2,125 research outputs found

    Methods of visualisation

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    Design and Construction of a Multispectral Camera for Spectral and Colorimetric Reproduction

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    Multi-spectral imaging and spectral reflectance reconstruction can be used in cultural-heritage institutes to digitalize their collections for documentation purposes. It can be used to simulate artwork under any lighting condition, and to analyze colorants that were used. The basic idea of a multi-spectral imaging system is to sub-sample spectral reflectance factor, producing results similar to a spectrophotometer. The sampled data are used to reconstruct reflectance for the visible spectrum. In this thesis, a wide band multispectral camera was designed and constructed to achieve high spectral and color accuracy as well as high image quality. Noise propagation theory was introduced and tested. A seven channel band- pass filter set was modeled using Gaussian functions and optimized to yield high spectral and colorimetric reproduction accuracy as well as low colori- metric noise. Single and sandwich filters were selected from o!-the-shelf absorption filters using the Gaussian bandpass filter model. Experiments were conducted to test the spectral, color and noise performance of the novel sandwich filters and compared with interference filters. The novel sandwich fil- ters led to increased colorimetric accuracy along with a reduction colorimetric noise. This imaging system will be used as part of a recommended workflow for museum archiving, and will be an important addition to the spectral imaging capabilities at MCSL

    Expanding Dimensionality in Cinema Color: Impacting Observer Metamerism through Multiprimary Display

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    Television and cinema display are both trending towards greater ranges and saturation of reproduced colors made possible by near-monochromatic RGB illumination technologies. Through current broadcast and digital cinema standards work, system designs employing laser light sources, narrow-band LED, quantum dots and others are being actively endorsed in promotion of Wide Color Gamut (WCG). Despite artistic benefits brought to creative content producers, spectrally selective excitations of naturally different human color response functions exacerbate variability of observer experience. An exaggerated variation in color-sensing is explicitly counter to the exhaustive controls and calibrations employed in modern motion picture pipelines. Further, singular standard observer summaries of human color vision such as found in the CIE’s 1931 and 1964 color matching functions and used extensively in motion picture color management are deficient in recognizing expected human vision variability. Many researchers have confirmed the magnitude of observer metamerism in color matching in both uniform colors and imagery but few have shown explicit color management with an aim of minimized difference in observer perception variability. This research shows that not only can observer metamerism influences be quantitatively predicted and confirmed psychophysically but that intentionally engineered multiprimary displays employing more than three primaries can offer increased color gamut with drastically improved consistency of experience. To this end, a seven-channel prototype display has been constructed based on observer metamerism models and color difference indices derived from the latest color vision demographic research. This display has been further proven in forced-choice paired comparison tests to deliver superior color matching to reference stimuli versus both contemporary standard RGB cinema projection and recently ratified standard laser projection across a large population of color-normal observers

    Evaluation and improvement of the workflow of digital imaging of fine art reproduction in museums

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    Fine arts refer to a broad spectrum of art formats, ie~painting, calligraphy, photography, architecture, and so forth. Fine art reproductions are to create surrogates of the original artwork that are able to faithfully deliver the aesthetics and feelings of the original. Traditionally, reproductions of fine art are made in the form of catalogs, postcards or books by museums, libraries, archives, and so on (hereafter called museums for simplicity). With the widespread adoption of digital archiving in museums, more and more artwork is reproduced to be viewed on a display. For example, artwork collections are made available through museum websites and Google Art Project for art lovers to view on their own displays. In the thesis, we study the fine art reproduction of paintings in the form of soft copy viewed on displays by answering four questions: (1) what is the impact of the viewing condition and original on image quality evaluation? (2) can image quality be improved by avoiding visual editing in current workflows of fine art reproduction? (3) can lightweight spectral imaging be used for fine art reproduction? and (4) what is the performance of spectral reproductions compared with reproductions by current workflows? We started with evaluating the perceived image quality of fine art reproduction created by representative museums in the United States under controlled and uncontrolled environments with and without the presence of the original artwork. The experimental results suggest that the image quality is highly correlated with the color accuracy of the reproduction only when the original is present and the reproduction is evaluated on a characterized display. We then examined the workflows to create these reproductions, and found that current workflows rely heavily on visual editing and retouching (global and local color adjustments on the digital reproduction) to improve the color accuracy of the reproduction. Visual editing and retouching can be both time-consuming and subjective in nature (depending on experts\u27 own experience and understanding of the artwork) lowering the efficiency of artwork digitization considerably. We therefore propose to improve the workflow of fine art reproduction by (1) automating the process of visual editing and retouching in current workflows based on RGB acquisition systems and by (2) recovering the spectral reflectance of the painting with off-the-shelf equipment under commonly available lighting conditions. Finally, we studied the perceived image quality of reproductions created by current three-channel (RGB) workflows with those by spectral imaging and those based on an exemplar-based method

