2,693 research outputs found

    Source bearing and steering-vector estimation using partially calibrated arrays

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    The problem of source direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation using a sensor array is addressed, where some of the sensors are perfectly calibrated, while others are uncalibrated. An algorithm is proposed for estimating the source directions in addition to the estimation of unknown array parameters such as sensor gains and phases, as a way of performing array self-calibration. The cost function is an extension of the maximum likelihood (ML) criteria that were originally developed for DOA estimation with a perfectly calibrated array. A particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is used to explore the high-dimensional problem space and find the global minimum of the cost function. The design of the PSO is a combination of the problem-independent kernel and some newly introduced problem-specific features such as search space mapping, particle velocity control, and particle position clipping. This architecture plus properly selected parameters make the PSO highly flexible and reusable, while being sufficiently specific and effective in the current application. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed technique may produce more accurate estimates of the source bearings and unknown array parameters in a cheaper way as compared with other popular methods, with the root-mean-squared error (RMSE) approaching and asymptotically attaining the Cramer Rao bound (CRB) even in unfavorable conditions

    Space Time MUSIC: Consistent Signal Subspace Estimation for Wide-band Sensor Arrays

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    Wide-band Direction of Arrival (DOA) estimation with sensor arrays is an essential task in sonar, radar, acoustics, biomedical and multimedia applications. Many state of the art wide-band DOA estimators coherently process frequency binned array outputs by approximate Maximum Likelihood, Weighted Subspace Fitting or focusing techniques. This paper shows that bin signals obtained by filter-bank approaches do not obey the finite rank narrow-band array model, because spectral leakage and the change of the array response with frequency within the bin create \emph{ghost sources} dependent on the particular realization of the source process. Therefore, existing DOA estimators based on binning cannot claim consistency even with the perfect knowledge of the array response. In this work, a more realistic array model with a finite length of the sensor impulse responses is assumed, which still has finite rank under a space-time formulation. It is shown that signal subspaces at arbitrary frequencies can be consistently recovered under mild conditions by applying MUSIC-type (ST-MUSIC) estimators to the dominant eigenvectors of the wide-band space-time sensor cross-correlation matrix. A novel Maximum Likelihood based ST-MUSIC subspace estimate is developed in order to recover consistency. The number of sources active at each frequency are estimated by Information Theoretic Criteria. The sample ST-MUSIC subspaces can be fed to any subspace fitting DOA estimator at single or multiple frequencies. Simulations confirm that the new technique clearly outperforms binning approaches at sufficiently high signal to noise ratio, when model mismatches exceed the noise floor.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures. Accepted in a revised form by the IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing on 12 February 1918. @IEEE201

    Estimation of the Number of Sources in Unbalanced Arrays via Information Theoretic Criteria

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    Estimating the number of sources impinging on an array of sensors is a well known and well investigated problem. A common approach for solving this problem is to use an information theoretic criterion, such as Minimum Description Length (MDL) or the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). The MDL estimator is known to be a consistent estimator, robust against deviations from the Gaussian assumption, and non-robust against deviations from the point source and/or temporally or spatially white additive noise assumptions. Over the years several alternative estimation algorithms have been proposed and tested. Usually, these algorithms are shown, using computer simulations, to have improved performance over the MDL estimator, and to be robust against deviations from the assumed spatial model. Nevertheless, these robust algorithms have high computational complexity, requiring several multi-dimensional searches. In this paper, motivated by real life problems, a systematic approach toward the problem of robust estimation of the number of sources using information theoretic criteria is taken. An MDL type estimator that is robust against deviation from assumption of equal noise level across the array is studied. The consistency of this estimator, even when deviations from the equal noise level assumption occur, is proven. A novel low-complexity implementation method avoiding the need for multi-dimensional searches is presented as well, making this estimator a favorable choice for practical applications.Comment: To appear in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Statistical Performance Analysis of Sparse Linear Arrays

