37 research outputs found

    Popular edges and dominant matchings = NépszerƱ élek és dominåns pårosítåsok

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    Popular Matchings in Complete Graphs

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    Our input is a complete graph G=(V,E)G = (V,E) on nn vertices where each vertex has a strict ranking of all other vertices in GG. Our goal is to construct a matching in GG that is popular. A matching MM is popular if MM does not lose a head-to-head election against any matching Mâ€ČM', where each vertex casts a vote for the matching in {M,Mâ€Č}\{M,M'\} where it gets assigned a better partner. The popular matching problem is to decide whether a popular matching exists or not. The popular matching problem in GG is easy to solve for odd nn. Surprisingly, the problem becomes NP-hard for even nn, as we show here.Comment: Appeared at FSTTCS 201

    Popular Matchings

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    Popular Matchings in Complete Graphs

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    Our input is a complete graph G = (V,E) on n vertices where each vertex has a strict ranking of all other vertices in G. The goal is to construct a matching in G that is "globally stable" or popular. A matching M is popular if M does not lose a head-to-head election against any matching M\u27: here each vertex casts a vote for the matching in {M,M\u27} where it gets a better assignment. Popular matchings need not exist in the given instance G and the popular matching problem is to decide whether one exists or not. The popular matching problem in G is easy to solve for odd n. Surprisingly, the problem becomes NP-hard for even n, as we show here

    How Good Are Popular Matchings?

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    In this paper, we consider the Hospital Residents problem (HR) and the Hospital Residents problem with Lower Quotas (HRLQ). In this model with two sided preferences, stability is a well accepted notion of optimality. However, in the presence of lower quotas, a stable and feasible matching need not exist. For the HRLQ problem, our goal therefore is to output a good feasible matching assuming that a feasible matching exists. Computing matchings with minimum number of blocking pairs (Min-BP) and minimum number of blocking residents (Min-BR) are known to be NP-Complete. The only approximation algorithms for these problems work under severe restrictions on the preference lists. We present an algorithm which circumvents this restriction and computes a popular matching in the HRLQ instance. We show that on data-sets generated using various generators, our algorithm performs very well in terms of blocking pairs and blocking residents. Yokoi [Yokoi, 2017] recently studied envy-free matchings for the HRLQ problem. We propose a simple modification to Yokoi\u27s algorithm to output a maximal envy-free matching. We observe that popular matchings outperform envy-free matchings on several parameters of practical importance, like size, number of blocking pairs, number of blocking residents. In the absence of lower quotas, that is, in the Hospital Residents (HR) problem, stable matchings are guaranteed to exist. Even in this case, we show that popularity is a practical alternative to stability. For instance, on synthetic data-sets generated using a particular model, as well as on real world data-sets, a popular matching is on an average 8-10% larger in size, matches more number of residents to their top-choice, and more residents prefer the popular matching as compared to a stable matching. Our comprehensive study reveals the practical appeal of popular matchings for the HR and HRLQ problems. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study on the empirical evaluation of popular matchings in this setting

    Popular Half-Integral Matchings

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    In an instance G = (A union B, E) of the stable marriage problem with strict and possibly incomplete preference lists, a matching M is popular if there is no matching M0 where the vertices that prefer M\u27 to M outnumber those that prefer M to M\u27. All stable matchings are popular and there is a simple linear time algorithm to compute a maximum-size popular matching. More generally, what we seek is a min-cost popular matching where we assume there is a cost function c : E -> Q. However there is no polynomial time algorithm currently known for solving this problem. Here we consider the following generalization of a popular matching called a popular half-integral matching: this is a fractional matching ~x = (M_1 + M_2)/2, where M1 and M2 are the 0-1 edge incidence vectors of matchings in G, such that ~x satisfies popularity constraints. We show that every popular half-integral matching is equivalent to a stable matching in a larger graph G^*. This allows us to solve the min-cost popular half-integral matching problem in polynomial time

    Popular Matchings with Lower Quotas

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    We consider the well-studied Hospital Residents (HR) problem in the presence of lower quotas (LQ). The input instance consists of a bipartite graph G = (R U H, E) where R and H denote sets of residents and hospitals, respectively. Every vertex has a preference list that imposes a strict ordering on its neighbors. In addition, each hospital has an associated upper-quota and a lower-quota. A matching M in G is an assignment of residents to hospitals, and M is said to be feasible if every resident is assigned to at most one hospital and a hospital is assigned at least its lower-quota many residents and at most its upper-quota many residents. Stability is a de-facto notion of optimality in a model where both sets of vertices have preferences. A matching is stable if no unassigned pair has an incentive to deviate from it. It is well-known that an instance of the HRLQ problem need not admit a feasible stable matching. In this paper, we consider the notion of popularity for the HRLQ problem. A matching M is popular if no other matching M\u27 gets more votes than M when vertices vote between M and M\u27. When there are no lower quotas, there always exists a stable matching and it is known that every stable matching is popular. We show that in an HRLQ instance, although a feasible stable matching need not exist, there is always a matching that is popular in the set of feasible matchings. We give an efficient algorithm to compute a maximum cardinality matching that is popular amongst all the feasible matchings in an HRLQ instance

    Popular Roommates in Simply Exponential Time

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    We consider the popular matching problem in a graph G = (V,E) on n vertices with strict preferences. A matching M is popular if there is no matching N in G such that vertices that prefer N to M outnumber those that prefer M to N. It is known that it is NP-hard to decide if G has a popular matching or not. There is no faster algorithm known for this problem than the brute force algorithm that could take n! time. Here we show a simply exponential time algorithm for this problem, i.e., one that runs in O^*(k^n) time, where k is a constant. We use the recent breakthrough result on the maximum number of stable matchings possible in such instances to analyze our algorithm for the popular matching problem. We identify a natural (also, hard) subclass of popular matchings called truly popular matchings and show an O^*(2^n) time algorithm for the truly popular matching problem