4,692 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of a modern landfill liner system in controlling groundwater quality of an open hydrogeological system, SE Lithuania

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    The work analyzes data of environmental geological mapping, groundwater monitoring of the region municipal waste landfill. This study examines the effectiveness of a modern landfill liner system in minimizing migration of pollutants in the groundwater of an open hydrogeological system. The results showed that dissolution of carbonates and dilution were the major processes controlling groundwater quality. In the landfill’s direct impact zone, groundwater was only weakly polluted with biogenic components. Increase in concentrations of these chemical components in this zone was related with the groundwater and surface runoff water flowing from adjacent areas. We can state that the modern landfill liner system we analysed is efficient and has no adverse effects on groundwater quality under hydrogeological conditions favourable for the spread of pollutants. However, in case of an accident, pollutants might pose a great threat on the safety of groundwater. Therefore, even modern landfill liner systems are not recommended to be constructed in open hydrogeological systems

    Assessment of Social Vulnerability to Floods in the Floodplain of Northern Italy

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    Practices for reducing the impacts of floods are becoming more and more advanced, centered on communities and reaching out to vulnerable populations. Vulnerable individuals are characterized by social and economic attributes and by societal dynamics rooted in each community. These indicators can magnify the negative impacts of disasters together with the capacity of each individual to cope with these events. The Social Vulnerability Index (SoVI) provides an empirical basis to compare social differences in various spatial scenarios and for specific environmental hazards. This research shows the application of the SoVI to the floodplain of northern Italy, based on the use of 15 census variables. The chosen study area is of particular interest for the high occurrence of flood events coupled with a high level of human activity, landscape transformations, and an elevated concentration of assets and people. The analysis identified a positive spatial autocorrelation across the floodplain that translates into the spatial detection of vulnerable groups, those that are likely to suffer the most from floods. In a second stage, the output of the index was superimposed on the flood hazard map of the study area to analyze the resulting risk. The Piemonte and Veneto regions contain the main areas prone to flood \u201csocial\u201d risk, highlighting the need for a cohesive management approach at all levels to recognize local capacities and increase communication, awareness, and preparedness to mitigate the undesirable effects of such events

    Understanding and assessing coal mining impacts : a multifaceted study of acid mine drainage on water resources in the Santa Catarina coal region, Southern Brazil

