27,231 research outputs found

    Video game preservation in the UK: a survey of records management practices

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    Video games are a cultural phenomenon; a medium like no other that has become one of the largest entertainment sectors in the world. While the UK boasts an enviable games development heritage, it risks losing a major part of its cultural output through an inability to preserve the games that are created by the country’s independent games developers. The issues go deeper than bit rot and other problems that affect all digital media; loss of context, copyright and legal issues, and the throwaway culture of the ‘next’ game all hinder the ability of fans and academics to preserve video games and make them accessible in the future. This study looked at the current attitudes towards preservation in the UK’s independent (‘indie’) video games industry by examining current record-keeping practices and analysing the views of games developers. The results show that there is an interest in preserving games, and possibly a desire to do so, but issues of piracy and cost prevent the industry from undertaking preservation work internally, and from allowing others to assume such responsibility. The recommendation made by this paper is not simply for preservation professionals and enthusiasts to collaborate with the industry, but to do so by advocating the commercial benefits that preservation may offer to the industry

    Knowledge Utopias: An epistemological perspective on the convergence of museums, libraries and archives

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    Since 2005, convergence of museums, libraries and archives has emerged as a prominent trend in both the international and Australia collection sectors, made manifest through the development of digital platforms that allow integrated access to diverse collection databases, as well as collaborations and mergers of bricks-and-mortar cultural institutions to incorporate various types of collections and professional disciplines. The convergence phenomenon has led to significant investments in technology and infrastructure, provoking considerable scholarly and professional discourse across collecting domains. Yet, the existence of only a handful of empirical studies reflects a nascent field of study where the majority of research is characterised by inventory-style attempts to quantify and classify types of collaborative projects. This thesis extends current research by examining convergence through a dual commitment to both theory and fieldwork. Focussing on the interpretation of museum collections within converged institutions, I combine conceptual analysis of the epistemological implications of convergence with five detailed case studies of converged organisations in Australia and New Zealand. In a museological context, the research explores ways in which the integration of collecting institutions influences understandings of objects through its impact on museum practices. The findings suggest that convergence not only produces a new institutional framework for museum practice, but also that the integration of collecting institutions has the potential to reshape fundamental understandings of identity, place, heritage and culture

    Knowledge Utopias: An epistemological perspective on the convergence of museums, libraries and archives

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    Since 2005, convergence of museums, libraries and archives has emerged as a prominent trend in both the international and Australia collection sectors, made manifest through the development of digital platforms that allow integrated access to diverse collection databases, as well as collaborations and mergers of bricks-and-mortar cultural institutions to incorporate various types of collections and professional disciplines. The convergence phenomenon has led to significant investments in technology and infrastructure, provoking considerable scholarly and professional discourse across collecting domains. Yet, the existence of only a handful of empirical studies reflects a nascent field of study where the majority of research is characterised by inventory-style attempts to quantify and classify types of collaborative projects. This thesis extends current research by examining convergence through a dual commitment to both theory and fieldwork. Focussing on the interpretation of museum collections within converged institutions, I combine conceptual analysis of the epistemological implications of convergence with five detailed case studies of converged organisations in Australia and New Zealand. In a museological context, the research explores ways in which the integration of collecting institutions influences understandings of objects through its impact on museum practices. The findings suggest that convergence not only produces a new institutional framework for museum practice, but also that the integration of collecting institutions has the potential to reshape fundamental understandings of identity, place, heritage and culture

    9th International Conference on Business, Technology and Innovation 2020

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    Welcome to IC – UBT 2020 UBT Annual International Conference is the 9th international interdisciplinary peer reviewed conference which publishes works of the scientists as well as practitioners in the area where UBT is active in Education, Research and Development. The UBT aims to implement an integrated strategy to establish itself as an internationally competitive, research-intensive university, committed to the transfer of knowledge and the provision of a world-class education to the most talented students from all background. The main perspective of the conference is to connect the scientists and practitioners from different disciplines in the same place and make them be aware of the recent advancements in different research fields, and provide them with a unique forum to share their experiences. It is also the place to support the new academic staff for doing research and publish their work in international standard level. This conference consists of sub conferences in different fields like: Security Studies Sport, Health and Society Psychology Political Science Pharmaceutical and Natural Sciences Mechatronics, System Engineering and Robotics Medicine and Nursing Modern Music, Digital Production and Management Management, Business and Economics Language and Culture Law Journalism, Media and Communication Information Systems and Security Integrated Design Energy Efficiency Engineering Education and Development Dental Sciences Computer Science and Communication Engineering Civil Engineering, Infrastructure and Environment Architecture and Spatial Planning Agriculture, Food Science and Technology Art and Digital Media This conference is the major scientific event of the UBT. It is organizing annually and always in cooperation with the partner universities from the region and Europe. We have to thank all Authors, partners, sponsors and also the conference organizing team making this event a real international scientific event. Edmond Hajrizi, President of UBTUBT – Higher Education Institutio

