10 research outputs found

    Necessary and Sufficient Conditions on Partial Orders for Modeling Concurrent Computations

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    Partial orders are used extensively for modeling and analyzing concurrent computations. In this paper, we define two properties of partially ordered sets: width-extensibility and interleaving-consistency, and show that a partial order can be a valid state based model: (1) of some synchronous concurrent computation iff it is width-extensible, and (2) of some asynchronous concurrent computation iff it is width-extensible and interleaving-consistent. We also show a duality between the event based and state based models of concurrent computations, and give algorithms to convert models between the two domains. When applied to the problem of checkpointing, our theory leads to a better understanding of some existing results and algorithms in the field. It also leads to efficient detection algorithms for predicates whose evaluation requires knowledge of states from all the processes in the system

    Evaluation of Communication Induced Checkpointing Approaches for Reconfiguration-Based Fault-Tolerance in Embedded Systems

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    Reconfiguration-Based Fault-Tolerance is an approach to developing dependable safety-critical embedded applications, where redundant active or standby resources are used to cope with faults through a system reconfiguration at run-time. Compared to traditional hardware and software redundancy, it is a promising technique that may achieve dependability with a significant reduction in cost, size, weight, and power requirements. Reconfiguration necessitates using proper checkpointing protocols to support state reservation to ensure correct task restarts after a system reconfiguration. Communication Induced Checkpointing (CIC) protocols are well developed and understood for large parallel and information systems, but not much has been done for resource limited embedded systems. This paper implements four common CIC protocols in a resource constrained distributed embedded system with a Controller Area Network (CAN) backbone. An example feedback control system implementation is used for a case study. The four implemented protocols are described and performances are contrasted. The paper compares the protocols in terms of network bandwidth consumptions, CPU usages, checkpointing times, and checkpoint sizes in additional to the traditional measures of forced to local checkpoint rations and total number of checkpoints

    An enhanced index-based checkpointing algorithm for distributed systems

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    Rollback-recovery in distributed systems is important for fault-tolerant computing. Without fault tolerance mechanisms, an application running on a system has to be restarted from scratch if a fault happens in the middle of its execution, resulting in loss of useful computation. To provide efficient rollback-recovery for fault-tolerance in distributed systems, it is significant to reduce the number of checkpoints under the existence of consistent global checkpoints in index-based distributed checkpointing algorithms. Because of the dependencies among the processes states that induced by inter-process communication in distributed systems, asynchronous checkpointing may suffer from the domino effect. Therefore, a consistent global checkpoint should always be ensured to restrict the rollback distance. The quasi-synchronous checkpointing protocols achieve synchronization in a loose fashion. Index-based checkpointing algorithm is a kind of typical quasi- synchronous checkpointing mechanism. The algorithm proposed in this thesis follows a new strategy to update the checkpoint interval dynamically as opposed to the static interval used by the existing algorithms explained in the previous chapter. Whenever a process takes a forced checkpoint due to the reception of a message with sequence number higher than the sequence number of the process, the checkpoint interval is either reset or the next basic checkpoint is skipped depending on when the massage has been received. The simulation is built on SPIN, a tool to trace logical design errors and check the logical consistency of protocols and algorithms in distributed systems. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can reduce the number of induced forced-checkpoints per message 27- 32% on an average as compared to the traditional strategies

    Checkpointing of parallel applications in a Grid environment

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    The Grid environment is generic, heterogeneous, and dynamic with lots of unreliable resources making it very exposed to failures. The environment is unreliable because it is geographically dispersed involving multiple autonomous administrative domains and it is composed of a large number of components. Examples of failures in the Grid environment can be: application crash, Grid node crash, network failures, and Grid system component failures. These types of failures can affect the execution of parallel/distributed application in the Grid environment and so, protections against these faults are crucial. Therefore, it is essential to develop efficient fault tolerant mechanisms to allow users to successfully execute Grid applications. One of the research challenges in Grid computing is to be able to develop a fault tolerant solution that will ensure Grid applications are executed reliably with minimum overhead incurred. While checkpointing is the most common method to achieve fault tolerance, there is still a lot of work to be done to improve the efficiency of the mechanism. This thesis provides an in-depth description of a novel solution for checkpointing parallel applications executed on a Grid. The checkpointing mechanism implemented allows to checkpoint an application at regions where there is no interprocess communication involved and therefore reducing the checkpointing overhead and checkpoint size