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    Esta pesquisa explora os complexos processos de contaminação de recursos hídricos pela Drenagem Ácida de Minas (DAM) na região de mineração de carvão do estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil. O objetivo da pesquisa é não somente compreender os processos subjacentes que contribuem para este importante problema ambiental, mas também avaliar criticamente as estratégias atuais de recuperação ambiental e desenvolver modelos eficazes de monitoramento. A investigação inicial é direcionada para entender a eficácia das estratégias atuais de recuperação ambiental implementadas na região. Através do monitoramento da qualidade da água e avaliação do impacto das antigas atividades de mineração nos recursos hídricos locais, o estudo apresenta uma imagem mista. O método de recuperação ambiental foi eficiente na neutralização da acidez da água na maioria dos recursos hídricos superficiais da área. No entanto, não foi eficaz na neutralização do curso d'água a jusante, sugerindo que a qualidade da água continua comprometida em termos de pH e acidez. Esta herança da mineração de carvão na região ressalta a necessidade de mais trabalho para remediar completamente os impactos desta atividade. Este estudo define as bases para as investigações subsequentes, estabelecendo um contexto mais amplo para entender os mecanismos de contaminação e recuperação na região. Com base nesse entendimento, o segundo estudo busca estabelecer o background geoquímico natural dos recursos hídricos superficiais da região afetada. Distinguir entre concentrações de elementos de ocorrência natural e aquelas resultantes de atividades antropogênicas é fundamental para avaliar a extensão da contaminação e a eficácia dos métodos de recuperação. Esta investigação revela que os valores de referência geoquímicos naturais na região desviam dos valores esperados estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira para alguns parâmetros. A formação geológica única e a dinâmica hidrológica da região resultam em concentrações naturalmente mais altas de certos elementos químicos nos corpos d'água, elucidando uma informação crítica para avaliar com precisão os impactos ambientais e informar estratégias de mitigação. O terceiro estudo analisa os impactos da DAM na qualidade da água. Através da análise de parâmetros físico-químicos de amostras de água coletadas de rios e córregos afetados, é avaliada a extensão e a gravidade do impacto da DAM. O estudo revela a gravidade do impacto da DAM, refletida nas notáveis superações das concentrações máximas de elementos em relação aos respectivos valores de background geoquímico. Por exemplo, os níveis máximos de Fe, Mn e Al excederam seus valores de referência em 830, 632 e 31.600 vezes, respectivamente. Isso não apenas destaca os impactos duradouros da mineração de carvão nos recursos hídricos, mas também ressalta a necessidade de monitoramento e avaliação contínuos da qualidade da água dos recursos hídricos da região. O quarto estudo busca desvendar as correlações significativas entre os parâmetros típicos de monitoramento da DAM na região carbonífera de Santa Catarina. Ao investigar o comportamento geoquímico dos elementos na presença de DAM, como pH, potencial redox e concentrações de ferro, manganês e alumínio, várias correlações fortes são descobertas. Essas correlações estão intimamente relacionadas à solubilidade, especiação e mobilidade de metais pesados na água, revelando os mecanismos hidroquímicos relacionados à contaminação por DAM. Com esse entendimento mais aprofundado da interação entre os parâmetros geoquímicos, é desenvolvido um novo modelo de regressão para possibilitar o monitoramento eficaz e contínuo da DAM nas águas superficiais da região. Esse modelo tem potencial para ser uma ferramenta valiosa, podendo fornecer dados em tempo real sobre a qualidade da água e facilitando uma resposta rápida às mudanças na dinâmica da DAM. Além disso, o desenvolvimento desse modelo resulta em uma estratégia de monitoramento mais econômica, uma contribuição para a gestão dos recursos hídricos na região. Em conclusão, esta pesquisa avança nossa compreensão científica dos impactos ambientais das atividades de mineração de carvão na região sul de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Ao elucidar os mecanismos de contaminação por DAM e a eficácia das estratégias de recuperação na mitigação desses impactos, ela destaca a necessidade crucial de monitoramento regular e abrangente dos recursos hídricos em áreas afetadas pela mineração. Apesar das melhorias na qualidade dos recursos hídricos superficiais devido aos esforços de recuperação, a pesquisa ressalta a necessidade de ações adicionais para amenizar os impactos da DAM nos recursos hídricos. Além disso, a pesquisa enfatiza a importância de compreender o contexto geoquímico local para uma avaliação mais precisa da extensão e gravidade dos impactos da DAM. Os insights obtidos desta pesquisa não apenas têm relevância para a região de Santa Catarina, mas também para outras áreas que lidam com as consequências ambientais das atividades de mineração de carvão. Espera-se que as descobertas desta pesquisa estimulem mais investigações científicas nessa área crucial e informem abordagens mais eficazes para a recuperação ambiental. A jornada para um futuro sustentável para a região de mineração de carvão de Santa Catarina é longa e desafiadora e que só será alcançada por meio de pesquisa contínua e compromisso de todos os entes envolvido neste processo.This research delves into the complex processes of water resource contamination by Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) in the coal mining regions of Santa Catarina, Brazil. The objective of the research is not only to understand and communicate the underlying processes contributing to this pressing environmental issue, but also to evaluate current environmental reclamation strategies and develop effective monitoring models. The initial investigation is targeted towards understanding the efficacy of current environmental reclamation strategies implemented in the region. Through water quality monitoring and gauging the impact of past mining activities on local water resources, the study paints a mixed picture. The environmental reclaiming method was efficient in neutralizing water acidity in most of the surface water resources of the area. However, it was not effective in neutralizing the downstream water course, suggesting that the water quality remains compromised in terms of pH and acidity. This legacy of the region's coal mining history underscores the need for further work to fully remediate the impacts of past mining activities. This finding lays the groundwork for the subsequent investigations, setting a broader context for understanding the mechanisms of contamination and reclamation in the region. Building on this understanding, the second study dives into establishing the natural geochemical baseline of the impacted region. Distinguishing between naturally occurring element concentrations and those resulting from anthropogenic activities is critical in evaluating the extent of contamination and effectiveness of reclamation methods. This investigation reveals that the natural geochemical background values in the region deviate from the expected values established by Brazilian legislation. The unique geological formation and hydrological dynamics of the region result in naturally higher concentrations of certain chemical elements in the water bodies, elucidating a critical piece of information for accurately assessing environmental impacts and informing mitigation strategies. The third study takes a closer look at the impacts of AMD on water quality. Through the analysis of physicochemical parameters of water samples collected from affected rivers and streams, the extent and severity of AMD impact is assessed. The study reveals the severity of AMD's impact, which is reflected in the remarkable exceedances of maximum element concentrations over their respective background values. For example, the maximum levels of Fe, Mn, and Al exceeded their background values by 830, 632, and 31,600 times, respectively. This not only highlights the enduring impacts of coal mining on water resources but also underscores the need for continuous and comprehensive monitoring and assessment of water quality. The fourth study seeks to unravel the significant correlations between typical monitoring parameters of AMD in the coal region of Santa Catarina. Investigating the geochemical behavior of elements in the presence of AMD, such as pH, redox potential, and concentrations of iron, manganese, and aluminum, several strong correlations are uncovered. These correlations are related to the solubility, speciation, and mobility of heavy metals in the water, presenting the hydrochemical mechanisms associated with AMD contamination. With this understanding of the interaction between geochemical parameters, a new regression model is developed to enable continuous monitoring of AMD in the region's surface water. This model can be an effective tool, providing real-time data on water quality and facilitating rapid response to changes in AMD dynamics. In addition, the development of this model presents a more cost-effective monitoring strategy, a contribution to water resource management in the region. In conclusion, this research Thesis advances our scientific understanding of the environmental impacts of coal mining activities in the Santa Catarina region of Brazil. By interpreting the mechanisms of AMD contamination and the effectiveness of reclamation strategies in mitigating these impacts, it shines a spotlight on the critical need for regular monitoring of water resources in mining-impacted areas. Despite improvements in the quality of surface water resources due to reclamation efforts, the research highlights the need for further action to alleviate the impacts of AMD on water resources. Moreover, the research call attention to the importance of understanding the local geochemical background for a more accurate assessment of the extent and severity of AMD impacts. The insights gleaned from this research not only hold relevance for the Santa Catarina region but also for other areas dealing with the environmental consequences of coal mining activities. It is hoped that the results of this research will stimulate further scientific investigations in this area and inform more effective approaches to environmental reclamation. The journey towards a sustainable future for the Santa Catarina coal mining region is long and challenging and will only be achieved through continuous research and the commitment of all those involved in this process


