2,961 research outputs found

    Assembly Line

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    An assembly line is a manufacturing process in which parts are added to a product in a sequential manner using optimally planned logistics to create a finished product in the fastest possible way. It is a flow-oriented production system where the productive units performing the operations, referred to as stations, are aligned in a serial manner. The present edited book is a collection of 12 chapters written by experts and well-known professionals of the field. The volume is organized in three parts according to the last research works in assembly line subject. The first part of the book is devoted to the assembly line balancing problem. It includes chapters dealing with different problems of ALBP. In the second part of the book some optimization problems in assembly line structure are considered. In many situations there are several contradictory goals that have to be satisfied simultaneously. The third part of the book deals with testing problems in assembly line. This section gives an overview on new trends, techniques and methodologies for testing the quality of a product at the end of the assembling line

    Using Portable X-ray Fluorescence to Predict Physical and Chemical Properties of California Soils

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    Soil characterization provides the basic information necessary for understanding the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils. Knowledge about soils can in turn be used to inform management practices, optimize agricultural operations, and ensure the continuation of ecosystem services provided by soils. However, current analytical standards for identifying each distinct property are costly and time-consuming. The optimization of laboratory grade technology for wide scale use is demonstrated by advances in a proximal soil sensing technique known as portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (pXRF). pXRF analyzers use high energy Xrays that interact with a sample to cause characteristic reflorescence that can be distinguished by the analyzer for its energy and intensity to determine the chemical composition of the sample. While pXRF only measures total elemental abundance, the concentrations of certain elements have been used as a proxy to develop models capable of predicting soil characteristics. This study aimed to evaluate existing models and model building techniques for predicting soil pH, texture, cation exchange capacity (CEC), soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), and C:N ratio from pXRF spectra and assess their fittingness for California soils by comparing predictions to results from laboratory methods. Multiple linear regression (MLR) and random forest (RF) models were created for each property using a training subset of data and evaluated by R2 , RMSE, RPD and RPIQ on an unseen test set. The California soils sample set was comprised of 480 soil samples from across the state that were subject to laboratory and pXRF analysis in GeoChem mode. Results showed that existing data models applied to the CA soils dataset lacked predictive ability. In comparison, data models generated using MLR with 10-fold cross validation for variable selection improved predictions, while algorithmic modeling produced the best estimates for all properties besides pH. The best models produced for each property gave RMSE values of 0.489 for pH, 10.8 for sand %, 6.06 for clay % (together predicting the correct texture class 74% of the time), 6.79 for CEC (cmolc/kg soil), 1.01 for SOC %, 0.062 for TN %, and 7.02 for C:N ratio. Where R2 and RMSE were observed to fluctuate inconsistently with a change in the random train/test splits, RPD and RPIQ were more stable, which may indicate a more useful representation of out of sample applicability. RF modeling for TN content provided the best predictive model overall (R2 = 0.782, RMSE = 0.062, RPD = 2.041, and RPIQ = 2.96). RF models for CEC and TN % achieved RPD values \u3e2, indicating stable predictive models (Cheng et al., 2021). Lower RPD values between 1.75 and 2 and RPIQ \u3e2 were also found for MLR models of CEC, and TN %, as well as RF models for SOC. Better estimates for chemical properties (CEC, N, SOC) when compared to physical properties (texture), may be attributable to a correlation between elemental signatures and organic matter. All models were improved with the addition of categorical variables (land-use and sample set) but came at a great statistical cost (9 extra predictors). Separating models by land type and lab characterization method revealed some improvements within land types, but these effects could not be fully untangled from sample set. Thus, the consortia of characterizing bodies for ‘true’ lab data may have been a drawback in model performance, by confounding inter-lab errors with predictive errors. Future studies using pXRF analysis for soil property estimation should investigate how predictive v models are affected by characterizing method and lab body. While statewide models for California soils provided what may be an acceptable level of error for some applications, models calibrated for a specific site using consistent lab characterization methods likely provide a higher degree of accuracy for indirect measurements of some key soil properties

    Development of UAV-Based Rail Track Geometry Irregularity Monitoring and Measuring Platform Empowered by Artificial Intelligence

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    Rail tracks need to be consistently monitored and inspected for problems associated with rust, deformation, and cracks that, at their worst, can cause catastrophic train derailments. Many non-destructive testing approaches have been explored and extensively utilized to help inspect rails’ health, but most of them require intensive human power and/or heavy sensor systems (e.g. total stations, manual/car-mounted trolly, etc.) that are not efficient or convenient to cover a long range of rails and may interfere with the normal operation of trains.In light of the rapid development of unmanned aerial systems/vehicles (UAS’s/UAVs) and high definition photographic and optical distance measuring sensors, this paper proposes a novel UAV-based rail track irregularity monitoring and measuring platform that can remotely inspect the geometry irregularity of tracks at various angles and cover a long distance by only a few personnel. By mounting a light distance and range (LiDAR) scanning sensor and a data acquisition system on the UAV, we can continuously collect 3D point cloud data (PCD) frames that reflect the surfaces of tracks, ground, and other objects. Data points in these PCD frames are manually annotated into two classes: rail tracks and background. Then, annotated PCD frames are pre-processed and fed to train a state-of-the-art machine-learning-based 3D point cloud semantic segmentation network, RandLA-Net, to assign each point into one of the two aforementioned classes, so that point clusters that represent rail tracks can be extracted. The trained model can be deployed for real-time distinction between rails and background. Then, principal component analysis (PCA) and multiple regressions are conducted to identify the top and inner surface of the rails. In the end, various geometry measurement of rails, such as gauge, cross level, etc. can be performed to inspect any irregularities. The geometry measurement obtained by the proposed UAV-LiDAR-based framework is compared against standard official value of each geometry. The evaluation results have confirmed the similar or the more advanced performance of the proposed platform with more terrain flexibilities

