79 research outputs found

    An accurate, trimless, high PSRR, low-voltage, CMOS bandgap reference IC

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    Bandgap reference circuits are used in a host of analog, digital, and mixed-signal systems to establish an accurate voltage standard for the entire IC. The accuracy of the bandgap reference voltage under steady-state (dc) and transient (ac) conditions is critical to obtain high system performance. In this work, the impact of process, power-supply, load, and temperature variations and package stresses on the dc and ac accuracy of bandgap reference circuits has been analyzed. Based on this analysis, the a bandgap reference that 1. has high dc accuracy despite process and temperature variations and package stresses, without resorting to expensive trimming or noisy switching schemes, 2. has high dc and ac accuracy despite power-supply variations, without using large off-chip capacitors that increase bill-of-material costs, 3. has high dc and ac accuracy despite load variations, without resorting to error-inducing buffers, 4. is capable of producing a sub-bandgap reference voltage with a low power-supply, to enable it to operate in modern, battery-operated portable applications, 5. utilizes a standard CMOS process, to lower manufacturing costs, and 6. is integrated, to consume less board space has been proposed. The functionality of critical components of the system has been verified through prototypes after which the performance of the complete system has been evaluated by integrating all the individual components on an IC. The proposed CMOS bandgap reference can withstand 5mA of load variations while generating a reference voltage of 890mV that is accurate with respect to temperature to the first order. It exhibits a trimless, dc 3-sigma accuracy performance of 0.84% over a temperature range of -40°C to 125°C and has a worst case ac power-supply ripple rejection (PSRR) performance of 30dB up to 50MHz using 60pF of on-chip capacitance. All the proposed techniques lead to the development of a CMOS bandgap reference that meets the low-cost, high-accuracy demands of state-of-the-art System-on-Chip environments.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Rincon-Mora, Gabriel; Committee Member: Ayazi, Farrokh; Committee Member: Bhatti, Pamela; Committee Member: Leach, W. Marshall; Committee Member: Morley, Thoma

    Analysis and Laboratory Verification of Bandgap Prototypes, Circuit Engineering, Optimization of Trimming Process

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    Lo scopo di questa tesi è la progettazione di due riferimenti di tensione bandgap ad alta precisione e basso consumo in una tecnologia economica. Nella fase di progettazione ogni singolo stadio viene analizzato, ottimizzato e confrontato con altre possibili soluzioni. Vengono inoltre esaminati gli effetti del processo e del mismatch. Per migliorare la precisione vengono studiate due reti di trimming resistivo, la cui verifica è ottenuta mediante un nuovo algoritm

    Analyses and design strategies for fundamental enabling building blocks: Dynamic comparators, voltage references and on-die temperature sensors

