183 research outputs found

    Real-time Ada applications on Android

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    RESUMEN: Android es el sistema operativo más extendido en el ámbito de los dispositivos móviles. Su gran expansión y desarrollo ha provocado que exista un gran interés para utilizarlo en entornos con requisitos temporales. Este trabajo presenta un mecanismo para utilizar el lenguaje de programación Ada en el desarrollo de aplicaciones de tiempo real sobre Android. Ada es un lenguaje que ofrece soporte para aplicaciones con requerimientos temporales bajo la suposición de que la plataforma de ejecución proporciona las garantías necesarias en tiempos de respuesta. Para satisfacer estas garantías proponemos que las aplicaciones escritas en este lenguaje utilicen los mecanismos de aislamiento proporcionados por el sistema operativo Android/Linux, a través de los cuales es posible aislar uno o varios núcleos del procesador para ser usados exclusivamente por aplicaciones de tiempo real. Además, hemos estudiado los mecanismos que se encuentran disponibles en Android para compartir datos entre aplicaciones Ada con requisitos temporales y el resto de aplicaciones que se ejecutan en el mismo sistema.ABSTRACT:Android is the most extended operating system in the field of smartphones. Its wide diffusion has caused a great interest in using it in real time environments. This paper presents a mechanism to use the Ada programming language for real-time applications on Android. Ada is a language that offers support for environments with real-time requirements under the assumption that the execution platform provides the necessary guarantees on response time. To accomplish these guarantees, we propose that applications written in this language use the isolation mechanisms provided by the Android/Linux operating system through which it is possible to isolate one or several processor cores to use them exclusively with real-time Ada applications. In addition, we have studied the available mechanisms in Android to share data between these isolated real-time Ada applications with other applications executing in the same system.Este trabajo ha sido financiado en parte por el Gobierno de España en el proyecto TIN2014-56158-C4-2-P (M2C2)

    Foundations of Human-Aware Planning -- A Tale of Three Models

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    abstract: A critical challenge in the design of AI systems that operate with humans in the loop is to be able to model the intentions and capabilities of the humans, as well as their beliefs and expectations of the AI system itself. This allows the AI system to be "human- aware" -- i.e. the human task model enables it to envisage desired roles of the human in joint action, while the human mental model allows it to anticipate how its own actions are perceived from the point of view of the human. In my research, I explore how these concepts of human-awareness manifest themselves in the scope of planning or sequential decision making with humans in the loop. To this end, I will show (1) how the AI agent can leverage the human task model to generate symbiotic behavior; and (2) how the introduction of the human mental model in the deliberative process of the AI agent allows it to generate explanations for a plan or resort to explicable plans when explanations are not desired. The latter is in addition to traditional notions of human-aware planning which typically use the human task model alone and thus enables a new suite of capabilities of a human-aware AI agent. Finally, I will explore how the AI agent can leverage emerging mixed-reality interfaces to realize effective channels of communication with the human in the loop.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201

    Android Application Development for the Intel Platform

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    Computer scienc

    Multimodal Interaction for Enhancing Team Coordination on the Battlefield

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    Team coordination is vital to the success of team missions. On the battlefield and in other hazardous environments, mission outcomes are often very unpredictable because of unforeseen circumstances and complications encountered that adversely affect team coordination. In addition, the battlefield is constantly evolving as new technology, such as context-aware systems and unmanned drones, becomes available to assist teams in coordinating team efforts. As a result, we must re-evaluate the dynamics of teams that operate in high-stress, hazardous environments in order to learn how to use technology to enhance team coordination within this new context. In dangerous environments where multi-tasking is critical for the safety and success of the team operation, it is important to know what forms of interaction are most conducive to team tasks. We have explored interaction methods, including various types of user input and data feedback mediums that can assist teams in performing unified tasks on the battlefield. We’ve conducted an ethnographic analysis of Soldiers and researched technologies such as sketch recognition, physiological data classification, augmented reality, and haptics to come up with a set of core principles to be used when de- signing technological tools for these teams. This dissertation provides support for these principles and addresses outstanding problems of team connectivity, mobility, cognitive load, team awareness, and hands-free interaction in mobile military applications. This research has resulted in the development of a multimodal solution that enhances team coordination by allowing users to synchronize their tasks while keeping an overall awareness of team status and their environment. The set of solutions we’ve developed utilizes optimal interaction techniques implemented and evaluated in related projects; the ultimate goal of this research is to learn how to use technology to provide total situational awareness and team connectivity on the battlefield. This information can be used to aid the research and development of technological solutions for teams that operate in hazardous environments as more advanced resources become available

    Android on x86

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    Computer scienc

    IoT Based Human-Building Interaction

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    Accessible Integration of Physiological Adaptation in Human-Robot Interaction

