6 research outputs found

    Stratégie de gestion des retours des conteneurs maritimes de l’Internet physique

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    RÉSUMÉ : Le repositionnement des conteneurs vides est un sujet important dans le commerce de conteneurisation maritime. Même s’il est une opération sans revenu et coûteuse, il est une partie importante d’un système global de transport efficace qui équilibre la demande et l’offre de conteneurs vides entre les régions. En principe, les contenants vides sont repositionnés à deux niveaux : niveau global et niveau régional. De plus, une nouvelle proposition d’organisation dans les domaines de la manutention et du transport est l’Internet Physique (IP). Dans ce nouveau concept, des objets physiques sont encapsulés dans des conteneurs appelés π-conteneurs. Un des aspects importants qui devraient être considérés dans le réseau logistique de l’IP est la gestion des retours de ces conteneurs réutilisables. L’objectif de cette recherche est de proposer une organisation de la gestion des retours des conteneurs maritimes et d’examiner comment elle peut être appliquée à des π-conteneurs. Pour accomplir cet objectif, la littérature est analysée pour déterminer l’impact de la recherche, les conditions de décision, les avantages et les inconvénients de chaque stratégie et identifier les meilleures pratiques dans le réseau de logistique inverse. Ensuite, différents scénarios sont présentés et simulés. Enfin, les résultats et la discussion sont présentés pour proposer une organisation de retour. La recherche finit par une recommandation pour des travaux futurs. Mots Clés : Internet Physique, Logistique inverse, Conteneurs maritimes, Gestion, Retours----------ABSTRACT : Empty container repositioning is one of the longstanding and ongoing issues in the containerized maritime trade. Although it is a non-revenue and costly operation, it is an important part of an overall efficient global transportation system, which balances demand and supply of empty containers between regions. Normally empty containers are repositioned at two levels: global level and regional level. In addition, the Physical Internet (IP) is a new proposal of organization in the handling and transportation areas. In this new concept, physical objects are encapsulated in containers called π-containers. An important aspect that should be considered in the IP network logistics is the management of return of these reusable containers. The objective of this research is to propose an organization of container returns management and examine how it can be applied to π-containers. To accomplish this object, the literature is studied to determine the impact of the research, the conditions of decision, the advantages and disadvantages of each strategy and to identify the list of successes and best practices in reverse logistics network. Then, different scenarios are presented and simulated. Finally, the results and discussions are presented to provide a return organization. The research finishes with the recommendation for the future researches. Keywords: Physical Internet, Reverse Logistics, Maritime containers, Management, Return

    Pengembangan Model Pegelolaan Kontainer Kosong Pada Surplus Area Menurut Sudut Pandang Otoritas Terminal

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    Abstract Ketidak seimbangan volume perdagangan antar wilayah menyebabkan terjadinya kelebihan kontainer kosong pada satu wilayah, dan kekurangan kontainer kosong pada wilayah yang lain. Keterbatasan kapasitas storage area pada wilayah yang kelebihan kontainer kosong menyebabkan permasalahan bagi pengelola terminal untuk mengelola kegiatan operasional terminal. Permasalahan ini disebabkan karena keterbatasan ruang gerak pada terminal kontainer. Pihak pengelola terminal kontainer akan melakukan alokasi kontainer kosong agar dapat menjamin kelancaran operasional terminal kontainer. Sebagai pihak yang menggunakan jasa operasional terminal dan memiliki kontainer kosong, shipping line akan terkena dampak dari setiap keputusan yang dilakukan oleh otoritas terminal. Pada penelitian ini objek kajian adalah terminal kontainer pelabuhan Pontianak. Entitas PT Pelindo mewakili sudut pandang pengelola terminal kontainer, dan entitas shipping line mewakili sudut pandang pemilik kontainer. Dikembangkan sekenario alokasi dengan pendekatan PT Pelindo dominan dalam alokasi kontainer kosong dan shipping line sebagai pihak yang terkena dampak pengambilan keputusan dari pengelola terminal. Keywords alokasi kontainer kosong, terminal kontainer, shipping line, utilisasi storage are

