19 research outputs found

    A Matlab Toolbox for Feature Importance Ranking

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    More attention is being paid for feature importance ranking (FIR), in particular when thousands of features can be extracted for intelligent diagnosis and personalized medicine. A large number of FIR approaches have been proposed, while few are integrated for comparison and real-life applications. In this study, a matlab toolbox is presented and a total of 30 algorithms are collected. Moreover, the toolbox is evaluated on a database of 163 ultrasound images. To each breast mass lesion, 15 features are extracted. To figure out the optimal subset of features for classification, all combinations of features are tested and linear support vector machine is used for the malignancy prediction of lesions annotated in ultrasound images. At last, the effectiveness of FIR is analyzed according to performance comparison. The toolbox is online (https://github.com/NicoYuCN/matFIR). In our future work, more FIR methods, feature selection methods and machine learning classifiers will be integrated

    Hard-Rock Stability Analysis for Span Design in Entry-Type Excavations with Learning Classifiers

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    [EN] The mining industry relies heavily on empirical analysis for design and prediction. An empirical design method, called the critical span graph, was developed specifically for rock stability analysis in entry-type excavations, based on an extensive case-history database of cut and fill mining in Canada. This empirical span design chart plots the critical span against rock mass rating for the observed case histories and has been accepted by many mining operations for the initial span design of cut and fill stopes. Different types of analysis have been used to classify the observed cases into stable, potentially unstable and unstable groups. The main purpose of this paper is to present a new method for defining rock stability areas of the critical span graph, which applies machine learning classifiers (support vector machine and extreme learning machine). The results show a reasonable correlation with previous guidelines. These machine learning methods are good tools for developing empirical methods, since they make no assumptions about the regression function. With this software, it is easy to add new field observations to a previous database, improving prediction output with the addition of data that consider the local conditions for each mine.S

    A big data MapReduce framework for fault diagnosis in cloud-based manufacturing

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    This research develops a MapReduce framework for automatic pattern recognition based on fault diagnosis by solving data imbalance problem in a cloud-based manufacturing (CBM). Fault diagnosis in a CBM system significantly contributes to reduce the product testing cost and enhances manufacturing quality. One of the major challenges facing the big data analytics in cloud-based manufacturing is handling of datasets, which are highly imbalanced in nature due to poor classification result when machine learning techniques are applied on such datasets. The framework proposed in this research uses a hybrid approach to deal with big dataset for smarter decisions. Furthermore, we compare the performance of radial basis function based Support Vector Machine classifier with standard techniques. Our findings suggest that the most important task in cloud-based manufacturing, is to predict the effect of data errors on quality due to highly imbalance unstructured dataset. The proposed framework is an original contribution to the body of literature, where our proposed MapReduce framework has been used for fault detection by managing data imbalance problem appropriately and relating it to firm’s profit function. The experimental results are validated using a case study of steel plate manufacturing fault diagnosis, with crucial performance matrices such as accuracy, specificity and sensitivity. A comparative study shows that the methods used in the proposed framework outperform the traditional ones

    Machine Learning Methods and Synthetic Data Generation to Predict Large Wildfires

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    Wildfires are becoming more frequent in different parts of the globe, and the ability to predict when and where they will occur is a complex process. Identifying wildfire events with high probability of becoming a large wildfire is an important task for supporting initial attack planning. Different methods, including those that are physics-based, statistical, and based on machine learning (ML) are used in wildfire analysis. Among the whole, those based on machine learning are relatively novel. In addition, because the number of wildfires is much greater than the number of large wildfires, the dataset to be used in a ML model is imbalanced, resulting in overfitting or underfitting the results. In this manuscript, we propose to generate synthetic data from variables of interest together with ML models for the prediction of large wildfires. Specifically, five synthetic data generation methods have been evaluated, and their results are analyzed with four ML methods. The results yield an improvement in the prediction power when synthetic data are used, offering a new method to be taken into account in Decision Support Systems (DSS) when managing wildfires

    Application of supervised learning algorithms for temperature prediction in nucleate flow boiling

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    This work investigates the use of supervised learning algorithms to predict temperatures in an experimental test bench, which was initially designed for studying nucleate boiling phenomena with ethylene glycol/water mixtures. The proposed predictive model consists of three stages of machine learning. In the first one, a supervised algorithm block is employed to determine whether the critical heat flux (CHF) will be reached within the test bench limits. This classification relies on input parameters including bulk temperature, tilt angle, pressure, and inlet velocity. Once the CHF condition is established, another machine learning algorithm predicts the specific heat flux at which CHF will occur. Subsequently, based on the classification generated by the first block, the evolution of temperature in response to increases in heat flux is predicted using either the previously estimated heat flux or the physical limits of the experimental facility as the stopping criterion. To accomplish all these predictions, the study compares the performance of various algorithms including artificial neural networks, random forest, support vector machine, AdaBoost, and XGBoost. These algorithms were specifically trained using cross-validation and grid search methods to optimize their effectiveness. Results for the CHF classification purpose demonstrate that the support vector machine algorithm performs the best, achieving an F1-score of 0.872 on the testing dataset, while the boosting methods (AdaBoost and XGBoost) exhibit signs of overfitting. In predicting the CHF value, the artificial neural network achieved the lower nMAE on the testing dataset (6.18%). Finally, the validation of the temperature forecasting models, trained on a dataset composed of 314,476 samples, reveals similar performances across all methods, with R2 values greater than 0.95.Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciĂłn | Ref. RTC2019-006955-4Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciĂłn | Ref. PID2020-114742RB-I00Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Improved adaptive semi-unsupervised weighted oversampling (IA-SUWO) using sparsity factor for imbalanced datasets

