414 research outputs found

    Cortical thickness and sulcal depth: insights on development and psychopathology in paediatric epilepsy.

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    BackgroundThe relationship between cortical thickness (CThick) and sulcal depth (SDepth) changes across brain regions during development. Epilepsy youth have CThick and SDepth abnormalities and prevalent psychiatric disorders.AimsThis study compared the CThick-SDepth relationship in children with focal epilepsy with typically developing children (TDC) and the role played by seizure and psychopathology variables.MethodA surface-based, computational high-resolution three-dimesional (3D) magnetic resonance image analytic technique compared regional CThick-SDepth relationships in 42 participants with focal epilepsy and 46 TDC (6-16 years) imaged in a 1.5 Tesla scanner. Psychiatric interviews administered to each participant yielded psychiatric diagnoses. Parents provided seizure-related information.ResultsThe TDC group alone demonstrated a significant negative medial fronto-orbital CThick-SDepth correlation. Focal epilepsy participants with but not without psychiatric diagnoses showed significant positive pre-central and post-central CThick-SDepth associations not found in TDC. Although the history of prolonged seizures was significantly associated with the post-central CThick-SDepth correlation, it was unrelated to the presence/absence of psychiatric diagnoses.ConclusionsAbnormal CThick-SDepth pre-central and post-central associations might be a psychopathology biomarker in paediatric focal epilepsy.Declaration interestNone.Copyright and usage© 2015 The Royal College of Psychiatrists. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Non-Commercial, No Derivatives (CC BY-NC-ND) licence

    Brain status modeling with non-negative projective dictionary learning

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    Accurate prediction of individuals’ brain age is critical to establish a baseline for normal brain development. This study proposes to model brain development with a novel non-negative projective dictionary learning (NPDL) approach, which learns a discriminative representation of multi-modal neuroimaging data for predicting brain age. Our approach encodes the variability of subjects in different age groups using separate dictionaries, projecting features into a low-dimensional manifold such that information is preserved only for the corresponding age group. The proposed framework improves upon previous discriminative dictionary learning methods by inc

    Imaging local genetic influences on cortical folding

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    Recent progress in deciphering mechanisms of human brain cortical folding leave unexplained whether spatially patterned genetic influences contribute to this folding. High-resolution in vivo brain MRI can be used to estimate genetic correlations (covariability due to shared genetic factors) in interregional cortical thickness, and biomechanical studies predict an influence of cortical thickness on folding patterns. However, progress has been hampered because shared genetic influences related to folding patterns likely operate at a scale that is much more local (cm) than that addressed in prior imaging studies. Here, we develop methodological approaches to examine local genetic influences on cortical thickness and apply these methods to two large, independent samples. We find that such influences are markedly heterogeneous in strength, and in some cortical areas are notably stronger in specific orientations relative to gyri or sulci. The overall, phenotypic local correlation has a significant basis in shared genetic factors and is highly symmetric between left and right cortical hemispheres. Furthermore, the degree of local cortical folding relates systematically with the strength of local correlations, which tends to be higher in gyral crests and lower in sulcal fundi. The relationship between folding and local correlations is stronger in primary sensorimotor areas and weaker in association areas such as prefrontal cortex, consistent with reduced genetic constraints on the structural topology of association cortex. Collectively, our results suggest that patterned genetic influences on cortical thickness, measurable at the scale of in vivo MRI, may be a causal factor in the development of cortical folding

    Building connectomes using diffusion MRI: why, how and but

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    Why has diffusion MRI become a principal modality for mapping connectomes in vivo? How do different image acquisition parameters, fiber tracking algorithms and other methodological choices affect connectome estimation? What are the main factors that dictate the success and failure of connectome reconstruction? These are some of the key questions that we aim to address in this review. We provide an overview of the key methods that can be used to estimate the nodes and edges of macroscale connectomes, and we discuss open problems and inherent limitations. We argue that diffusion MRI-based connectome mapping methods are still in their infancy and caution against blind application of deep white matter tractography due to the challenges inherent to connectome reconstruction. We review a number of studies that provide evidence of useful microstructural and network properties that can be extracted in various independent and biologically-relevant contexts. Finally, we highlight some of the key deficiencies of current macroscale connectome mapping methodologies and motivate future developments

