85 research outputs found

    Quantitative Verification and Synthesis of Attack-Defence Scenarios

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    Attack-defence trees are a powerful technique for formally evaluating attack-defence scenarios. They represent in an intuitive, graphical way the interaction between an attacker and a defender who compete in order to achieve conflicting objectives. We propose a novel framework for the formal analysis of quantitative properties of complex attack-defence scenarios, using an extension of attack-defence trees which models temporal ordering of actions and allows explicit dependencies in the strategies adopted by attackers and defenders. We adopt a game-theoretic approach, translating attack-defence trees to two-player stochastic games, and then employ probabilistic model checking techniques to formally analyse these models. This provides a means to both verify formally specified security properties of the attack-defence scenarios and, dually, to synthesise strategies for attackers or defenders which guarantee or optimise some quantitative property, such as the probability of a successful attack, the expected cost incurred, or some multi-objective trade-off between the two. We implement our approach, building upon the PRISM-games model checker, and apply it to a case study of an RFID goods management system

    Relational Symbolic Execution

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    Symbolic execution is a classical program analysis technique used to show that programs satisfy or violate given specifications. In this work we generalize symbolic execution to support program analysis for relational specifications in the form of relational properties - these are properties about two runs of two programs on related inputs, or about two executions of a single program on related inputs. Relational properties are useful to formalize notions in security and privacy, and to reason about program optimizations. We design a relational symbolic execution engine, named RelSym which supports interactive refutation, as well as proving of relational properties for programs written in a language with arrays and for-like loops

    Explaining Hyperproperty Violations

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    Hyperproperties relate multiple computation traces to each other. Model checkers for hyperproperties thus return, in case a system model violates the specification, a set of traces as a counterexample. Fixing the erroneous relations between traces in the system that led to the counterexample is a difficult manual effort that highly benefits from additional explanations. In this paper, we present an explanation method for counterexamples to hyperproperties described in the specification logic HyperLTL. We extend Halpern and Pearl's definition of actual causality to sets of traces witnessing the violation of a HyperLTL formula, which allows us to identify the events that caused the violation. We report on the implementation of our method and show that it significantly improves on previous approaches for analyzing counterexamples returned by HyperLTL model checkers

    Logical and deep learning methods for temporal reasoning

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    In this thesis, we study logical and deep learning methods for the temporal reasoning of reactive systems. In Part I, we determine decidability borders for the satisfiability and realizability problem of temporal hyperproperties. Temporal hyperproperties relate multiple computation traces to each other and are expressed in a temporal hyperlogic. In particular, we identify decidable fragments of the highly expressive hyperlogics HyperQPTL and HyperCTL*. As an application, we elaborate on an enforcement mechanism for temporal hyperproperties. We study explicit enforcement algorithms for specifications given as formulas in universally quantified HyperLTL. In Part II, we train a (deep) neural network on the trace generation and realizability problem of linear-time temporal logic (LTL). We consider a method to generate large amounts of additional training data from practical specification patterns. The training data is generated with classical solvers, which provide one of many possible solutions to each formula. We demonstrate that it is sufficient to train on those particular solutions such that the neural network generalizes to the semantics of the logic. The neural network can predict solutions even for formulas from benchmarks from the literature on which the classical solver timed out. Additionally, we show that it solves a significant portion of problems from the annual synthesis competition (SYNTCOMP) and even out-of-distribution examples from a recent case study.Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit logischen Methoden und mehrschichtigen Lernmethoden für das zeitabhängige Argumentieren über reaktive Systeme. In Teil I werden die Grenzen der Entscheidbarkeit des Erfüllbarkeits- und des Realisierbarkeitsproblem von temporalen Hypereigenschaften bestimmt. Temporale Hypereigenschaften setzen mehrere Berechnungsspuren zueinander in Beziehung und werden in einer temporalen Hyperlogik ausgedrückt. Insbesondere werden entscheidbare Fragmente der hochexpressiven Hyperlogiken HyperQPTL und HyperCTL* identifiziert. Als Anwendung wird ein Enforcement-Mechanismus für temporale Hypereigenschaften erarbeitet. Explizite Enforcement-Algorithmen für Spezifikationen, die als Formeln in universell quantifiziertem HyperLTL angegeben werden, werden untersucht. In Teil II wird ein (mehrschichtiges) neuronales Netz auf den Problemen der Spurgenerierung und Realisierbarkeit von Linear-zeit Temporallogik (LTL) trainiert. Es wird eine Methode betrachtet, um aus praktischen Spezifikationsmustern große Mengen zusätzlicher Trainingsdaten zu generieren. Die Trainingsdaten werden mit klassischen Solvern generiert, die zu jeder Formel nur eine von vielen möglichen Lösungen liefern. Es wird gezeigt, dass es ausreichend ist, an diesen speziellen Lösungen zu trainieren, sodass das neuronale Netz zur Semantik der Logik generalisiert. Das neuronale Netz kann Lösungen sogar für Formeln aus Benchmarks aus der Literatur vorhersagen, bei denen der klassische Solver eine Zeitüberschreitung hatte. Zusätzlich wird gezeigt, dass das neuronale Netz einen erheblichen Teil der Probleme aus dem jährlichen Synthesewettbewerb (SYNTCOMP) und sogar Beispiele außerhalb der Distribution aus einer aktuellen Fallstudie lösen kann

