14 research outputs found

    Introduction to the special issue on belief revision, argumentation, ontologies, and norms

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    Situating Islamic Values in English Language Teaching: Documenting the Best Practices in Indonesia

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    Studies on the integration of moral, cultural, and religious values in language learning have recently increased. This is characterized by the number of these research topics. Indonesia as the world's largest Muslim-majority country must play a role in integrating Islamic values into learning, especially in learning English as a foreign language. However, in practice, there are many problems especially not all experts agree if topics related to religion are discussed in language learning. This article aims to discuss comprehensively the urgency and strategies in integrating Islamic values in English language learning in Indonesia. In general, the integration of Islamic values in language learning can be done through the integration of content and topics into the curriculum, teaching materials, and learning activities. Through the implementation of this, it is expected that students will be aware of the Islamic values in their daily lives in society to filter out irrelevant cultures and at the same time be able to acquire foreign language skills properly

    A Computational Framework of Human Values

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    There is an increasing recognition of the need to engineer AI that respects and embodies human values. The value alignment problem, which identifies that need, has led to a growing body of research that investigates value learning, the aggregation of individual values into the values of groups, the alignment of norms with values, and the design of other computational mechanisms that reason over values in general. Yet despite these efforts, no foundational, computational model of human values has been proposed. In response, we propose a model for the computational representation of human values that builds upon a sustained body of research from social psychology

    Modelling Value-Oriented Legal Reasoning in LogiKEy

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    The logico-pluralist LogiKEy knowledge engineering methodology and framework is applied to the modelling of a theory of legal balancing, in which legal knowledge (cases and laws) is encoded by utilising context-dependent value preferences. The theory obtained is then used to formalise, automatically evaluate, and reconstruct illustrative property law cases (involving the appropriation of wild animals) within the Isabelle/HOL proof assistant system, illustrating how LogiKEy can harness interactive and automated theorem-proving technology to provide a testbed for the development and formal verification of legal domain-specific languages and theories. Modelling value-oriented legal reasoning in that framework, we establish novel bridges between the latest research in knowledge representation and reasoning in non-classical logics, automated theorem proving, and applications in legal reasoning

    uma abordagem modular

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    UID/FIL/00183/2019 PTDC/IVC-HFC/1817/2014 PTDC/MHC-FIL/0521/2014publishersversionpublishe

    Value-based argumentation

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    Value-based argumentation is concerned with recognising, accounting for, and reasoning with, the social purposes promoted by agents’ beliefs and actions. Value-based argumentation frameworks extend Dung’s abstract argumentation frameworks by ascribing an additional property to arguments, representing the values they promote, and recognising audiences. Values are ordered according to the preferences of an audience (different audiences will have different preferences) and an attack is successful only if the value of the attacked argument is not preferred to its attacker by its audience. Arguments can be related to values through the use of an argumentation scheme, thus enabling us to structure value-based argumentation. We describe the motivation of valuebased argumentation, its formal description and properties, the argumentation scheme and its associated critical questions and some of the applications to which value-based argumentation has been put

    Normative Conflict Detection and Resolution in Cooperating Institutions

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