    Integrated Structural And Functional Biomarkers For Neurodegeneration

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    Alzheimer\u27s Disease consists of a complex cascade of pathological processes, leading to the death of cortical neurons and development of dementia. Because it is impossible to regenerate neurons that have already died, a thorough understanding of the earlier stages of the disease, before significant neuronal death has occurred, is critical for developing disease-modifying therapies. The various components of Alzheimer\u27s Disease pathophysiology necessitate a variety of measurement techniques. Image-based measurements known as biomarkers can be used to assess cortical thinning and cerebral blood flow, but non-imaging characteristics such as performance on cognitive tests and age are also important determinants of risk of Alzheimer\u27s Disease. Incorporating the various imaging and non-imaging sources of information into a scientifically interpretable and statistically sound model is challenging. In this thesis, I present a method to include imaging data in standard regression analyses in a data-driven and anatomically interpretable manner. I also introduce a technique for disentangling the effect of cortical structure from blood flow, enabling a clearer picture of the signal carried by cerebral blood flow beyond the confounding effects of anatomical structure. In addition to these technical developments in multi-modal image analysis, I show the results of two clinically-oriented studies focusing on the relative importance of various biomarkers for predicting presence of Alzheimer\u27s Disease pathology in the earliest stages of disease. In the first, I present evidence that white matter hyperintensities, a marker of small vessel disease, are more highly associated with Alzheimer\u27s Disease pathology than current mainstream imaging biomarkers in elderly control patients. In the second, I show that once Alzheimer\u27s Disease has progressed to the point of noticeable cognitive decline, cognitive tests are as predictive of presence of Alzheimer\u27s pathology as standard imaging biomarkers. Taken together, these studies demonstrate that the relative importance of biomarkers and imaging modalities changes over the course of disease progression, and sophisticated data-driven methods for combining a variety of modalities is likely to lead to greater biological insight into the disease process than a single modality

    Typical and atypical development of the brain’s functional network architecture

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    The human brain is a complex organ that gives rise to many behaviors. Specialized neural regions cooperate as functional networks that form an intricate functional architecture. Development provides a unique window into how brain functioning and human thinking are affected if the necessary neural features and connections are not fully formed. Similarly, developmental disorders can shed light on atypical trajectories of neural systems that may lead to or be a consequence of symptomatic behavior. A description of the typical and atypical development of functional networks is essential to identify the features of brain organization critical for mature human thinking and to provide better diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis in neurodevelopmental disorders. Recently, resting state functional MRI has been found to illuminate functionally related regions, giving access to functional networks and the organization of brain’s functional architecture. This thesis aims to harness resting-state functional connectivity to explore how functional networks coordinate over the course of development. First, I present our work investigating the organizing principles of typical developmental patterns in functional networks (Chapter 2). Then, I apply these approaches to the atypical development of functional networks in Tourette syndrome (TS), a developmental disorder characterized by motor and vocal tics. In this work, we tested whether the patterns in functional networks that distinguish individuals with TS from controls differ between children and adults and alter the typical developmental pattern of functional networks (Chapter 3). Lastly, I present our work to identify and describe the coordination of specific functional networks that develop atypically in TS (Chapter 4)

    Mapping Genetic Influence on Brain Structure

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    Neuroimaging is playing an increasingly crucial role in delineating pathological conditions that cannot be typically defined by non-specific clinical symptom. The goal of this thesis was to characterize the genetic influence on grey and white matter indices and evaluate their potential as a reliable “structural MRI signatures”. We first assessed the effects of spatial resolution and smoothing on heritability estimation (Chapter 3). We then investigated heritability patterns of MRI measures of grey and white matter (Chapters 4-5). We then performed a cross-sectional evaluation of how heritability changes over the lifespan for both grey and white matter (Chapter 6). Finally, multivariate structural equation modeling was used to investigate the genetic correlation between grey matter structure and white matter connectivity (Chapter 7), in the default mode network (DMN). Our results show that several key brain structures were moderate to highly heritable and that this heritability was both spatially and temporally heterogeneous. At a network level, the DMN was found to have distinct genetic factors that modulated the grey matter regions and white matter tracts separately. We conclude that the spatial and temporal heterogeneity are likely to reflect gene expression patterns that are related to the developmental of specific brain regions and circuits over time

