13,531 research outputs found

    Improving skills in rounding off the whole number

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    This study was conducted to address teaching and learning skills in rounding off a whole number. This study consisted of 15 years 4 students from the Kong Nan Chinese Primary School, Parit Raja, Johor, Malaysia. Initial survey to identify this problem was carried out by analyzing the exercise books and exercises in pre-test. Based on these analyses, a large number of students were not proficient in relevant skills. A ‘q’ technique was introduced as an approach in teaching and learning to help students master the skills of rounding whole numbers. In summary, this technique helps students to remember the sequence of processes and process in rounding numbers. A total of four sessions of teaching and learning activities that take less than an hour have been implemented specifically to help students to master this technique. Results of the implementation of these activities have shown very positive results among the students. Two post tests were carried out to see the effectiveness of techniques and the results shows that 100% of students were able to answer correctly at least three questions correctly. The t-test analysis was clearly showed the effectiveness of ‘q’ technique. This technique also indirectly helps to maintain and increase student interest in learning Mathematics. This is shown with the active involvement of students in answering questions given by the teacher

    LEGaTO: first steps towards energy-efficient toolset for heterogeneous computing

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    LEGaTO is a three-year EU H2020 project which started in December 2017. The LEGaTO project will leverage task-based programming models to provide a software ecosystem for Made-in-Europe heterogeneous hardware composed of CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs and dataflow engines. The aim is to attain one order of magnitude energy savings from the edge to the converged cloud/HPC.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Deep Space Network information system architecture study

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    The purpose of this article is to describe an architecture for the Deep Space Network (DSN) information system in the years 2000-2010 and to provide guidelines for its evolution during the 1990s. The study scope is defined to be from the front-end areas at the antennas to the end users (spacecraft teams, principal investigators, archival storage systems, and non-NASA partners). The architectural vision provides guidance for major DSN implementation efforts during the next decade. A strong motivation for the study is an expected dramatic improvement in information-systems technologies, such as the following: computer processing, automation technology (including knowledge-based systems), networking and data transport, software and hardware engineering, and human-interface technology. The proposed Ground Information System has the following major features: unified architecture from the front-end area to the end user; open-systems standards to achieve interoperability; DSN production of level 0 data; delivery of level 0 data from the Deep Space Communications Complex, if desired; dedicated telemetry processors for each receiver; security against unauthorized access and errors; and highly automated monitor and control

    SPH-EXA: Enhancing the Scalability of SPH codes Via an Exascale-Ready SPH Mini-App

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    Numerical simulations of fluids in astrophysics and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) are among the most computationally-demanding calculations, in terms of sustained floating-point operations per second, or FLOP/s. It is expected that these numerical simulations will significantly benefit from the future Exascale computing infrastructures, that will perform 10^18 FLOP/s. The performance of the SPH codes is, in general, adversely impacted by several factors, such as multiple time-stepping, long-range interactions, and/or boundary conditions. In this work an extensive study of three SPH implementations SPHYNX, ChaNGa, and XXX is performed, to gain insights and to expose any limitations and characteristics of the codes. These codes are the starting point of an interdisciplinary co-design project, SPH-EXA, for the development of an Exascale-ready SPH mini-app. We implemented a rotating square patch as a joint test simulation for the three SPH codes and analyzed their performance on a modern HPC system, Piz Daint. The performance profiling and scalability analysis conducted on the three parent codes allowed to expose their performance issues, such as load imbalance, both in MPI and OpenMP. Two-level load balancing has been successfully applied to SPHYNX to overcome its load imbalance. The performance analysis shapes and drives the design of the SPH-EXA mini-app towards the use of efficient parallelization methods, fault-tolerance mechanisms, and load balancing approaches.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1809.0801

    The Chameleon Architecture for Streaming DSP Applications

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    We focus on architectures for streaming DSP applications such as wireless baseband processing and image processing. We aim at a single generic architecture that is capable of dealing with different DSP applications. This architecture has to be energy efficient and fault tolerant. We introduce a heterogeneous tiled architecture and present the details of a domain-specific reconfigurable tile processor called Montium. This reconfigurable processor has a small footprint (1.8 mm2^2 in a 130 nm process), is power efficient and exploits the locality of reference principle. Reconfiguring the device is very fast, for example, loading the coefficients for a 200 tap FIR filter is done within 80 clock cycles. The tiles on the tiled architecture are connected to a Network-on-Chip (NoC) via a network interface (NI). Two NoCs have been developed: a packet-switched and a circuit-switched version. Both provide two types of services: guaranteed throughput (GT) and best effort (BE). For both NoCs estimates of power consumption are presented. The NI synchronizes data transfers, configures and starts/stops the tile processor. For dynamically mapping applications onto the tiled architecture, we introduce a run-time mapping tool

    Automated Synthesis of SEU Tolerant Architectures from OO Descriptions

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    SEU faults are a well-known problem in aerospace environment but recently their relevance grew up also at ground level in commodity applications coupled, in this frame, with strong economic constraints in terms of costs reduction. On the other hand, latest hardware description languages and synthesis tools allow reducing the boundary between software and hardware domains making the high-level descriptions of hardware components very similar to software programs. Moving from these considerations, the present paper analyses the possibility of reusing Software Implemented Hardware Fault Tolerance (SIHFT) techniques, typically exploited in micro-processor based systems, to design SEU tolerant architectures. The main characteristics of SIHFT techniques have been examined as well as how they have to be modified to be compatible with the synthesis flow. A complete environment is provided to automate the design instrumentation using the proposed techniques, and to perform fault injection experiments both at behavioural and gate level. Preliminary results presented in this paper show the effectiveness of the approach in terms of reliability improvement and reduced design effort

    Microprocessor fault-tolerance via on-the-fly partial reconfiguration

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    This paper presents a novel approach to exploit FPGA dynamic partial reconfiguration to improve the fault tolerance of complex microprocessor-based systems, with no need to statically reserve area to host redundant components. The proposed method not only improves the survivability of the system by allowing the online replacement of defective key parts of the processor, but also provides performance graceful degradation by executing in software the tasks that were executed in hardware before a fault and the subsequent reconfiguration happened. The advantage of the proposed approach is that thanks to a hardware hypervisor, the CPU is totally unaware of the reconfiguration happening in real-time, and there's no dependency on the CPU to perform it. As proof of concept a design using this idea has been developed, using the LEON3 open-source processor, synthesized on a Virtex 4 FPG