    Visões progressivas de computações distribuidas

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    Orientador : Luiz Eduardo BuzatoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Um checkpoint é um estado selecionado por um processo durante a sua execução. Um checkpoint global é composto por um checkpoint de cada processo e é consistente se representa urna foto­grafia da computação que poderia ter sido capturada por um observador externo. Soluções para vários problemas em sistemas distribuídos necessitam de uma seqüência de checkpoints globais consistentes que descreva o progresso de urna computação distribuída. Corno primeira contri­buição desta tese, apresentamos um conjunto de algoritmos para a construção destas seqüências, denominadas visões progressivas. Outras contribuições provaram que certas suposições feitas na literatura eram falsas utilizando o argumento de que algumas propriedades precisam ser válidas ao longo de todo o progresso da computação. Durante algumas computações distribuídas, todas as dependências de retrocesso entre check­points podem ser rastreadas em tempo de execução. Esta propriedade é garantida através da indução de checkpoints imediatamente antes da formação de um padrão de mensagens que poderia dar origem a urna dependência de retrocesso não rastreável. Estudos teóricos e de simu­lação indicam que, na maioria das vezes, quanto mais restrito o padrão de mensagens, menor o número de checkpoints induzidos. Acreditava-se que a caracterização minimal para a obtenção desta propriedade estava estabelecida e que um protocolo baseado nesta caracterização precisa­ria da manutenção e propagação de informações de controle com complexidade O(n2), onde n é o número de processos na computação. A complexidade quadrática tornava o protocolo base­ado na caracterização mimimal menos interessante que protocolos baseados em caracterizações maiores, mas com complexidade linear.A segunda contribuição desta tese é uma prova de que a caracterização considerada minimal podia ser eduzida, embora a complexidade requerida por um protocolo baseado nesta nova caracterização minimal continuasse indicando ser quadrática. A terceira contribuição desta tese é a proposta de um pequeno relaxamento na caracterização minimal que propicia a implementação de um protocolo com complexidade linear e desempenho semelhante à solução quadrática. Como última contribuição, através de um estudo detalhado das variações da informação de controle durante o progresso de urna computação, propomos um protocolo que implementa exatamente a caracterização minimal, mas com complexidade linearAbstract: A checkpoint is a state selected by a process during its execution. A global checkpoint is composed of one checkpoint from each process and it is consistent if it represents a snapshot of the computation that could have been taken by an external observer. The solution to many problems in distributed systems requires a sequence of consistent global checkpoints that describes the progress of a distributed computation. As the first contribution of this thesis, we present a set of algorithms to the construction of these sequences, called progressive views. Additionally, the analysis of properties during the progress of a distributed computation allowed us to verify that some assumptions made in the literature were false. Some checkpoint patterns present only on-line trackable rollback-dependencies among check­points. This property is enforced by taking a checkpoint immediately before the formation of a message pattern that can produce a non-trackable rollback-dependency. Theoretical and simula­tion studies have shown that, most often, the more restricted the pattern, the more efficient the protocol. The minimal characterization was supposed to be known and its implementation was supposed to require the processes of the computation to maintain and propagate O(n2) control information, where n is the number of processes in the computation. The quadratic complexity makes the protocol based on the minimal characterization less interesting than protocols based on wider characterizations, but with a linear complexity. The second contribution of this thesis is a proof that the characterization that was supposed to be minimal could be reduced. However, the complexity required by a protocol based on the new minimal characterization seemed to be also quadratic. The third contribution of this thesis is a protocol based on a slightly weaker condition than the minimal characterization, but with linear complexity and performance similar to the quadratic solution. As the last contribution, through a detailed analysis of the control information computed and transmitted during the progress of distributed computations, we have proposed a protocol that implements exactly the minimal characterization, but with a linear complexityDoutoradoDoutor em Ciência da Computaçã

    Keeping checkpoint/restart viable for exascale systems

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    Next-generation exascale systems, those capable of performing a quintillion operations per second, are expected to be delivered in the next 8-10 years. These systems, which will be 1,000 times faster than current systems, will be of unprecedented scale. As these systems continue to grow in size, faults will become increasingly common, even over the course of small calculations. Therefore, issues such as fault tolerance and reliability will limit application scalability. Current techniques to ensure progress across faults like checkpoint/restart, the dominant fault tolerance mechanism for the last 25 years, are increasingly problematic at the scales of future systems due to their excessive overheads. In this work, we evaluate a number of techniques to decrease the overhead of checkpoint/restart and keep this method viable for future exascale systems. More specifically, this work evaluates state-machine replication to dramatically increase the checkpoint interval (the time between successive checkpoints) and hash-based, probabilistic incremental checkpointing using graphics processing units to decrease the checkpoint commit time (the time to save one checkpoint). Using a combination of empirical analysis, modeling, and simulation, we study the costs and benefits of these approaches on a wide range of parameters. These results, which cover of number of high-performance computing capability workloads, different failure distributions, hardware mean time to failures, and I/O bandwidths, show the potential benefits of these techniques for meeting the reliability demands of future exascale platforms

