5,822 research outputs found

    Precision and recall estimates for two-hybrid screens

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    Motivation: Yeast two-hybrid screens are an important method to map pairwise protein interactions. This method can generate spurious interactions (false discoveries), and true interactions can be missed (false negatives). Previously, we reported a capture–recapture estimator for bait-specific precision and recall. Here, we present an improved method that better accounts for heterogeneity in bait-specific error rates

    CrY2H-seq: a massively multiplexed assay for deep-coverage interactome mapping.

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    Broad-scale protein-protein interaction mapping is a major challenge given the cost, time, and sensitivity constraints of existing technologies. Here, we present a massively multiplexed yeast two-hybrid method, CrY2H-seq, which uses a Cre recombinase interaction reporter to intracellularly fuse the coding sequences of two interacting proteins and next-generation DNA sequencing to identify these interactions en masse. We applied CrY2H-seq to investigate sparsely annotated Arabidopsis thaliana transcription factors interactions. By performing ten independent screens testing a total of 36 million binary interaction combinations, and uncovering a network of 8,577 interactions among 1,453 transcription factors, we demonstrate CrY2H-seq's improved screening capacity, efficiency, and sensitivity over those of existing technologies. The deep-coverage network resource we call AtTFIN-1 recapitulates one-third of previously reported interactions derived from diverse methods, expands the number of known plant transcription factor interactions by three-fold, and reveals previously unknown family-specific interaction module associations with plant reproductive development, root architecture, and circadian coordination

    Nonparametric Bayesian inference for perturbed and orthologous gene regulatory networks

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    Motivation: The generation of time series transcriptomic datasets collected under multiple experimental conditions has proven to be a powerful approach for disentangling complex biological processes, allowing for the reverse engineering of gene regulatory networks (GRNs). Most methods for reverse engineering GRNs from multiple datasets assume that each of the time series were generated from networks with identical topology. In this study, we outline a hierarchical, non-parametric Bayesian approach for reverse engineering GRNs using multiple time series that can be applied in a number of novel situations including: (i) where different, but overlapping sets of transcription factors are expected to bind in the different experimental conditions; that is, where switching events could potentially arise under the different treatments and (ii) for inference in evolutionary related species in which orthologous GRNs exist. More generally, the method can be used to identify context-specific regulation by leveraging time series gene expression data alongside methods that can identify putative lists of transcription factors or transcription factor targets. Results: The hierarchical inference outperforms related (but non-hierarchical) approaches when the networks used to generate the data were identical, and performs comparably even when the networks used to generate data were independent. The method was subsequently used alongside yeast one hybrid and microarray time series data to infer potential transcriptional switches in Arabidopsis thaliana response to stress. The results confirm previous biological studies and allow for additional insights into gene regulation under various abiotic stresses. Availability: The methods outlined in this article have been implemented in Matlab and are available on request

    Secure internet financial transactions: a framework integrating multi-factor authentication and machine learning

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    Securing online financial transactions has become a critical concern in an era where financial services are becoming more and more digital. The transition to digital platforms for conducting daily transactions exposed customers to possible risks from cybercriminals. This study proposed a framework that combines multi-factor authentication and machine learning to increase the safety of online financial transactions. Our methodology is based on using two layers of security. The first layer incorporates two factors to authenticate users. The second layer utilizes a machine learning component, which is triggered when the system detects a potential fraud. This machine learning layer employs facial recognition as a decisive authentication factor for further protection. To build the machine learning model, four supervised classifiers were tested: logistic regression, decision trees, random forest, and naive Bayes. The results showed that the accuracy of each classifier was 97.938%, 97.881%, 96.717%, and 92.354%, respectively. This study’s superiority is due to its methodology, which integrates machine learning as an embedded layer in a multi-factor authentication framework to address usability, efficacy, and the dynamic nature of various e-commerce platform features. With the evolving financial landscape, a continuous exploration of authentication factors and datasets to enhance and adapt security measures will be considered in future work

    Going the distance for protein function prediction: a new distance metric for protein interaction networks

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    Due to an error introduced in the production process, the x-axes in the first panels of Figure 1 and Figure 7 are not formatted correctly. The correct Figure 1 can be viewed here: http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/annotation/343bf260-f6ff-48a2-93b2-3cc79af518a9In protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks, functional similarity is often inferred based on the function of directly interacting proteins, or more generally, some notion of interaction network proximity among proteins in a local neighborhood. Prior methods typically measure proximity as the shortest-path distance in the network, but this has only a limited ability to capture fine-grained neighborhood distinctions, because most proteins are close to each other, and there are many ties in proximity. We introduce diffusion state distance (DSD), a new metric based on a graph diffusion property, designed to capture finer-grained distinctions in proximity for transfer of functional annotation in PPI networks. We present a tool that, when input a PPI network, will output the DSD distances between every pair of proteins. We show that replacing the shortest-path metric by DSD improves the performance of classical function prediction methods across the board.MC, HZ, NMD and LJC were supported in part by National Institutes of Health (NIH) R01 grant GM080330. JP was supported in part by NIH grant R01 HD058880. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant numbers CNS-0905565, CNS-1018266, CNS-1012910, and CNS-1117039, and supported by the Army Research Office under grant W911NF-11-1-0227 (to MEC). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript