4,681 research outputs found

    Planning and estimation algorithms for human-like grasping

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorThe use of robots in human-like environments requires them to be able to sense and model unstructured scenarios. Thus, their success will depend on their versatility for interacting with the surroundings. This interaction often includes manipulation of objects for accomplishing common daily tasks. Therefore, robots need to sense, understand, plan and perform; and this has to be a continuous loop. This thesis presents a framework which covers most of the phases encountered in a common manipulation pipeline. First, it is shown how to use the Fast Marching Squared algorithm and a leader-followers strategy to control a formation of robots, simplifying a high dimensional path-planning problem. This approach is evaluated with simulations in complex environments in which the formation control technique is applied. Results are evaluated in terms of distance to obstacles (safety) and the needed deformation. Then, a framework to perform the grasping action is presented. The necessary techniques for environment modelling and grasp synthesis and path planning and control are presented. For the motion planning part, the formation concept from the previous chapter is recycled. This technique is applied to the planning and control of the movement of a complex hand-arm system. Tests using robot Manfred show the possibilities of the framework when performing in real scenarios. Finally, under the assumption that the grasping actions may not always result as it was previously planned, a Bayesian-based state-estimation process is introduced to estimate the final in-hand object pose after a grasping action is done, based on the measurements of proprioceptive and tactile sensors. This approach is evaluated in real experiments with Reex Takktile hand. Results show good performance in general terms, while suggest the need of a vision system for a more precise outcome.La investigación en robótica avanza con la intención de evolucionar hacia el uso de los robots en entornos humanos. A día de hoy, su uso está prácticamente limitado a las fábricas, donde trabajan en entornos controlados realizando tareas repetitivas. Sin embargo, estos robots son incapaces de reaccionar antes los más mínimos cambios en el entorno o en la tarea a realizar. En el grupo de investigación del Roboticslab se ha construido un manipulador móvil, llamado Manfred, en el transcurso de los últimos 15 años. Su objetivo es conseguir realizar tareas de navegación y manipulación en entornos diseñados para seres humanos. Para las tareas de manipulación y agarre, se ha adquirido recientemente una mano robótica diseñada en la universidad de Gifu, Japón. Sin embargo, al comienzo de esta tesis, no se había realzado ningún trabajo destinado a la manipulación o el agarre de objetos. Por lo tanto, existe una motivación clara para investigar en este campo y ampliar las capacidades del robot, aspectos tratados en esta tesis. La primera parte de la tesis muestra la aplicación de un sistema de control de formaciones de robots en 3 dimensiones. El sistema explicado utiliza un esquema de tipo líder-seguidores, y se basa en la utilización del algoritmo Fast Marching Square para el cálculo de la trayectoria del líder. Después, mientras el líder recorre el camino, la formación se va adaptando al entorno para evitar la colisión de los robots con los obstáculos. El esquema de deformación presentado se basa en la información sobre el entorno previamente calculada con Fast Marching Square. El algoritmo es probado a través de distintas simulaciones en escenarios complejos. Los resultados son analizados estudiando principalmente dos características: cantidad de deformación necesaria y seguridad de los caminos de los robots. Aunque los resultados son satisfactorios en ambos aspectos, es deseable que en un futuro se realicen simulaciones más realistas y, finalmente, se implemente el sistema en robots reales. El siguiente capítulo nace de la misma idea, el control de formaciones de robots. Este concepto es usado para modelar el sistema brazo-mano del robot Manfred. Al igual que en el caso de una formación de robots, el sistema al completo incluye un número muy elevado de grados de libertad que dificulta la planificación de trayectorias. Sin embargo, la adaptación del esquema de control de formaciones para el brazo-mano robótico nos permite reducir la complejidad a la hora de hacer la planificación de trayectorias. Al igual que antes, el sistema se basa en el uso de Fast Marching Square. Además, se ha construido un esquema completo que permite modelar el entorno, calcular posibles posiciones para el agarre, y planificar los movimientos para realizarlo. Todo ello ha sido implementado en el robot Manfred, realizando pruebas de agarre con objetos reales. Los resultados muestran el potencial del uso de este esquema de control, dejando lugar para mejoras, fundamentalmente en el apartado de la modelización de objetos y en el cálculo y elección de los posibles agarres. A continuación, se trata de cerrar el lazo de control en el agarre de objetos. Una vez un sistema robótico ha realizado los movimientos necesarios para obtener un agarre estable, la posición final del objeto dentro de la mano resulta, en la mayoría de las ocasiones, distinta de la que se había planificado. Este hecho es debido a la acumulación de fallos en los sistemas de percepción y modelado del entorno, y los de planificación y ejecución de movimientos. Por ello, se propone un sistema Bayesiano basado en un filtro de partículas que, teniendo en cuenta la posición de la palma y los dedos de la mano, los datos de sensores táctiles y la forma del objeto, estima la posición del objeto dentro de la mano. El sistema parte de una posición inicial conocida, y empieza a ejecutarse después del primer contacto entre los dedos y el objeto, de manera que sea capaz de detectar los movimientos que se producen al realizar la fuerza necesaria para estabilizar el agarre. Los resultados muestran la validez del método. Sin embargo, también queda claro que, usando únicamente la información táctil y de posición, hay grados de libertad que no se pueden determinar, por lo que, para el futuro, resultaría aconsejable la combinación de este sistema con otro basado en visión. Finalmente se incluyen 2 anexos que profundizan en la implementación de la solución del algoritmo de Fast Marching y la presentación de los sistemas robóticos reales que se han usado en las distintas pruebas de la tesis.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y AutomáticaPresidente: Carlos Balaguer Bernaldo de Quirós.- Secretario: Raúl Suárez Feijoo.- Vocal: Pedro U. Lim

    3D robot formations path planning with fast marching square

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    This work presents a path planning algorithm for 3D robot formations based on the standard Fast Marching Square (FM2) path planning method. This method is enlarged in order to apply it to robot formations motion planning. The algorithm is based on a leader-followers scheme, which means that the reference pose for the follower robots is defined by geometric equations that place the goal pose of each follower as a function of the leader’s pose. Besides, the Frenet-Serret frame is used to control the orientation of the formation. The algorithm presented allows the formation to adapt its shape so that the obstacles are avoided. Additionally, an approach to model mobile obstacles in a 3D environment is described. This model modifies the information used by the FM2 algorithm in favour of the robots to be able to avoid obstacles. The shape deformation scheme allows to easily change the behaviour of the formation. Finally, simulations are performed in different scenarios and a quantitative analysis of the results has been carried out. The tests show that the proposed shape deformation method, in combination with the FM2 path planner, is robust enough to manage autonomous movements through an indoor 3D environment.Acknowledgments This work is funded by the project num ber DPI2010-17772, by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and also by RoboCity2030-II-CM project (S2009/DPI-1559), funded by Programas de Actividades I+D en la Comunidad de Madrid and co-funded by Structural Funds of the EU.Publicad

    Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning in Robotics

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorNowadays, machine learning is widely used in robotics for a variety of tasks such as perception, control, planning, and decision making. Machine learning involves learning, reasoning, and acting based on the data. This is achieved by constructing computer programs that process the data, extract useful information or features, make predictions to infer unknown properties, and suggest actions to take or decisions to make. This computer program corresponds to a mathematical model of the data that describes the relationship between the variables that represent the observed data and properties of interest. The aforementioned model is learned based on the available training data, which is accomplished using a learning algorithm capable of automatically adjusting the parameters of the model to agree with the data. Therefore, the architecture of the model needs to be selected accordingly, which is not a trivial task and usually depends on the machine-learning engineer’s insights and past experience. The number of parameters to be tuned varies significantly with the selected machine learning model, ranging from two or three parameters for Gaussian processes (GP) to hundreds of thousands for artificial neural networks. However, as more complex and novel robotic applications emerge, data complexity increases and prior experience may be insufficient to define adequate mathematical models. In addition, traditional machine learning methods are prone to problems such as overfitting, which can lead to inaccurate predictions and catastrophic failures in critical applications. These methods provide probabilistic distributions as model outputs, allowing for estimating the uncertainty associated with predictions and making more informed decisions. That is, they provide a mean and variance for the model responses. This thesis focuses on the application of machine learning solutions based on Gaussian processes to various problems in robotics, with the aim of improving current methods and providing a new perspective. Key areas such as trajectory planning for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), motion planning for robotic manipulators and model identification of nonlinear systems are addressed. In the field of path planning for UAVs, algorithms based on Gaussian processes that allow for more efficient planning and energy savings in exploration missions have been developed. These algorithms are compared with traditional analytical approaches, demonstrating their superiority in terms of efficiency when using machine learning. Area coverage and linear coverage algorithms with UAV formations are presented, as well as a sea surface search algorithm. Finally, these algorithms are compared with a new method that uses Gaussian processes to perform probabilistic predictions and optimise trajectory planning, resulting in improved performance and reduced energy consumption. Regarding motion planning for robotic manipulators, an approach based on Gaussian process models that provides a significant reduction in computational times is proposed. A Gaussian process model is used to approximate the configuration space of a robot, which provides valuable information to avoid collisions and improve safety in dynamic environments. This approach is compared to conventional collision checking methods and its effectiveness in terms of computational time and accuracy is demonstrated. In this application, the variance provides information about dangerous zones for the manipulator. In terms of creating models of non-linear systems, Gaussian processes also offer significant advantages. This approach is