4 research outputs found

    Simultaneous ranging and self-positioning in unsynchronized wireless acoustic sensor networks

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    Automatic ranging and self-positioning is a very desirable property in wireless acoustic sensor networks (WASNs) where nodes have at least one microphone and one loudspeaker. However, due to environmental noise, interference and multipath effects, audio-based ranging is a challenging task. This paper presents a fast ranging and positioning strategy that makes use of the correlation properties of pseudo-noise (PN) sequences for estimating simultaneously relative time-of-arrivals (TOAs) from multiple acoustic nodes. To this end, a proper test signal design adapted to the acoustic node transducers is proposed. In addition, a novel self-interference reduction method and a peak matching algorithm are introduced, allowing for increased accuracy in indoor environments. Synchronization issues are removed by following a BeepBeep strategy, providing range estimates that are converted to absolute node positions by means of multidimensional scaling (MDS). The proposed approach is evaluated both with simulated and real experiments under different acoustical conditions. The results using a real network of smartphones and laptops confirm the validity of the proposed approach, reaching an average ranging accuracy below 1 centimeter.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Grant TIN2015-70202-P, TEC2012-37945-C02-02 and FEDER funds


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    The speech of a person speaking in a noisy environment can be enhanced through electronic beamforming using spatially distributed microphones. As this approach demands precise information about the microphone locations, its application is limited in places where microphones must be placed quickly or changed on a regular basis. Highly precise calibration or measurement process can be tedious and time consuming. In order to understand tolerable limits on the calibration process, the impact of microphone position error on the intelligibility is examined. Analytical expressions are derived by modeling the microphone position errors as a zero mean uniform distribution. Experiments and simulations were performed to show relationships between precision of the microphone location measurement and loss in intelligibility. A variety of microphone array configurations and distracting sources (other interfering speech and white noise) are considered. For speech near the threshold of intelligibility, the results show that microphone position errors with standard deviations less than 1.5cm can limit losses in intelligibility to within 10% of the maximum (perfect microphone placement) for all the microphone distributions examined. Of different array distributions experimented, the linear array tends to be more vulnerable whereas the non-uniform 3D array showed a robust performance to positional errors

    Self-localization in Ad Hoc Indoor Acoustic Networks

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    The increasing use of mobile technology in everyday life has aroused interest into developing new ways of utilizing the data collected by devices such as mobile phones and wearable devices. Acoustic sensors can be used to localize sound sources if the positions of spatially separate sensors are known or can be determined. However, the process of determining the 3D coordinates by manual measurements is tedious especially with increasing number of sensors. Therefore, the localization process has to be automated. Satellite based positioning is imprecise for many applications and requires line-of-sight to the sky. This thesis studies localization methods for wireless acoustic sensor networks and the process is called self-localization.This thesis focuses on self-localization from sound, and therefore the term acoustic is used. Furthermore, the development of the methods aims at utilizing ad hoc sensor networks, which means that the sensors are not necessarily installed in the premises like meeting rooms and other purpose-built spaces, which often have dedicated audio hardware for spatial audio applications. Instead of relying on such spaces and equipment, mobile devices are used, which are combined to form sensor networks.For instance, a few mobile phones laid on a table can be used to create a sensor network built for an event and it is inherently dismantled once the event is over, which explains the use of the term ad hoc. Once positions of the devices are estimated, the network can be used for spatial applications such as sound source localization and audio enhancement via spatial filtering. The main purpose of this thesis is to present the methods for self-localization of such an ad hoc acoustic sensor network. Using off-the-shelf ad hoc devices to establish sensor networks enables implementation of many spatial algorithms basically in any environment.Several acoustic self-localization methods have been introduced over the years. However, they often rely on specialized hardware and calibration signals. This thesis presents methods that are passive and utilize environmental sounds such as speech from which, by using time delay estimation, the spatial information of the sensor network can be determined. Many previous self-localization methods assume that audio captured by the sensors is synchronized. This assumption cannot be made in an ad hoc sensor network, since the different sensors are unaware of each other without specific signaling that is not available without special arrangement.The methods developed in this thesis are evaluated with simulations and real data recordings. Scenarios in which the targets of positioning are stationary and in motion are studied. The real world recordings are made in closed spaces such as meeting rooms. The targets are approximately 1 – 5 meters apart. The positioning accuracy is approximately five centimeters in a stationary scenario, and ten centimeters in a moving-target scenario on average. The most important result of this thesis is presenting the first self-localization method that uses environmental sounds and off-the-shelf unsynchronized devices, and allows the targets of self-localization to move

    Array Auto-calibration

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    In this thesis, efficient methods are presented to calibrate large or small aperture array systems containing different types of uncertainties. specifically the challenge of reducing the number of external sources required to calibrate an array is addressed and array calibration methods suitable for use when sources may be operating in the "near-far" field of the array are developed. Together, this can ease the overheads involved in calibrating and recalibrating an array system. In addition to presenting novel array calibration algorithms, this thesis also presents a novel transformation allowing a planar array to be expressed as a virtual uniform linear array of a much larger number of elements. This allows the array manifold of a planar array, which in general consists of non-hyperhelical curves, to be expressed using a number of hyperhelices which each correspond to the array manifold of a linear array. This hyperhelical structure has the potential to ease calibration overheads as well as having many other potential applications in array processing. This thesis presents novel pilot and auto array calibration schemes for estimating different types of array uncertainties. A novel pilot calibration algorithm is proposed whereby a single source transmitting from a known location (i.e. a pilot) at two carrier frequencies is used to estimate geometrical uncertainties in a planar array. This is achieved by exploiting the frequency dependence on the boundary between the "near-far" and "far" field of the array. In addition, an auto-calibration method is presented which doesn't require any external sources to estimate array uncertainties. Here, geometrical, complex gain and local oscillator (i.e. frequency and phase) uncertainties associated with the array elements are considered. In this approach, array elements transmit in turn to the others which operate as an array receiver. Large and small array apertures are investigated. Throughout the thesis, extensive computer simulations are presented to analyse the performance of the algorithms developed.Open Acces