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    Dynamic comparators and voltage references are among the most widely used fundamental building blocks for various types of circuits and systems, such as data converters, PLLs, switching regulators, memories, and CPUs. As thermal constraints quickly emerged as a dominant performance limiter, on-die temperature sensors will be critical to the reliable operation of future integrated circuits. This dissertation investigates characteristics of these three enabling circuits and design strategies for improving their performances. One of the most critical specifications of a dynamic comparator is its input referred offset voltage, which is pivotal to achieving overall system performance requirements of many mixed-signal circuits and systems. Unlike offset voltages in other circuits such as amplifiers, the offset voltage in a dynamic comparator is extremely challenging to analyze and predict analytically due to its dependence on transient response and due to internal positive feedback and time-varying operating points in the comparator. In this work, a novel balanced method is proposed to facilitate the evaluation of time-varying operating points of transistors in a dynamic comparator. Two types of offsets are studied in the model: (1) static offset voltage caused by mismatches in mobilities, transistor sizes, and threshold voltages, and (2) dynamic offset voltage caused by mismatches in parasitic capacitors or loading capacitors. To validate the proposed method, dynamic comparators in two prevalent topologies are implemented in 0.25 μm and 40 nm CMOS technologies. Agreement between predicted results and simulated results verifies the effectiveness of the proposed method. The new method and the analytical models enable designers to identify the most dominant contributors to offset and to optimize the dynamic comparators\u27 performances. As an illustrating example, the Lewis-Gray dynamic comparator was analyzed using the balanced method and redesigned to minimize its offset voltage. Simulation results show that the offset voltage was easily reduced by 41% while maintaining the same silicon area. A bandgap voltage reference is one of the core functional blocks in both analog and digital systems. Despite the reported improvements in performance of voltage references, little attention has been focused on theoretical characterizations of non-ideal effects on the value of the output voltage, on the inflection point location and on the curvature of the reference voltage. In this work, a systematic approach is proposed to analytically determine the effects of two non-ideal elements: the temperature dependent gain-determining resistors and the amplifier offset voltage. The effectiveness of the analytical models is validated by comparing analytical results against Spectre simulation results. Research on on-die temperature sensor design has received rapidly increasing attention since component and power density induced thermal stress has become a critical factor in the reliable operation of integrated circuits. For effective power and thermal management of future multi-core systems, hundreds of sensors with sufficient accuracy, small area and low power are required on a single chip. This work introduces a new family of highly linear on chip temperature sensors. The proposed family of temperature sensors expresses CMOS threshold voltage as an output. The sensor output is independent of power supply voltage and independent of mobility values. It can achieve very high temperature linearity, with maximum nonlinearity around +/- 0.05oC over a temperature range of -20oC to 100oC. A sizing strategy based on combined analytical analysis and numerical optimization has been presented. Following this method, three circuits A, B and C have been designed in standard 0.18 ym CMOS technology, all achieving excellent linearity as demonstrated by Cadence Spectre simulations. Circuits B and C are the modified versions of circuit A, and have improved performance at the worst corner-low voltage supply and high threshold voltage corner. Finally, a direct temperature-to-digital converter architecture is proposed as a master-slave hybrid temperature-to-digital converter. It does not require any traditional constant reference voltage or reference current, it does not attempt to make any node voltage or branch current constant or precisely linear to temperature, yet it generates a digital output code that is very linear with temperature


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    Negative Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI) is one of the recent reliability issues in sub threshold CMOS circuits. NBTI effect on analog circuits, which require matched device pairs and mismatches, will cause circuit failure. This work is to assess the NBTI effect considering the voltage and the temperature variations. It also provides a working knowledge of NBTI awareness to the circuit design community for reliable design of the SOC analog circuit. There have been numerous studies to date on the NBTI effect to analog circuits. However, other researchers did not study the implication of NBTI stress on analog circuits utilizing bandgap reference circuit. The reliability performance of all matched pair circuits, particularly the bandgap reference, is at the mercy of aging differential. Reliability simulation is mandatory to obtain realistic risk evaluation for circuit design reliability qualification. It is applicable to all circuit aging problems covering both analog and digital. Failure rate varies as a function of voltage and temperature. It is shown that PMOS is the reliabilitysusceptible device and NBTI is the most vital failure mechanism for analog circuit in sub-micrometer CMOS technology. This study provides a complete reliability simulation analysis of the on-die Thermal Sensor and the Digital Analog Converter (DAC) circuits and analyzes the effect of NBTI using reliability simulation tool. In order to check out the robustness of the NBTI-induced SOC circuit design, a bum-in experiment was conducted on the DAC circuits. The NBTI degradation observed in the reliability simulation analysis has given a clue that under a severe stress condition, a massive voltage threshold mismatch of beyond the 2mV limit was recorded. Bum-in experimental result on DAC proves the reliability sensitivity of NBTI to the DAC circuitry

    Analog integrated circuit design in ultra-thin oxide CMOS technologies with significant direct tunneling-induced gate current