    Power-Aware Resilience for Exascale Computing

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    To enable future scientific breakthroughs and discoveries, the next generation of scientific applications will require exascale computing performance to support the execution of predictive models and analysis of massive quantities of data, with significantly higher resolution and fidelity than what is possible within existing computing infrastructure. Delivering exascale performance will require massive parallelism, which could result in a computing system with over a million sockets, each supporting many cores. Resulting in a system with millions of components, including memory modules, communication networks, and storage devices. This increase in number of components significantly increases the propensity of exascale computing systems to faults, while driving power consumption and operating costs to unforeseen heights. To achieve exascale performance two challenges must be addressed: resilience to failures and adherence to power budget constraints. These two objectives conflict insofar as performance is concerned, as achieving high performance may push system components past their thermal limit and increase the likelihood of failure. With current systems, the dominant resilience technique is checkpoint/restart. It is believed, however, that this technique alone will not scale to the level necessary to support future systems. Therefore, alternative methods have been suggested to augment checkpoint/restart -- for example process replication. In this thesis, we present a new fault tolerance model called shadow replication that addresses resilience and power simultaneously. Shadow replication associates a shadow process with each main process, similar to traditional replication, however, the shadow process executes at a reduced speed. Shadow replication reduces energy consumption and produces solutions faster than checkpoint/restart and other replication methods in limited power environments. Shadow replication reduces energy consumption up to 25 depending upon the application type, system parameters, and failure rates. The major contribution of this thesis is the development of shadow replication, a power-aware fault tolerant computational model. The second contribution is an execution model applying shadow replication to future high performance exascale-class systems. Next, is a framework to analyze and simulate the power and energy consumption of fault tolerance methods in high performance computing systems. Lastly, to prove the viability of shadow replication an implementation is presented for the Message Passing Interface

    Locality-driven checkpoint and recovery

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    Checkpoint and recovery are important fault-tolerance techniques for distributed systems. The two categories of existing strategies incur unacceptable performance cost either at run time or upon failure recovery, when applied to large-scale distributed systems. In particular, the large number of messages and processes in these systems causes either considerable checkpoint as well as logging overhead, or catastrophic global-wise recovery effect. This thesis proposes a locality-driven strategy for efficiently checkpointing and recovering such systems with both affordable runtime cost and controllable failure recoverability. Messages establish dependencies between distributed processes, which can be either preserved by coordinated checkpoints or removed via logging. Existing strategies enforce a uniform handling policy for all message dependencies, and hence gains advantage at one end but bears disadvantage at the other. In this thesis, a generic theory of Quasi-Atomic Recovery has been formulated to accommodate message handling requirements of both kinds, and to allow using different message handling methods together. Quasi-atomicity of recovery blocks implies proper confinement of recoveries, and thus enables localization of checkpointing and recovery around such a block and consequently a hybrid strategy with combined advantages from both ends. A strategy of group checkpointing with selective logging has been proposed, based on the observation of message localization around 'locality regions' in distributed systems. In essence, a group-wise coordinated checkpoint is created around such a region and only the few inter-region messages are logged subsequently. Runtime overhead is optimized due to largely reduced logging efforts, and recovery spread is as localized as region-wise. Various protocols have been developed to provide trade-offs between flexibility and performance. Also proposed is the idea of process clone that can be used to effectively remove program-order recovery dependencies among successive group checkpoints and thus to stop inter-group recovery spread. Distributed executions exhibit locality of message interactions. Such locality originates from resolving distributed dependency localization via message passing, and appears as a hierarchical 'region-transition' pattern. A bottom-up approach has been proposed to identify those regions, by detecting popular recurrence patterns from individual processes as 'locality intervals', and then composing them into 'locality regions' based on their tight message coupling relations between each other. Experiments conducted on real-life applications have shown the existence of hierarchical locality regions and have justified the feasibility of this approach. Performance optimization of group checkpoint strategies has to do with their uses of locality. An abstract performance measure has been-proposed to properly integrate both runtime overhead and failure recoverability in a region-wise marner. Taking this measure as the optimization objective, a greedy heuristic has been introduced to decompose a given distributed execution into optimized regions. Analysis implies that an execution pattern with good locality leads to good optimized performance, and the locality pattern itself can serve as a good candidate for the optimal decomposition. Consequently, checkpoint protocols have been developed to efficiently identify optimized regions in such an execution, with assistance of either design-time or runtime knowledge