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    Objective. The aim of the study is to identify important features of the geoecological study of cities, as well as to consider the main approaches and methods that are used in the geoecological analysis of morphologically heterogeneous indicators. Materials and methods. The object of research is geosystems in geography and ecosystems in ecological science. It is this systematic approach that brings ecology and geography closer together. Results. As a result of the interaction of society with the natural environment, one can see a new branch of knowledge - geoecology. So, it is necessary to take into account spatial or territorial patterns. The science of geoecology is the link between geography and ecology for solving various problems of the natural environment. Exactly, we can talk about the spatio-temporal features that have the interaction of organisms with the environment and territorially differentiated systems of relationships. Conclusion. At the present time, the modern interest of society in environmental science is quite explainable. Its main problem is survival in those conditions of the natural environment, which are greatly changed as a result of human economic activity. All over the world, a large role is assigned to the health of the population due to the problem of anthropogenic pollution of the environment. It causes significant damage in the geographical, biological, economic spheres, as well as its individual enterprises. There is a serious threat of violations not only of the biosphere, geosphere, atmosphere, but, in general, the entire geographic envelope. The first area is the subject of environmental research, and the second area is geography. As a result of these events, one can undoubtedly speak of a huge similarity and overlap between these sciences

    Socio-Hydrology: The New Paradigm in Resilient Water Management

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    During the third decade of the 21st century, human societies across the world are facing significant water-related problems, such as ecosystem degradation, groundwater depletion, natural and anthropogenic droughts and floods, water-borne health issues, and deforestation. These problems are exacerbated by climate change, a phenomenon that has been accelerated due to human intervention in natural systems since the industrial revolution. There is an urgent need to better understand the interaction of hydrological systems in terms of climate variability and the anthropogenic factors that contribute to the dynamics and resilience of coupled human–water systems and effective risk management in the area of water resource management. Socio-hydrology is an interdisciplinary field that integrates natural and social sciences and aims to study the long-term dynamics of bidirectional feedback in coupled human–water systems. This book on socio-hydrology aims to compile cross-disciplinary scientific endeavors and innovations in research on the development, education, and application of coupled human–water systems. The articles published in this book represent diverse and broad aspects of water management in the context of socio-hydrology systems around the globe. The articles and ideas presented in this book represent a significant source of references for interdisciplinary water science programs and provide an excellent guide for experts involved in the future planning and management of water resources. This book is dedicated to friends of the Green Water-Infrastructure Academy and those who pursue cross-disciplinary water research, education, and management