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    The ability to do mixed-signal IC design in a CMOS technology has been a driving force for manufacturing personal mobile electronic products such as cellular phones, digital audio players, and personal digital assistants. As CMOS has moved to ultra-thin oxide technologies, where oxide thicknesses are less than 3 nm, this type of design has been threatened by the direct tunneling of carriers though the gate oxide. This type of tunneling, which increases exponentially with decreasing oxide thickness, is a source of MOSFET gate current. Its existence invalidates the simplifying design assumption of infinite gate resistance. Its problems are typically avoided by switching to a high-&kappa/metal gate technology or by including a second thick(er) oxide transistor. Both of these solutions come with undesirable increases in cost due to extra mask and processing steps. Furthermore, digital circuit solutions to the problems created by direct tunneling are available, while analog circuit solutions are not. Therefore, it is desirable that analog circuit solutions exist that allow the design of mixed-signal circuits with ultra-thin oxide MOSFETs. This work presents a methodology that develops these solutions as a less costly alternative to high-&kappa/metal gate technologies or thick(er) oxide transistors. The solutions focus on transistor sizing, DC biasing, and the design of current mirrors and differential amplifiers. They attempt to minimize, balance, and cancel the negative effects of direct tunneling on analog design in traditional (non-high-&kappa/metal gate) ultra-thin oxide CMOS technologies. They require only ultra-thin oxide devices and are investigated in a 65 nm CMOS technology with a nominal VDD of 1 V and a physical oxide thickness of 1.25 nm. A sub-1 V bandgap voltage reference that requires only ultra-thin oxide MOSFETs is presented (TC = 251.0 ppm/°C). It utilizes the developed methodology and illustrates that it is capable of suppressing the negative effects of direct tunneling. Its performance is compared to a thick-oxide voltage reference as a means of demonstrating that ultra-thin oxide MOSFETs can be used to build the analog component of a mixed-signal system

    Ion Irradiation Effects on Damage Annealing and Dopant Activation in Single Crystal SiC

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    Energetic ions deposit their energy into a target material through elastic and inelastic processes: termed nuclear and electronic energy loss. In SiC [silicon carbide], these two processes are coupled and often competing, where nuclear energy loss generates defects and disorder, and electronic energy loss anneals the material. This work examines the relationship between these energy deposition processes and their impact on single crystal, 3C- and 4H-SiC microstructure via intermediate energy ion irradiations. With increasing incident ion atomic mass, decoupling between the two processes takes place, and inelastic energy deposition becomes less effective at inducing in-cascade annealing. Further, there are thresholds in electronic energy loss above which, disorder induced by damage energy is totally suppressed. These thresholds increase sub-linearly with incident ion atomic number. The feasibility of inelastic energy deposition inducing dopant activation is also studied. While 21 MeV Ni irradiation failed to activate implanted As ions, the irradiation did reduce implantation damage and altered the disorder and defect distribution in SiC. Overall, electronic energy loss from intermediate to higher energy ions can significantly alter physical disordering processes and electrical properties in SiC

    Space Photovoltaic Research and Technology 1995

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    The Fourteenth Space Photovoltaic Research and Technology conference was held at the NASA Lewis Research Center from October 24-26, 1995. The abstracts presented in this volume report substantial progress in a variety of areas in space photovoltaics. Technical and review papers were presented in many areas, including high efficiency GaAs and InP solar cells, GaAs/Ge cells as commercial items, high efficiency multiple bandgap cells, solar cell and array technology, heteroepitaxial cells, thermophotovoltaic energy conversion, and space radiation effects. Space flight data on a variety of cells were also presented

    Mixed-signal integrated circuits design and validation for automotive electronics applications

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    Automotive electronics is a fast growing market. In a field primarily dominated by mechanical or hydraulic systems, over the past few decades there has been exponential growth in the number of electronic components incorporated into automobiles. Partly thanks to the advance in high voltage smart power processes in nowadays cars is possible to integrate both power/high voltage electronics and analog/digital signal processing circuitry thus allowing to replace a lot of mechanical systems with electro-mechanical or fully electronic ones. High level modeling of complex electronic systems is gaining importance relatively to design space exploration, enabling shorter design and verification cycles, allowing reduced time-to-market. A high level model of a resistor string DAC to evaluate nonlinearities has been developed in MATLAB environment. As a test case for the model, a 10 bit resistive DAC in 0.18um is designed and the results were compared with the traditional transistor level approach. Then we face the analysis and design of a fundamental block: the bandgap voltage reference. Automotive requirements are tough, so the design of the voltage reference includes a pre-regulation part of the battery voltage that allows to enhance overall performances. Moreover an analog integrated driver for an automotive application whose architecture exploits today’s trends of analog-digital integration allowing a greater range of flexibility allowing high configurability and fast prototipization is presented. We covered also the mixed-signal verification approach. In fact, as complexity increases and mixed-signal systems become more and more pervasive, test and verification often tend to be the bottleneck in terms of time effort. A complete flow for mixed-signal verification using VHDL-AMS modeling and Python scripting is presented as an alternative to complex transistor level simulations. Finally conclusions are drawn
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