6 research outputs found

    Effects of deceptive behavior on biomechanical measures of standing posture

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    Title from PDF of title page, viewed on June 22, 2012Thesis advisor: Gregory W. KingVitaIncludes bibliographic references (p. 82-88)Thesis (M.S.)--School of Computing and Engineering. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2012The accurate detection of deception has potential applications in many fields including credibility assessment, security screening, homeland security, and counter-terrorism. Techniques currently used for deception detection typically capitalize on deception-related physiological changes, and include polygraph testing, voice stress analysis, brain activity analysis, and thermal scanners. However, the use of these techniques in natural environments is limited as they often require intrusive sensors to be attached to the body. These limitations may be addressed with posturography, which involves studying the ground reactions associated with standing balance without the need for intrusive sensors. Therefore, the objective of the current study was to examine deception-related effects on measures of standing posture using a mock security screening interview. We hypothesized that deceptive participants, compared to truthful would demonstrate significant differences in ground reactions during the interview. Participants were required to pack a backpack with various items. One group of participants had items that were "prohibited", whereas the other group had equivalent, non-prohibited control items. Both groups were questioned about the contents of the backpack. The group with "prohibited" items was instructed not to reveal that they were carrying any prohibited items. Results of the study indicated that there was a significant deception-related decrease in center of pressure movement. The deception related decrease in both center of pressure pathlength and mean velocity suggests that people "freeze" when they are being deceptive. This notion was supported by increased oscillations in the anterior-posterior direction.Introduction -- Methods -- Results -- Discussion -- Conclusions -- Appendix A -- Appendix

    12th Man in Space Symposium: The Future of Humans in Space. Abstract Volume

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is pleased to host the 12th IAA Man in Space Symposium. A truly international forum, this symposium brings together scientists, engineers, and managers interested in all aspects of human space flight to share the most recent research results and space agency planning related to the future of humans in space. As we look out at the universe from our own uniquely human perspective, we see a world that we affect at the same time that it affects us. Our tomorrows are highlighted by the possibilities generated by our knowledge, our drive, and our dreams. This symposium will examine our future in space from the springboard of our achievements

    Aerospace medicine and biology: A cumulative index to the continuing bibliography of the 1973 issues

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    A cumulative index to the abstracts contained in Supplements 112 through 123 of Aerospace Medicine and Biology A Continuing Bibliography is presented. It includes three indexes: subject, personal author, and corporate source

    Advancing clinical evaluation and diagnostics with artificial intelligence technologies

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    Machine Learning (ML) is extensively used in diverse healthcare applications to aid physicians in diagnosing and identifying associations, sometimes hidden, between dif- ferent biomedical parameters. This PhD thesis investigates the interplay of medical images and biosignals to study the mechanisms of aging, knee cartilage degeneration, and Motion Sickness (MS). The first study shows the predictive power of soft tissue radiodensitometric parameters from mid-thigh CT scans. We used data from the AGES-Reykjavik study, correlating soft tissue numerical profiles from 3,000 subjects with cardiac pathophysiologies, hy- pertension, and diabetes. The results show the role of fat, muscle, and connective tissue in the evaluation of healthy aging. Moreover, we classify patients experiencing gait symptoms, neurological deficits, and a history of stroke in a Korean population, reveal- ing the significant impact of cognitive dual-gait analysis when coupled with single-gait. The second study establishes new paradigms for knee cartilage assessment, correlating 2D and 3D medical image features obtained from CT and MRI scans. In the frame of the EU-project RESTORE we were able to classify degenerative, traumatic, and healthy cartilages based on their bone and cartilage features, as well as we determine the basis for the development of a patient-specific cartilage profile. Finally, in the MS study, based on a virtual reality simulation synchronized with a moving platform and EEG, heart rate, and EMG, we extracted over 3,000 features and analyzed their importance in predicting MS symptoms, concussion in female ath- letes, and lifestyle influence. The MS features are extracted from the brain, muscle, heart, and from the movement of the center of pressure during the experiment and demonstrate their potential value to advance quantitative evaluation of postural con- trol response. This work demonstrates, through various studies, the importance of ML technologies in improving clinical evaluation and diagnosis contributing to advance our understanding of the mechanisms associated with pathological conditions.Tölvulærdómur (Machine Learning eða ML) er algjörlega viðurkennt og nýtt í ýmsum heilbrigðisþjónustuviðskiptum til að hjálpa læknunum við að greina og finna tengsl milli mismunandi líffærafræðilegra gilda, stundum dulinna. Þessi doktorsritgerð fjallar um samspil læknisfræðilegra mynda og lífsmerkja til að skoða eðli aldrunar, niðurbrot hnéhringjar og hreyfikerfissjúkdóms (Motion Sickness eða MS). Fyrsta rannsóknin sýnir spárkraft midjubeins-CT-skanna í því að fullyrða staðfest- ar meðalþyngdarlíkön, þar sem gögn úr AGES-Reykjavik-rannsókninni eru tengd við hjarta- og æðafræðilega sjúkdóma, blóðþrýstingsveikindi og sykursýki hjá 3.000 þátt- takendum. Niðurstöðurnar sýna hlutverk fitu, vöðva og tengikjarna í mati á heilbrigð- um öldrun. Þar að auki flokkum við sjúklinga sem upplifa gangvandamál, taugaein- kenni og sögu af heilablóðfalli í kóreanskri þjóð, þar sem einstök gangtaksskoðun er tengd saman við tvískoðun. Önnur rannsóknin setur upp ný tölfræðisfræðileg umhverfisviðmið til matar á hnéhringju með samhengi 2D og 3D mynda sem aflað er úr CT og MRI-skömmtum. Í rauninni höfum við getuð flokkað niðurbrots-, slys- og heilbrigðar hnéhringjur á grundvelli bein- og brjóskmerkja með raun að sækja niðurstöður í umfjöllun um sjúklingar eftir réttu einkasniði. Að lokum, í MS-rannsókninni, notum við myndræn tilraun samþættaða með hreyfan- legan grundvöll og EEG, hjartslátt, EMG þar sem yfir 3.000 aðgerðir eru útfránn og greindir til að átta sig á áhrifum MS, höfuðárás hjá konum sem eru íþróttamenn, lífs- stíl og fleira. Einkenni MS eru aflöguð úr heilanum, vöðvum, hjarta og frá hreyfingum þyngdupunktsins á meðan tilraunin stendur og sýna mög

    Life Sciences Program Tasks and Bibliography for FY 1996

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    This document includes information on all peer reviewed projects funded by the Office of Life and Microgravity Sciences and Applications, Life Sciences Division during fiscal year 1996. This document will be published annually and made available to scientists in the space life sciences field both as a hard copy and as an interactive Internet web page

    Efectos de la postura corporal, equilibrio y destreza manual en la velocidad lectora en personas mayores con y sin baja visión

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    La presente tesis tiene como objetivo evaluar si existen diferencias en cuanto a la aparición y/o severidad de las alteraciones posturales, de equilibrio y destreza manual a mayores con y sin BV. Además, si las alteraciones en la postura y equilibrio corporal y en la destreza manual existentes en las personas mayores con baja visión, interfieren de manera negativa en la velocidad lectora. Se evaluó la postura corporal en bipedestación y sedestación, el equilibrio, la destreza manual y la velocidad lectora, además de la sintomatología depresiva, miedo a caerse y dolor percibido en 80 personas mayores con y sin BV. Se comprobó la fiabilidad de los métodos de medición de la postura utilizados en este estudio y también la correlación entre la velocidad lectora y las variables mencionadas. Las personas mayores con baja visión tienen la postura corporal más alterada tanto en bipedestación como en sedestación en relación a las personas mayores sin baja visión, del mismo modo su destreza manual es menos eficaz y tienen una mayor preocupación por caerse. La postura y el equilibrio corporal presentan un efecto estadísticamente significativo sobre la velocidad lectora, principalmente en los mayores sin baja visión. Los métodos utilizados para la evaluación postural resultaron ser fiables y válidos.Departamento de Oftalmología, Otorrinolaringología y FisioterapiaDoctorado en Investigación en Ciencias de la Salu