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    Direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation remains an important topic in array signal processing. With uniform linear arrays (ULAs), traditional subspace-based methods can resolve only up to M-1 sources using M sensors. On the other hand, by exploiting their so-called difference coarray model, sparse linear arrays, such as co-prime and nested arrays, can resolve up to O(M^2) sources using only O(M) sensors. Various new sparse linear array geometries were proposed and many direction-finding algorithms were developed based on sparse linear arrays. However, the statistical performance of such arrays has not been analytically conducted. In this dissertation, we (i) study the asymptotic performance of the MUtiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC) algorithm utilizing sparse linear arrays, (ii) derive and analyze performance bounds for sparse linear arrays, and (iii) investigate the robustness of sparse linear arrays in the presence of array imperfections. Based on our analytical results, we also propose robust direction-finding algorithms for use when data are missing. We begin by analyzing the performance of two commonly used coarray-based MUSIC direction estimators. Because the coarray model is used, classical derivations no longer apply. By using an alternative eigenvector perturbation analysis approach, we derive a closed-form expression of the asymptotic mean-squared error (MSE) of both estimators. Our expression is computationally efficient compared with the alternative of Monte Carlo simulations. Using this expression, we show that when the source number exceeds the sensor number, the MSE remains strictly positive as the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) approaches infinity. This finding theoretically explains the unusual saturation behavior of coarray-based MUSIC estimators that had been observed in previous studies. We next derive and analyze the Cramér-Rao bound (CRB) for general sparse linear arrays under the assumption that the sources are uncorrelated. We show that, unlike the classical stochastic CRB, our CRB is applicable even if there are more sources than the number of sensors. We also show that, in such a case, this CRB remains strictly positive definite as the SNR approaches infinity. This unusual behavior imposes a strict lower bound on the variance of unbiased DOA estimators in the underdetermined case. We establish the connection between our CRB and the classical stochastic CRB and show that they are asymptotically equal when the sources are uncorrelated and the SNR is sufficiently high. We investigate the behavior of our CRB for co-prime and nested arrays with a large number of sensors, characterizing the trade-off between the number of spatial samples and the number of temporal samples. Our analytical results on the CRB will benefit future research on optimal sparse array designs. We further analyze the performance of sparse linear arrays by considering sensor location errors. We first introduce the deterministic error model. Based on this model, we derive a closed-form expression of the asymptotic MSE of a commonly used coarray-based MUSIC estimator, the spatial-smoothing based MUSIC (SS-MUSIC). We show that deterministic sensor location errors introduce a constant estimation bias that cannot be mitigated by only increasing the SNR. Our analytical expression also provides a sensitivity measure against sensor location errors for sparse linear arrays. We next extend our derivations to the stochastic error model and analyze the Gaussian case. We also derive the CRB for joint estimation of DOA parameters and deterministic sensor location errors. We show that this CRB is applicable even if there are more sources than the number of sensors. Lastly, we develop robust DOA estimators for cases with missing data. By exploiting the difference coarray structure, we introduce three algorithms to construct an augmented covariance matrix with enhanced degrees of freedom. By applying MUSIC to this augmented covariance matrix, we are able to resolve more sources than sensors. Our method utilizes information from all snapshots and shows improved estimation performance over traditional DOA estimators

    Kernel-based Inference of Functions over Graphs

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    The study of networks has witnessed an explosive growth over the past decades with several ground-breaking methods introduced. A particularly interesting -- and prevalent in several fields of study -- problem is that of inferring a function defined over the nodes of a network. This work presents a versatile kernel-based framework for tackling this inference problem that naturally subsumes and generalizes the reconstruction approaches put forth recently by the signal processing on graphs community. Both the static and the dynamic settings are considered along with effective modeling approaches for addressing real-world problems. The herein analytical discussion is complemented by a set of numerical examples, which showcase the effectiveness of the presented techniques, as well as their merits related to state-of-the-art methods.Comment: To be published as a chapter in `Adaptive Learning Methods for Nonlinear System Modeling', Elsevier Publishing, Eds. D. Comminiello and J.C. Principe (2018). This chapter surveys recent work on kernel-based inference of functions over graphs including arXiv:1612.03615 and arXiv:1605.07174 and arXiv:1711.0930