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    The imbalanced data problem is common in data mining nowadays due to the skewed nature of data, which impact the classification process negatively in machine learning. For preprocessing, oversampling techniques significantly benefitted the imbalanced domain, in which artificial data is generated in minority class to enhance the number of samples and balance the distribution of samples in both classes. However, existing oversampling techniques encounter through overfitting and over-generalization problems which lessen the classifier performance. Although many clustering based oversampling techniques significantly overcome these problems but most of these techniques are not able to produce the appropriate number of synthetic samples in minority clusters. This study proposed an improved Adaptive Semi-unsupervised Weighted Oversampling (IA-SUWO) technique, using the sparsity factor which determine the sparse minority samples in each minority cluster. This technique consider the sparse minority samples which are far from the decision boundary. These samples also carry the important information for learning of minority class, if these samples are also considered for oversampling, imbalance ratio will be more reduce also it could enhance the learnability of the classifiers. The outcomes of the proposed approach have been compared with existing oversampling techniques such as SMOTE, Borderline-SMOTE, Safe-level SMOTE, and standard A-SUWO technique in terms of accuracy. As aforementioned, the comparative analysis revealed that the proposed oversampling approach performance increased in average by 5% from 85% to 90% than the existing comparative techniques

    Data Balancing Techniques for Predicting Student Dropout Using Machine Learning

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    This research article was published MDPI, 2023Predicting student dropout is a challenging problem in the education sector. This is due to an imbalance in student dropout data, mainly because the number of registered students is always higher than the number of dropout students. Developing a model without taking the data imbalance issue into account may lead to an ungeneralized model. In this study, different data balancing techniques were applied to improve prediction accuracy in the minority class while maintaining a satisfactory overall classification performance. Random Over Sampling, Random Under Sampling, Synthetic Minority Over Sampling, SMOTE with Edited Nearest Neighbor and SMOTE with Tomek links were tested, along with three popular classification models: Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and Multi-Layer Perceptron. Publicly accessible datasets from Tanzania and India were used to evaluate the effectiveness of balancing techniques and prediction models. The results indicate that SMOTE with Edited Nearest Neighbor achieved the best classification performance on the 10-fold holdout sample. Furthermore, Logistic Regression correctly classified the largest number of dropout students (57348 for the Uwezo dataset and 13430 for the India dataset) using the confusion matrix as the evaluation matrix. The applications of these models allow for the precise prediction of at-risk students and the reduction of dropout rates

    Improved support vector machine classification for imbalanced medical datasets by novel hybrid sampling combining modified mega-trend-diffusion and bagging extreme learning machine model

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    To handle imbalanced datasets in machine learning or deep learning models, some studies suggest sampling techniques to generate virtual examples of minority classes to improve the models' prediction accuracy. However, for kernel-based support vector machines (SVM), some sampling methods suggest generating synthetic examples in an original data space rather than in a high-dimensional feature space. This may be ineffective in improving SVM classification for imbalanced datasets. To address this problem, we propose a novel hybrid sampling technique termed modified mega-trend-diffusion-extreme learning machine (MMTD-ELM) to effectively move the SVM decision boundary toward a region of the majority class. By this movement, the prediction of SVM for minority class examples can be improved. The proposed method combines α-cut fuzzy number method for screening representative examples of majority class and MMTD method for creating new examples of the minority class. Furthermore, we construct a bagging ELM model to monitor the similarity between new examples and original data. In this paper, four datasets are used to test the efficiency of the proposed MMTD-ELM method in imbalanced data prediction. Additionally, we deployed two SVM models to compare prediction performance of the proposed MMTD-ELM method with three state-of-the-art sampling techniques in terms of geometric mean (G-mean), F-measure (F1), index of balanced accuracy (IBA) and area under curve (AUC) metrics. Furthermore, paired t-test is used to elucidate whether the suggested method has statistically significant differences from the other sampling techniques in terms of the four evaluation metrics. The experimental results demonstrated that the proposed method achieves the best average values in terms of G-mean, F1, IBA and AUC. Overall, the suggested MMTD-ELM method outperforms these sampling methods for imbalanced datasets