applied to a soft robotic arm system and UAV energy consumption models, where experimental data is used to train Gaussian process models that capture the relationships between system inputs and outputs. The results show accurate identification of system parameters and the ability to make reliable future predictions. In summary, this thesis presents a variety of applications of Gaussian processes in robotics, from trajectory and motion planning to model identification. These machine learning-based solutions provide probabilistic predictions and improve the ability of robots to perform tasks safely and efficiently. Gaussian processes are positioned as a powerful tool to address current challenges in robotics and open up new possibilities in the field.El aprendizaje automático ha revolucionado el campo de la robótica al ofrecer una amplia gama de aplicaciones en áreas como la percepción, el control, la planificación y la toma de decisiones. Este enfoque implica desarrollar programas informáticos que pueden procesar datos, extraer información valiosa, realizar predicciones y ofrecer recomendaciones o sugerencias de acciones. Estos programas se basan en modelos matemáticos que capturan las relaciones entre las variables que representan los datos observados y las propiedades que se desean analizar. Los modelos se entrenan utilizando algoritmos de optimización que ajustan automáticamente los parámetros para lograr un rendimiento óptimo. Sin embargo, a medida que surgen aplicaciones robóticas más complejas y novedosas, la complejidad de los datos aumenta y la experiencia previa puede resultar insuficiente para definir modelos matemáticos adecuados. Además, los métodos de aprendizaje automático tradicionales son propensos a problemas como el sobreajuste, lo que puede llevar a predicciones inexactas y fallos catastróficos en aplicaciones críticas. Para superar estos desafíos, los métodos probabilísticos de aprendizaje automático, como los procesos gaussianos, han ganado popularidad. Estos métodos ofrecen distribuciones probabilísticas como salidas del modelo, lo que permite estimar la incertidumbre asociada a las predicciones y tomar decisiones más informadas. Esto es, proporcionan una media y una varianza para las respuestas del modelo. Esta tesis se centra en la aplicación de soluciones de aprendizaje automático basadas en procesos gaussianos a diversos problemas en robótica, con el objetivo de mejorar los métodos actuales y proporcionar una nueva perspectiva. Se abordan áreas clave como la planificación de trayectorias para vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAVs), la planificación de movimientos para manipuladores robóticos y la identificación de modelos de sistemas no lineales. En el campo de la planificación de trayectorias para UAVs, se han desarrollado algoritmos basados en procesos gaussianos que permiten una planificación más eficiente y un ahorro de energía en misiones de exploración. Estos algoritmos se comparan con los enfoques analíticos tradicionales, demostrando su superioridad en términos de eficiencia al utilizar el aprendizaje automático. Se presentan algoritmos de recubrimiento de áreas y recubrimiento lineal con formaciones de UAVs, así como un algoritmo de búsqueda en superficies marinas. Finalmente, estos algoritmos se comparan con un nuevo método que utiliza procesos gaussianos para realizar predicciones probabilísticas y optimizar la planificación de trayectorias, lo que resulta en un rendimiento mejorado y una reducción del consumo de energía. En cuanto a la planificación de movimientos para manipuladores robóticos, se propone un enfoque basado en modelos gaussianos que permite una reducción significativa en los tiempos de cálculo. Se utiliza un modelo de procesos gaussianos para aproximar el espacio de configuraciones de un robot, lo que proporciona información valiosa para evitar colisiones y mejorar la seguridad en entornos dinámicos. Este enfoque se compara con los métodos convencionales de planificación de movimientos y se demuestra su eficacia en términos de tiempo de cálculo y precisión de los movimientos. En esta aplicación, la varianza proporciona información sobre zonas peligrosas para el manipulador. En cuanto a la identificación de modelos de sistemas no lineales, los procesos gaussianos también ofrecen ventajas significativas. Este enfoque se aplica a un sistema de brazo robótico blando y a modelos de consumo energético de UAVs, donde se utilizan datos experimentales para entrenar un modelo de proceso gaussiano que captura las relaciones entre las entradas y las salidas del sistema. Los resultados muestran una identificación precisa de los parámetros del sistema y la capacidad de realizar predicciones futuras confiables. En resumen, esta tesis presenta una variedad de aplicaciones de procesos gaussianos en robótica, desde la planificación de trayectorias y movimientos hasta la identificación de modelos. Estas soluciones basadas en aprendizaje automático ofrecen predicciones probabilísticas y mejoran la capacidad de los robots para realizar tareas de manera segura y eficiente. Los procesos gaussianos se posicionan como una herramienta poderosa para abordar los desafíos actuales en robótica y abrir nuevas posibilidades en el campo.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Juan Jesús Romero Cardalda.- Secretaria: María Dolores Blanco Rojas.- Vocal: Giuseppe Carbon