    Logical methods for the hierarchy of hyperlogics

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    In this thesis, we develop logical methods for reasoning about hyperproperties. Hyperproperties describe relations between multiple executions of a system. Unlike trace properties, hyperproperties comprise relational properties like noninterference, symmetry, and robustness. While trace properties have been studied extensively, hyperproperties form a relatively new concept that is far from fully understood. We study the expressiveness of various hyperlogics and develop algorithms for their satisfiability and synthesis problems. In the first part, we explore the landscape of hyperlogics based on temporal logics, first-order and second-order logics, and logics with team semantics. We establish that first-order/second-order and temporal hyperlogics span a hierarchy of expressiveness, whereas team logics constitute a radically different way of specifying hyperproperties. Furthermore, we introduce the notion of temporal safety and liveness, from which we obtain fragments of HyperLTL (the most prominent hyperlogic) with a simpler satisfiability problem. In the second part, we develop logics and algorithms for the synthesis of smart contracts. We introduce two extensions of temporal stream logic to express (hyper)properties of infinite-state systems. We study the realizability problem of these logics and define approximations of the problem in LTL and HyperLTL. Based on these approximations, we develop algorithms to construct smart contracts directly from their specifications.In dieser Arbeit beschreiben wir logische Methoden, um über Hypereigenschaften zu argumentieren. Hypereigenschaften beschreiben Relationen zwischen mehreren Ausführungen eines Systems. Anders als pfadbasierte Eigenschaften können Hypereigenschaften relationale Eigenschaften wie Symmetrie, Robustheit und die Abwesenheit von Informationsfluss ausdrücken. Während pfadbasierte Eigenschaften in den letzten Jahrzehnten ausführlich erforscht wurden, sind Hypereigenschaften ein relativ neues Konzept, das wir noch nicht vollständig verstehen. Wir untersuchen die Ausdrucksmächtigkeit verschiedener Hyperlogiken und entwickeln ausführbare Algorithmen, um deren Erfüllbarkeits- und Syntheseproblem zu lösen. Im ersten Teil erforschen wir die Landschaft der Hyperlogiken basierend auf temporalen Logiken, Logiken erster und zweiter Ordnung und Logiken mit Teamsemantik. Wir stellen fest, dass temporale Logiken und Logiken erster und zweiter Ordnung eine Hierarchie an Ausdrucksmächtigkeit aufspannen. Teamlogiken hingegen spezifieren Hypereigenschaften auf eine radikal andere Art. Wir führen außerdem das Konzept von temporalen Sicherheits- und Lebendigkeitseigenschaften ein, durch die Fragmente der bedeutensten Logik HyperLTL entstehen, für die das Erfüllbarkeitsproblem einfacher ist. Im zweiten Teil entwickeln wir Logiken und Algorithmen für die Synthese digitaler Verträge. Wir führen zwei Erweiterungen temporaler Stromlogik ein, um (Hyper)eigenschaften in unendlichen Systemen auszudrücken. Wir untersuchen das Realisierungsproblem dieser Logiken und definieren Approximationen des Problems in LTL und HyperLTL. Basierend auf diesen Approximationen entwickeln wir Algorithmen, die digitale Verträge direkt aus einer Spezifikation erstellen

    Get rid of inline assembly through verification-oriented lifting

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    Formal methods for software development have made great strides in the last two decades, to the point that their application in safety-critical embedded software is an undeniable success. Their extension to non-critical software is one of the notable forthcoming challenges. For example, C programmers regularly use inline assembly for low-level optimizations and system primitives. This usually results in driving state-of-the-art formal analyzers developed for C ineffective. We thus propose TInA, an automated, generic, trustable and verification-oriented lifting technique turning inline assembly into semantically equivalent C code, in order to take advantage of existing C analyzers. Extensive experiments on real-world C code with inline assembly (including GMP and ffmpeg) show the feasibility and benefits of TInA

