4,189 research outputs found

    Discrimination analysis using Multi-object statistics of shape and pose

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    journal articleA main focus of statistical shape analysis is the description of variability of a population of geometric objects. In this paper, we present work towards modeling the shape and pose variability of sets of multiple objects. Principal geodesic analysis (PGA) is the extension of the standard technique of principal component analysis (PCA) into the nonlinear Riemannian symmetric space of pose and our medial m-rep shape description, a space in which use of PCA would be incorrect. In this paper, we discuss the decoupling of pose and shape in multi-object sets using different normalization settings. Further, we introduce methods of describing the statistics of object pose and object shape, both separately and simultaneously using a novel extension of PGA. We demonstrate our methods in an application to a longitudinal pediatric autism study with object sets of 10 subcortical structures in a population of 47 subjects. The results show that global scale accounts for most of the major mode of variation across time. Furthermore, the PGA components and the corresponding distribution of different subject groups vary significantly depending on the choice of normalization, which illustrates the importance of global and local pose alignment in multi-object shape analysis. Finally, we present results of using distance weighted discrimination analysis (DWD) in an attempt to use pose and shape features to separate subjects according to diagnosis, as well as visualize discriminating differences

    Principal arc analysis on direct product manifolds

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    We propose a new approach to analyze data that naturally lie on manifolds. We focus on a special class of manifolds, called direct product manifolds, whose intrinsic dimension could be very high. Our method finds a low-dimensional representation of the manifold that can be used to find and visualize the principal modes of variation of the data, as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) does in linear spaces. The proposed method improves upon earlier manifold extensions of PCA by more concisely capturing important nonlinear modes. For the special case of data on a sphere, variation following nongeodesic arcs is captured in a single mode, compared to the two modes needed by previous methods. Several computational and statistical challenges are resolved. The development on spheres forms the basis of principal arc analysis on more complicated manifolds. The benefits of the method are illustrated by a data example using medial representations in image analysis.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOAS370 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Principal Sub-manifolds

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    We revisit the problem of finding principal components to the multivariate datasets, that lie on an embedded nonlinear Riemannian manifold within the higher-dimensional space. Our aim is to extend the geometric interpretation of PCA, while being able to capture the non-geodesic form of variation in the data. We introduce the concept of a principal sub-manifold, a manifold passing through the center of the data, and at any point on the manifold, it moves in the direction of the highest curvature in the space spanned by eigenvectors of the local tangent space PCA. Compared to the recent work in the case where the sub-manifold is of dimension one (Panaretos, Pham and Yao 2014)--essentially a curve lying on the manifold attempting to capture the one-dimensional variation--the current setting is much more general. The principal sub-manifold is therefore an extension of the principal flow, accommodating to capture the higher dimensional variation in the data. We show the principal sub-manifold yields the usual principal components in Euclidean space. By means of examples, we illustrate how to find, use and interpret principal sub-manifold with an extension of using it in shape analysis

    Principal Component Analysis for Functional Data on Riemannian Manifolds and Spheres

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    Functional data analysis on nonlinear manifolds has drawn recent interest. Sphere-valued functional data, which are encountered for example as movement trajectories on the surface of the earth, are an important special case. We consider an intrinsic principal component analysis for smooth Riemannian manifold-valued functional data and study its asymptotic properties. Riemannian functional principal component analysis (RFPCA) is carried out by first mapping the manifold-valued data through Riemannian logarithm maps to tangent spaces around the time-varying Fr\'echet mean function, and then performing a classical multivariate functional principal component analysis on the linear tangent spaces. Representations of the Riemannian manifold-valued functions and the eigenfunctions on the original manifold are then obtained with exponential maps. The tangent-space approximation through functional principal component analysis is shown to be well-behaved in terms of controlling the residual variation if the Riemannian manifold has nonnegative curvature. Specifically, we derive a central limit theorem for the mean function, as well as root-nn uniform convergence rates for other model components, including the covariance function, eigenfunctions, and functional principal component scores. Our applications include a novel framework for the analysis of longitudinal compositional data, achieved by mapping longitudinal compositional data to trajectories on the sphere, illustrated with longitudinal fruit fly behavior patterns. RFPCA is shown to be superior in terms of trajectory recovery in comparison to an unrestricted functional principal component analysis in applications and simulations and is also found to produce principal component scores that are better predictors for classification compared to traditional functional functional principal component scores