    Teaching Marching Band in Urban Schools

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    The marching bands at historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) have entertained millions nationwide with precision, choreography, and musicianship. With the combination of precision-style marching and the African-American music culture, these bands have changed the perception of the football halftime performance. The music graduates of these marching band programs often follow the philosophy taught at their respective alma maters and impart it to their students. While most mainstream high school bands implement corps-style marching, urban high schools incorporate the style of the historically black schools. Bethune Cookman University in Daytona Beach, Florida, Florida A&M University in Tallahassee, Florida, and Tennessee State University in Nashville, Tennessee, are among the schools that garner the attention of sports fans throughout the country. However, there is a shortage of instructional materials related to the historically black college and university (HBCU) marching style. Most marching band resources are centered on corps style because of its popularity in the mainstream. Teaching Marching Band in Urban Schools is a college course for music education majors to equip them to teach the historically black college and university marching band style. As an attempt to measure the effectiveness of the course, a questionnaire was given to a random sample of band directors and liaisons of the HBCU band community. There were fifteen responses out of the forty questionnaires that were requested. Most of the respondents expressed the need for materials and workshops for teaching the HBCU style. Most of the band directors stated that a curriculum for teaching HBCU-style marching would be beneficial. Some favored a course that solely covered the HBCU style, while others favored a mixture of the HBCU style with other styles. Most respondents recommended there should be support and materials on teaching the style on the university level

    Graphical Computing Solution for Industrial Plant Engineering

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    When preparing an engineering operation on an industrial plant, reliable and updated models of the plant must be available for correct decisions and planning. However, especially in the case of offshore oil and gas installations, it can hazardous and expensive to send an engineering party to assess and update the model of the plant. To reduce the cost and risk of modelling the plant, there are methods for quickly generating a 3D representation, such as LiDAR and stereoscopic reconstruction. However, these methods generate large files with no inherit cohesion. To address this, we propose to find a solution to efficiently transform point clouds from stereoscopic reconstruction into small mesh files that can be streamed or shared across teams. With that in mind, different techniques for treating point clouds and generating meshes were tested independently to measure their performance and effectiveness on an artifact-rich data set, such as the ones this work is aimed for. Afterwards, the techniques were combined into pipelines and compared with each other in terms of efficiency, file size output, and quality. With all results in place, the best solution from the ones tested was identified and validated with large real-world data sets.Master's Thesis in InformaticsINF39

