26 research outputs found

    The ASSERT Virtual Machine Kernel: Support for preservation of temporal properties.

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    The ASSERT Project1 is aimed at defining new software engineering methods and tools for the development of critical embedded real-time systems in the aerospace domain. One of its main achievements is a new model-driven software process, which is based on the concept of property-preserving model transformations. Functional models developed with appropriate tools for the application domain are embedded in containers defining component interfaces and non-functional (e.g. timing) properties in a platform-independent set of notations. The resulting model is then automatically transformed to a platform-specific model using deployment information on target computer nodes, communication channels, and software platforms. Finally, source code for each computer node is automatically generated from the platform-specific model. The key element of the ASSERT process is that non-functional properties must be preserved during all phases of model transformations. In order to ensure that properties are preserved in model transformations and that the different views of each model are consistent with each other, a common meta-model has been defined which provides a formal basis to the whole process. This meta-model is called the Ravenscar Computational Model (RCM)

    Time and space partition platform for safe and secure flight software.

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    There are a number of research and development activities that are exploring Time and Space Partition (TSP) to implement safe and secure flight software. This approach allows to execute different real-time applications with different levels of criticality in the same computer board. In order to do that, flight applications must be isolated from each other in the temporal and spatial domains. This paper presents the first results of a partitioning platform based on the Open Ravenscar Kernel (ORK+) and the XtratuM hypervisor. ORK+ is a small, reliable real-time kernel supporting the Ada Ravenscar Computational model that is central to the ASSERT development process. XtratuM supports multiple virtual machines, i.e. partitions, on a single computer and is being used in the Integrated Modular Avionics for Space study. ORK+ executes in an XtratuM partition enabling Ada applications to share the computer board with other applications

    Including hardware/software co-design in the ASSERT model driven engineering process.

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    Abstract. The ASSERT project de?ned new software engineering methods and tools for the development of critical embedded real-time systems in the space domain. The ASSERT model-driven engineering process was one of the achievements of the project and is based on the concept of property- preserving model transformations. The key element of this process is that non-functional properties of the software system must be preserved during model transformations. Properties preservation is carried out through model transformations compliant with the Ravenscar Pro?le and provides a formal basis to the process. In this way, the so-called Ravenscar Computational Model is central to the whole ASSERT process. This paper describes the work done in the HWSWCO study, whose main objective has been to address the integration of the Hardware/Software co-design phase in the ASSERT process. In order to do that, non-functional properties of the software system must also be preserved during hardware synthesis. Keywords : Ada 2005, Ravenscar pro?le, Hardware/Software co-design, real- time systems, high-integrity systems, OR

    Ravenscar computational model compliant AADL simulation on LEON2

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    AADL has been proposed for designing and analyzing SW and HW architectures for real-time mission-critical embedded systems. Although the Behavioral Annex improves its simulation semantics, AADL is a language for analyzing architectures and not for simulating them. AADS-T is an AADL simulation tool that supports the performance analysis of the AADL specification throughout the refinement process from the initial system architecture until the complete, detailed application and execution platform are developed. In this way, AADS-T enables the verification of the initial timing constraints during the complete design process. In this paper we focus on the compatibility of AADS-T with the Ravenscar Computational Model (RCM) as part of the TASTE toolset. Its flexibility enables AADS-T to support different processors. In this work we have focused on performing the simulation on a LEON2 processor.This work has been supported by ESTEC 22810/09/NL/JK HW-SW CODESIGN Project contracted to GMV Aerospace and Defence S.A.U


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    ABSTRACT There are a number of research and development activities that are exploring Time and Space Partition (TSP) to implement safe and secure flight software. This approach allows to execute different real-time applications with different levels of criticality in the same computer board. In order to do that, flight applications must be isolated from each other in the temporal and spatial domains. This paper presents the first results of a partitioning platform based on the Open Ravenscar Kernel (ORK+) and the XtratuM hypervisor. ORK+ is a small, reliable realtime kernel supporting the Ada Ravenscar Computational model that is central to the ASSERT development process. XtratuM supports multiple virtual machines, i.e. partitions, on a single computer and is being used in the Integrated Modular Avionics for Space study. ORK+ executes in an XtratuM partition enabling Ada applications to share the computer board with other applications