    Predicting 'Brainage' in late childhood to adolescence (6-17yrs) using structural MRI, morphometric similarity, and machine learning

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    Brain development is regularly studied using structural MRI. Recently, studies have used a combination of statistical learning and large-scale imaging databases of healthy children to predict an individual’s age from structural MRI. This data-driven, predicted ‘Brainage’ typically differs from the subjects chronological age, with this difference a potential measure of individual difference. Few studies have leveraged higher-order or connectomic representations of structural MRI data for this Brainage approach. We leveraged morphometric similarity as a network-level approach to structural MRI to generate predictive models of age. We benchmarked these novel Brainage approaches using morphometric similarity against more typical, single feature (i.e., cortical thickness) approaches. We showed that these novel methods did not outperform cortical thickness or cortical volume measures. All models were significantly biased by age, but robust to motion confounds. The main results show that, whilst morphometric similarity mapping may be a novel way to leverage additional information from a T1-weighted structural MRI beyond individual features, in the context of a Brainage framework, morphometric similarity does not provide more accurate predictions of age. Morphometric similarity as a network-level approach to structural MRI may be poorly positioned to study individual differences in brain development in healthy participants in this way

    Developmental and sex modulated neurological alterations in autism spectrum disorder

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    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) was first described in 1943 by Dr. Leo Kranner in a case study published in The Nervous Child. It is a neurodevelopment disorder, with a range of clinical symptoms. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), used by clinicians to diagnose mental disorders, a child needs to have persistent social deficits, language impairments, and repetitive behaviors, that cannot be explained by neurological damage or intellectual disability. It is known that children diagnosed with ASD are often are developmentally delayed therefore alterations in the typical developmental trajectory should be a major factor in consideration when studying ASD. As of 2016, 1 in 68 children in the USA is diagnosed with ASD, of those diagnosed young males are four times more likely to be diagnosed than their female peers. Although genetic and behavioral theories exist to explain these differences, the cause for the disparity is still unknown. This Dissertation presents a unique opportunity to understand the intersection of altered neurodevelopment and the alarming sex disparities in patients with ASD from a neuroimaging perspective. The hypothesis is that there exist differences due to development and sex in with ASD. Access to ABIDE (Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange), a open source large scale data sharing consortium of functional and anatomical MR data. Analyzing MR data for alterations due to ASD, developmental trajectory, and sex as well as the intersection of these factors. Theses modulations are observed in three Project Aims that employ various analytical approaches: (1) Structural Morphology, (2) Resting-state Functional Connectivity, and (3) Graph Theory. The major findings lie at the interaction of these three factors; developmental stage-by-diagnosis-by-sex. Structural Morphological Analyses of anatomical data show differences in cortical thickness, on the left rostral middle frontal gyrus and surface area in along the sensory motor strip, of the left paracentral gyrus and right precentral gyrus. Resting-state Functional Connectivity analyzed in multiple data driven approaches, and altered resting state connectivity patterns between the left frontal parietal network and the left parahippcampal gyrus are reported. The regions found in the Morphological Analyses are used as seeds for a priori connectivity analysis, connectivity between the left rostral middle frontal cortex and bilateral superior temporal gyrus as well as the right precentral gyrus and right middle frontal gyrus and left inferior frontal gyrus are described. Finally using Graph Theory analysis, which quantifies a whole brain connectivity matrix to calculate metrics such as path length, cluster coefficient, local efficiency, and betweeness centrality all of which are altered by the interaction of all three factors. The last investigation is an attempt to correlate the behavioral assessments, conducted by clinicians with theses neuroimaging findings to determine if there exist a relationship between them. Significant interaction effects of sex and development on ASD diagnosis are observed. The goal of the Study is to provide more information on the disorder that is by nature highly heterogeneous in symptomatology. Studying these interactions, may be key to better understand a disorder that was introduced into the medical literature 75 years ago
