2,458 research outputs found

    IST Austria Thesis

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    Synthesis of proteins – translation – is a fundamental process of life. Quantitative studies anchor translation into the context of bacterial physiology and reveal several mathematical relationships, called “growth laws,” which capture physiological feedbacks between protein synthesis and cell growth. Growth laws describe the dependency of the ribosome abundance as a function of growth rate, which can change depending on the growth conditions. Perturbations of translation reveal that bacteria employ a compensatory strategy in which the reduced translation capability results in increased expression of the translation machinery. Perturbations of translation are achieved in various ways; clinically interesting is the application of translation-targeting antibiotics – translation inhibitors. The antibiotic effects on bacterial physiology are often poorly understood. Bacterial responses to two or more simultaneously applied antibiotics are even more puzzling. The combined antibiotic effect determines the type of drug interaction, which ranges from synergy (the effect is stronger than expected) to antagonism (the effect is weaker) and suppression (one of the drugs loses its potency). In the first part of this work, we systematically measure the pairwise interaction network for translation inhibitors that interfere with different steps in translation. We find that the interactions are surprisingly diverse and tend to be more antagonistic. To explore the underlying mechanisms, we begin with a minimal biophysical model of combined antibiotic action. We base this model on the kinetics of antibiotic uptake and binding together with the physiological response described by the growth laws. The biophysical model explains some drug interactions, but not all; it specifically fails to predict suppression. In the second part of this work, we hypothesize that elusive suppressive drug interactions result from the interplay between ribosomes halted in different stages of translation. To elucidate this putative mechanism of drug interactions between translation inhibitors, we generate translation bottlenecks genetically using in- ducible control of translation factors that regulate well-defined translation cycle steps. These perturbations accurately mimic antibiotic action and drug interactions, supporting that the interplay of different translation bottlenecks partially causes these interactions. We extend this approach by varying two translation bottlenecks simultaneously. This approach reveals the suppression of translocation inhibition by inhibited translation. We rationalize this effect by modeling dense traffic of ribosomes that move on transcripts in a translation factor-mediated manner. This model predicts a dissolution of traffic jams caused by inhibited translocation when the density of ribosome traffic is reduced by lowered initiation. We base this model on the growth laws and quantitative relationships between different translation and growth parameters. In the final part of this work, we describe a set of tools aimed at quantification of physiological and translation parameters. We further develop a simple model that directly connects the abundance of a translation factor with the growth rate, which allows us to extract physiological parameters describing initiation. We demonstrate the development of tools for measuring translation rate. This thesis showcases how a combination of high-throughput growth rate mea- surements, genetics, and modeling can reveal mechanisms of drug interactions. Furthermore, by a gradual transition from combinations of antibiotics to precise genetic interventions, we demonstrated the equivalency between genetic and chemi- cal perturbations of translation. These findings tile the path for quantitative studies of antibiotic combinations and illustrate future approaches towards the quantitative description of translation

    Biotic Interactions Shape the Ecological Distributions of Staphylococcus Species.

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    Many metagenomic sequencing studies have observed the presence of closely related bacterial species or genotypes in the same microbiome. Previous attempts to explain these patterns of microdiversity have focused on the abiotic environment, but few have considered how biotic interactions could drive patterns of microbiome diversity. We dissected the patterns, processes, and mechanisms shaping the ecological distributions of three closely related Staphylococcus species in cheese rind biofilms. Paradoxically, the most abundant species (S. equorum) is the slowest colonizer and weakest competitor based on growth and competition assays in the laboratory. Through in vitro community reconstructions, we determined that biotic interactions with neighboring fungi help resolve this paradox. Species-specific stimulation of the poor competitor by fungi of the genus Scopulariopsis allows S. equorum to dominate communities in vitro as it does in situ Results of comparative genomic and transcriptomic experiments indicate that iron utilization pathways, including a homolog of the S. aureus staphyloferrin B siderophore operon pathway, are potential molecular mechanisms underlying Staphylococcus-Scopulariopsis interactions. Our integrated approach demonstrates that fungi can structure the ecological distributions of closely related bacterial species, and the data highlight the importance of bacterium-fungus interactions in attempts to design and manipulate microbiomes.ImportanceDecades of culture-based studies and more recent metagenomic studies have demonstrated that bacterial species in agriculture, medicine, industry, and nature are unevenly distributed across time and space. The ecological processes and molecular mechanisms that shape these distributions are not well understood because it is challenging to connect in situ patterns of diversity with mechanistic in vitro studies in the laboratory. Using tractable cheese rind biofilms and a focus on coagulase-negative staphylococcus (CNS) species, we demonstrate that fungi can mediate the ecological distributions of closely related bacterial species. One of the Staphylococcus species studied, S. saprophyticus, is a common cause of urinary tract infections. By identifying processes that control the abundance of undesirable CNS species, cheese producers will have more precise control on the safety and quality of their products. More generally, Staphylococcus species frequently co-occur with fungi in mammalian microbiomes, and similar bacterium-fungus interactions may structure bacterial diversity in these systems

    The pharmacokinetic–pharmacodynamic modelling framework as a tool to predict drug resistance evolution

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    Pharmacokinetic–pharmacodynamic (PKPD) models, which describe how drug concentrations change over time and how that affects pathogen growth, have proven highly valuable in designing optimal drug treatments aimed at bacterial eradication. However, the fast rise of antimicrobial resistance calls for increased focus on an additional treatment optimization criterion: avoidance of resistance evolution. We demonstrate here how coupling PKPD and population genetics models can be used to determine treatment regimens that minimize the potential for antimicrobial resistance evolution. Importantly, the resulting modelling framework enables the assessment of resistance evolution in response to dynamic selection pressures, including changes in antimicrobial concentration and the emergence of adaptive phenotypes. Using antibiotics and antimicrobial peptides as an example, we discuss the empirical evidence and intuition behind individual model parameters. We further suggest several extensions of this framework that allow a more comprehensive and realistic prediction of bacterial escape from antimicrobials through various phenotypic and genetic mechanisms

