4,763 research outputs found

    DynamO: A free O(N) general event-driven molecular-dynamics simulator

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    Molecular-dynamics algorithms for systems of particles interacting through discrete or "hard" potentials are fundamentally different to the methods for continuous or "soft" potential systems. Although many software packages have been developed for continuous potential systems, software for discrete potential systems based on event-driven algorithms are relatively scarce and specialized. We present DynamO, a general event-driven simulation package which displays the optimal O(N) asymptotic scaling of the computational cost with the number of particles N, rather than the O(N log(N)) scaling found in most standard algorithms. DynamO provides reference implementations of the best available event-driven algorithms. These techniques allow the rapid simulation of both complex and large (>10^6 particles) systems for long times. The performance of the program is benchmarked for elastic hard sphere systems, homogeneous cooling and sheared inelastic hard spheres, and equilibrium Lennard-Jones fluids. This software and its documentation are distributed under the GNU General Public license and can be freely downloaded from http://marcusbannerman.co.uk/dynamo

    On-board B-ISDN fast packet switching architectures. Phase 2: Development. Proof-of-concept architecture definition report

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    For the next-generation packet switched communications satellite system with onboard processing and spot-beam operation, a reliable onboard fast packet switch is essential to route packets from different uplink beams to different downlink beams. The rapid emergence of point-to-point services such as video distribution, and the large demand for video conference, distributed data processing, and network management makes the multicast function essential to a fast packet switch (FPS). The satellite's inherent broadcast features gives the satellite network an advantage over the terrestrial network in providing multicast services. This report evaluates alternate multicast FPS architectures for onboard baseband switching applications and selects a candidate for subsequent breadboard development. Architecture evaluation and selection will be based on the study performed in phase 1, 'Onboard B-ISDN Fast Packet Switching Architectures', and other switch architectures which have become commercially available as large scale integration (LSI) devices

    An Efficient Thread Mapping Strategy for Multiprogramming on Manycore Processors

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    The emergence of multicore and manycore processors is set to change the parallel computing world. Applications are shifting towards increased parallelism in order to utilise these architectures efficiently. This leads to a situation where every application creates its desirable number of threads, based on its parallel nature and the system resources allowance. Task scheduling in such a multithreaded multiprogramming environment is a significant challenge. In task scheduling, not only the order of the execution, but also the mapping of threads to the execution resources is of a great importance. In this paper we state and discuss some fundamental rules based on results obtained from selected applications of the BOTS benchmarks on the 64-core TILEPro64 processor. We demonstrate how previously efficient mapping policies such as those of the SMP Linux scheduler become inefficient when the number of threads and cores grows. We propose a novel, low-overhead technique, a heuristic based on the amount of time spent by each CPU doing some useful work, to fairly distribute the workloads amongst the cores in a multiprogramming environment. Our novel approach could be implemented as a pragma similar to those in the new task-based OpenMP versions, or can be incorporated as a distributed thread mapping mechanism in future manycore programming frameworks. We show that our thread mapping scheme can outperform the native GNU/Linux thread scheduler in both single-programming and multiprogramming environments.Comment: ParCo Conference, Munich, Germany, 201

    Fast Parallel Algorithms for Basic Problems

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    Parallel processing is one of the most active research areas these days. We are interested in one aspect of parallel processing, i.e. the design and analysis of parallel algorithms. Here, we focus on non-numerical parallel algorithms for basic combinatorial problems, such as data structures, selection, searching, merging and sorting. The purposes of studying these types of problems are to obtain basic building blocks which will be useful in solving complex problems, and to develop fundamental algorithmic techniques. In this thesis, we study the following problems: priority queues, multiple search and multiple selection, and reconstruction of a binary tree from its traversals. The research on priority queue was motivated by its various applications. The purpose of studying multiple search and multiple selection is to explore the relationships between four of the most fundamental problems in algorithm design, that is, selection, searching, merging and sorting; while our parallel solutions can be used as subroutines in algorithms for other problems. The research on the last problem, reconstruction of a binary tree from its traversals, was stimulated by a challenge proposed in a recent paper by Berkman et al. ( Highly Parallelizable Problems, STOC 89) to design doubly logarithmic time optimal parallel algorithms because a remarkably small number of such parallel algorithms exist

    Task-Based Parallelism for General Purpose Graphics Processing Units and Hybrid Shared-Distributed Memory Systems.

