an attempt to advance computational capabilities and energy efficiency in today's datacenters. These architectures provide programmers with the ability to reprogram the FPGAs for flexible acceleration of many workloads. Nonetheless, this advantage is often overshadowed by the poor programmability of FPGAs whose programming is conventionally a RTL design practice. Although recent advances in high-level synthesis (HLS) significantly improve the FPGA programmability, it still leaves programmers facing the challenge of identifying the optimal design configuration in a tremendous design space. This paper aims to address this challenge and pave the path from software programs towards high-quality FPGA accelerators. Specifically, we first propose the composable, parallel and pipeline (CPP) microarchitecture as a template of accelerator designs. Such a well-defined template is able to support efficient accelerator designs for a broad class of computation kernels, and more importantly, drastically reduce the design space. Also, we introduce an analytical model to capture the performance and resource trade-offs among different design configurations of the CPP microarchitecture, which lays the foundation for fast design space exploration. On top of the CPP microarchitecture and its analytical model, we develop the AutoAccel framework to make the entire accelerator generation automated. AutoAccel accepts a software program as an input and performs a series of code transformations based on the result of the analytical-model-based design space exploration to construct the desired CPP microarchitecture. Our experiments show that the AutoAccel-generated accelerators outperform their corresponding software implementations by an average of 72x for a broad class of computation kernels

    High-Level Synthesis for Embedded Systems

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    Parallel Processes in HPX: Designing an Infrastructure for Adaptive Resource Management

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    Advancement in cutting edge technologies have enabled better energy efficiency as well as scaling computational power for the latest High Performance Computing(HPC) systems. However, complexity, due to hybrid architectures as well as emerging classes of applications, have shown poor computational scalability using conventional execution models. Thus alternative means of computation, that addresses the bottlenecks in computation, is warranted. More precisely, dynamic adaptive resource management feature, both from systems as well as application\u27s perspective, is essential for better computational scalability and efficiency. This research presents and expands the notion of Parallel Processes as a placeholder for procedure definitions, targeted at one or more synchronous domains, meta data for computation and resource management as well as infrastructure for dynamic policy deployment. In addition to this, the research presents additional guidelines for a framework for resource management in HPX runtime system. Further, this research also lists design principles for scalability of Active Global Address Space (AGAS), a necessary feature for Parallel Processes. Also, to verify the usefulness of Parallel Processes, a preliminary performance evaluation of different task scheduling policies is carried out using two different applications. The applications used are: Unbalanced Tree Search, a reference dynamic graph application, implemented by this research in HPX and MiniGhost, a reference stencil based application using bulk synchronous parallel model. The results show that different scheduling policies provide better performance for different classes of applications; and for the same application class, in certain instances, one policy fared better than the others, while vice versa in other instances, hence supporting the hypothesis of the need of dynamic adaptive resource management infrastructure, for deploying different policies and task granularities, for scalable distributed computing

    Achieving a better balance between productivity and performance on FPGAs through Heterogeneous Extensible Multiprocessor Systems

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    Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) were first introduced circa 1980, and they held the promise of delivering performance levels associated with customized circuits, but with productivity levels more closely associated with software development. Achieving both performance and productivity objectives has been a long standing challenge problem for the reconfigurable computing community and remains unsolved today. On one hand, Vendor supplied design flows have tended towards achieving the high levels of performance through gate level customization, but at the cost of very low productivity. On the other hand, FPGA densities are following Moore\u27s law and and can now support complete multiprocessor system architectures. Thus FPGAs can be turned into an architecture with programmable processors which brings productivity but sacrifices the peak performance advantages of custom circuits. In this thesis we explore how the two use cases can be combined to achieve the best from both. The flexibility of the FPGAs to host a heterogeneous multiprocessor system with different types of programmable processors and custom accelerators allows the software developers to design a platform that matches the unique performance needs of their application. However, currently no automated approaches are publicly available to create such heterogeneous architectures as well as the software support for these platforms. Creating base architectures, configuring multiple tool chains, and repetitive engineering design efforts can and should be automated. This thesis introduces Heterogeneous Extensible Multiprocessor System (HEMPS) template approach which allows an FPGA to be programmed with productivity levels close to those associated with parallel processing, and with performance levels close to those associated with customized circuits. The work in this thesis introduces an ArchGen script to automate the generation of HEMPS systems as well as a library of portable and self tuning polymorphic functions. These tools will abstract away the HW/SW co-design details and provide a transparent programming language to capture different levels of parallelisms, without sacrificing productivity or portability