    Computational approaches in infectious disease research: Towards improved diagnostic methods

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    Thesis advisor: Kenneth WilliamsDue to overuse and misuse of antibiotics, the global threat of antibiotic resistance is a growing crisis. Three critical issues surrounding antibiotic resistance are the lack of rapid testing, treatment failure, and evolution of resistance. However, with new technology facilitating data collection and powerful statistical learning advances, our understanding of the bacterial stress response to antibiotics is rapidly expanding. With a recent influx of omics data, it has become possible to develop powerful computational methods that make the best use of growing systems-level datasets. In this work, I present several such approaches that address the three challenges around resistance. While this body of work was motivated by the antibiotic resistance crisis, the approaches presented here favor generalization, that is, applicability beyond just one context. First, I present ShinyOmics, a web-based application that allow visualization, sharing, exploration and comparison of systems-level data. An overview of transcriptomics data in the bacterial pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae led to the hypothesis that stress-susceptible strains have more chaotic gene expression patterns than stress-resistant ones. This hypothesis was supported by data from multiple strains, species, antibiotics and non-antibiotic stress factors, leading to the development of a transcriptomic entropy based, general predictor for bacterial fitness. I show the potential utility of this predictor in predicting antibiotic susceptibility phenotype, and drug minimum inhibitory concentrations, which can be applied to bacterial isolates from patients in the near future. Predictors for antibiotic susceptibility are of great value when there is large phenotypic variability across isolates from the same species. Phenotypic variability is accompanied by genomic diversity harbored within a species. I address the genomic diversity by developing BFClust, a software package that for the first time enables pan-genome analysis with confidence scores. Using pan-genome level information, I then develop predictors of essential genes unique to certain strains and predictors for genes that acquire adaptive mutations under prolonged stress exposure. Genes that are essential offer attractive drug targets, and those that are essential only in certain strains would make great targets for very narrow-spectrum antibiotics, potentially leading the way to personalized therapies in infectious disease. Finally, the prediction of adaptive outcome can lead to predictions of future cross-resistance or collateral sensitivities. Overall, this body of work exemplifies how computational methods can complement the increasingly rapid data generation in the lab, and pave the way to the development of more effective antibiotic stewardship practices.Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2020.Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.Discipline: Biology

    Classifying human influences on terrestrial ecosystems

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    Human activity is affecting every ecosystem on Earth, with terrestrial biodiversity decreasing rapidly. Human influences materialize in the form of numerous, jointly acting factors, yet the experimental study of such joint impacts is not well developed. We identify the absence of a systematic ordering system of factors according to their properties (traits) as an impediment to progress and offer an a priori trait-based factor classification to illustrate this point, starting at the coarsest level with the physical, biological or chemical nature of factors. Such factor classifications can serve in communication of science, but also can be used as heuristic tools to develop questions and formulate new hypotheses, or as predictors of effects, which we explore here. We hope that classifications such as the one proposed here can help shift the spotlight on the multitude of anthropogenic changes affecting ecosystems, and that such classifications can be used to help unravel joint impacts of a great number of factors

    Arms race between vibrios and their phage predators

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    Given the threat posed by the emergence of multidrug resistant bacteria, phages (viruses able to infect bacteria) are emerging as a potential alternative to the use of antibiotics. For a correct implementation of phage therapy, we need to decipher the mechanisms of interaction between phages and bacteria. In this thesis, we study the arms race between vibrios and their phage predators. We explore how phage populations counter the host defense systems, how this affects phage specificity and how host ecology and genetic structure feeds back on phage ecology and genetic diversity of both host and phages. Also, we identify PICMI, a new family of phage satellite in Vibrionaceae, adding a level of complexity to the coevolution between viruses and their bacterial hosts in their ecological and evolutionary dynamics

    Tools to develop antibiotic combinations that target drug tolerance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Combination therapy is necessary to treat tuberculosis to decrease the rate of disease relapse and prevent the acquisition of drug resistance, and shorter regimens are urgently needed. The adaptation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to various lesion microenvironments in infection induces various states of slow replication and non-replication and subsequent antibiotic tolerance. This non-heritable tolerance to treatment necessitates lengthy combination therapy. Therefore, it is critical to develop combination therapies that specifically target the different types of drug-tolerant cells in infection. As new tools to study drug combinations earlier in the drug development pipeline are being actively developed, we must consider how to best model the drug-tolerant cells to use these tools to design the best antibiotic combinations that target those cells and shorten tuberculosis therapy. In this review, we discuss the factors underlying types of drug tolerance, how combination therapy targets these populations of bacteria, and how drug tolerance is currently modeled for the development of tuberculosis multidrug therapy. We highlight areas for future studies to develop new tools that better model drug tolerance in tuberculosis infection specifically for combination therapy testing to bring the best drug regimens forward to the clinic

    Information Theory in Molecular Evolution: From Models to Structures and Dynamics

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    This Special Issue collects novel contributions from scientists in the interdisciplinary field of biomolecular evolution. Works listed here use information theoretical concepts as a core but are tightly integrated with the study of molecular processes. Applications include the analysis of phylogenetic signals to elucidate biomolecular structure and function, the study and quantification of structural dynamics and allostery, as well as models of molecular interaction specificity inspired by evolutionary cues

    Isolation and characterization of bacteriophages with therapeutic potential

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