    Probabilistic Solutions to Differential Equations and their Application to Riemannian Statistics

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    We study a probabilistic numerical method for the solution of both boundary and initial value problems that returns a joint Gaussian process posterior over the solution. Such methods have concrete value in the statistics on Riemannian manifolds, where non-analytic ordinary differential equations are involved in virtually all computations. The probabilistic formulation permits marginalising the uncertainty of the numerical solution such that statistics are less sensitive to inaccuracies. This leads to new Riemannian algorithms for mean value computations and principal geodesic analysis. Marginalisation also means results can be less precise than point estimates, enabling a noticeable speed-up over the state of the art. Our approach is an argument for a wider point that uncertainty caused by numerical calculations should be tracked throughout the pipeline of machine learning algorithms.Comment: 11 page (9 page conference paper, plus supplements

    Multivariate texture discrimination using a principal geodesic classifier

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    A new texture discrimination method is presented for classification and retrieval of colored textures represented in the wavelet domain. The interband correlation structure is modeled by multivariate probability models which constitute a Riemannian manifold. The presented method considers the shape of the class on the manifold by determining the principal geodesic of each class. The method, which we call principal geodesic classification, then determines the shortest distance from a test texture to the principal geodesic of each class. We use the Rao geodesic distance (GD) for calculating distances on the manifold. We compare the performance of the proposed method with distance-to-centroid and knearest neighbor classifiers and of the GD with the Euclidean distance. The principal geodesic classifier coupled with the GD yields better results, indicating the usefulness of effectively and concisely quantifying the variability of the classes in the probabilistic feature space

    Constrained Statistical Modelling of Knee Flexion from Multi-Pose Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    © 1982-2012 IEEE.Reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) through arthroscopy is one of the most common procedures in orthopaedics. It requires accurate alignment and drilling of the tibial and femoral tunnels through which the ligament graft is attached. Although commercial computer-Assisted navigation systems exist to guide the placement of these tunnels, most of them are limited to a fixed pose without due consideration of dynamic factors involved in different knee flexion angles. This paper presents a new model for intraoperative guidance of arthroscopic ACL reconstruction with reduced error particularly in the ligament attachment area. The method uses 3D preoperative data at different flexion angles to build a subject-specific statistical model of knee pose. To circumvent the problem of limited training samples and ensure physically meaningful pose instantiation, homogeneous transformations between different poses and local-deformation finite element modelling are used to enlarge the training set. Subsequently, an anatomical geodesic flexion analysis is performed to extract the subject-specific flexion characteristics. The advantages of the method were also tested by detailed comparison to standard Principal Component Analysis (PCA), nonlinear PCA without training set enlargement, and other state-of-The-Art articulated joint modelling methods. The method yielded sub-millimetre accuracy, demonstrating its potential clinical value

    Principal Boundary on Riemannian Manifolds

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    We consider the classification problem and focus on nonlinear methods for classification on manifolds. For multivariate datasets lying on an embedded nonlinear Riemannian manifold within the higher-dimensional ambient space, we aim to acquire a classification boundary for the classes with labels, using the intrinsic metric on the manifolds. Motivated by finding an optimal boundary between the two classes, we invent a novel approach -- the principal boundary. From the perspective of classification, the principal boundary is defined as an optimal curve that moves in between the principal flows traced out from two classes of data, and at any point on the boundary, it maximizes the margin between the two classes. We estimate the boundary in quality with its direction, supervised by the two principal flows. We show that the principal boundary yields the usual decision boundary found by the support vector machine in the sense that locally, the two boundaries coincide. Some optimality and convergence properties of the random principal boundary and its population counterpart are also shown. We illustrate how to find, use and interpret the principal boundary with an application in real data.Comment: 31 pages,10 figure