    Optimization Based Coverage Path Planning for Autonomous 3D Data Acquisition

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    The demand for 3D models that represent real-world objects such as structures and buildings has increased in recent years. It is becoming increasingly important that the reconstructions are not only visually convincing but also feature high geometric accuracy. This includes, for example, the fields of civil engineering, terrestrial surveying and archeology, where precise measurements are made in the models for documentation and analysis purposes. There are different approaches to create such a reconstruction. The photogrammetric method Structure from Motion and laser scanning are among the most widely used methods here, as they do not require a complicated setup and can be used for scenarios at small to large scale. Recent developments are enabling unmanned robotic systems, especially sensor mounted UAVs, to assist in the recording of areas which are otherwise difficult to observe. The demand for a high geometric accuracy, however, comes at the expense of high computational complexity of up to several days. Hence, especially real-time reconstructions are unfeasible, such that recording and reconstruction procedure must be executed consecutively. The resulting model quality, i.e. completeness and accuracy, is only assessable afterwards. Since it is often difficult or even impossible to improve these models with additional measurements afterwards, methods that ensure a reliable acquisition of sufficient data is required. In this thesis we develop new methods and theory that address this problem for the mentioned sensor types. For both, a probabilistic description of the expected surface reconstruction error is maintained cost-efficiently as an estimate for the model quality during the recording procedure. For image sensors this is realized by incrementally constructing confidence ellipsoids that describe the information obtained from all views. With depth sensors the surface quality is described by the variance of a Gaussian process implicit surface regression fit to point cloud data using polyharmonic kernel functions. Sensor poses are then assessed by the information they add to the subsequent reconstruction up to a desired geometric accuracy using a formulation that is motivated from Optimal Experimental Design. This quantity is further used in an iterative next-best-view selection framework as a subproblem of a coverage path planning problem. The general formulations presented in this thesis enables a wide range of applications, such as offline and online view planning or various autonomous robot systems under consideration of dynamic and geometric constraints. We present the first multi-view coverage path planning approach, specifically targeted at autonomous Structure from Motion data acquisition. Its correctness is validated in simulation using the physics simulator Gazebo. Furthermore, we lay a foundation for similar applications with depth sensors. All presented algorithms were developed with scalability in mind and show promising results regarding real-time usability

    Cooperative Material Handling by Human and Robotic Agents:Module Development and System Synthesis

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    In this paper we present the results of a collaborative effort to design and implement a system for cooperative material handling by a small team of human and robotic agents in an unstructured indoor environment. Our approach makes fundamental use of human agents\u27 expertise for aspects of task planning, task monitoring, and error recovery. Our system is neither fully autonomous nor fully teleoperated. It is designed to make effective use of human abilities within the present state of the art of autonomous systems. It is designed to allow for and promote cooperative interaction between distributed agents with various capabilities and resources. Our robotic agents refer to systems which are each equipped with at least one sensing modality and which possess some capability for self-orientation and/or mobility. Our robotic agents are not required to be homogeneous with respect to either capabilities or function. Our research stresses both paradigms and testbed experimentation. Theory issues include the requisite coordination principles and techniques which are fundamental to the basic functioning of such a cooperative multi-agent system. We have constructed a testbed facility for experimenting with distributed multi-agent architectures. The required modular components of this testbed are currently operational and have been tested individually. Our current research focuses on the integration of agents in a scenario for cooperative material handling

    Reconstruction and recognition of confusable models using three-dimensional perception