    Selection of digital material for preservation in libraries, archives and museums

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    Digital material has different preservation requirements than non-digital and is at greater risk of loss unless deliberate preservation activities are undertaken. Digital preservation is an on-going managed process designed to enable continued use of digital material for as long as necessary. Much of the digital preservation research to date has focused on understanding technical steps in preserving digital objects and there has been less attention paid to assumptions about selection and the conceptual underpinnings of practice. Selection is done, not conceptualised. Therefore the aim of this research was to investigate the theory and practice of selection for digital preservation in UK memory institutions. The objectives employed to achieve this aim were firstly to examine the underlying theory relating to selection in libraries, archives and museums of non-digital material. The research then went on to investigate who the stakeholders are in selection, how selection of digital material is performed and identifying the key influential factors in selection. An intensive, qualitative approach was used to complete these objectives. A thorough review of the literature provided a theoretical background to selection in libraries, archives and museums. Then preliminary data were gathered through a set of exploratory interviews with eight digital preservation experts in order to provide an overview of selection for digital preservation. The findings from these interviews then formed the basis for the second set of interviews with twenty five practitioners working in libraries, archives and museums. The views of practitioners were under-explored in the literature although it is they that perform selection. In addition to these interviews, twenty two current digital preservation policies were examined. This research has found that there is on the whole little change required for selecting digital material, in comparison to selecting non-digital material, although technical criteria relating to the ability of the institution to manage and preserve the material are of high importance. There is a clear assumption in institutions of selection leading only to permanent collecting, which should be questioned. This research has uncovered drivers to selection, including external funders, and barriers, which include a lack of confidence and knowledge on the part of practitioners in how to select and manage digital material. Concepts identified through this research provide a deeper understanding of selection for digital preservation in different contexts and encapsulate key factors underpinning selection. The concept of professionalism is a key factor; the need to be professional and ethical guide s practitioners through specific professional skills and knowledge. The practitioners become engaged with digital material and the level of engagement mirrors the way digital material is conceptualised by practitioners. Many stakeholders were identified, including managers, senior managers, users, creators and donors, funders, other organisations and IT staff. Relationships with stakeholders and the possible roles they play in selection were found to be key factors in selection. These findings contributed to the achievement of the final objective, which was to develop a conceptual model of key factors underpinning selection for of digital material for preservation. The conceptual model consists of five main concepts and their relationships: professionalism; relationships; organisational capabilities; material properties; and boundaries. There is a clear need for greater availability and access to training and networking opportunities for practitioners in order to increase engagement with digital material. Through this research, factors relating to selection have been identified and conceptualised. It has uncovered issues not previously addressed, in particular relating to the social aspect of selection. This research provides an understanding of the complexities of selection and the influences upon it

    CREATe 2012-2016: Impact on society, industry and policy through research excellence and knowledge exchange

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    On the eve of the CREATe Festival May 2016, the Centre published this legacy report (edited by Kerry Patterson & Sukhpreet Singh with contributions from consortium researchers)

    LAM-Related Research Funded Under Spain’s National Research Agenda (2010 – 2020)

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    This study analysed and contextualised research on LAMs (acronym for libraries, archives and museums) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under competitive calls for projects from 2010 to 2020. The ultimate intention was to verify the existence or otherwise of a national research agenda on these cultural institutions. The initial search and location of Spanish Ministry-funded projects in official sources was followed by data processing and grouping by subject category. A total of 145 projects were analysed. The results showed LAM projects to be scant in number, highly varied in terms of subject matter, poorly funded, widely scattered across a number of areas of knowledge although with a prevalence of the humanities, and highly concentrated in certain institutions and disciplines. The subject-based analysis characterised LAM institutions, from the research perspective, as tools supporting other types of research but not themselves objects of study. None of the nationwide research plans was observed to include LAMs as a line of research. This study has essentially two practical implications. 1. It underscores the need for greater transparency among research project funding agencies; and 2. it defends the inclusion of LAMs among the items on a country’s national research agenda deserving of funding to enhance awareness of their value, purpose and projects

    The Economic Impact of the Arts, Film, History and Tourism Industries in Connecticut

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    This report contains four ecnomic impact studies corresponding to the four divisions (arts, film, historic preservation, and tourism) of the Connecticut Commission on Culture & Tourism that commissioned them. There is an Executive Summar, the four industry studies, and a methodological overview that includes a discussion of the overall approach, economic impact multipliers, data sources, and an explanation of the conservative nature of the studies.Arts, Film, Historic preservation, heritage, Tourism, travel, impact, Connecticut,