20 research outputs found

    The Time Has Come... To Build, Reflect, and Analyze Connections Between Qualitative and Quantitative Data

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    This paper will address the development process of a qualitative evaluation tool to aid in the thorough analysis of library resources at the University of Maryland. Specifically, our project looks at the use and added value of this tool for the building, reflecting, and analyzing the connections between qualitative and quantitative data. This will allow for more meaningful justifications of budgetary decisions compared to cost and use metrics alone. Given the necessity for meticulous review of continuing resources, our project addresses a request for enhanced transparency from the university faculty and library oversight bodies and serves as a useful tool for accountability and justification of impactful decisions for stakeholders internally and externally. We will discuss the extant literature and the need for this type of tool, the development process including the output planning and data input format, the initial reception of the project, and future goals and planning for our initial usage. Additionally, we will demonstrate the use of the tool, model output, and discuss options for visualizations, storage, and retrieval of input data

    Pricing Implication of Publishers’ Licensing Models on Sustainable E-resources Integration in Academic Libraries: A Review

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    The paper analyses relevant literature with a view to drawing attention to the challenges posed by publishers’ licenses on sustainable e-resources integration in academic libraries. To this end, two research objectives were formulated to guide the study in achieving its aims and a conceptual model developed for gaining insight into the fountainhead of the identified challenges. Accordingly, the study shows that: the proliferation of publishers’ business models, non-transferability of e-resources accesses/contents to a third party, the publishers’ ‘reserved right’ to draft e-resources agreements and to add or withdraw titles from packages without external input, dearth of academic titles in e-book packages etc. are due to publishers’ profit motive. Guided by this revelation, the study recommends the consolidation of publishers’ business models with a view to achieving uniformity of licenses, increasing affordability to ensure sustainability of e-resources integration in academic libraries

    New approaches in selection and evaluation of electronic resources

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    In the early years of 2000, academic libraries used to transfer nearly 16% of their purchase budget to electronic resources which have been begun to be used commonly from the middle of the 1990’s whereas today it is clear that they transfer more than 90% of their budget. The selection and evaluation process of electronic resources have become much more important either due to the increasing budget spared for electronic resources or because of the tightening budgets of the libraries. In the light of the facts mentioned above, within the scope of the study, the issues to be taken into consideration throughout subscription process of the electronic resources, which has begun to gain speed since the beginning of 2000’s in our country, are specified. Within this framework, as well as focusing particularly on access models for the electronic resources, issues to be paid attention such as scope, content, functionality, cost, publisher support, licensing and technical requirements are also addressed. Primary requirements and approaches regarding the evaluation process are specified, as well

    Strategic Planning and Policy for Collection Development of E-Resources to Satisfy User Requirements : A Case Study of J R D Tata Memorial Library

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    Abstract Keywords : E-Resources, Consortia Subscription, Collection Development, Online Access Background Initially, libraries to automate the processing functions of the library i.e. the traditional form of library automation, used information technology. Other applications have since been developed to provide services to and between libraries like bibliographic services, inter-library lending and document delivery. Over the past few years, there has been a visible trend towards using information technology to enhance services to end-users. Issues involved here include increased speed of access and delivery, access to resources not held by the library and remote access by the end-user. The enabling technologies are documents in electronic form and electronic networks for the distribution of such documents/information. Over the past few years, a number of techniques and related standards have been developed which allow documents to be created and distributed in electronic form. Hence, to cope with the present situation, libraries are shifting towards new media -namely electronic resources for their collection development so that the demands of users are better fulfilled. This paper is aimed at the librarian, as a collection developer who is interested in looking at the range of electronic resources available, how they might be evaluated and whole process of purchasing such documents/resources

    La cooperación bibliotecaria y las redes bibliotecarias

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    El desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías de la información en estos tiempos lleva a un cambio veloz en la forma de trabajar y gestionar el conocimiento en las bibliotecas en donde trabajamos cotidianamente. Uno de los retos que se presenta es el de establecer servicios de calidad para usuarios cada vez más exigentes y crear una organización flexible y dinámica, que se adapte a los cambios producidos, a la aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías, y a la cooperación interbibliotecaria, favoreciéndose entre varias bibliotecas de igual manera. El presente trabajo tiene como propósito introducir nociones elementales sobre consorcios de bibliotecas y redes bibliotecarias, los cuales ayudan a la cooperación, coordinación y colaboración interbibliotecaria. En principio, se analizará el término cooperación, dándose a conocer para qué sirve, sus utilidades, cuáles son sus ventajas, cómo se ha ido instaurando la actividad cooperativa a través de la historia hasta nuestros días. Se mostrará una clasificación de la cooperación y cuáles son las actividades o tareas principales que se pueden realizar. Por último, se proporcionarán algunos ejemplos de las redes cooperativas más importantes y conocidas en nuestro medio.Eje: Gestión de OPACs / Modera Edgardo StubbsDepartamento de Bibliotecologí

    Pricing Implication of Publishers’ Licensing Models on Sustainable E-resources Integration in Academic Libraries: A Review

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    The paper analyses relevant literature with a view to drawing attention to the challenges posed by publishers’ licenses on sustainable e-resources integration in academic libraries. To this end, two research objectives were formulated to guide the study in achieving its aims and a conceptual model developed for gaining insight into the fountainhead of the identified challenges. Accordingly, the study shows that: the proliferation of publishers’ business models, non-transferability of e-resources accesses/contents to a third party, the publishers’ ‘reserved right’ to draft e-resources agreements and to add or withdraw titles from packages without external input, dearth of academic titles in e-book packages etc. are due to publishers’ profit motive. Guided by this revelation, the study recommends the consolidation of publishers’ business models with a view to achieving uniformity of licenses, increasing affordability to ensure sustainability of e-resources integration in academic libraries.DOR: 98.1000/1726-8125.2017.

    Shaping digital library content

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    This article explores issues related to the selection and purchase of digital content, both from vendors and creation in house, and the degree to which standard collection management principles apply

    Yliopistokirjaston strateginen kumppanuus yliopiston tietoprosesseissa

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    Yliopistokirjaston strateginen kumppanuus yliopiston tietoprosesseissa

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    Summary: The Strategic role of the university library in knowledge processes of the universit

    Criterios para la selección de bases de datos en línea, en el área de Economía y Administración de empresas, orientados a la creación de consorcios regionales en bibliotecas universitarias

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    This article provides different elements to establish evaluation criteria, that serve as aid in the acquisition of on-line data bases. The purpose is to agglutinate the most representative ones in a specified sector in order to facilitate the establishment of librarian partnerships that make possible the access to the information within the geographical area of MERCOSUR.En este trabajo se analizan diferentes elementos, necesarios para establecer criterios de evaluación, que sirvan de ayuda en la adquisición de bases de datos en línea con la finalidad de aglutinar las más representativas en un sector determinado y, de esta manera, facilitar el establecimiento de consorcios bibliotecarios que posibiliten el acceso a la información dentro del área geográfica de MERCOSUR