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    Perception is one of the key topics in robotics research. It is about the processing of external sensor data and its interpretation. The necessity of fully autonomous robots makes it crucial to help them to perform tasks more reliably, flexibly, and efficiently. As these platforms obtain more refined manipulation capabilities, they also require expressive and comprehensive environment models: for manipulation and affordance purposes, their models have to involve each one of the objects present in the world, coincidentally with their location, pose, shape and other aspects. The aim of this dissertation is to provide a solution to several of these challenges that arise when meeting the object grasping problem, with the aim of improving the autonomy of the mobile manipulator robot MANFRED-2. By the analysis and interpretation of 3D perception, this thesis covers in the first place the localization of supporting planes in the scenario. As the environment will contain many other things apart from the planar surface, the problem within cluttered scenarios has been solved by means of Differential Evolution, which is a particlebased evolutionary algorithm that evolves in time to the solution that yields the cost function lowest value. Since the final purpose of this thesis is to provide with valuable information for grasping applications, a complete model reconstructor has been developed. The proposed method holdsmany features such as robustness against abrupt rotations, multi-dimensional optimization, feature extensibility, compatible with other scan matching techniques, management of uncertain information and an initialization process to reduce convergence timings. It has been designed using a evolutionarybased scan matching optimizer that takes into account surface features of the object, global form and also texture and color information. The last tackled challenge regards the recognition problem. In order to procure with worthy information about the environment to the robot, a meta classifier that discerns efficiently the observed objects has been implemented. It is capable of distinguishing between confusable objects, such as mugs or dishes with similar shapes but different size or color. The contributions presented in this thesis have been fully implemented and empirically evaluated in the platform. A continuous grasping pipeline covering from perception to grasp planning including visual object recognition for confusable objects has been developed. For that purpose, an indoor environment with several objects on a table is presented in the nearby of the robot. Items are recognized from a database and, if one is chosen, the robot will calculate how to grasp it taking into account the kinematic restrictions associated to the anthropomorphic hand and the 3D model for this particular object. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------La percepción es uno de los temas más relevantes en el mundo de la investigaci ón en robótica. Su objetivo es procesar e interpretar los datos recibidos por un sensor externo. La gran necesidad de desarrollar robots autónomos hace imprescindible proporcionar soluciones que les permita realizar tareas más precisas, flexibles y eficientes. Dado que estas plataformas cada día adquieren mejores capacidades para manipular objetos, también necesitarán modelos expresivos y comprensivos: para realizar tareas de manipulación y prensión, sus modelos han de tener en cuenta cada uno de los objetos presentes en su entorno, junto con su localizaci ón, orientación, forma y otros aspectos. El objeto de la presente tesis doctoral es proponer soluciones a varios de los retos que surgen al enfrentarse al problema del agarre, con el propósito final de aumentar la capacidad de autonomía del robot manipulador MANFRED-2. Mediante el análisis e interpretación de la percepción tridimensional, esta tesis cubre en primer lugar la localización de planos de soporte en sus alrededores. Dado que el entorno contendrá muchos otros elementos aparte de la superficie de apoyo buscada, el problema en entornos abarrotados ha sido solucionado mediante Evolución Diferencial, que es un algoritmo evolutivo basado en partículas que evoluciona temporalmente a la solución que contempla el menor resultado en la función de coste. Puesto que el propósito final de este trabajo de investigación es proveer de información valiosa a las aplicaciones de prensión, se ha desarrollado un reconstructor de modelos completos. El método propuesto posee diferentes características como robustez a giros abruptos, optimización multidimensional, extensión a otras características, compatibilidad con otras técnicas de reconstrucción, manejo de incertidumbres y un proceso de inicialización para reducir el tiempo de convergencia. Ha sido diseñado usando un registro optimizado mediante técnicas evolutivas que tienen en cuenta las particularidades de la superficie del objeto, su forma global y la información relativa a la textura. El último problema abordado está relacionado con el reconocimiento de objetos. Con la intención de abastecer al robot con la mayor información posible sobre el entorno, se ha implementado un meta clasificador que diferencia de manera eficaz los objetos observados. Ha sido capacitado para distinguir objetos confundibles como tazas o platos con formas similares pero con diferentes colores o tamaños. Las contribuciones presentes en esta tesis han sido completamente implementadas y probadas de manera empírica en la plataforma. Se ha desarrollado un sistema que cubre el problema de agarre desde la percepción al cálculo de la trayectoria incluyendo el sistema de reconocimiento de objetos confundibles. Para ello, se ha presentado una mesa con objetos en un entorno cerrado cercano al robot. Los elementos son comparados con una base de datos y si se desea agarrar uno de ellos, el robot estimará cómo cogerlo teniendo en cuenta las restricciones cinemáticas asociadas a una mano antropomórfica y el modelo tridimensional generado del objeto en cuestión

    Grasp Learning: Models, Methods, and Performance

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    Grasp learning has become an exciting and important topic in robotics. Just a few years ago, the problem of grasping novel objects from unstructured piles of clutter was considered a serious research challenge. Now, it is a capability that is quickly becoming incorporated into industrial supply chain automation. How did that happen? What is the current state of the art in robotic grasp learning, what are the different methodological approaches, and what machine learning models are used? This review attempts to give an overview of the current state of the art of grasp learning research