    Automated Verification of Exam, Cash, aa Reputation, and Routing Protocols

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    Security is a crucial requirement in the applications based on information and communication technology, especially when an open network such as the Internet is used.To ensure security in such applications cryptographic protocols have been used.However, the design of security protocols is notoriously difficult and error-prone.Several flaws have been found on protocols that are claimed secure.Hence, cryptographic protocols must be verified before they are used.One approach to verify cryptographic protocols is the use of formal methods, which have achieved many results in recent years.Formal methods concern on analysis of protocol specifications modeled using, e.g., dedicated logics, or process algebras.Formal methods can find flaws or prove that a protocol is secure under ``perfect cryptographic assumption" with respect to given security properties. However, they abstract away from implementation errors and side-channel attacks.In order to detect such errors and attacks runtime verification can be used to analyze systems or protocols executions.Moreover, runtime verification can help in the cases where formal procedures have exponential time or suffer from termination problems.In this thesis we contribute to cryptographic protocols verification with an emphasis on formal verification and automation.Firstly, we study exam protocols. We propose formal definitions for several authentication and privacy propertiesin the Applied Pi-Calculus. We also provide an abstract definitions of verifiability properties.We analyze all these properties automatically using ProVerif on multiple case studies, and identify several flaws.Moreover, we propose several monitors to check exam requirements at runtime. These monitors are validated by analyzing a real exam executions using MARQ Java based tool.Secondly, we propose a formal framework to verify the security properties of non-transferable electronic cash protocols.We define client privacy and forgery related properties.Again, we illustrate our model by analyzing three case studies using ProVerif, and confirm several known attacks.Thirdly, we propose formal definitions of authentication, privacy, and verifiability properties of electronic reputation protocols. We discuss the proposed definitions, with the help of ProVerif, on a simple reputation protocol.Finally, we obtain a reduction result to verify route validity of ad-hoc routing protocols in presence of multiple independent attackers that do not share their knowledge.La sécurité est une exigence cruciale dans les applications basées sur l'information et la technologie de communication, surtout quand un réseau ouvert tel que l'Internet est utilisé. Pour assurer la sécurité dans ces applications des protocoles cryptographiques ont été développé. Cependant, la conception de protocoles de sécurité est notoirement difficile et source d'erreurs. Plusieurs failles ont été trouvées sur des protocoles qui se sont prétendus sécurisés. Par conséquent, les protocoles cryptographiques doivent être vérifiés avant d'être utilisés. Une approche pour vérifier les protocoles cryptographiques est l'utilisation des méthodes formelles, qui ont obtenu de nombreux résultats au cours des dernières années.Méthodes formelles portent sur l'analyse des spécifications des protocoles modélisées en utilisant, par exemple, les logiques dédiés, ou algèbres de processus. Les méthodes formelles peuvent trouver des failles ou permettent de prouver qu'un protocole est sécurisé sous certaines hypothèses par rapport aux propriétés de sécurité données. Toutefois, elles abstraient des erreurs de mise en ouvre et les attaques side-channel.Afin de détecter ces erreurs et la vérification des attaques d'exécution peut être utilisée pour analyser les systèmes ou protocoles exécutions. En outre, la vérification de l'exécution peut aider dans les cas où les procédures formelles mettent un temps exponentielle ou souffrent de problèmes de terminaison. Dans cette thèse, nous contribuons à la vérification des protocoles cryptographiques avec un accent sur la vérification formelle et l'automatisation. Tout d'abord, nous étudions les protocoles d'examen. Nous proposons des définitions formelles pour plusieurs propriétés d'authentification et de confidentialité dans le Pi-calcul Appliqué.Nous fournissons également une des définitions abstraites de propriétés de vérifiabilité. Nous analysons toutes ces propriétés en utilisant automatiquement ProVerif sur plusieurs études de cas, et avons identifié plusieurs failles. En outre, nous proposons plusieurs moniteurs de vérifier les exigences d'examen à l'exécution. Ces moniteurs sont validés par l'analyse d'un exécutions d'examen réel en utilisant l'outil MARQ Java.Deuxièmement, nous proposons un cadre formel pour vérifier les propriétés de sécurité de protocoles de monnaie électronique non transférable. Nous définissons la notion de vie privée du client et les propriétés de la falsification. Encore une fois, nous illustrons notre modèle en analysant trois études de cas à l'aide ProVerif, et confirmons plusieurs attaques connues.Troisièmement, nous proposons des définitions formelles de l'authentification, la confidentialité et les propriétés de vérifiabilité de protocoles de réputation électroniques. Nous discutons les définitions proposées, avec l'aide de ProVerif, sur un protocole de réputation simple. Enfin, nous obtenons un résultat sur la réduction de la vérification de la validité d'une route dans les protocoles de routage ad-hoc, en présence de plusieurs attaquants indépendants qui ne partagent pas leurs connaissances