    Multi-criteria decision making in container transport

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    Kontejnerski transport danas u okviru svetske globalizacije privrede ima veoma važnu ulogu u prevozu robe sa konstantnom tendencijom rasta. Prednosti kontejnerskog transporta prepoznate su još 80-ih godina prošlog veka, a odnose se na celu privredu, pa čak i društvo u celini. Povećava se broj privrednih subjekata uključenih u proces, poboljšana je koordnacija i upravljanje transportom, omogućeno je ostvarivanje učinaka ekonomije obima u modalitetu prevoza "od vrata do vrata", a sve je to dovelo do smanjenja troškova i povećanja dobiti. Transportni troškovi i tranzitno vreme predstavljaju dva najčešće razmatrana problema prilikom transporta kontejnera. Takođe, ni emisija ugljen-dioksida više se ne može ignorisati: kompanije imaju moralnu obavezu da posluju na održiv način, a kupci postaju sve više i više svesni ogromnog uticaja na životnu sredinu. Osnovni cilj doktorske disertacije je postavka koncepta kojim se povezuje više različitih vidova transporta i stvaranje novog generičkog znanja za donošenje najpovoljnije odluke u smislu više usvojenih raznorodnih kriterijuma: transportni troškovi, tranzitno vreme, emisija ugljen-dioksida. U radu je generisan matematički model koji pruža priliku da posmatramo, pored najpovoljnijeg, i ceo spektar potencijalnih rešenja, dajući nam mogućnost njihovog rangiranja, posmatrajući tri raznorodna kriterijuma istovremeno. Takođe, razvijen je i poseban programski paket za proces unapređenja poslovanja logističkih kompanija kroz kontinualno praćenje neprekidnih promena na tržištu. Prednost modela je da se može primeniti na različite čvorove i kontejnerske robne tokove u transportnim mrežama uzimajući u obzir koncept kojim se povezuje više različitih vidova transporta. U praktičnom domenu, dobijeni rezultati pružaju mogućnost kompanijama da donose odluke o transportnim rutama uzimajući u obzir sva tri posmatrana kriterijuma istovremeno, ostavljajući mogućnost odluke u zavisnosti od težinskih koeficijenata koji su u posmatranom momentu najvažniji.Container transport today plays a very important role in the transport of goods with a constant tendency of growth in the context of global economic globalization. The advantages of container transport have been recognized since the 1980s, and they relate to the whole economy and even society as a whole. Increased number of business entities involved in the process, improved coordination and transport management, enabled the achievement of economies of scale in door-to-door modality, all of which led to cost savings and profit increases. Transportation costs and transit time are the two most commonly considered problems in container transport. Also, carbon dioxide emissions can no longer be ignored: on the one hand, companies have a moral obligation to operate in a sustainable way, and on the other hand, as customers become more and more aware of the enormous impacts on the environment. The main goal of the doctoral dissertation is the concept of multimodalism and the creation of a new generic knowledge for making the optimal decision in terms of more adopted heterogeneous criteria: transport costs, transit time, carbon dioxide emissions. In this paper a mathematical model is generated and provides the opportunity to observe, in addition to the optimal, full spectrum of possible solutions, giving us the possibility of their ranking, observing the three heterogeneous criteria at the same time. Also, a special software package for the process of improving the operations of logistics companies has been developed through the continuous monitoring of uninterrupted changes in the market. The advantage of the model is that it can be applied to different nodes and container merchandise flows in intermodal networks, taking into account concept of multimodalism by itself. In the practical domain, the expected results provide companies with the ability to make decisions about transport routes, taking into account all three optimized criteria, leaving the possibility of decision depending on the weight coefficients that are at the moment at stake as most important

