902 research outputs found

    Parallel Implementation of the PHOENIX Generalized Stellar Atmosphere Program

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    We describe the parallel implementation of our generalized stellar atmosphere and NLTE radiative transfer computer program PHOENIX. We discuss the parallel algorithms we have developed for radiative transfer, spectral line opacity, and NLTE opacity and rate calculations. Our implementation uses a MIMD design based on a relatively small number of MPI library calls. We report the results of test calculations on a number of different parallel computers and discuss the results of scalability tests.Comment: To appear in ApJ, 1997, vol 483. LaTeX, 34 pages, 3 Figures, uses AASTeX macros and styles natbib.sty, and psfig.st

    Software Support for Irregular and Loosely Synchronous Problems

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    A large class of scientific and engineering applications may be classified as irregular and loosely synchronous from the perspective of parallel processing. We present a partial classification of such problems. This classification has motivated us to enhance Fortran D to provide language support for irregular, loosely synchronous problems. We present techniques for parallelization of such problems in the context of Fortran D

    Software Support for Irregular and Loosely Synchronous Problems

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    A large class of scientific and engineering applications may be classified as irregular and loosely synchronous from the perspective of parallel processing. We present a partial classification of such problems. This classification has motivated us to enhance Fortran D to provide language support for irregular, loosely synchronous problems. We present techniques for parallelization of such problems in the context of Fortran D

    Parallel machine architecture and compiler design facilities

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    The objective is to provide an integrated simulation environment for studying and evaluating various issues in designing parallel systems, including machine architectures, parallelizing compiler techniques, and parallel algorithms. The status of Delta project (which objective is to provide a facility to allow rapid prototyping of parallelized compilers that can target toward different machine architectures) is summarized. Included are the surveys of the program manipulation tools developed, the environmental software supporting Delta, and the compiler research projects in which Delta has played a role

    A design methodology for portable software on parallel computers

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    This final report for research that was supported by grant number NAG-1-995 documents our progress in addressing two difficulties in parallel programming. The first difficulty is developing software that will execute quickly on a parallel computer. The second difficulty is transporting software between dissimilar parallel computers. In general, we expect that more hardware-specific information will be included in software designs for parallel computers than in designs for sequential computers. This inclusion is an instance of portability being sacrificed for high performance. New parallel computers are being introduced frequently. Trying to keep one's software on the current high performance hardware, a software developer almost continually faces yet another expensive software transportation. The problem of the proposed research is to create a design methodology that helps designers to more precisely control both portability and hardware-specific programming details. The proposed research emphasizes programming for scientific applications. We completed our study of the parallelizability of a subsystem of the NASA Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) data processing system. This work is summarized in section two. A more detailed description is provided in Appendix A ('Programming Practices to Support Eventual Parallelism'). Mr. Chrisman, a graduate student, wrote and successfully defended a Ph.D. dissertation proposal which describes our research associated with the issues of software portability and high performance. The list of research tasks are specified in the proposal. The proposal 'A Design Methodology for Portable Software on Parallel Computers' is summarized in section three and is provided in its entirety in Appendix B. We are currently studying a proposed subsystem of the NASA Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data processing system. This software is the proof-of-concept for the Ph.D. dissertation. We have implemented and measured the performance of a portion of this subsystem on the Intel iPSC/2 parallel computer. These results are provided in section four. Our future work is summarized in section five, our acknowledgements are stated in section six, and references for published papers associated with NAG-1-995 are provided in section seven

    Tem_357 Harnessing the Power of Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics with Parallel Computing

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    Traditionally, 2D and especially 3D forward modeling and inversion of large geophysical datasets are performed on supercomputing clusters. This was due to the fact computing time taken by using PC was too time consuming. With the introduction of parallel computing, attempts have been made to perform computationally intensive tasks on PC or clusters of personal computers where the computing power was based on Central Processing Unit (CPU). It is further enhanced with Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) as the GPU has become affordable with the launch of GPU based computing devices. Therefore this paper presents a didactic concept in learning and applying parallel computing with the use of General Purpose Graphical Processing Unit (GPGPU) was carried out and perform preliminary testing in migrating existing sequential codes for solving initially 2D forward modeling of geophysical dataset. There are many challenges in performing these tasks mainly due to lack of some necessary development software tools, but the preliminary findings are promising. Traditionally, 2D and especially 3D forward modeling and inversion of large geophysical datasets are performed on supercomputing clusters. This was due to the fact computing time taken by using PC was too time consuming. With the introduction of parallel computing, attempts have been made to perform computationally intensive tasks on PC or clusters of personal computers where the computing power was based on Central Processing Unit (CPU). It is further enhanced with Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) as the GPU has become affordable with the launch of GPU based computing devices. Therefore this paper presents a didactic concept in learning and applying parallel computing with the use of General Purpose Graphical Processing Unit (GPGPU) was carried out and perform preliminary testing in migrating existing sequential codes for solving initially 2D forward modeling of geophysical dataset. There are many challenges in performing these tasks mainly due to lack of some necessary development software tools, but the preliminary findings are promising.Traditionally, 2D and especially 3D forward modeling and inversion of large geophysical datasets are performed on supercomputing clusters. This was due to the fact computing time taken by using PC was too time consuming. With the introduction of parallel computing, attempts have been made to perform computationally intensive tasks on PC or clusters of personal computers where the computing power was based on Central Processing Unit (CPU). It is further enhanced with Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) as the GPU has become affordable with the launch of GPU based computing devices. Therefore this paper presents a didactic concept in learning and applying parallel computing with the use of General Purpose Graphical Processing Unit (GPGPU) was carried out and perform preliminary testing in migrating existing sequential codes for solving initially 2D forward modeling of geophysical dataset. There are many challenges in performing these tasks mainly due to lack of some necessary development software tools, but the preliminary findings are promising