    Multispectral Imaging For Face Recognition Over Varying Illumination

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    This dissertation addresses the advantage of using multispectral narrow-band images over conventional broad-band images for improved face recognition under varying illumination. To verify the effectiveness of multispectral images for improving face recognition performance, three sequential procedures are taken into action: multispectral face image acquisition, image fusion for multispectral and spectral band selection to remove information redundancy. Several efficient image fusion algorithms are proposed and conducted on spectral narrow-band face images in comparison to conventional images. Physics-based weighted fusion and illumination adjustment fusion make good use of spectral information in multispectral imaging process. The results demonstrate that fused narrow-band images outperform the conventional broad-band images under varying illuminations. In the case where multispectral images are acquired over severe changes in daylight, the fused images outperform conventional broad-band images by up to 78%. The success of fusing multispectral images lies in the fact that multispectral images can separate the illumination information from the reflectance of objects which is impossible for conventional broad-band images. To reduce the information redundancy among multispectral images and simplify the imaging system, distance-based band selection is proposed where a quantitative evaluation metric is defined to evaluate and differentiate the performance of multispectral narrow-band images. This method is proved to be exceptionally robust to parameter changes. Furthermore, complexity-guided distance-based band selection is proposed using model selection criterion for an automatic selection. The performance of selected bands outperforms the conventional images by up to 15%. From the significant performance improvement via distance-based band selection and complexity-guided distance-based band selection, we prove that specific facial information carried in certain narrow-band spectral images can enhance face recognition performance compared to broad-band images. In addition, both algorithms are proved to be independent to recognition engines. Significant performance improvement is achieved by proposed image fusion and band selection algorithms under varying illumination including outdoor daylight conditions. Our proposed imaging system and image processing algorithms lead to a new avenue of automatic face recognition system towards a better recognition performance than the conventional peer system over varying illuminations

    Practical Measurement and Reconstruction of Spectral Skin Reflectance

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    We present two practical methods for measurement of spectral skin reflectance suited for live subjects, and drive a spectral BSSRDF model with appropriate complexity to match skin appearance in photographs, including human faces. Our primary measurement method employs illuminating a subject with two complementary uniform spectral illumination conditions using a multispectral LED sphere to estimate spatially varying parameters of chromophore concentrations including melanin and hemoglobin concentration, melanin blend-type fraction, and epidermal hemoglobin fraction. We demonstrate that our proposed complementary measurements enable higher-quality estimate of chromophores than those obtained using standard broadband illumination, while being suitable for integration with multiview facial capture using regular color cameras. Besides novel optimal measurements under controlled illumination, we also demonstrate how to adapt practical skin patch measurements using a hand-held dermatological skin measurement device, a Miravex Antera 3D camera, for skin appearance reconstruction and rendering. Furthermore, we introduce a novel approach for parameter estimation given the measurements using neural networks which is significantly faster than a lookup table search and avoids parameter quantization. We demonstrate high quality matches of skin appearance with photographs for a variety of skin types with our proposed practical measurement procedures, including photorealistic spectral reproduction and renderings of facial appearance

    Multispectral photography for earth resources

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    A guide for producing accurate multispectral results for earth resource applications is presented along with theoretical and analytical concepts of color and multispectral photography. Topics discussed include: capabilities and limitations of color and color infrared films; image color measurements; methods of relating ground phenomena to film density and color measurement; sensitometry; considerations in the selection of multispectral cameras and components; and mission planning

    Evaluation of the Colorimetric Performance of Single-Sensor Image Acquisition Systems Employing Colour and Multispectral Filter Array

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    International audienceSingle-sensor colour imaging systems mostly employ a colour filter array (CFA). This enables the acquisition of a colour image by a single sensor at one exposure at the cost of reduced spatial resolution. The idea of CFA fit itself well with multispectral purposes by incorporating more than three types of filters into the array which results in multispectral filter array (MSFA). In comparison with a CFA, an MSFA trades spatial resolution for spectral resolution. A simulation was performed to evaluate the colorimetric performance of such CFA/MSFA imaging systems and investigate the trade-off between spatial resolution and spectral resolution by comparing CFA and MSFA systems utilising various filter characteristics and demosaicking methods including intra-and inter-channel bilinear interpolation as well as discrete wavelet transformed based techniques. In general, 4-band and 8-band MSFAs provide better or comparable performance than the CFA setup in terms of CIEDE2000 and S-CIELAB colour difference. This indicates that MSFA would be favourable for colorimetric purposes