    Data analytics 2016: proceedings of the fifth international conference on data analytics

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    Prognostic Approaches Using Transient Monitoring Methods

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    The utilization of steady state monitoring techniques has become an established means of providing diagnostic and prognostic information regarding both systems and equipment. However, steady state data is not the only, or in some cases, even the best source of information regarding the health and state of a system. Transient data has largely been overlooked as a source of system information due to the additional complexity in analyzing these types of signals. The development for algorithms and techniques to quickly, and intuitively develop generic quantification of deviations a transient signal towards the goal of prognostic predictions has until now, largely been overlooked. By quantifying and trending these shifts, an accurate measure of system heath can be established and utilized by prognostic algorithms. In fact, for some systems the elevated stress levels during transients can provide better, more clear indications of system health than those derived from steady state monitoring. This research is based on the hypothesis that equipment health signals for some failure modes are stronger during transient conditions than during steady-state because transient conditions (e.g. start-up) place greater stress on the equipment for these failure modes. From this it follows that these signals related to the system or equipment health would display more prominent indications of abnormality if one were to know the proper means to identify them. This project seeks to develop methods and conceptual models to monitor transient signals for equipment health. The purpose of this research is to assess if monitoring of transient signals could provide alternate or better indicators of incipient equipment failure prior to steady state signals. The project is focused on identifying methods, both traditional and novel, suitable to implement and test transient model monitoring in both an useful and intuitive way. By means of these techniques, it is shown that the addition information gathered during transient portions of life can be used to either to augment existing steady-state information, or in cases where such information is unavailable, be used as a primary means of developing prognostic models

    Automating Fault Detection and Quality Control in PCBs: A Machine Learning Approach to Handle Imbalanced Data

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    Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) are fundamental to the operation of a wide array of electronic devices, from consumer electronics to sophisticated industrial machinery. Given this pivotal role, quality control and fault detection are especially significant, as they are essential for ensuring the devices' long-term reliability and efficiency. To address this, the thesis explores advancements in fault detection and quality control methods for PCBs, with a focus on Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) techniques. The study begins with an in-depth review of traditional approaches like visual and X-ray inspections, then delves into modern, data-driven methods, such as automated anomaly detection in PCB manufacturing using tabular datasets. The core of the thesis is divided into three specific tasks: firstly, applying ML and DL models for anomaly detection in PCBs, particularly focusing on solder-pasting issues and the challenges posed by imbalanced datasets; secondly, predicting human inspection labels through specially designed tabular models like TabNet; and thirdly, implementing multi-classification methods to automate repair labeling on PCBs. The study is structured to offer a comprehensive view, beginning with background information, followed by the methodology and results of each task, and concluding with a summary and directions for future research. Through this systematic approach, the research not only provides new insights into the capabilities and limitations of existing fault detection techniques but also sets the stage for more intelligent and efficient systems in PCB manufacturing and quality control

    Instrumentation, Data, And Algorithms For Visually Understanding Haptic Surface Properties

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    Autonomous robots need to efficiently walk over varied surfaces and grasp diverse objects. We hypothesize that the association between how such surfaces look and how they physically feel during contact can be learned from a database of matched haptic and visual data recorded from various end-effectors\u27 interactions with hundreds of real-world surfaces. Testing this hypothesis required the creation of a new multimodal sensing apparatus, the collection of a large multimodal dataset, and development of a machine-learning pipeline. This thesis begins by describing the design and construction of the Portable Robotic Optical/Tactile ObservatioN PACKage (PROTONPACK, or Proton for short), an untethered handheld sensing device that emulates the capabilities of the human senses of vision and touch. Its sensory modalities include RGBD vision, egomotion, contact force, and contact vibration. Three interchangeable end-effectors (a steel tooling ball, an OptoForce three-axis force sensor, and a SynTouch BioTac artificial fingertip) allow for different material properties at the contact point and provide additional tactile data. We then detail the calibration process for the motion and force sensing systems, as well as several proof-of-concept surface discrimination experiments that demonstrate the reliability of the device and the utility of the data it collects. This thesis then presents a large-scale dataset of multimodal surface interaction recordings, including 357 unique surfaces such as furniture, fabrics, outdoor fixtures, and items from several private and public material sample collections. Each surface was touched with one, two, or three end-effectors, comprising approximately one minute per end-effector of tapping and dragging at various forces and speeds. We hope that the larger community of robotics researchers will find broad applications for the published dataset. Lastly, we demonstrate an algorithm that learns to estimate haptic surface properties given visual input. Surfaces were rated on hardness, roughness, stickiness, and temperature by the human experimenter and by a pool of purely visual observers. Then we trained an algorithm to perform the same task as well as infer quantitative properties calculated from the haptic data. Overall, the task of predicting haptic properties from vision alone proved difficult for both humans and computers, but a hybrid algorithm using a deep neural network and a support vector machine achieved a correlation between expected and actual regression output between approximately ρ = 0.3 and ρ = 0.5 on previously unseen surfaces