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    Modern computers can no longer rely on increasing CPU speed to improve their performance as further increasing the clock speed of single CPU machines will make them too difficult to cool, or the cooling require too much power. Hardware manufacturers must now use parallelism to drive performance to the levels expected by Moore's Law. More recently, High Performance Computers (HPCs) have adopted heterogeneous architectures, i.e.having multiple types of computing hardware (such as CPU & GPU) on a single node. These architectures allow the opportunity to extract performance from non-CPU architectures, while still providing a general purpose platform for less modern codes. In this thesis we investigate Task-Based Parallelism, a shared-memory paradigm for parallel computing. Task-Based Parallelism requires the programmer to divide the work into chunks (known as tasks) and describe the data dependencies between tasks. The tasks are then scheduled amongst the threads automatically by the task-based scheduler. In this thesis we examine how Task-Based Parallelism can be used with GPUs and hybrid shared-distributed memory, in particular we examine how data transfer can be incorporated into a task-based framework, either to the GPU from the host, or between separate nodes. We also examine how we can use the task graph to load balance the computation between multiple nodes or GPUs. We test our task-based methods with Molecular Dynamics, a tiled QR decomposition, and a new task-based Barnes-Hut algorithm. These are problems with different dependency structures which tests the ability of the scheduler to handle a variety of different types of computation. The results with these testcases show improved performance when we use asynchronous data transfer to and from the GPU, and show reasonable parallel efficiency over a small number of MPI ranks

    Development of Data-Driven Dispatching Heuristics for Heterogeneous HPC Systems

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    Nell’ambito dei sistemi High-Performance Computing, l'uso di euristiche di dispatching efficaci, per lo scheduling e l'allocazione dei jobs in arrivo, è fondamentale al fine di ottenere buoni livelli di Quality of Service. In questo elaborato ci concentreremo sul design e l’analisi di euristiche di allocazione delle risorse, che saranno progettate per sistemi HPC eterogenei, nei quali i nodi possono essere equipaggiati con diverse tipologie di unità di elaborazione. Impiegheremo poi euristiche data-driven per la predizione della durata dei jobs, e valuteremo il tutto dal punto di vista del throughput di sistema. Considereremo in particolare Eurora, un sistema HPC eterogeneo realizzato da CINECA, oltre che un workload catturato dal relativo log di sistema, contenente jobs reali inviati dagli utenti. Tutto ciò è stato possibile grazie ad AccaSim, un simulatore di sistemi HPC sviluppato nel Dipartimento di Informatica - Scienza e Ingegneria (DISI) dell’Università di Bologna, ed al quale si è contribuito in modo sostanziale. Quest’elaborato mostra che l’impatto di diverse euristiche di allocazione sul throughput di un sistema HPC eterogeneo non è trascurabile, con variazioni in grado di raggiungere picchi di un ordine di grandezza, e più pronunciate considerando brevi intervalli temporali, dell'ordine dei mesi. Abbiamo inoltre osservato che l’impiego di euristiche per la predizione della durata dei jobs è di grande beneficio al throughput su tutte le euristiche di allocazione, e specialmente su quelle che integrano in maniera più profonda tali elementi data-driven. Infine, l’analisi effettuata ha permesso di caratterizzare integralmente il sistema Eurora ed il relativo workload, permettendoci di comprendere al meglio gli effetti su di esso dei diversi metodi di dispatching, nonché di estendere le nostre considerazioni anche ad altre classi di sistemi

    Priority Queues for Computer Simulations

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    The present invention is embodied in new priority queue data structures for event list management of computer simulations, and includes a new priority queue data structure and an improved event horizon applied to priority queue data structures. ne new priority queue data structure is a Qheap and is made out of linked lists for robust, fast, reliable, and stable event list management and uses a temporary unsorted list to store all items until one of the items is needed. Then the list is sorted, next, the highest priority item is removed, and then the rest of the list is inserted in the Qheap. Also, an event horizon is applied to binary tree and splay tree priority queue data structures to form the improved event horizon for event management

    A Dynamic Multimedia User-Weight Classification Scheme for IEEE_802.11 WLANs

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    In this paper we expose a dynamic traffic-classification scheme to support multimedia applications such as voice and broadband video transmissions over IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs). Obviously, over a Wi-Fi link and to better serve these applications - which normally have strict bounded transmission delay or minimum link rate requirement - a service differentiation technique can be applied to the media traffic transmitted by the same mobile node using the well-known 802.11e Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) protocol. However, the given EDCA mode does not offer user differentiation, which can be viewed as a deficiency in multi-access wireless networks. Accordingly, we propose a new inter-node priority access scheme for IEEE 802.11e networks which is compatible with the EDCA scheme. The proposed scheme joins a dynamic user-weight to each mobile station depending on its outgoing data, and therefore deploys inter-node priority for the channel access to complement the existing EDCA inter-frame priority. This provides efficient quality of service control across multiple users within the same coverage area of an access point. We provide performance evaluations to compare the proposed access model with the basic EDCA 802.11 MAC protocol mode to elucidate the quality improvement achieved for multimedia communication over 802.11 WLANs.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC
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