989 research outputs found

    Algorithms for Del Pezzo Surfaces of Degree 5 (Construction, Parametrization)

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    It is well known that every Del Pezzo surface of degree 5 defined over k is parametrizable over k. In this paper we give an efficient construction for parametrizing, as well as algorithms for constructing examples in every isomorphism class and for deciding equivalence.Comment: 15 page

    Counting points on curves over families in polynomial time

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    This note concerns the theoretical algorithmic problem of counting rational points on curves over finite fields. It explicates how the algorithmic scheme introduced by Schoof and generalized by the author yields an algorithm whose running time is uniformly polynomial time for curves in families.Comment: 7 page

    Pre-images of quadratic dynamical systems

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    For a quadratic endomorphism of the affine line defined over the rationals we consider the problem of bounding the number of rational points that eventually land at a given constant after iteration, called pre-images of the constant. In the article "Uniform Bounds on Pre-Images Under Quadratic Dynamical Systems," it was shown that the number of rational pre-images is bounded as one varies the morphism in a certain one-dimensional family. Explicit values of the constant for pre-images of zero and -1 defined over the rational numbers were addressed in subsequent articles. This article addresses an explicit bound for any algebraic image constant and provides insight into the geometry of the "pre-image surfaces."Comment: to appear in Involve; 16page

    The enumeration of simultaneous higher-order contacts between plane curves

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    Using the Semple bundle construction, we derive an intersection-theoretic formula for the number of simultaneous contacts of specified orders between members of a generic family of degree dd plane curves and finitely many fixed curves. The contacts counted by the formula occur at nonsingular points of both the members of the family and the fixed curves.Comment: 32 pages, AmS-TeX v2.1 (Revised statement and proof of one lemma; other minor changes.

    Orbit Parametrizations for K3 Surfaces

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    We study moduli spaces of lattice-polarized K3 surfaces in terms of orbits of representations of algebraic groups. In particular, over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0, we show that in many cases, the nondegenerate orbits of a representation are in bijection with K3 surfaces (up to suitable equivalence) whose N\'eron-Severi lattice contains a given lattice. An immediate consequence is that the corresponding moduli spaces of these lattice-polarized K3 surfaces are all unirational. Our constructions also produce many fixed-point-free automorphisms of positive entropy on K3 surfaces in various families associated to these representations, giving a natural extension of recent work of Oguiso.Comment: 83 pages; to appear in Forum of Mathematics, Sigm

    Darboux cyclides and webs from circles

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    Motivated by potential applications in architecture, we study Darboux cyclides. These algebraic surfaces of order a most 4 are a superset of Dupin cyclides and quadrics, and they carry up to six real families of circles. Revisiting the classical approach to these surfaces based on the spherical model of 3D Moebius geometry, we provide computational tools for the identification of circle families on a given cyclide and for the direct design of those. In particular, we show that certain triples of circle families may be arranged as so-called hexagonal webs, and we provide a complete classification of all possible hexagonal webs of circles on Darboux cyclides.Comment: 34 pages, 20 figure
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