    BiodiverCities: A roadmap to enhance the biodiversity and green infrastructure of European cities by 2030

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    BiodiverCities is a European Parliament Pilot Project, developed with the aim of enhancing the use of Urban Green Infrastructure (UGI) to enhance the condition of urban ecosystems, providing benefits for people and nature. In this report, an evaluation around the most appropriate reporting unit for an urban ecosystems assessment is carried out, comparing Functional Urban Areas (FUA) and Local Administrative Units (LAU). Furthermore, UGI are assessed from a multi-scale perspective. The status and scenarios of UGI in European urbanised areas is first analysed measuring the urban green areas and the tree canopy cover. Secondly, the contribution of UGI to the overall European Green Infrastructure (EU-GI) is quantified, evaluating the respective role of FUA and LAU. Finally, the effect of urban characteristics on biotic homogenization is analysed exploring how urbanised areas impact on avian population and communities in French cities. The results of this study will inform the development of a roadmap for greening cities in Europe in the 2020-2030 decade

    Modelos de padrões espaciais como apoio ao ordenamento do espaço marítimo português

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    Sea space is increasingly occupied and leading to rising pressures on species and habitats. Marine and coastal policy framework is acknowledging this fact and using Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) as a tool for achieving a better integrated management and planning of maritime spaces. The European Directive on Maritime Spatial Planning (Directive 2014/89/EU) aims to achieve an integrated approach to marine governance, whilst securing and maintaining the healthy status of marine and coastal waters, following an Ecosystem Based Management Approach (EBM). Moreover, Member States must produce plans until 2021. In 2014, Portugal enacted the law establishing the Basis of the National Maritime Space and in 2015 followed the framework for elaboration of the national Maritime Spatial Plan, named as Situation Plan. The Portuguese Situation Plan, developed for Mainland, Madeira and Extended Platform Subdivisions was approved in December 2019. This thesis’ main contribution is the development of a set of spatial patterns for addressing coasts and seas with comparable information, moving away from the sectorial approach to the sea. The patterns are used to classify maritime spaces and gather evidence on potentials opportunities and challenges for the development of regions. Therefore, this thesis develops methodological approaches for planners and managers to support the MSP process in a time and resource data limited setting using the Portuguese Mainland Subdivision as a case study. The approaches are easy to use, accessible and easily understood by planners and decision-makers. Most of the outputs were produced in the forms of maps showing combined information, and in some cases, different scenarios for selection of best available options. The focus was given to environmental impacts conservation and socio-ecological assessment in line with an EBM approach. The tools presented in this thesis can be of value in the years to come to provide MSP with relevant information to support an EBM approach to the sea management of ocean uses.O espaço marinho está cada vez mais ocupado conduzindo a pressões crescentes sobre as espécies e habitats. O quadro político marinho e costeiro está a reconhecer este facto e a utilizar o Ordenamento do Espaço Marítimo (OEM) como um instrumento para alcançar uma melhor gestão e planeamento integrados dos espaços marítimos. A Diretiva Europeia sobre Ordenamento do Espaço Marítimo (Diretiva 2014/89/UE) visa alcançar uma abordagem integrada da governação marinha, assegurando e mantendo simultaneamente o estado saudável das águas marinhas e costeiras, seguindo uma abordagem de Gestão Baseada em Ecossistemas (GBE). Além disso, os Estados Membros devem produzir planos até 2021. Em 2014, Portugal promulgou a lei que estabelece a Base do Espaço Marítimo Nacional e em 2015 seguiu-se o quadro para a elaboração do Plano de Ordenamento do Espaço Marítimo Nacional, denominado Plano de Situação. O Plano de Situação Português desenvolvido para o Continente, Madeira e Subdivisões da Plataforma Alargada foi aprovado em dezembro de 2019. A principal contribuição desta tese é o desenvolvimento de um conjunto de padrões espaciais para abordar espaços costeiros e marinhos com informação comparável, afastando-se da abordagem sectorial ao mar. Os padrões são utilizados para classificar os espaços marítimos e recolher informações sobre potenciais oportunidades e desafios para o desenvolvimento das regiões. Esta tese desenvolve abordagens metodológicas para planeadores para apoiar o processo do OEM num contexto limitado de tempo e recursos, utilizando a Subdivisão Portuguesa do Continente como um estudo de caso. As abordagens são fáceis de utilizar, acessíveis e facilmente compreendidas por planeadores e decisores políticos. A maioria dos resultados foram produzidos sob a forma de mapas mostrando informação combinada, e em alguns casos, mostrando diferentes cenários para seleção das melhores opções disponíveis. O foco foi atribuído à conservação dos impactos ambientais e à avaliação sócio-ecológica, em linha com uma abordagem GBE. As ferramentas apresentadas nesta tese são úteis para fornecer ao OEM informações relevantes para apoiar uma abordagem GBE para a gestão dos oceanos.Programa Doutoral em Ciência, Tecnologia e Gestão do Ma