    An architectural approach with separation of concerns to address extra-functional requirements in the development of embedded real-time software systems

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    AbstractA large proportion of the requirements on embedded real-time systems stems from the extra-functional dimensions of time and space determinism, dependability, safety and security, and it is addressed at the software level. The adoption of a sound software architecture provides crucial aid in conveniently apportioning the relevant development concerns. This paper takes a software-centered interpretation of the ISO 42010 notion of architecture, enhancing it with a component model that attributes separate concerns to distinct design views. The component boundary becomes the border between functional and extra-functional concerns. The latter are treated as decorations placed on the outside of components, satisfied by implementation artifacts separate from and composable with the implementation of the component internals. The approach was evaluated by industrial users from several domains, with remarkably positive results

    System to Software Integrity: A Case Study

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    It is widely acknowledged that the main source of cost for developing high-integrity software systems is their verification. A significant portion of this verification cost is spent assessing that software complies with its requirements. Over the years several different methods have been developed to address this issue, in particular: testing, peer reviews, formal verification and automatic code generation. It is more and more frequent that these verification strategies are mixed within the same system, so as to adopt the most appropriate one for each component. This increases the complexity of the integration phase because it has to cope with multiple formalisms, development and verification methods. Our goal is to propose a pragmatic process to integrate components developed using different methods into a single system and demonstrate that properties already verified for each component in isolation are preserved in their composition. This process leverages AADL as a pivotal modeling language for system specification and relies on specific verifications between the latter and the components developed using heterogeneous modeling and programming languages, namely Simulink for computation intensive parts and Ada/SPARK 2014 for other components. Our paper proceeds as follows. First we provide a high-level overview of our approach and enumerate the current methods for addressing the property preservation problem. Then we illustrate practically our approach using the Nose Gear Challenge problem, a simplified yet complete example of a high-integrity real-time system. We then conclude by comparing our approach to the state of the art

    Experience in spacecraft on-board software development

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    This paper describes some important aspects of high- integrity software development based on the authors' work. Current group research is oriented towards mixed- criticality partitioned systems, development tools, real- time kernels, and language features. The UPMSat-2 satellite software is being used as technology demonstra- tor and a case study for the assessment of the research results. The flight software that will run on the satellite is based on proven technology, such as GNAT/ORK+ and LEON3. There is an experimental version that is being built using a partitioned approach, aiming at assessing a toolset targeting partitioned multi-core em- bedded systems. The singularities of both approaches are discussed, as well as some of the tools that are being used for developing the software

    A Component-based Framework for Space Domain Software Applications

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    International audienceThis paper presents research carried on by Thales on component based software engineering for the space domain. We outline the space domain context and give the general architecture of MyCCM, our component framework. We explain how we implemented a space-specific component framework with MyCCM and what results we got from experiments. Applying component design to on-board space applications induces a very light overhead while allowing automatic code generation, as well as code reuse and application redeployment. It thus helps cut development costs and improve the reliability of software development

    Component-based modeling and observer-based verification for railway safety-critical applications

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    1th International Symposium on Formal Aspects of Component Software , Bertinoro, Italie, 10-/09/2014 - 12/09/2015International audienceOne of the challenges that engineers face, during the development process of safety-critical systems, is the verification of safety application models before implementation. Formalization is important in order to verify that the design meets the specified safety requirements. In this paper, we formally describe the set of transformation rules, which are defined for the automatic transformation of safety application source models to timed automata target models. The source models are based on our domain-specific component model, named SARA, dedicated to SAfety-critical RAilway control applications. The target models are then used for the observer-based verification of safety requirements. This method provides an intuitive way of expressing system properties without requiring a significant knowledge of higher order logic and theorem proving, as required in most of existing approaches. An experimentation over a chosen benchmark at rail-road crossing protection application is shown to highlight the proposed approach