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    Technological advancements in creating and commercializing novel unobtrusive wearable physiological sensors have generated new opportunities to develop adaptive human-robot interaction (HRI). Detecting complex human states such as engagement and stress when interacting with social agents could bring numerous advantages to creating meaningful interactive experiences. Bodily signals have classically been used for post-interaction analysis in HRI. Despite this, real-time measurements of autonomic responses have been used in other research domains to develop physiologically adaptive systems with great success; increasing user-experience, task performance, and reducing cognitive workload. This thesis presents the HRI Physio Lib, a conceptual framework, and open-source software library to facilitate the development of physiologically adaptive HRI scenarios. Both the framework and architecture of the library are described in-depth, along with descriptions of additional software tools that were developed to make the inclusion of physiological signals easier for robotics frameworks. The framework is structured around four main components for designing physiologically adaptive experimental scenarios: signal acquisition, processing and analysis; social robot and communication; and scenario and adaptation. Open-source software tools have been developed to assist in the individual creation of each described component. To showcase our framework and test the software library, we developed, as a proof-of-concept, a simple scenario revolving around a physiologically aware exercise coach, that modulates the speed and intensity of the activity to promote an effective cardiorespiratory exercise. We employed the socially assistive QT robot for our exercise scenario, as it provides a comprehensive ROS interface, making prototyping of behavioral responses fast and simple. Our exercise routine was designed following guidelines by the American College of Sports Medicine. We describe our physiologically adaptive algorithm and propose an alternative second one with stochastic elements. Finally, a discussion about other HRI domains where the addition of a physiologically adaptive mechanism could result in novel advances in interaction quality is provided as future extensions for this work. From the literature, we identified improving engagement, providing deeper social connections, health care scenarios, and also applications for self-driving vehicles as promising avenues for future research where a physiologically adaptive social robot could improve user experience

    Smart mobile sensing for measuring quality of experience (QoE) in urban public transports

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    The Past and Future of the Internet: A Symposium for John Perry Barlow

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    A Software Vulnerabilities Odysseus: Analysis, Detection, and Mitigation

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    Programming has become central in the development of human activities while not being immune to defaults, or bugs. Developers have developed specific methods and sequences of tests that they implement to prevent these bugs from being deployed in releases. Nonetheless, not all cases can be thought through beforehand, and automation presents limits the community attempts to overcome. As a consequence, not all bugs can be caught. These defaults are causing particular concerns in case bugs can be exploited to breach the program’s security policy. They are then called vulnerabilities and provide specific actors with undesired access to the resources a program manages. It damages the trust in the program and in its developers, and may eventually impact the adoption of the program. Hence, to attribute a specific attention to vulnerabilities appears as a natural outcome. In this regard, this PhD work targets the following three challenges: (1) The research community references those vulnerabilities, categorises them, reports and ranks their impact. As a result, analysts can learn from past vulnerabilities in specific programs and figure out new ideas to counter them. Nonetheless, the resulting quality of the lessons and the usefulness of ensuing solutions depend on the quality and the consistency of the information provided in the reports. (2) New methods to detect vulnerabilities can emerge among the teachings this monitoring provides. With responsible reporting, these detection methods can provide hardening of the programs we rely on. Additionally, in a context of computer perfor- mance gain, machine learning algorithms are increasingly adopted, providing engaging promises. (3) If some of these promises can be fulfilled, not all are not reachable today. Therefore a complementary strategy needs to be adopted while vulnerabilities evade detection up to public releases. Instead of preventing their introduction, programs can be hardened to scale down their exploitability. Increasing the complexity to exploit or lowering the impact below specific thresholds makes the presence of vulnerabilities an affordable risk for the feature provided. The history of programming development encloses the experimentation and the adoption of so-called defence mechanisms. Their goals and performances can be diverse, but their implementation in worldwide adopted programs and systems (such as the Android Open Source Project) acknowledges their pivotal position. To face these challenges, we provide the following contributions: • We provide a manual categorisation of the vulnerabilities of the worldwide adopted Android Open Source Project up to June 2020. Clarifying to adopt a vulnera- bility analysis provides consistency in the resulting data set. It facilitates the explainability of the analyses and sets up for the updatability of the resulting set of vulnerabilities. Based on this analysis, we study the evolution of AOSP’s vulnerabilities. We explore the different temporal evolutions of the vulnerabilities affecting the system for their severity, the type of vulnerability, and we provide a focus on memory corruption-related vulnerabilities. • We undertake the replication of a machine-learning based detection algorithms that, besides being part of the state-of-the-art and referenced to by ensuing works, was not available. Named VCCFinder, this algorithm implements a Support- Vector Machine and bases its training on Vulnerability-Contributing Commits and related patches for C and C++ code. Not in capacity to achieve analogous performances to the original article, we explore parameters and algorithms, and attempt to overcome the challenge provided by the over-population of unlabeled entries in the data set. We provide the community with our code and results as a replicable baseline for further improvement. • We eventually list the defence mechanisms that the Android Open Source Project incrementally implements, and we discuss how it sometimes answers comments the community addressed to the project’s developers. We further verify the extent to which specific memory corruption defence mechanisms were implemented in the binaries of different versions of Android (from API-level 10 to 28). We eventually confront the evolution of memory corruption-related vulnerabilities with the implementation timeline of related defence mechanisms
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