    Driver-pressure-impact and response-recovery chains in European rivers: observed and predicted effects on BQEs

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    The report presented in the following is part of the outcome of WISER’s river Workpackage WP5.1 and as such part of the module on aquatic ecosystem management and restoration. The ultimate goal of WP5.1 is to provide guidance on best practice restoration and management to the practitioners in River Basin Management. Therefore, a series of analyses was undertaken, each of which used a part of the WP5.1 database in order to track two major pathways of biological response: 1) the response of riverine biota to environmental pressures (degradation) and 2) the response of biota to the reduction of these impacts (restoration). This report attempts to provide empirical evidence on the environment-biota relationships for both pathways


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    FLOWPATH 2019, the 4th National Meeting on Hydrogeology, was held in Milan from 12th to 14th June 2019. According to the aim of the previous Editions of FLOWPATH, held in Bologna (2012), Viterbo (2014) and Cagliari (2017), the conference is an opportunity for Italian hydrogeologists to exchange ideas and knowledge on different groundwater issues. The objectives of the conference are: – To promote dialogue and exchange of scientific knowledge among young hydrogeologists; – To deepen the theoretical and practical aspects of our understanding on groundwater; – To update all the stakeholders, researchers and professionals on recent challenges in the hydrogeological sciences; – To encourage researchers, professionals and administrators to contribute to the improvement of water resources management

    Methodological bases and practice of sustainable development implementation

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    У монографії досліджено актуальні питання формування методології сталого розвитку. Проаналзіровано основні чинники сталого розвитку. Розглянуто економічні інструменти забезпечення сталого розвитку на різних рівнях управління. Запропоновано науково-методичні підходи до забезпечення сталого розвитку. Особливу увагу приділено науково-прикладним аспектам забезпечення сталого розвитку в галузевому та територіальному розрізах. Адресовано фахівцям з питань економіки природокористування, макроекономічного регулювання, регіонального розвитку, економіки підприємства, інноваційного менеджменту та маркетингу, а також науково-педагогічним працівникам, аспірантам і студентам галузі наук економічних і дисципліни наук про управління.В монографии исследованы актуальные вопросы формирования методологии устойчивого развития. Проаналзированы основные факторы устойчивого развития. Рассмотрены экономические инструменты обеспечения устойчивого развития на различных уровнях управления. Предложены научно-методические подходы к обеспечению устойчивого развития. Особое внимание уделено научно-прикладным аспектам обеспечения устойчивого развития в отраслевом и территориальном разрезах. Адресовано специалистам по вопросам экономики природопользования, макроэкономического регулирования, регионального развития, экономики предприятия, инновационного менеджмента и маркетинга, а также научно-педагогическим работникам, аспирантам и студентам области экономических наук и дисцтплины наук об управлении.The monograph deals with new approaches and urgent questions to create methodology of sustainable development. There is suggested usage of economic instruments for sustainable development on different management levels. Authors analyze and suggest scientific and methodological approaches to sustainable development. Special attention is paid to scientific and applied aspects of sustainable development into regional and territorial levels. It can be useful for specialists on environmental economics, innovative management and marketing, business economics, regional development, macro-economic regulation, and also for lecturers, post-graduates and students of HEIs economic specialties