9 research outputs found

    Moving-boundary problems solved by adaptive radial basis functions

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    The objective of this paper is to present an alternative approach to the conventional level set methods for solving two-dimensional moving-boundary problems known as the passive transport. Moving boundaries are associated with time-dependent problems and the position of the boundaries need to be determined as a function of time and space. The level set method has become an attractive design tool for tracking, modeling and simulating the motion of free boundaries in fluid mechanics, combustion, computer animation and image processing. Recent research on the numerical method has focused on the idea of using a meshless methodology for the numerical solution of partial differential equations. In the present approach, the moving interface is captured by the level set method at all time with the zero contour of a smooth function known as the level set function. A new approach is used to solve a convective transport equation for advancing the level set function in time. This new approach is based on the asymmetric meshless collocation method and the adaptive greedy algorithm for trial subspaces selection. Numerical simulations are performed to verify the accuracy and stability of the new numerical scheme which is then applied to simulate a bubble that is moving, stretching and circulating in an ambient flow to demonstrate the performance of the new meshless approach. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    A Fast Adaptive Wavelet Scheme in RBF Collocation for Nearly Singular Potential PDEs

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    We present a wavelet based adaptive scheme and investigate the efficiency of this scheme for solving nearly singular potential PDEs. Multiresolution wavelet analysis (MRWA) provides a firm mathematical foundation by projecting the solution of PDE onto a nested sequence of approximation spaces. The wavelet coefficients then were used as an estimation of the sensible regions for node adaptation. The proposed adaptation scheme requires negligible calculation time due to the existence of the fast DiscreteWavelet Transform (DWT). Certain aspects of the proposed adaptive scheme are discussed through numerical examples. It has been shown that the proposed adaptive scheme can detect the singularities both in the domain and near the boundaries. Moreover, the proposed adaptive scheme can be utilized for capturing the regions with high gradient both in the solution and its spatial derivatives. Due to the simplicity of the proposed method, it can be efficiently applied to large scale nearly singular engineering problems

    The ANOVA decomposition and generalized sparse grid methods for the high-dimensional backward Kolmogorov equation

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    In this thesis, we discuss numerical methods for the solution of the high-dimensional backward Kolmogorov equation, which arises in the pricing of options on multi-dimensional jump-diffusion processes. First, we apply the ANOVA decomposition and approximate the high-dimensional problem by a sum of lower-dimensional ones, which we then discretize by a θ-scheme and generalized sparse grids in time and space, respectively. We solve the resultant systems of linear equations by iterative methods, which requires both preconditioning and fast matrix-vector multiplication algorithms. We make use of a Linear Program and an algebraic formula to compute optimal diagonal scaling parameters. Furthermore, we employ the OptiCom as non-linear preconditioner. We generalize the unidirectional principle to non-local operators and develop a new matrix-vector multiplication algorithm for the OptiCom. As application we focus on the Kou model. Using a new recurrence formula, the computational complexity of the operator application remains linear in the number of degrees of freedom. The combination of the above-mentioned methods allows us to efficiently approximate the solution of the backward Kolmogorov equation for a ten-dimensional Kou model.Die ANOVA-Zerlegung und verallgemeinerte dünne Gitter für die hochdimensionale Kolmogorov-Rückwärtsgleichung In der vorliegenden Arbeit betrachten wir numerische Verfahren zur Lösung der hochdimensionalen Kolmogorov-Rückwärtsgleichung, die beispielsweise bei der Bewertung von Optionen auf mehrdimensionalen Sprung-Diffusionsprozessen auftritt. Zuerst wenden wir eine ANOVA-Zerlegung an und approximieren das hochdimensionale Problem mit einer Summe von niederdimensionalen Problemen, die wir mit einem θ-Verfahren in der Zeit und mit verallgemeinerten dünnen Gittern im Ort diskretisieren. Wir lösen die entstehenden linearen Gleichungssysteme mit iterativen Verfahren, wofür eine Vorkonditionierung als auch schnelle Matrix-Vektor-Multiplikationsalgorithmen nötig sind. Wir entwickeln ein Lineares Programm und eine algebraische Formel, um optimale Diagonalskalierungen zu finden. Des Weiteren setzen wir die OptiCom als nicht-lineares Vorkonditionierungsverfahren ein. Wir verallgemeinern das unidirektionale Prinzip auf nicht-lokale Operatoren und entwickeln einen für die OptiCom optimierten Matrix-Vektor-Multiplikationsalgorithmus. Als Anwendungsbeispiel betrachten wir das Kou-Modell. Mit einer neuen Rekurrenzformel bleibt die Gesamtkomplexität der Operatoranwendung linear in der Anzahl der Freiheitsgrade. Unter Einbeziehung aller genannten Methoden ist es nun möglich, die Lösung der Kolmogorov-Rückwärtsgleichung für ein zehndimensionales Kou-Modell effizient zu approximieren

    Applied Mathematics and Computational Physics

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    As faster and more efficient numerical algorithms become available, the understanding of the physics and the mathematical foundation behind these new methods will play an increasingly important role. This Special Issue provides a platform for researchers from both academia and industry to present their novel computational methods that have engineering and physics applications