    Multi-criteria decision making in container transport

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    Контејнерски транспорт данас у оквиру светске глобализације привреде има веома важну улогу у превозу робе са константном тенденцијом раста. Предности контејнерског транспорта препознате су још 80-их година прошлог века, а односе се на целу привреду, па чак и друштво у целини. Повећава се број привредних субјеката укључених у процес, побољшана је коорднација и управљање транспортом, омогућено је остваривање учинака економије обима у модалитету превоза "од врата до врата", а све је то довело до смањења трошкова и повећања добити. Транспортни трошкови и транзитно време представљају два најчешће разматрана проблема приликом транспорта контејнера. Такође, ни емисија угљен-диоксида више се не може игнорисати: компаније имају моралну обавезу да послују на одржив начин, а купци постају све више и више свесни огромног утицаја на животну средину. Основни циљ докторске дисертације је поставка концепта којим се повезује више различитих видова транспорта и стварање новог генеричког знања за доношење најповољније одлуке у смислу више усвојених разнородних критеријума: транспортни трошкови, транзитно време, емисија угљен-диоксида. У раду је генерисан математички модел који пружа прилику да посматрамо, поред најповољнијег, и цео спектар потенцијалних решења, дајући нам могућност њиховог рангирања, посматрајући три разнородна критеријума истовремено. Такође, развијен је и посебан програмски пакет за процес унапређења пословања логистичких компанија кроз континуално праћење непрекидних промена на тржишту. Предност модела је да се може применити на различите чворове и контејнерске робне токове у транспортним мрежама узимајући у обзир концепт којим се повезује више различитих видова транспорта. У практичном домену, добијени резултати пружају могућност компанијама да доносе одлуке о транспортним рутама узимајући у обзир сва три посматрана критеријума истовремено, остављајући могућност одлуке у зависности од тежинских коефицијената који су у посматраном моменту најважнији.Container transport today plays a very important role in the transport of goods with a constant tendency of growth in the context of global economic globalization. The advantages of container transport have been recognized since the 1980s, and they relate to the whole economy and even society as a whole. Increased number of business entities involved in the process, improved coordination and transport management, enabled the achievement of economies of scale in door-to-door modality, all of which led to cost savings and profit increases. Transportation costs and transit time are the two most commonly considered problems in container transport. Also, carbon dioxide emissions can no longer be ignored: on the one hand, companies have a moral obligation to operate in a sustainable way, and on the other hand, as customers become more and more aware of the enormous impacts on the environment. The main goal of the doctoral dissertation is the concept of multimodalism and the creation of a new generic knowledge for making the optimal decision in terms of more adopted heterogeneous criteria: transport costs, transit time, carbon dioxide emissions. In this paper a mathematical model is generated and provides the opportunity to observe, in addition to the optimal, full spectrum of possible solutions, giving us the possibility of their ranking, observing the three heterogeneous criteria at the same time. Also, a special software package for the process of improving the operations of logistics companies has been developed through the continuous monitoring of uninterrupted changes in the market. The advantage of the model is that it can be applied to different nodes and container merchandise flows in intermodal networks, taking into account concept of multimodalism by itself. In the practical domain, the expected results provide companies with the ability to make decisions about transport routes, taking into account all three optimized criteria, leaving the possibility of decision depending on the weight coefficients that are at the moment at stake as most important

    Ocean container transport in global supply chains: Overview and research opportunities

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    This paper surveys the extant research in the field of ocean container transport. A wide range of issues is discussed including strategic planning, tactical planning and operations management issues, which are categorized into six research areas. The relationships be- tween these research areas are discussed and the relevant literature is reviewed. Representative models are selected or modified to provide a flavour of their functions and application context, and used to explain current shipping practices. Future research opportunities bearing in mind the emerging phenomena in the field are discussed. The main purpose is to raise awareness and encourage more research into and application of operations management techniques and tools in container transport chains

    Robust optimisation of dry port network design in the container shipping industry under uncertainty

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    PhD ThesisThe concept of dry port has attracted the attention of many researchers in the field of containerised transport industry over the past few decades. Previous research on dry port container network design has dealt with decision-making at different levels in an isolated manner. The purpose of this research is to develop a decision-making tool based on mathematical programming models to integrate strategic level decisions with operational level decisions. In this context, the strategic level decision making comprises the number and location of dry ports, the allocation of customers demand, and the provision of arcs between dry ports and customers within the network. On the other hand, the operational level decision making consists of containers flow, the selection of transportation modes, empty container repositioning, and empty containers inventory control. The containers flow decision involves the forward and backward flow of both laden and empty containers. Several mathematical models are developed for the optimal design of dry port networks while integrating all these decisions. One of the key aspects that has been incorporated in this study is the inherent uncertainty of container demands from end customers. Besides, a dynamic setting has to be adopted to consider the inevitable periodic fluctuation of demands. In order to incorporate the abovementioned decision-making integration with uncertain demands, several models are developed based on twostage stochastic programming approach. In the developed models, the strategic decisions are made in the first stage while the second-stage deals with operational decisions. The models are then solved through a robust sample average approximation approach, which is improved with the Benders Decomposition method. Moreover, several acceleration algorithms including multi-cut framework, knapsack inequalities, and Pareto-optimal cut scheme are applied to enhance the solution computational time. The proposed models are applied to a hypothetical case of dry port container network design in North Carolina, USA. Extensive numerical experiments are conducted to validate the dry port network design models. A large number of problem instances are employed in the numerical experiments to certify the capability of models. The quality of generated solutions is examined via a statistical validation procedure. The results reveal that the proposed approach can produce a reliable dry port container network under uncertain environment. Moreover, the experimental results underline the sensitivity of the configuration of the network to the inventory holding costs iii and the value of coefficients relating to model robustness and solution robustness. In addition, a number of managerial insights are provided that may be widely used in container shipping industry: that the optimal number of dry ports is inversely proportional to the empty container holding costs; that multiple sourcing is preferable when there are high levels of uncertainty; that rail tends to be better for transporting laden containers directly from seaports to customers with road being used for empty container repositioning; service level and fill rate improve when the design targets more robust solutions; and inventory turnover increases with high levels of holding cost; and inventory turnover decreases with increasing robustness